ISOLATION: Child Support 911

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ISOLATION: Child Support 911 Page 10

by Tabitha White

  “You don’t have to worry about my buddy Sugar, he’s a buck short and two bits shy. He knows no pain barrier! He grew up roughing it on the streets in Cass Corridor where he outsmarted his father who tried every which way to have him imprisoned. Now let’s you and I get back to business; our date, where-when?”

  “When do you leave? When you do go you’re staying up there right? I’m still scrambling as the clock keeps ticking on me losing my home.”

  “Now don’t you worry about that Sugar. If you lose your home you can sleep close to me in my bed. It’s a full-size. Quite cozy. If you know what I mean.” John said.

  Angie’s stomach turned at his illicit notions of the two of them together. Angie held up her middle finger and flipped John off even though he could not see it. This important gesture signified to her that she would never again allow a man to hold her captive because of money or life’s necessities. Continuing, she told him what he wanted to hear all the while remaining diligent to the plan.

  “Now John Jon, I told you I have feelings for you, strong passionate feelings for you. Believe me; I’m counting down the days until I can enter the land of milk and honey. I long to hold you in my arms and feel the heat between our two bodies as passion unfolds – oh no the other line’s ringing. Sorry I’ll have to call you back later. Bye.”

  “Angie no don’t hang up, wait! Damn; just when the conversation begins to heat up.” John said.

  Slimy disgusting bastard you make me sick! You look at women as if they’re an object to win and retrieve! Well I have news for you; many years ago, you watched in silence while the worst happened to me! I’ll see you rot in hell with your prick friend! You’ll see what disappointment feel like. Sometimes the answer NO must prevail in what you want, me! Deal with it you freaking creeper! I’ll bet you’re a pedophile you sick pig!

  Chapter 15

  “Hey Craig, its John, what’s shaking bacon?”

  “Business has doubled so I’m good.”

  “Good I’m glad to hear that. Listen Craig, I have a business proposition for you. My cousin Keith wants to purchase multiple dealerships and open them in Birmingham. He does not have an insurance agent yet. Do you want the opportunity?”

  “Multiple dealerships, what do you mean by multiple dealerships?” Craig asked.

  “He just came into his portion of the family inheritance. He likes the investment I chose and wants to do the same. Our solid business history prompted me to give you the jackpot client.”

  “Great did you give him my card so he can come by my office?”

  “Uh Craig I don’t think you’re seeing the whole picture here. My twenty-four-year-old unmarried cousin just came into an inheritance. Our family made their money off deals formed in Atlantic City, you know Jersey. It’s sort of like the hot spot for our families’ fortune. He won’t do business anywhere else.” John said.

  “Okay. I see. I’m going to Atlantic City! Well okay, now I’m onboard! Hey, this will sounds awesome; will you join in on the festivities? A little guy time-out to raise hell in the city on the East Coast; that’s got trouble written all over it! It sounds like a great time.” Craig said.

  “Craig, not to short-change Martin, but my other cousin’s purchasing ten of my dealerships.”

  “Oh great will they join us for the guys night out?”

  “No that cousin will not leave his wife’s side right now. His story lingers on a bit different, married with the first baby due any day. His wife’s bed rest continues through the end of the pregnancy because of the high degree of risk involved. The plans for his insurance money include purchasing dealerships however, not in Atlantic City.” John said.

  “Oh I see. You don’t want Martin to feel left out of Atlantic City, that’s cool. I’ll tell him that your cousin will deal with no one except him.” Craig said.

  “That’ll work. I’ll shoot you a text and let you know the details so you can pass them along to Martin as well. Thanks man, I know you will take care of my cousins as well as you’ve taken care of me all these years.”

  Chapter 16

  Merging onto I-75 from the north Angie’s thoughts drifted deep into tangled webs of deceit. The love triangle with Craig’s affair, Martin’s affair, and Candy kept a knife in Craig’s back that guided his actions. At any given moment, Candy could tell Martin of her and Craig’s affair. Hell, better yet, she could blackmail Craig. Martin controlled the inheritance money and with this, Craig had put himself in check.

  I need someone to talk to. Craig’s relatives makes me want to vomit!

  Angie picked up her folded cell phone and depressed the numeral seven to speed dial Tammy. Each ring drew out the tone like a saxophone note ends in a trill.


  “Hi Tammy its Angie. I’m getting on the expressway and I began thinking about Craig and his family and how they infuriate me and I needed someone to talk to.”

  “Craig’s vindictiveness indicates we may have underestimated the difficulty of our mission. I’m worried, and becoming discouraged.” Tammy said.

  “Tammy, fear not, I have watched and learned from Craig. He and Martin will stand accused and pay for ruining people’s lives.”

  “Tell me more about them Angie any insight I have into them will help in formulating a plan. What makes them tick?”

  “Well take Martin for instance; he works Craig like Gippetto worked Pinocchio. He wanted me out of the picture because he knows I hold powerful aces that could destroy his fantasy world. Just prior to he and Candy’s wedding I created a scene that rattled his cage. Suggesting I would bring Mandy to the wedding sent his blood pressure off the charts; nothing made me happier to see him reduced to self-destruction. This prompted him to stage an argument with me and in front of Candy he tore up my invitation.”

  “Leverage. I like it.” Tammy said.

  “Next under the big-top we find Craig’s Aunt Hattie, she’s a real piece of work. How she can treat her sister’s grandchild, Lance, like a stranger baffles me.”

  “Angie I feel bad for you that you became involved with such horrible people.”

  “You know Craig’s father clued me in about Hattie. An avid bingo player and customer at the local racetrack she grew up in a man’s world during the forties and fifties. She secured work at GrowMerica Bank as the manager and while there put her ass on the line for Craig assisting in hiding his inheritance.”

  “Why would she shelter him?” Tammy asked.

  “There lays the million dollar question? What secret did Craig know that held her hostage, a single woman with no children, risking everything she’d earned? No man took care of her, nor did she have a retirement waiting for her that someone else had earned.”

  “What a curious measure, risking catastrophic implosion with no safety net. Makes you wonder.” Tammy said.

  “Martin’s terrified because his father spilled the beans while drunk. During an argument Craig’s father, Mark, let Martin know that he told me about the will. Martin’s tried every excuse to get me out of Craig’s life since he found out I knew about the will.” Angie said.

  “So, can you take them down?” Tammy asked.

  “No. I need a copy of the last will and testament. Apparently, when Mark passed, Martin produced a copy of a will naming himself personal representative. Mark would never have done this. Martin hid the original somewhere. Find it and you find the key.” Angie said.

  “Martin lied about his fathers will. The question remains why.” Tammy said.

  “The question still looms why Craig, his brother and Hattie all risked committing a felony and certain jail time to avoid putting any money in my hand. From the onset, the $26.00 child support set by the judge never prompted Craig to pay. This reminds me of typical Dallas story line based on greed.”

  “Unbelievable. You think you’ve seen it all and then you meet Craig’s circus act.” Tammy said.

  “Let’s look at this from a different angle. What motivation provides status? All money Craig
receives from working at Governor’s Insurance remain under-the-table and sheltered. Planning to receive social security knowing none of it could fall prey to garnishment raises a red flag. He damn well knew $50,000 owed in child support would fade away, never collectable.”

  “The degree of selfishness displayed makes me wonder. Stirring the pot with them holds exciting promises of fun! Woman, I can see it now, Angie’s Detective Agency; you would help many custodial parents solve their life’s greatest problem.” Tammy said.

  “They have left deep indelible scars upon Lance and me and it warrants mirrored actions. Anyway I’m here, I’ll talk with you later.”

  “Okay, we will talk more tonight. Angie, you never cease to amaze me. Regardless of how rotten Craig and his tribe have treated you and Lance you’ve both managed to keep your chin up.”

  “Thanks Tammy, I’ll talk with you later.”

  In true renegade fashion, Angie decided to meet Martin on the same playing field. Angie sent a care package to Martin’s daughter. This package included a magazine for the American Girl store in New York City. Circled on the Bitty Twin page, with the corner folded down, the doll on the left, a blonde haired, blue-eyed girl doll. On the right, a blonde haired, blue-eyed girl doll.

  Enough said. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you jack ass!

  Chapter 17

  Exiting the car and expecting the unknown made Angie’s skin crawl. If Mandy answers, will she look vile with wiry hair and course dark circles under her eyes? Her teeth but a memory? Coughing, stammering and shaking like a wet rat with Parkinson’s disease may greet us. I wonder how the baby looks. Any resemblance of an underweight child with hair resembling cornhusks, purple lips and deep sunken eyes would relay a sure sign. Worse yet, how do you ask if the baby has AIDS if it’s not obvious?

  Angie’s stomach felt queasy just thinking about it. She felt blindfolded while pressing forward yet she continued. Mandy may have evidence to prove wrongdoing on Craig or Martin’s part outlining the pressing nature of a discussion with her. In a sense, Mandy held many of the answers that could remedy Angie’s induced oppression. Taking a deep breath, she tapped on the door. The anticipation welled while the handle turned and prompted Angie to grasp Lances hand firmer in hers. Angie’s heart began to thud louder as the door creaked opened.

  “Hi can I help you?” asked Mandy.

  Appearing of a normal weight with her hair glimmering in the sunlight smooth and glossy, a white smile and rosy lips greeted them.

  “It’s me Angelina…and Lance. Do you remember us?”

  “Yes I do, oh my goodness how you have grown Lance!” Leaning in toward Angie, Mandy said in a soft murmured tone, “Trouble brews dear, he’s already a heartbreaker.”

  “Thanks.” Angie said as she continued to size her up for any signs of illness.

  A young girl appeared in the doorway and caught Lance’s eye. They quickly sized each other up.

  “Alexi, Lance. Lance, Alexi. If you two would like you can go play in your room.” Mandy said.

  “Sure Lance, go ahead. Have fun you two.” Angie said.

  “What can I do for you?” Mandy asked.

  “Sorry to bother you, can I get a glass of water before we start?” Angie said.

  “Sure, I’m sorry, how rude of me.”

  Angie’s eyes glanced around the room searching for anything to substantiate what she thought. They fell upon a basket with two payments due sitting open and exposed.

  “Here Angie, your water.”

  “Thanks.” Angie said.

  Mandy paused, then grasped her glass of water and took a drink. Angie noticed the slick condensation dripping off the bottom of the glass.

  “Craig stopped paying the house payments and the taxes on the home. Our divorce will finalize once the home sells, as it remains the final marital asset. The bank auctioned the home and threw us out on the street. I’ve got about nine days left to redeem it from judicial foreclosure by paying the $9,000 owed on it.”

  “Angie I’m sorry to hear that happened.” Mandy said.

  “Thanks. I managed to obtain a key from Craig in court after he changed the locks on us so we have living-accommodations for now. However, I need proof of their wrongdoings so I can compel one of them to give me $9,000. Lance and I don’t want to continue sleeping in the Buick and showering in the library sink anymore.” Angie said.

  “How can I help?”

  “My purpose for visiting you remains twofold. The second part began as a quest. I know Craig lied about Governor’s Insurance on many levels. Do you have inside knowledge on his lies?”

  Angie wanted to ask the looming question about Alexi’ father but felt it would appear rude.

  With fists tightening Mandy said, “I don’t know anything. I spoke with Craig occasionally, however the last time we spoke occurred over five years ago.”

  “Did he say anything about Governors Insurance or where he keeps the records; the real records? Not the fake ones he offered me that he wiped clean or the ones he planted in my trunk when I told him of my upcoming audit.”

  “He did what? No Angie sorry I don’t know anything.” Mandy said.

  “Mandy, do you know what Craig did to all of our friends and neighbors on our block? He cheated them out of their rightful insurance claims. When a client needed to make a claim for an employee injured on the job, Craig bullied them with fear of raised premiums so they would not make a claim. Ultimately, insured clients settled with injured workers out of pocket. After the cycle repeated itself he and Martin went in and pillaged what remained of the businesses and clients they’d once insured.” Angie said.

  “During one phone call, a drunken Craig, told me his father, Mark, provided him with enough ammunition to ruin Hattie, Craig’s aunt. Mark never liked Hattie because she blamed him for her sister’s death. That’s all I know.”

  “Thank you for your candor. Well it’s getting late. Lance and I need to get home.”


  “Lance we need to get going.”

  Life would change, for the worse, if Lance had the ability to read Angie’s mind. The selfish behavior Craig displayed provoked feelings of despise in Angie that swelled like the tide. Lance had not begun to ask about his father yet. What would she tell him when he did? Oh what a great fisherman we see, working, slaving in the Bering Sea. First one swell and then another, the frigid temperatures first took him then his brother.

  “What mom?” Lance asked.

  “We need to go dear.”


  “Bye Mandy. Bye-bye Alexi.” Angie said.

  Alexi stood at the doorway waving her pint-sized hand back and forth similar to that of a bobble-head figurine.

  “Bye. Take care.” Mandy said.

  Mandy’s lying and I know it. How can she afford such an extravagant house and car on a waiter’s salary? She pulled the straw that broke the camel’s back! Up to now, I’ve set aside observance of religious beliefs and good moral character. No more. Let the games begin, an eye for an eye.

  Chapter 18

  “Tammy I don’t know what I’m going to do. As the clock continues ticking I realize the information I have isn’t enough.”

  “How did it go with Mandy yesterday?”

  “Well for starters, the gloves came off after I suspected her of lying. The rules changed; none exist now. Trying to play fair with Craig and his flunkies presents a problem. She lied and said she knew nothing. Yet I can’t make sense of her having the ability to afford an expensive home and car on a server’s salary. I didn’t ask her about Martin and paternity; however she sure looked like him.”

  “Angie it’s time to fight fire with fire. We need to use ‘that scent of a woman guy’ now so we can carry out our plan.” Tammy said.

  “Please clue me in on the plan!”

  “John knows Craig, you said it yourself, and they’ve remained friends for a long time. Sending John in wouldn’t appear out of the ordinary. He can gather the files fo
r us.”

  “How will he gain access to the safes if they have combo locks?” Angie said.

  “Remember what you told me Angie about the scent of a woman. Well it works just as well in reverse. I know that Candy has an unfailing infatuation with wealth. John owns fourteen multiple automotive dealerships in Michigan. We send John in as a decoy. We let him believe he can have his way with Candy and keep you as the grand prize. He’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand. Candy will never suspect anything as she has no morals.” Tammy said.

  “This will take some finesse on my part with John, and let me tell you the sight of the man makes my stomach turn.” Angie said.

  “Why do you find him so appalling Angie?”

  “Tammy when Craig and I met our marriage started out great and then he showed his true colors. John acts like his pawn wannabe. If Craig said jump, John asked how high. John had a chance to show he sported a full set of balls, yet instead he cowered in the corner like a punk-ass teenager caught in bed with someone’s daughter trying to scratch their itch.” Angie said.

  “I’m intrigued, please go on.”

  “The incident happened at a Halloween party. Craig and a few of his friends enjoyed a tailgate party beforehand.”

  “I can sense trouble already.” Tammy said.

  “As the designated driver that night I did not drink. Upon arrival, we began mingling with friends from school and a cousin of the host. A few minutes later Craig pulled the rug from beneath my feet. Craig, acting like a raging lunatic, flipped out because I’d spoken with another man for three minutes; the host’s cousin. Like a rabid dog, Craig grabbed me by the neck and began choking me. Gasping for air I tried to pry his hands off my throat but couldn’t. John stood there watching. I stared right back in his blank dark eyes, he did nothing.”

  “How’d you get away from him?” Tammy asked.

  “The host’s chivalrous cousin sliced upward at Craig’s arms with his own. Catching Craig by surprise, he lost his grip and released the chokehold he forced on me. As I coughed and gasped this guy squared off with Craig. As the shouting match ensued Craig’s drunken reasoning accused the man of looking at me and I back at him. He then proceeded to announce that if any mother scratcher wanted to flirt with me they’d have to go through him first.” Angie said.


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