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Undamaged Page 1

by Charity Parkerson


  Charity Parkerson

  No Rival series, book six.

  When Kip’s boyfriend abandoned her, Brian and Terry—two of MMA’s greatest—came to her rescue. Now, two years later, they’re the only ones who know the truth. Kip has more dark secrets in her past than just a no-good ex turned deadbeat dad.

  Kip hadn’t planned on staying in Vegas. She’d thought to rest and move on—but then, she hadn’t expected to meet someone like Cameron.

  A horrific wartime injury changed Cameron’s mind and body. As part of Terry’s soldier rehabilitation program, Cameron has fought his way back from the brink. He’s accepted he’ll never regain the life he once had but Kip makes him dream.

  When Kip’s past threatens their fragile love and tests the boundaries of all Cameron stands for, he has to make a choice—give up the only person who makes him feel alive or embrace the fact there is no black and white.

  Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

  A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave


  Charity Parkerson


  For the world’s best street team, The Naughty Crew. I couldn’t function without you.


  Kip and Cameron had met exactly twenty-two months ago. Yep. She’d taken to keeping life’s score by months. She’d never even considered the concept until the day Kip learned she was pregnant. That day, everything changed. For nine months, she’d carried a new life inside her. Ten months, actually, but nobody told her that shit until it was too late. Everyone said nine months as if it was something cute, but forty weeks that had actually turned into forty-two was ten months and no one could tell Kip differently. She’d felt every minute of it.

  Those ten months were the worst and greatest of Kip’s life. No one could ever know why bringing her child into the world had been a mixture of heaven and hell for her. Brian and Terry had taken her in when she’d been at her lowest. Brian had been on tour, chasing the middleweight championship, when they met in Tennessee. From the very beginning they’d been kindred spirits, watching their greatest loves slip away. Brian’s life had worked out. Hers had not. Luckily Brian and Terry had given her a soft place to land. They loved her and her daughter in spite of all the bad choices she’d made, but Cameron was the one who’d given Kip a reason to hope. His sexy laugh always took her breath. The way he watched her when he thought she wasn’t looking tested every ounce of willpower she possessed. They’d known each other thirteen months and one week before Kip had noticed the hunger in his gaze each time he looked at her. Once she had, Kip couldn’t look away. Pity he was a big fucking idiot who didn’t know his worth.

  Chapter One

  They were all hoping she’d get her top ripped off. Kip was no fool. She knew why the huge crowd pressed against the cage and the bets ran deep. The women’s portion of the show was just that as far as this predominantly male crowd was concerned—a show. If she ever started doing this for them, it was time for her to quit. Her opponent, Tricia, was one of the toughest fighters at Warehouse District. That’s exactly why Kip accepted her challenge. The pot was huge for such a bout but Kip didn’t need the money. Not only did Terry refuse to broach the topic of her moving out, which would force her to support herself, even though they couldn’t be together Konstantin would never allow her to go without.

  Tricia’s first hit was direct. It landed solidly against Kip’s cheekbone, rocking her on her feet. For a moment, the room spun. The pain was surprisingly slow to follow. In a detached sort of way, Kip knew it was the adrenaline masking her agony. She also knew it wouldn’t last forever. It was obvious the bleach-blonde behemoth wouldn’t take mercy on Kip—not that she expected any leniency.

  All she wanted was to last one full round and not make a fool of herself. With that goal in mind, Kip fell back on training and blocked out the crowd. One. Two. Breathe. She aimed for the woman’s ribs, nearly crying out in relief when she connected before jumping backward. She wasn’t quick enough. The air left Kip’s lungs when her chest hit the mat and the blonde’s ass landed in the center of Kip’s spine. Before she had time to recover, a pain exploded through her shoulder. Her palm tapped the mat without her brain’s permission. Well. Fuck. It went worse than expected but she’d survived. At least she had her health.

  Bouts between women were a new reality for Warehouse. Even though they’d given in to the demands for such matches, they hadn’t gone out of their way to accommodate the fairer sex. Kip had easily accepted if she wanted to fight, she’d have to share a locker room with the men. Being raised in a combination of foster care homes and orphanages had toughened her skin against just this type of situation. Of course the guys couldn’t care less. Most were too pumped for their upcoming matches or riding the adrenaline high afterward. They paid little attention to their surroundings. Not that Kip was one to linger. Get in and get out. That was her motto, especially since losing didn’t give her an overwhelming desire to chitchat. Unfortunately Josh had other plans for her.

  “You’ve been ignoring my phone calls.”

  Kip so wasn’t in the mood for this tonight. Since most everyone believed Josh was Jade’s father and Kip needed to keep it that way, she put her best face on. He could be tiresome some days. She eyed his blue Mohawk and the muscles bulging on her behalf. It really was too bad he was angry with her. “Hello to you too, Josh.”

  The locker next to her bowed beneath the force of his punch. He didn’t move away.

  “I’m not fucking playing with you, Kipley. When I call, you pick up the goddamn phone. You owe me that much. I don’t think you’re understanding how difficult you’re making things for me.”

  Because she knew it would piss him off, Kip smirked. “Feel free to leave me in peace. No one will be surprised when you abandon me.” Most people believed he was her ex and that he’d dumped her in Tennessee two years ago. She knew better.

  His ice-blue gaze raked her body, leaving her chilled. He moved an inch closer. The bite of the cold locker hit her shoulder blades, stopping her retreat. One corner of his mouth lifted at her reaction.

  “Who do you think would stop me if I carried you out of here? No one in this place would bat an eye. Your friends aren’t here to step in.”

  Kip snorted. “Are you joking? You know there isn’t a single move I make Terry and Brian don’t know about. They probably have half a dozen of their friends watching us right now.”

  Josh glanced around, obviously noting the eyes upon them. Instead of scaring him into stepping away, her words had the opposite effect. Leaning in, he hovered an inch from her face. An evil smile stretched his lips. “In that case we should give them a real show. Maybe it won’t matter to Terry or Brian but I can think of at least one person who’d love to know all your secrets.”

  Cameron. Panic welled in Kip’s chest. It was an empty threat. It had to be. Josh could never tell. She couldn’t show him an ounce of weakness or he’d exploit it. She forced a chuckle to her lips. “I’m sure there’re some people who would love to know all about you as well, Jozsua,” she said, intentionally using his real name. “Do you think you’re immune to public scorn?” Kip knew the moment the question left her lips she’d gone too far. She wanted to take it back.

  His expression turned deadly. All hint of an American accent was gone, replaced by a thick Russian she’d always been amazed he could keep hidden. “Don’t play games with me, Kipley. Do you think Konstantin sent me here on a whim?”

  Her blood froze. He was right. Konstantin had sent Josh to shadow her every move for a reason. He was vicious and deadly. Those were facts she needed to remember and she had to extricate h
erself from this position. There was bravery and then there was insanity. “Seriously, Josh,” she said, keeping her voice level. “You know how stubborn I can be. I just—”

  “Is there a problem here?”

  Kip’s gaze shot to the man hovering over Josh’s shoulder. Kurt was one of the deadliest fighters at Warehouse. Everyone knew the man’s reputation, including Josh. Of course Josh wasn’t one to be intimidated. There was fucked in the head like Kurt, and then there was been to hell and ruled like Josh. The difference wasn’t subtle. Kurt would slaughter a man on the mat. With Josh, they may never find the body.

  His gaze never left Kip’s. “No problem at all. Isn’t that right, Kipley?”

  She gave a short nod. Not because she was scared but because Kurt was married to her boss and friend. Some things cut too deep for Kip to share. Josh was one of those things. He was a constant reminder of a different time—one she couldn’t forget.

  “We’ll pick up this conversation later, eh? Answer the damn phone.”

  Kipley nodded again. Josh held her stare for a moment longer, ensuring she understood he meant for her to obey. Pushing away from the lockers, he shouldered his way past Kurt without a backward glance. She didn’t release the breath she hadn’t known she was holding until he was out of sight.

  “What was all that about?”

  Grabbing her bag, Kip avoided Kurt’s searching gaze. “Nothing.”

  “Do you need someone to walk you out?”

  The concern in Kurt’s voice was almost her undoing. Her insides shook. She hated when Josh was pissed at her but she equally hated when he wasn’t. The guilt was all on her because Kip couldn’t say any of that. Instead she drew on the dregs of her inner strength and flashed Kurt a smile she didn’t feel. “I’m good. Seriously. Josh was being Josh. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Josh being Josh sounds like something to worry about to me but hey, you’re a big girl, right?”

  “Right,” Kip agreed. Even to her it sounded like a complete fucking lie.

  * * * * *

  Her shoulders hurt like hell. Pain made Kip weepy. Crying always led to weakness. Those moments always ended with Konstantin. Sometimes it only took the sound of his voice to steady Kip. Thank God, since that’s all she had.

  “I miss you.” The admission alone loosened a bit of tightness in her chest.

  “I miss you, my Kipley.”

  His deep Russian accent brushed her skin, causing chill bumps to rise on her arms. It didn’t matter it was more familiar to her than anyone around her. She never tired of listening to him speak.

  “It’s bad tonight, Konstantin. Worse than usual. It’s like a stone sitting on my chest and glass in my gut.” He was a sickness and she didn’t care if he knew.

  “Say the word and I’ll send for you.”

  There was a long pause, making her wish for the millionth night in a row that things were different. There’d been so many times she’d almost caved. The only thing that saved her was the sure knowledge it would be a temporary high and the lows were too low. “The heart can only take so much,” Kip whispered.

  “It sits on my chest,” Konstantin said, tearing at her soul. As much as she’d always needed him to feel the same, she’d never wanted him to hurt. “But you don’t want this life.”

  There was always a “but” with Konstantin and the pain in his voice let her know it was true. She’d never fully understood what the world was like in Russia. There’d always been only their life here. At eighteen, she’d fallen in love with Konstantin Danshov at first sight. The Russian-born hockey player’s hard body and sky-blue eyes had swept her off her feet. But there’d been another side of him. A side she hadn’t known about it until it was too late. This dark side of drug trafficking and mafia ties had ended in his deportation and she’d been left alone. While most people would label him an evil man, she knew better. No one could convince her otherwise. She’d seen him in a different light and no one knew him the way Kip did.

  “I crave you, Kipley. Every day. Underneath me and moaning my name.”

  “I want you too.” It was the only response she could drum up. Sometimes, at her weakest, she wondered how much more of this her mind could withstand.

  A humming noise came from the back of Konstantin’s throat. The deep vibration hardened her nipples as always. She’d felt that sound on her skin before. It meant pleasure was soon to follow. Kip snuggled deeper into the mattress. Her eyes fell closed. An image of Konstantin flared to life in her mind. His massive frame surrounded her, making her feel safe and arousing her beyond reason. Konstantin’s body was a weapon, honed to perfection and built to take a hit. She missed the sensation of hard muscles beneath her palms. The memory of it dampened her panties. When she spoke, Kip didn’t bother hiding her arousal. No one would judge her. “Sometimes my body aches in the absence of yours.”

  Konstantin drew an unsteady breath. The sound always made her wonder if he was touching himself. She’d watched his face as he’d made that exact noise thousands of times. He was so fucking sexy in the throes of passion. When he stroked his cock, every hard line came to life, straining toward orgasm.

  “I’m only content when your juices are coating every inch of my skin.”

  She knew it was true. He was pleasure in excess.

  “The way your skin tastes as you come against my lips is the most addictive flavor in the world. Press your palm against your mound, Kip, and listen to my voice. Let me pretend for a little while it’s me.”

  Slipping her hand inside her panties, Kip did as he bade. A knock landed on her bedroom door, drawing a growl from her lips. A low chuckle stroked her ear. She missed his next words when Cameron’s voice sounded through the door.

  “Hey, Kip. It’s Cameron.”

  Konstantin’s voice rumbled in her ear, pulling her attention back his way. “Let him take care of you, Kipley. I can’t be there with you. Don’t shut him out. I love you, my angel.”

  Konstantin fell silent. The face of her phone went black. With a sad sigh, she tossed it aside.

  “Come in.”

  Cameron slipped inside the room, pulling the door closed behind him. When he spotted her tucked beneath the covers, he hesitated. Kip rolled to her side. She stared at him while barely resisting the urge to laugh at his obvious discomfort. Intentionally she did nothing to ease it.

  “I wanted to check on you after your fight.” He glanced at his watch. “I didn’t expect to find you in bed.”

  She threw back the covers and sat up, revealing her spaghetti-strap shirt and panties. Cameron cleared his throat. It was an uncomfortable sound.

  “Maybe I’ll come back in the morning.”

  He looked adorably unsure of himself and sexy as sin. Before meeting him, Kip had no idea a police uniform could be so delicious. An inner sigh ran through her head. Another hard body to lead her to perdition.

  “It’s fine. I was sulking.”

  An unexpected smile exploded across Cameron’s face even as he visibly fought to keep his eyes locked on hers. “Got your ass handed to you, huh?”

  She shrugged, purposely allowing one strap to fall from her shoulder, exposing the top of her breast. For a second, Cameron’s gaze dropped before once again meeting hers.

  “We both knew I would. I can’t say it wouldn’t have been nice to win but it wasn’t about that.”

  Shoving his hands into his pockets, Cameron leaned his shoulders against the closed door behind him. “What was it about then?”

  She shrugged again, making the strap slide farther down her arm. “Pride. I’ve been training for so long now, I needed to prove I could last at least one full round against someone as vicious as Tricia.”

  His gaze moved over her face. “You’re going to have a black eye tomorrow.”

  He was too far away. This need to have him closer had nothing to do with the adrenaline high she’d been on earlier in the night. Nor did it have anything to do with Konstantin’s voice still ringing in her ears
. Cameron had been a genuine weakness for Kip since they met.

  “I don’t bite. That’s a lie,” she added before he tested her theory. “I totally do bite but that’s no reason for you to be scared.”

  A hint of challenge flashed in Cameron’s gaze. Even though both his eyes were blue, one was a shade lighter than the other. They were gorgeous and mesmerizing.

  “For all you know, I like that,” he said, pushing away from the wall.

  She gave the spot next to her a pat.

  His mouth lifted in one corner. “Do you promise not to pounce?”

  Kip couldn’t have stopped the evil smile from pulling at her lips if she tried. “No.”

  He was across the room in a flash. Cameron didn’t accept her offer to sit. Instead her back hit the mattress as he covered her body with his. Their mouths clashed—hot and hard. They’d kissed before but this time there was something feral about him.

  Cameron shifted positions, cupping her breast. His thumb brushed her nipple. “Why do you tease me?” he asked between kisses.

  It was a fair question. If his tongue wasn’t so fucking delicious, she might have answered right away. As it was, she waited until he pulled away.

  “I’m never teasing. You just refuse to take me seriously for some reason.”

  With his lips swollen from her kisses and the flush of arousal on his cheeks, Kip was having a hard time not attacking him. His expression kept her in check. He didn’t believe her. She wanted to growl. Cameron had been shipped home from Afghanistan half-dead and with extensive scarring down one side of body after he’d thrown himself on top of an Afghani child who’d been set on fire in the street. The boy hadn’t survived. Sometimes she didn’t think Cameron truly had either. The scarring didn’t take away from his sexiness at all but she’d always known that, in his mind, it did. He was eyeing her with suspicion. She hated it.

  “Kurt tells me Josh showed up at Warehouse District tonight.”


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