Amy Lynn: Golden Angel

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Amy Lynn: Golden Angel Page 34

by Jack July

  Elle woke early and ordered room service. She had hoped a good night’s sleep would make it go away, but it didn’t. The hollow pain of loneliness ached in her chest. It was pushing aside the ache in her head from the bourbon. She wanted so much, if just for a time, to be close to someone. The little redhead seemed perfect, however there was nothing. The emotional release she had so hoped for, if only for a night, didn’t happen. Elle kissed her on the cheek, gave her a hundred Euros for cab fare and whatever else she wanted and sent her home. When the door closed she lay down on the bed, curled up with the pillow and cried.

  T upgraded them to first class for the ride back to D.C. They took their seats and grabbed a couple of bottles of water. Tatiana smiled and said, “Did you have a good evening?”

  “No, not really.”

  “I thought you had a friend,” Tatiana said with a little smile.

  “Didn’t work out.”

  “Okay, well, just so you know, the mission is over. You can be Amy again.”

  Elle frowned and looked down. Tatiana smiled and said, “Step number one. Amy needs to forgive Elle and Elle needs to respect Amy.”

  Elle whispered, “How do you do it so fast?”

  “Takes practice and time, you’ll figure it out. Meanwhile, think about Amy and get some sleep.”

  “Thanks, goodnight.”



  November 30th 10:00 A.M Langley, Virginia

  At Langley, there was still one more debrief. The interrogation over Brandon Bolin was ruthless to Elle. It didn’t stop. Hour after hour of the same questions asked in different ways. Then a polygraph was administered. Elle knew he was dead, but the BND had cleaned up and disposed of everything so quickly, there wasn’t even a body count. She took Tatiana’s advice, offering no information other than what was asked then answering in the fewest words possible. Had they asked if she knew the time she would have said, yes. When it was finished she was escorted from the room and sat outside a conference room to wait, for what she had no idea.

  Inside that conference room sat T, Adele, an analyst, a psychologist and the director of covert operations, John Masters. Suddenly the big screen came to life with Director Dotson and his perfunctory greeting every time T was involved. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Sir, did you read the entire report?” asked T.

  “No, I stopped at the part where Trainee Braxton enjoyed the company of a young woman. You sure know how to pick ‘em T.”

  T lowered her head and rubbed her temples while thinking, I should have known they would wire her room.

  Suddenly Adele spoke up, “Whatever you think about her sexual dalliance, the analysts have seen worse.” The analyst sitting at the table nodded her head in agreement. Then said, “There was no sex.”

  Dotson nodded then said, “Still, the obfuscation of her sexuality is troubling. She hid from the military and us the fact that she is gay.”

  T spoke up and said, “She’s not gay. She’s a virgin. She does not seek ‘pleasure’ from men because, as you will read in her file, she was raped and beaten to death as a child by four young men. And yes, I mean to death. She was dead when she arrived at the hospital. She’s not a lesbian; she seeks comfort from women because it is safe. She is still young and will eventually gain the confidence to have fulfilling relationships with men.”

  “Well thank you for your psychoanalysis Officer Aziz,” the director said with a bit of sarcasm. “I read something entirely different. Her behavior is not at all within the norm. Dr. Griffin, your opinion,” The director called on the psychiatrist.

  As he spoke, Tatiana whispered to Adele, “Normal? Apparently he’s never watched me fuck.”

  “I have,” said Adele, “It was so hot I went home and fucked the gardener.”

  Tatiana whispered back, “Yeah, I’m sure that was the reason.”

  They both started to giggle, “Something funny down there? Do you two wish to share?

  “We were talking about Adele fucking her gardener,” said T. John Masters started to laugh and the analyst chuckled.

  “Why do I even bother with you two?” Director Dotson shouted. He took a deep breath and said, “Look, there is some big shit goin’ down. I need you to get serious and pay attention. John?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you want her on board?”

  “Yes, sir,” He said. Then he thought to himself, Jack’s gonna kill me and her daddy is gonna piss on my corpse.


  “Yeah, I want her.”

  “Any other objections?” The director asked. There were none.

  Adele’s phone began to flash, she looked up at the screen with eyes wide and said “Sir, we are at Defcon 2.”

  “Yep, that’s the big shit. You need to get to your office.” Dotson sighed and said, “Okay sign her up, I’m out.”


  November 29th, 12:00 noon, The Situation Room

  Director Dotson returned to the sit room, took a seat and whispered to the President, “Any news?”

  POTUS shook her head no then said, “We’re getting calls from allies wanting to know what’s going on. I don’t trust any of them enough to say.”

  “Good move,” said Tim.

  Arnie Coleman, the NSA Director, raised his hand, POTUS acknowledged him, “Yes, Arnie.”

  “No real movement from the Chinese. Increased activities at airbases, naval ports etc., but nothing you wouldn’t expect after they have seen our condition of readiness.”

  Senator Ebson spoke up and said, “That’s good, they won’t be ready. They will have to back down.”

  Sec Def Gist replied, “That’s bad, they don’t think we are serious. We are rolling toward war.”

  Secretary of State Danforth said, “Ma’am, that was the Russian president on the phone. He said in a thousand words, whatever you’re upset about, he didn’t do it.”

  The President nodded and said, “Make a note to find out what he didn’t do.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Sec Def said, “Ma’am, our bombers have refueled and are on a direct approach to their targets on Mainland China.”

  NSA said, “Ma’am, I think you have their attention. They are trying to ramp up but it isn’t going well.”

  In a loud voice the Secretary of State announced, “President Shen is on the line.”

  The room fell silent. President Elizabeth North took a deep breath then said a silent prayer for strength and wisdom. “Amen,” they heard her say under her breath. “Put him on,” she said with a stern confident voice.

  With an angry tone Shen barked, “What is the meaning of these military activities in the South China Sea! Those are our waters!”

  President North smiled and politely said, “President Shen! I’ve been trying to contact you. Nice to see you again.”

  “I demand you respond to my question!”

  “You like making demands don’t you…Shen,” she said as she smiled knowing she had been disrespectful while addressing him.

  “Madam President, you are being highly inappropriate.”

  “Yes, I know, Shen. I’m going to do something I will never do again. I’m going to explain myself to you,” the President cleared her throat and began,” Over the years, the United States has sought peace and common ground with the government of China. Over and over again we capitulated to almost every issue surrounding our relationship. Our hope was to build trust and a sense of international community. A recent event has been very enlightening concerning how China views the United States. This event is the torture, rape and murder of twenty-two young girls. American children have been taken from their homes, transported half way around the world to be used as toys by sadistic animals. Long Cho and Long Cai are guilty of these crimes. Agents of the United States have executed L
ong Cai, and we took great pleasure in doing so. We, the American people, demand that you turn over Long Cho to the American embassy in Berlin. Do you understand…Shen?”

  President Shen continued to be obstinate and replied, “We will not, and I resent your efforts to intimidate the people of China.”

  “President Chen, you have thirty minutes to present Long Cho to the American Embassy, or the Government of China will feel the wrath of the American People,” she finished and when he began to speak, she hung up on him.

  “David, in thirty minutes execute operation Dragon Slayer.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Stephen, notify the networks that I will be addressing the nation in thirty five minutes. I’m also going to need a speech, mention the deaths of our children as the prime motivator and a history of abuses as a run up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Any comments?” asked the President while looking around the table.

  Speaker Alder said, “Well ma’am, either that is the most brilliant foreign policy move in decades or you just started World War III.

  Everyone seated around the table slowly nodded in agreement.

  “And now we wait,” said a somber President.

  Elle’s arm was in a sling and she was struggling with the massive amount of paperwork and reading material that had been thrust upon her. The CIA now officially employed her. However, she could never admit that. They gave her a different government title and job. Officially she was a staff recruiter for the Department of Health and Human Services.

  “Hi,” said Tatiana. “Where are you going?”

  “I guess I’m done. Adele said come back in 120 days for a medical evaluation. Other than that I’m supposed to rest, get well, study, work out when I can and prepare for training.”

  “So, where are you going now?”

  “Home, I guess.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that? You will have to explain some injuries. Your family knows what a gunshot wound looks like.”

  “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “Come with me. I’m leaving in a few hours to my hiding place. It’s far away, warm and beautiful. You are welcome to join me. A month there will be very good for you. I promise.”

  “How much?”

  “I’ll worry about that. I own the house, we’ll bum food from the neighbors.”

  “You are going to get tired of me.”

  “Amy, I could never be tired of you.”

  Elle felt her heart drop a little. She thought my God, where is Amy?

  Tatiana and Elle went to Tatiana’s house in Georgetown and packed a couple of light suitcases. Elle called her Uncle Jack. “Hey, I’m back.”

  “Didja catch anything?”

  “Oh yeah, a big fish.”

  “Looked to be about a forty pounder.”

  “Yeah, ’bout that.” She shook her head and thought, how does he know all this stuff?

  “When you coming home?”

  “It’ll be awhile. I’ll call daddy and let him know.”

  “Okay. Ah, Amy, I’m really proud of you.”

  “Thanks, it means a lot. I love you Uncle Jack.”

  “We love you too.”

  They were taking a stroll through the airport on their way to the gate when Elle froze in front of a sports bar. There were some cheers and clapping as every TV showed a live picture of Kristy Wilson walking down the steps of the government G-5 with FBI Director Murray at Cape Girardeau Regional, then sprinting into her mother and fathers arms. Elle moved a little closer to hear the sound.

  BREAKING NEWS, The return of Kristy Wilson to her family. She was rescued two days ago when FBI agents backed by Interpol staged a daring raid on the hideout of a human trafficking ring. Details are sketchy. Let’s go live to the Tarmac where we await a few words from Director Murray…

  Elle’s mouth fell open as she turned to face Tatiana, “WHAT?”

  Tatiana laughed and said, “What do you want, a parade?”

  Elle just shook her head. Tatiana stepped close and whispered in her ear, “We don’t exist, we never will. How do you feel?”


  “Right now, how do you feel?”

  Elle shook her head and said, “I’m sore all over, beat up. I’ve been drugged and shot,” then she turned back to see Kristy and her mom and dad with the director, shook her head and said, “I feel wonderful.”

  Tatiana smiled and said, “I know, and it never goes away. Let’s get out of here.”


  November 30th 12:20 P.M. The Situation Room

  Roman numerals? Why roman numerals on the clock in the sit room? President North thought as she looked around the room taking in small details. There were other clocks, digital clocks all counting down to an unknown. It seemed everyone was busy except her. She would glance at the console, waiting for the light to blink. Waiting for the Chinese President to do the right thing. But she couldn’t count on that. That was why she had a trillion dollar war machine bearing down on his country. Ebson and Alder were busy briefing the remaining six of the gang of eight. The Joint Chiefs were busy. In a chaotic world, military men seem to have all the answers while politicians become mere spectators. Politicians point fingers, place blame and lie to separate themselves from their failures. However, all the military men and women wounded and killed in action measure accurately the extent of those failures.

  President North had just for a moment been daydreaming about fishing for salmon with her husband when she was jarred by an excited voice across the table, “Ma’am, President Shen on line one.”

  The sit room went silent. She leaned over to Director Dotson and asked, “How do I look?”

  “Like the leader of the free world. Go get ’em.”

  “She smiled and nodded and gave the signal to bring him up on screen. Leaning forward with her fists clenched atop the table, she looked at him over the top of her glasses and said, “Shen?”

  ‘Madam President, I have personally examined the evidence you have supplied,” then he paused for five long seconds. “It appears as though I owe you an apology.”

  “You owe me Long Cho.”

  “I wish to offer reparations. For the…”

  “WHAT?” the President almost shouted, “Reparations? This can’t be fixed or bought. You apparently cannot grasp the barbarity that has been perpetrated against our children.”

  Shen’s teeth clenched and she could have sworn she saw a vein pop out on his head. He nodded and said, “Maybe tribute would be a better term. We are prepared to offer five million dollars to each family of the victims along with a letter of apology from the people of China.”

  The President continued a cold stare when she snarled, “What about Long Cho.”

  “I cannot turn him over to you, but there is another way.”

  “You haven’t listened to word I have said. Shen, time’s up, this means…” suddenly the president felt her leg being kicked under the table. She shot a hard glance at Director Dotson who held up a legal pad. Written in sharpie were the words, YOU WON, NOW LISTEN.

  President North returned her animated furious gaze to the screen. After a few seconds of trying to calm down, she responded, “What exactly do you have in mind?”

  Tatiana and Elle took their seats, large very nice first class seats on the Qatar Airways 747. They stowed the few things they had and got comfortable for the eighteen-hour flight. “What’s in Doha, Qatar?” asked Elle.

  “It’s a stopover. You’ll see, it’s a surprise. We are going to one of the most beautiful places on earth. I searched my whole career to find a place I would be happy. I took little side trips on the way home from missions, scouting, studying, and waiting to find the place I wanted to call home. I found it.”

  “Okay, now I’m really curious.”
br />   “I’m exhausted, I’m going to take this little pill and sleep. But first I have something for you, something very special.” Tatiana reached in her carryon and brought out an old worn King James Bible. She opened the cover and began to read the inscriptions that began in 1941. “This was first given to Virginia Hall, an OSS agent. The OSS was the precursor to the CIA. Mary Knox, the secretary of Wild Bill Donovan who founded the OSS gave this to her. Mary was one of the few people that knew what Virginia would be doing. Virginia passed it to another operative, Code named Carla. You will be one of a handful of people to ever know her real name, and what she did.”

  Along with the bible was a bundle of thick envelopes, “What are these envelopes?” asked Elle.”

  “Each name at the front of this Bible has a story. These are the true stories of real people, stories that were written for you long before you were born. These stories will help you to understand where, as a female spy, you fit, why you are here and how you survive mentally.”

  Elle’s eyes went bright as she looked at an envelope that said Adele Harris. “This is Adele’s story?”


  “Where is yours?”

  “You have not written it yet. You see, now that is your responsibility. I wrote Adele’s and you write mine. We will have time to sit and talk about it later. Meanwhile I would like you to open that Bible and read what has been underlined, circled or highlighted. Those are the scriptures that saw all of us through on our darkest days.”

  “Wait, you’re a Christian?”

  “Does that surprise you? My mother, father and five brothers and sisters were slaughtered in Lebanon because we were Christians. I was the only one who survived the attack. But we will talk about that another time”

  “Oh God, I didn’t know, I am so…”

  “Okay, you can stop.” She said with a smile. “Since the beginning of man, more peace has come from righteous warriors then righteous pacifists. Jesus knows that. You will feel his presence because we are special to him. I’m going to sleep, you need to read. Goodnight, Amy.”


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