Falling for Him 11: Karen and Robert, Book 3

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Falling for Him 11: Karen and Robert, Book 3 Page 3

by Jessica Gray

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing? That sounded more like you got yourself into trouble again. What was it this time?”

  Karen stepped closer. “He tried to help me and got stabbed in the process.”

  His sister Amada whirled around. “What?”

  After Karen and Fernando had given his sister the short version of last night, she frowned and apologized: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. But my brother here will be the death of me. He probably told you he takes care of me, but in reality it’s the opposite.”

  Fernando scowled at her, but that didn’t stop her tirade. ”Every morning I come home worrying if he’s still alive. While he forces me to finish my high school and work cleaning offices three nights a week, he gets himself into trouble almost on a weekly basis.” She sighed, but Karen could see how much she loved her older brother.

  Amada fussed over him, and Karen thought it was funny how much this tough guy was attached to his sister. Those two made a good team. Amada made breakfast for the three of them and Fernando quickly dozed off.

  Karen wanted to help his sister clean the dishes, but Amada refused and asked Karen if she could call her a cab to the airport.

  That was when Karen remembered she didn’t have any money. “Uhm. My wallet was stolen.”

  Amada squinted her eyes and reached into her pocket to pull out several crumpled twenties. “This should be enough for a taxi to the airport.”

  “No. I can’t take that,” Karen protested.

  “How else do you want to get to the airport? Walking?” Amada grinned and pushed the twenties into Karen’s hand. “Take it.”

  “Okay. But give me your address and I’ll pay you back.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  Karen stopped her with a shake of her head. “I want to. Please.”

  Amada wrote down their address and then called a taxi. “They should be waiting right outside the building. No matter what you hear or see, just get into the taxi and he’ll take you to the airport.”

  “Thanks,” Karen said.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of Nando.” Amada said, and then murmured more to herself, “I wish he would take his own advice, go back to school and take on an honest job.”

  Karen looked at Fernando one last time and then nodded her head. It was time to get back to her real life.

  Once she reached the airport, she headed directly for the airline counter to get her boarding pass. The lady behind the counter greeted her in a friendly way, “Good morning. Flight ticket and identification, please.”

  Karen paled. She didn’t have any identification. Maybe they’ll let me travel without? She dug up her old-fashioned paper flight ticket and handed it over.

  “Alright. There’s a flight in one hour and another one in two hours and thirty minutes. Which one shall I book you on?”

  “The earliest possible, please.” A sigh of relief escaped Karen.

  “Okay. Identification, please.”

  Karen shrunk at least five inches. “I… my wallet was stolen.”

  The attendant gave her a stern glance. “I’m sorry, but I cannot let you fly without identification. You have to go to the police and report your stolen wallet. They can provide you a temporary ID card.”

  Karen followed the directions given until she found the airport police office and went inside. She filled out a police report, pretending she hadn’t noticed her wallet and phone had been taken from her handbag until the attendant had asked her for the identification.

  The police officer was sympathetic and cautioned her to take better care, because many pickpockets operated in the airport. It took a while, but she eventually received a temporary ID card that would allow her to fly. At home she would have to get her driver’s license replaced and turn in the temporary ID.

  She used one of the public phones to call Rachel and leave her a message with her arrival time and flight number. Then she sat back and prepared to wait. But time wasn’t her friend, and soon she replayed the scenes of last night in her mind over and over again. She hadn’t wanted to fight with Robert and break up with him like that, but he’d behaved like an asshole. He needs to come and apologize. I’m not taking the first step.

  When her flight touched down in Santa Clara, she stepped out into the sunshine to see Rachel and Peter waiting for her. Rachel hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re back. We were worried to death about you. Thankfully, Robert called in the wee hours of the morning, to tell us he’d found you. He’ll arrive later in the evening. You have to tell me all the details.”

  Peter rescued her from Rachel’s embrace and chuckled. “Rachel. Let Karen arrive first. You two have the whole morning to catch up.”

  On the way home Karen gave them a very short summary of her adventures and the break-up with Robert, but she waited until Peter had bade his good-bye to bring up her attraction to Fernando.

  “So, you liked this guy?” Rachel asked.

  “Yeah. Well…I think so. We kissed, but that was it. One kiss.”

  “And you liked it?” Rachel asked, confusion on her face.

  “That’s what’s so confusing. I mean, Fernando is hot. Smokin’ hot. Don’t get me wrong, but I can’t figure out if it’s the man I’m attracted to, or the sense of danger and adrenaline rush I got around him.”

  “If it’s the thrill you’re after, you can experience that with Robert.”

  “I broke up with him, remember?”

  Rachel nodded. “Sure. But this is nothing that can’t be changed.”

  “He was an asshole – he even accused me of cheating on him.”

  Rachel laid a hand on Karen’s arm. “Sweetie. We both know that your fight took place under lots of stress for both of you. I’m not saying it was okay how he behaved, but I’m sure he’ll come apologizing.”

  “I don’t know. What if he doesn’t?”

  “He will. Don’t worry about that.”

  “Just assuming he might. How can we get thrill into our relation?” Karen asked, recalling how boring their sex life had become.

  Rachel giggled and delved into juicy details. The more Rachel talked, the more Karen felt her face flame. Some of the things her best friend suggested weren’t just racy, they were downright dirty. And she felt her heart race at just the thought of trying some of them.

  Being tied to the bed while Robert had his way with her. Strawberries and champagne. A quickie in the elevator. Toys. Going out for dinner and telling him she’d forgotten her panties. Rachel had a plethora of suggestions.

  Karen interrupted her friend, before she could get too carried away “So where did you learn about all this?”

  A furious flush covered Rachel’s cheeks. “Well, let’s say nothing beats life experience.”

  Karen should have been shocked, because Rachel was the proverbial good girl with her blonde hair and sweet looks. But apparently good girls could have fun as well. She thought back to their college days when Karen had been the extrovert, but apparently since they each had settled down with a man she had grown into a boring partner while Rachel enjoyed all the thrills of an exciting relationship with her fantastic husband.

  Peter and Rachel were so much in love with one another – even after three years. Maybe spicing up their sex life was what had kept them passionate and in love.

  After their talk, Rachel had to go to work and left Karen to shower and get some sleep. Karen was fully on board with that idea, and half an hour later she crawled between the covers. She slept until the next morning, her dreams a confusing mixture of the events in Los Angeles, coupled with the dirty suggestions Rachel had shared with her. And in all of her dreams, Robert was the starring actor.

  Chapter 7

  Robert showered to wake himself up and headed for his meeting with the divorce attorney Trevor had recommended. He was meeting with the man alone first, and then he’d arranged for Marcela to join them a bit later.

  “Mr. Matthews, thanks for seeing me on such short notice,
” Robert said as they shook hands.

  “No problem. Trevor and I go way back and you came highly recommended. A challenge, I believe Trevor said.”

  Robert nodded. “That it is.”

  “Trevor filled me in on the particulars and I have good news for you. If things are handled discreetly, and in the right place, there won’t be any investigation.”

  “So, that would keep Marcela from being deported?”

  Mr. Matthews nodded. “And you from serving jail time and paying a hefty fine.”

  A heavy burden fell from Robert’s chest. “That sounds good. But there’s got to be a catch.”

  “There is. You two cannot disagree on anything. Everything has to be clean, clear, and amicable. Both parties have to be in total agreement on the terms of the divorce. Any opposition from either of you after the divorce is filed and this thing will blow up in your faces.”

  Robert nodded his head, hoping the lawyer would be able to convince Marcela to go along with a simple, uncontested divorce.

  “You mentioned the right place?”

  “Divorce laws are tricky things. Some states are stricter than others. If you want an easy divorce, Las Vegas is the place to make it happen. Quickly. Quietly. No questions asked.”

  Robert shook his head. “Marcela’s never going to agree to go back to Las Vegas.”

  Mr. Matthews showed a satisfied smile. “Mr. Mitchell you’re paying me a lot of money, because I’m the best attorney for delicate affairs. As long as you have a signed legal agreement from your wife, notarized by yours truly, she never has to set foot into Nevada.”

  “That’s doable. So, this can happen…”

  The lawyer raised a hand up. “Hold up, there’s one other point of clarification that needs to be made. You have to live in Las Vegas for at least six weeks before you can file for divorce.”

  “Six weeks? I can’t move to Las Vegas for six weeks. I have a job in Santa Clara to see to.”

  “Mr. Mitchell, a divorce in California will be messy, I can promise you that much. If you want easy and uncomplicated you’ll move to Las Vegas.”

  Robert thanked him and they took a small break. Marcela was due to show up soon and he needed to get his head on straight before she arrived. Provided she agreed, he would have no choice but to make a six-week extended vacation in Las Vegas work.

  Marcela showed up right on time, and Mr. Matthews did an excellent job of explaining everything to her. She readily agreed to the divorce, provided she wasn’t in any danger of being deported.

  “So, I’ll have no problem keeping my green card?” she asked.

  “You shouldn’t. You’ve been gainfully employed for almost five years and have no criminal record. With your certificate as a registered nurse, you’re a skilled worker in a profession with high labor demand. I can’t be one hundred percent certain, but in your case there’s nothing to worry about. In the remote case you’re experiencing problems, please give me a call. Mr. Mitchell has agreed to pay my fees in case you need further assistance.”

  Robert noticed the alleviation of worry on her face as she took the business card Mr. Matthews handed her and tucked it into her purse. “Thank you, Mr. Matthews. And thank you, Robert.”

  “No. Thank you,” Robert said.

  “Sure. I actually like Karen. She’s got spunk, and I have no reason to keep you from moving forward with your own life. You did a wonderful thing for me five years ago, and I appreciate it. I really do.”

  Robert smiled at her. “I was glad to help at the time; I just didn’t think about the future.”

  Marcela nodded her head and then asked Mr. Matthews, “Do you need me to sign anything today?”

  “No. My secretary has your contact information, and she’ll call you when the forms are ready for your signature. I’ll need you to physically come in and sign them, but that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes of your time.”

  “I’ll do whatever I need to,” she assured him.

  Robert stood up. “I’ll walk you out.” To the lawyer, he murmured, “I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time.”

  Robert escorted her down to street level and hailed a cab for her.

  “Well, I guess this is goodbye,” she said, offering him a small smile.

  “At least I know where you are this time around. Will you keep in touch?” Robert asked her, letting his eyes memorize her face one last time.

  Marcela looked at him with a question in her eyes. “Do you think Karen would mind?”

  Robert shrugged. “I don’t really know. Right now, I’m not sure how this will play out. What if she won’t take me back?”

  “Make her. The two of you make a nice couple. You’re going to have to earn back her trust, but I’m confident you can do that if you put your mind to it.”

  “Thanks.” Robert pulled her in for one last hug, kissing her on the forehead before letting her go and opening the back door of the taxi. “Take care of yourself.”

  “You too. Invite me to the wedding. I doubt I’ll come, but it would be nice to see a happy ending to all of this.”

  “You got it.” Robert closed the door and then patted the roof of the car, indicating the driver should go.

  He went back inside and finished up his meeting with Mr. Matthews, promising to call him next week. As he left and took a taxi to the airport, he was confident this was going to work. But he had yet to find a solution for the requirement to take up residence in Las Vegas for six weeks. How the hell should that work?

  During the short flight he thought about Karen and their fight. Guilt and shame spread across him for the way he’d acted out of jealousy. His accusations had been ridiculous at best and his heart was heavy with remorse.

  He landed in Santa Clara, not being any closer to having an idea on how to go about winning her back than when he’d left L.A. Karen had been very clear in her request not to see him again until he was divorced. Not even to apologize?

  When Peter picked him up at the airport, he spilled the entire story to his friend. “Man, you have to help me come up with a solution. How am I supposed to live in Las Vegas for six weeks?”

  “We’ll figure something out.”

  They tossed a few ideas but none of them would work, until Peter slapped a hand across his forehead and said, “We’re so stupid! You wouldn’t believe we both work in the information technology field.”

  Robert was sure the lack of comprehension showed on his face. “And…”

  “Have you ever heard about remote access?”

  “Peter, you are brilliant! Why haven’t I thought of it?”

  Peter chuckled. “Because you’re not brilliant?”

  Robert elbowed his friend and continued, “That’s the solution. I’ll set up remote access to the company network and take my laptop with me. I can have Webex meetings with my secretary and my employees every morning and phone conferences throughout the day if needed. Everything that requires my physical presence can be scheduled on the one or two days a week when I travel to Santa Clara.”

  “There you go,” Peter said and then asked, “What did Marcela say?”

  “She agreed to everything. As long as she can stay here, she’s fine with it.”

  “I’m glad she’s not being difficult. She could have tried to squeeze a good amount of money out of you.”

  Robert frowned. “I know. But she’s not that type of woman. She’s actually a great person.”

  They drove in silence for a while until Robert pushed his hands through his hair and said, ”Do you think Karen will ever forgive me?”

  “Well, if Rachel’s opinion is anything to go by I’d say yes. But don’t you ever tell her I mentioned this.”


  Peter glanced at his friend for a moment before he continued, “You’ll have some heavy apologizing to do. And I think a time out is not the worst thing; it would give you both some time to get over your fight, over your lie, and also give you plenty of time to plan your


  “To woo her back. Do you want my impression of your relationship with Karen?”

  Robert looked at him and nodded. “Can’t hurt.”

  Peter grinned. “I don’t know about that. Anyway, I got the impression, watching you two together, that things had just gotten a bit routine. And I think you were probably taking her for granted.”

  “Yeah. I was. And routine is just another word for boring. That was brought home to me when I saw Karen with that guy. I felt the fire again to want her. Thrill. Excitement. And lust. Like it was in the beginning. I want it to be like that again – without the jealousy of course.

  “Aha.” Peter chuckled.

  “I realize it’s mostly my fault that things have become so – boring. I’ve been working too much and stopped caring about doing fun and exciting things with her. We haven’t been on a vacation, or even just a weekend trip up to the mountains, since we moved in together.”

  “Man, that was two years ago,” Peter said, disgust in his voice.

  “I know. Hell, this needs to change. I just hope she gives me the chance to prove to her things can be different.”

  Peter tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “She loves you. Give it some time and start planning now. You’ll figure it out as you go.”

  “Gosh. First I have to apologize like a million times to Karen.”

  Chapter 8

  Karen stepped into her office, the completed thriller manuscript in hand. She rapped her knuckles on her boss’s office door, holding the manuscript high. “All finished.”

  “Great. Come on in.”

  Karen handed it over with a huge smile and felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders. Her boss Sheila asked, “What’s the smile for?”

  She giggled. “Because I don’t have to live inside that dark place any longer. No more spying scenes, muggings, or knife fights.”

  “You’re taking things a bit too literally. It’s just a book.”

  I wish everything that happened were just a book. “I know, but still, it drains me.”

  Sheila laughed. “Then you’ll be glad to know your next assignment is a travel guide about Mexico.”


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