Alien Bond (Alien Attachments)

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Alien Bond (Alien Attachments) Page 4

by Sabine Priestley

  Graceful as always, Ian thought.

  “Thanks for your help last night, by the way.” Dani glared at Jared.

  Ian stifled a laugh.

  Waves of purple radiated from her arm and the left side of her face. She wore large, dark sunglasses that hid the injury to her eye, but her wrist was visibly bruised and swollen.

  Jared rushed around the bar and gave the door a shove. “What can I say? My allergies never stop. You gotta learn not to be distracted.”

  “Hold it in next time.”

  “Sure, kid.” Jared kicked at the bottom of the door, which finally clicked shut.

  Ian was surprised by the obvious closeness of the relationship, but then he never stuck around when locals came into the bar. Until now.

  “So?” Dani said, placing her bag and hat on a bar stool not far from Ian and his EPs. “When are you going to fix that thing?”

  “Fix it? Why? Keeps the tourists down to a minimum.”

  “You own a bar on the beach. Aren’t you supposed to want tourists?”

  Jared shrugged. “I’m good with the ones I get from the hotel”—he indicated a path leading up a slight hill—“and the few wanderers.”

  Dani gazed at the beach beyond the small patio and sighed. “You do have a slice of heaven here.”

  Jared poured some nuts into a bowl and slid them across to her. “I don’t think you’ve formally met my friends here.” He indicated the team. “This is Armond, Marco and ’course you know about Ian. Guys, this here is Dani.”

  They exchanged greetings and Dani focused on Ian. “Been enjoying my fights, Mr. Cavacent?” She smiled with her striking blue eyes.

  Jared coughed loudly.

  Ian was sure the word “stalker” was buried in the cough somewhere. He decided to ease up on his usual role of arrogant millionaire. He needed to find out why she captivated him so. “Call me Ian, and yes, I have been enjoying your fights. You have an unusual technique.”

  Dani scoffed. “Lack thereof, you mean.” She removed her sunglasses and revealed a nasty gash below her left eye. Dark bruises surrounded the puffy wound.

  “Ouch.” Jared leaned in for a closer inspection. “At least you won.”

  Dani set the glasses down. “Yeah, well it’s going to be awhile before I can compete again. I figure you owe me some drinks in the meantime.”

  “Suppose that’s only fair.”

  Fascinating purple swirls worked their way up to her shoulder and out from her cheek. The color was deep and rich, meaning she was in a great deal of pain. That, or she had an unusually high tolerance for it.

  Dani dug around her bag with her left hand and pulled out an insulated Tervis cup. “Rum and coke, please.” She slid the cup over to Jared.

  “Want some ice for that wrist? And maybe your face?” he asked.

  “No, thanks.”

  Jared set her drink down while she gathered up her bag and put her sunglasses back on.

  “Why thank you kindly, sir,” she said with an exaggerated southern accent. “I always rely upon the kindness of strangers.”

  Jared bowed. “Anything for you, Miss Scarlett.”

  “Boys.” She gave a nod and headed for the path leading to the hotel pool.

  Ian waited until she was out of earshot. “She moves like a cat.”

  The men watched as she tripped and sloshed her drink onto the path.

  “A clumsy cat,” Marco said, finishing his beer. “That’s it for me. I can’t take this humidity. I’ll check in with you later, boss.” He stood. “Thanks, Jared.”

  “I too, have had enough of this damp climate of yours.” Armond said, getting to his feet. “I’ll report in this evening.” He followed Marco out.

  Jared sneezed. “That’s why you selected this place, isn’t it?”

  Ian didn’t answer, just grinned. “How long have you known her?” He indicated the direction Dani had taken.

  “Years,” Jared said around his tissue. “Her aunt took her in when her parents died in a plane crash. She was only fifteen or sixteen at the time. I used to let her sweep up around the bar in exchange for sodas. Got the feeling she needed the company. Anyway, auntie spends most of her time in New York these days. Dani keeps the house going when she’s not off freelancing for Vogue or some other slick rag.”


  “Photographer. She’s good too, if you like that sort of thing.” Jared wiped his nose again. “Personally, I prefer landscapes and animals to pretty humans.” Jared popped a few peanuts into his mouth. “She’s in pain.”

  “That woman, my friend, is in a world of hurt,” Ian agreed.

  “Think maybe you could help her out?”

  Ian finished off his beer. “You know how I am about getting involved with locals.”

  “She’s good people, boss. Besides you don’t have to get involved.” Jared made quotes with his fingers around the last words. “I’ve never seen her with anyone. Losing your folks at such a young age, I suppose it can mess you up. Just tell her you know some techniques to help with the pain.”

  Ian cast another look at the retreating woman. “Why are you so concerned? Is there something I should know about you two?”

  Jared harrumphed and crossed his arms. “I’m old enough to be her dad.”


  “I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for her, but it’s more like a daughter. Like I said, she’s good people.”

  Ian couldn’t deny his attraction to her, and he was curious to see if he could figure out why he found her so appealing. Probably those blue eyes. I’ll talk to her for a while. She’ll have nothing to say, and I’ll get her out of my system. “Fine. But just enough to ease her pain. I can’t do more, obviously.”

  “Obviously. Thanks, boss. Hey, when you get back, I’ll buy you a beer.”

  “That’s real generous, considering I own the place.”

  Jared chuckled and ate another handful of peanuts.

  * * * *

  Dani had finally gotten herself situated on the raft, her drink within reach on the deck, when she noticed Ian heading her way. A deep thrill rippled through her and she bit her lip. The pool area was empty except an old couple eating ice cream at the far end.

  Ian sat next to her cup, and dangled his legs in the water. Nice, muscular legs.

  “Hello again,” he said.

  “Ian.” Dani nodded in greeting.

  “I’m guessing you’re in a fair amount of pain right now.”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.” Where was he going with this?

  “If you’re interested, I’m proficient in an ancient Chinese art of pain management.”

  Dani tilted her hat to get a better view. “Seriously?” She’d heard some lines in her time, but that had to be the cheesiest.

  “Seriously.” He shrugged and took a sip of her drink.

  Dani huffed and scowled at him. “You better not drink it all or you’ll have to get me another one.” His smoky green eyes were an intriguing contrast to his olive skin. The way he looked at her made her body tingle. “How exactly does this Chinese voodoo work?”

  Ian pushed off the side and into the water with a smile on his face. “Certain places on the body can be manipulated to ease pain and do other things like lower blood pressure.” He stood next to her, causing a slight wake to bob the raft up and down.

  “Hmm…I don’t know.”

  “Really? Jared’s worried about you and I promised I’d help.”

  Dani glanced back toward the bar. She couldn’t see Jared from here, but she knew he’d be worried. It’s what he did under all that gruffness. When she looked back, she found Ian’s gaze had shifted to somewhere south of her eyes. A flood of pleasure washed over her at the thought of his lips on her breast.

  She cleared her throat.

  Ian smiled at her with a crooked grin.

  The thrill from earlier boiled over to something far less manageable. Wow. This is some serious attraction. “Um, precisely where and how will yo
u be manipulating me?”

  Ian laughed. “I assure you my intentions are honorable.”

  Well, that was disappointing. She tilted her head. If he didn’t feel the same attraction right now, she’d eat her bikini. “Go ahead then. Let’s see what you can do.” She pulled her hat down over her face and leaned back.

  The raft rocked in the water as he moved behind her. He lightly touched her injured arm sending a zap of euphoria through her. Wow.

  His fingers slowly trailed up each of her arms and the tension in her core rose with it. As he reached the base of her neck, she said a little prayer he’d be open to a friends-with-benefits situation. His hands settled on her shoulder muscles and pressed harder. A bolt of pleasure shot through her. This is insane. She couldn’t slow her breathing. He was no where near her private bits, yet it was as if…

  Ian ran his thumbs up the cords in her neck.

  She caught her breath as the intensity increased. No way. Her body tensed as pleasure exploded, leaving her motionless as the incredible sensation rolled outward to her fingers and toes. Holy shit.

  * * * *

  Ian drew his fingers along the top of Dani’s shoulders, enjoying the buzz her silky smooth skin created.

  Her body shivered, causing his psi to ripple through him. Interesting.

  He gently probed along the muscles to find the right spot.

  Dani let out a long sigh and relaxed into his hands.

  He found it odd he’d have such intense chemistry with a human. He closed his eyes and reached out with his psi. Her cheek possessed only a flesh wound so he dampened the nerve endings to stop the pain. Next he moved to her wrist where he found a hairline fracture. He focused his psi and mended the bone, leaving most of the bruised tissue and muscle, but again dampened the nerve endings. A minute passed before Ian realized something was off. His psi buzzed with an energy he’d never experienced before.

  Dani’s breathing quickened.

  He was about to let go when a blast of psi tore into him. The sheer force was astonishing. He nearly flung her behind him, before he realized it was her.

  Not possible. Humans don’t have psi. Unable to resist, he explored further. Like a Sandarian child, her psi was unrefined and clearly not under control. He should let go, but like a moth to a flame, he delved deeper. And deeper still. The magnitude floored him. She could very well be as strong as he.

  This had the potential to change everything. If people on his planet found out, his family could lose all rights to this world. Rights to both the carnium and their protectorship of Earth. Humans could never defend themselves against the aliens who would come looking for an easy grab at the coveted mineral. With the unrest of the empire, it might be years before another protectorship could be effectively established and agreed upon. By then, Goddess knew, how much damage would have been done.

  A human with psi. It made no sense. His family had been protecting earth for generations. Never had a human been found with psi. He’d been with a number of women, and never had there been an inkling. He needed to discuss this with his father. He began to pull back. As though in response to his leaving, her psi pulsed and pleasure unlike anything he’d ever imagined washed though him. His body and psi buzzed with the intense energy. Stronger and stronger it grew. He drew a deep breath, riding the wave of pure ecstasy.

  Almost as if—holy goddess. Ian slammed the connection closed and staggered back. His heart pounded in his chest. He stared at his hands as though they belonged to someone else. My psi-mate? The pleasure slowly subsided. He wanted more, needed more. Mother Goddess help me.

  Chairs scrapped across the pool deck and snapped him out of his reverie. He threw a glance over his shoulder. The old couple prepared to leave. The man winked at Ian, then said something to the woman that made her laugh.

  He returned his attention to Dani. She inhaled quickly as if she’d been holding her breath. He stood a moment longer, torn between staying, because he wanted to, and returning to Sandaria to talk with his father. Duty won. He whirled around, slicing through the water.

  She called after him but he didn’t respond.

  What did I just do?

  * * * *

  Dani coughed as water splashed over her face from Ian’s abrupt departure. She jerked to a sitting position. She’d been momentarily paralyzed, and it freaked her out. The movement sent pulses of pleasure rippling through her. Holy crap, that was amazing. “Hey, what was that? Ian?” She spun around to find him nearly at the steps. “Ian!”

  He bolted out of the water and headed back to the bar, dripping wet.

  The photographer in her couldn’t help but analyze the scene. Damn, he does wet really well. Dani wiped the water from her eyes and looked around for her hat. Crap. She reached over and plucked the soggy mess off the surface of the water. Plopping it on her head, she sighed as the waterlogged rim flopped over her face. Great. She shook the hat out a few times and stopped mid-swing.

  What the… Slowly, she put the hat back on her head and held up her injured hand. She flexed her fingers and bent her wrist back and forth. The tendons were stiff and still looked like hell, but there was no pain. Swinging her legs off the lounge, she slid into the waist-deep water. Submerging her hand, she drew her palm back and forth under the surface. Still no pain. What in the world did he do?

  Dani got out of the pool, gathered up her bag and drink and hurried down the path after him. She flexed her pain-free wrist the whole way.

  Jared stood behind the bar, filling salt shakers.

  “Where’d Ian go?”

  “Said he had to run.”

  “Yeah, literally. I want to talk to him about this pressure point thing.” Dani sat across from him.

  “Pressure point?”

  “You know, the pain thing.”

  “Oh yeah, how’d it go? Pretty cool, huh?” Jared screwed the lid on a shaker.

  “I guess. I mean the results are great. Unbelievable really, but the effect—” Dani stopped herself. What was she going to do? Tell Jared she’d just had some freak pleasure event? As if. “I just can’t believe how effective this pressure point thing is.” She slid her empty cup over to Jared. “Can I have another rum and coke, please? Mr. Personality sloshed water in mine.”

  Jared put down the shaker and reached for her cup. “Sure. I take it you’re feeling better?” He rinsed out the Tervis cup and made another drink.

  “I’ll say. He’s got a nice touch, I’ll give him that.” There’s an understatement. “But as soon as he finished, he bolted from the pool. Swamped me with his wake. Got my new hat wet.”


  “Yeah, and check this out.” Dani held up her wrist and twisted it around. “What the—even the bruising is going away now, look.”

  Jared leaned in for a closer inspection and frowned. His eyes moved from her wrist to her face. “Take your glasses off, Dani.”

  She did as he asked.

  “Oh, dear.”

  “What? What’s wrong?” She reached up and probed the gash under her eye. The skin felt like a month-old scar. “Jared, what’s going on?”




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