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Imperial Command

Page 43

by D. J. Holmes

  “The second ship is slowing to keep formation with its friend,” Maguire reported. “I have no way of estimating the damage other than the reduced acceleration rates we see. Though it looks like the antimatter touched about a quarter of their ship’s outer hull. Presumably, some of their point defense weapons were damaged or destroyed as well.”

  Alvarez turned to Jones. Jones caught the seriousness of his look. He nodded to Alvarez and then turned back to Maguire. “It’s time to get their attention. Load multistage missiles. Fire when ready.”

  Relief washed over Alvarez. It was unlikely their multistage missiles would get through the point defense fire of three Karacknid long-range cruisers, but it might encourage the Karacknids to divert some of their fire Intrepid’s way.

  “Launching,” Maguire reported as fourteen missiles were hurled out of Intrepid’s missile tubes. Well within their maximum range, the missiles immediately accelerated as hard as they could. “No response from the Karacknids yet,” Maguire added as the Karacknids didn’t alter the course.

  “The Kalassai have fired!” another bridge officer shouted. “Eight missiles from each Kalassai ship. They look like the same missiles they fired at us.”

  “Let’s hope they’re just as effective,” Jones commented. Even as Jones spoke, the Karacknids fired their third salvo. Alvarez found himself sitting even further forward in his command chair. When he realized, he didn’t change his position. He didn’t care. His attention was fully on the different groups of missiles accelerating towards their targets. The Kalassai hadn’t timed their missile launch to perfection, but it was close. About twenty seconds after Intrepid’s multistage missiles reached the Karacknid’s point defenses, the Kalassai missiles would also enter range.

  “Enemy is opening fire on our missiles,” Intrepid sensor officer announced. Her report was unnecessary however, every bridge officer was watching the main holo display where the Karacknid ships were dominating the view. From them, point defensive laser beams and energy particle streams reached out towards the multistage missiles. Being from a previous generation than the standard mark IVs Intrepid carried, they had less ECM, less evasive maneuvering capabilities and carried a smaller explosive warhead. Even so, they were still advanced missiles and the Karacknid point defense fire struggled to take them all out. Two were still left by the time the Karacknids diverted most of their fire towards the Kalassai missiles. A mistake, Alvarez thought. Tightening his fists further, he willed on the last two missiles. In quick succession though, both were taken out. Alvarez growled in dismay.

  His disappointment didn’t last long. As the Karacknids engaged them, the Kalassai missiles, though there were only sixteen, appeared much harder for the Karacknid cruisers to take out. One actually made it close enough to the Karacknid ships to detonate. As the missile that had attacked Intrepid had done, it released hundreds of smaller contacts. Many attached themselves to one of the Karacknid cruisers. Within seconds, its power readings plummeted and its engines switched off.

  “I think she’s dead in the water,” Maguire commented. “No sign of secondary explosions, but her reactors appear to be off-line.”

  “One down, only two more to go,” Jones replied with a grin. “Our odds are improving!”

  “Captain, Captain I have one of the Kalassai ships on COMs. They’ve finally responded,” Intrepid’s COM officer reported excitedly. Everyone’s attention turned to her.

  “What are they saying?” Jones asked as his head snapped around towards the COM station.

  “They want to know why we are intervening,” the Sub Lieutenant replied.

  “Forget that,” Jones replied. “There’s no time. Request that they change course and put their ships on heading three nine four point eight. Inform them that we intend to put our ship between theirs and the Karacknids. Then see if we can coordinate our fire with theirs.”

  “They’re engaging the Karacknid missile salvo,” Maguire updated everyone.

  Alvarez was already watching. He pushed his lips together tightly as it became apparent that the damaged Kalassai ship had lost a number of its point defense weapons. Over the next twelve seconds twenty-six Karacknid missiles were destroyed. Of the remaining four, three were targeting the damaged Kalassai ship. Alvarez still didn’t know if it was Wayfarer or not. As the three missiles closed, he closed his eyes, not able to watch. When groans passed the lips of a number of the officers around him, they snapped open again. The Kalassai ship had been torn apart. Several large chunks were spinning end over end away from each other. Beyond that there was no sign of the ship.

  Alvarez closed his eyes as he silently prayed that Emilie hadn’t been on the ship. Then he forced them open once again. The battle was far from over. The two Karacknid ships were still racing after the final Kalassai one. Though now the Kalassai ship was turning towards Intrepid. Even as Alvarez watched, the two Karacknid ships fired twenty more missiles at the Kalassai. They’re still ignoring us, he thought. We need to make them pay for that mistake.

  “We’ll be within standard missile range in thirty seconds,” Maguire reported. “What are your orders Captain?”

  “Fire everything but one missile at the leading Karacknid cruiser,” Jones answered. “Request the Kalassai do the same. Target our final missile at the disabled Karacknid ship. Let’s punch a hole in her just in case she manages to get her reactors back online.”

  “Firing,” Maguire announced as soon as Intrepid got into range. Sixteen mark IV missiles shot out of the medium cruiser’s tubes. Seconds later, the Kalassai ship fired its own eight missiles. All but one of Intrepid’s were perfectly timed to strike the lead Karacknid cruiser. The one that wasn’t, sped towards the disabled Karacknid ship. Having fallen behind its consorts and with its reactors and engines still off-line, no point defense weapons opened up on the missile. Accelerating into attack range, the mark IV detonated its thermonuclear warhead, sending all of its destructive energy into the missile’s focusing lenses. They converted the power into three laser beams. All three smashed into the middle of the Karacknid cruiser and punched right out its other side. Secondary explosions rippled up and down the ship from the impact point and the whole ship disappeared in a blinding flash.

  “Not quite an antimatter missile, but pretty devastating all the same,” Jones said, his voice full of pride. “Now let’s see what the rest can do,” he added as the two remaining Karacknid cruisers opened up with their point defenses. Either from fear of being disabled, or out of an underestimation of the power of Intrepid’s missiles, the Karacknids focused on the Kalassai missiles. All eight of them were quickly destroyed. Only then did the Karacknids turn their attention to the Human missiles. Nine were quickly taken out, but the rest reached their maximum attack range. Detonating, they sent twenty-one laser beams flashing towards their targets. The Karacknid cruisers, unaware of just how far out the mark IVs could detonate, were not carrying out evasive maneuvers. Thirteen beams struck their targets. None were as perfectly aimed as the single missile Maguire had fired at the disabled Karacknid cruiser, but they all caused damage. Armor, internal systems, atmosphere, and bodies vented into space from several holes in each cruiser.

  “Bogey-one has lost seven percent acceleration rate, bogey-two, five,” Maguire reported. “They’re hurt, but there are still coming.”

  Alvarez cursed under his breath. No secondary explosions had appeared to finish off either of the cruisers. But they’ll know to pay more attention to our missiles next time. He turned his attention to the remaining Kalassai ship. Sixteen Karacknid missiles were closing with it. Intrepid’s point defenses had been able to take out four at extreme range as they passed the exploration cruiser. “Have we managed to identify either of the Kalassai ships as Wayfarer?” Alvarez asked as the Karacknid missiles closed with their target.

  “Negative,” Intrepid’s sensor officer replied. “The computer’s assessment only gives seventy percent accuracy, but we believe neither of them are or were Wayfarer. They’re bo
th a little smaller.”

  Alvarez brought a hand up and rubbed his forehead. He couldn’t deny that he was relieved. Given the point defense capabilities the Kalassai ship had shown so far, he didn’t have high hopes it could survive sixteen missiles.

  “They’ve opened fire,” Intrepid’s sensor officer reported. “Two missiles destroyed,” she added a second later.

  Alvarez watched the number gradually count down. To their credit, the Kalassai point defense gunners did their best. All but three Karacknid missiles were taken out before they got to attack range. At the last second, the Kalassai ship threw itself into some radical evasive maneuvers. Alvarez’s eyebrows rose at the tightness of the large ship’s turns. Two missiles overshot their target, but the third was not fooled. Not getting close to actually striking the Kalassai ship, it detonated just two thousand meters away from its engines. Antimatter burned and singed the rear third of the ship. Seconds later the Kalassai ship lost all forward acceleration. Its energy readings dipped and began to spin out of control. Alvarez cringed as he waited for a secondary explosion to blow the ship to pieces. But as the seconds ticked by, none came. “They’re not dead yet,” he said as he turned to Jones. “There’s still a chance!”

  Chapter 34

  The Second Civil War is a hotly debated issue to this day. No one contests the illegality of the way in which the claims were forced upon the citizens of the Empire. Nor that the motivations of most of the ringleaders were far from pure. And yet, the skill and valor of the upstart won many to his cause. If it were not for Antarian incursion, history may have been very different. Certainly, it is hard not to agree that Jacob would have made an impressive Emperor in his own right.

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD.

  “Missile launches!” Maguire shouted before Jones or Alvarez could say anything else. “Eighteen missiles are coming our way, two more are targeting the Kalassai ship.”

  Alvarez’s head spun towards the two Karacknid missiles. They had a chance, but only if those missiles didn’t reach the Kalassai ship. He quickly turned back to Jones to express his concern but Intrepid’s Acting Captain had already come to the same conclusion. “Put us alongside the Kalassai ship,” Jones ordered. “No missiles are getting through to it. Fire our second salvo when ready.”

  Forcing himself to sit back in his command chair, Alvarez kept his hands and legs still as Intrepid placed herself between the Karacknid missiles and the Kalassai ship. Before the exploration cruiser’s point defenses opened up, fourteen more missiles shot towards the Karacknids. Alveraz was tempted to ask Jones to get his gunners to prioritize the two missiles targeting the Kalassai ship but he knew Jones wouldn’t go for it. A direct hit from a Karacknid antimatter missile would destroy Intrepid just as easily as it would the Kalassai.

  As soon as the enemy missiles came into range, Intrepid’s four flak cannons released their ordinance. Within six seconds they fired four thousand exploding shells. The wave of shrapnel they released destroyed six Karacknid missiles. Crucially, the two targeting the Kalassai ship were still accelerating hard towards their target. Then the rest of Intrepid’s weapons opened up. Though he was concerned for his own safety, Alvarez kept his eyes on the two Karacknid missiles slightly off by themselves. When an AM missile struck one he punched his fist in the air. Then he almost groaned as six plasma bolts all zipped by the final missile. Out of nowhere hundreds of other small contacts peppered the missile. The Kalassai ship! Alvarez thought. It still had some of its point defenses. Moments later the Karacknid missile detonated. With plasma bolts, laser beams and the Kalassai weapons all firing at it, it was impossible to tell who scored the killing blow. It didn’t matter though, the Kalassai ship had been saved. Suddenly more aware of his own mortality, Alveraz switched his focus to the missiles’ targeting Intrepid. He was just in time to see the last two be taken out by AM missiles.

  “Good shooting gunners,” Jones called out. “Good shooting indeed. Now it’s our turn.”

  Everyone’s attention switched to the two Karacknid long-range cruisers. Their point defenses had already engaged Intrepid’s missiles. Four were gone. They know how deadly they can be now, Alvarez knew. That didn’t mean they were going to fare any better. Six more were taken out by the Karacknids. But that left five to detonate and send fifteen laser beams towards the lead Karacknid cruiser. This time it carried out complex evasive maneuvers. Even so eight beams punched into it and it lost all acceleration. Then two secondary explosions blew holes into the guts of the cruiser. It wasn’t dead yet, but it was out of the fight.

  “All right, one more salvo and this is over,” Jones said to his bridge officers. “Let’s make ours count.”

  At almost the exact same time the remaining Karacknid cruiser and Intrepid opened fire. This time, all the Karacknid missiles were aimed at the Kalassai ship but Jones had placed Intrepid directly in the Karacknid’s line of sight. Alveraz had no concern for the Kalassai. Ten missiles would be a breeze for Intrepid’s gunners. On the other hand, he was certain the Karacknid cruiser would not be able to handle Intrepid’s fourteen missiles so easily. It turned out exactly as he expected. No Karacknid missiles got even remotely close to Intrepid. In contrast, seven reached the Karacknid cruiser. Eleven beams struck it. In one single explosion the Karacknid ship disappeared.

  “Get me a COM channel open with the Kalassai ship,” Jones requested. “Let’s see if they need any help.”

  “Greetings,” Jones said when a very weird looking creature appeared in front of everyone on Intrepid’s main holo projector. Alveraz thought it a good sign the Kalassai were actually showing themselves this time. “I am Acting Captain Jones of the Human cruiser Intrepid,” Jones continued. “We would like to offer you whatever aid you may find helpful.”

  “Your greetings are warmly received and returned Captain,” the jellyfish like creature replied. “I am captain May-sic of the Kalassai people. We thank you for your intervention on our behalf. The Karacknids are a wicked species. They are attempting to hunt my people to extinction.”

  Jones nodded. “We are familiar with your species,” he explained. “We have encountered one of your ships before. It was called Wayfarer. We’re also familiar with the Karacknids. That is why we are out here in this sector of space. My ship has been tasked with locating your species and offering what aid we can. For now though, I suggest we focus on what help we can offer your ship. There may be other Karacknid vessels nearby. We should leave the system as soon as possible. What is your ship’s status?”

  “You communicate many interesting ideas Captain,” May-sic replied as the alien’s tentacles swished back-and-forth. “Ideas I would like to discuss further. But I do not think we will get the opportunity. You’re right, more Karacknids are likely to come this way. The Karacknid mothership that detected us must still be in system. They have probably sent for reinforcements already. You should take your ship and flee while you can. I’m afraid Dancer is going nowhere. Our shift drive has been destroyed and our two main reactors are off-line. My Senior Engineer believes they may not be repairable. We’re only operating on our backup energy generator. Even if our sub light engines were functioning, we wouldn’t be able to produce more than ten percent of our normal thrust. For your own safety, you should leave us. We will seek to hide in this system. Sooner or later one of our ships may come by. That is our only hope of escape.”

  “That is far too risky,” Jones replied. “If Karacknid reinforcements are coming, they will search this system top to bottom for you. There are other options we should consider. We could take your crew on board my ship and take you to safety. Or better yet, we can tow your ship out of here. My ship has the ability to tow other ships through shift space. If your ship can handle the rigors of the jump, then we can get you out of here.”

  May-sic’s tentacles began to shimmer in a different pattern. “Your offer of assistance is kind Captain. But Dancer is too badly damaged to enter shift space and my people could not survive on your shi
p. Our needs are very different to any other space faring civilization we have encountered.”

  As May-sic spoke, Alvarez glanced at a secondary holo projection showing Dancer. There were two large holes in the Kalassai ship. It did look like the ship might break up if they tried to jump into shift space. But that wasn’t an insurmountable problem. “If I may,” he said as he interjected himself into the conversation. “Intrepid was supplied with a great deal of spare parts for this extended mission. It’s likely that we have enough materials to help you seal the two holes in your ship’s hull. It wouldn’t be permanent, but it would likely allow your ship to jump to shift space.”


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