ISOLATION: Child Support 911

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ISOLATION: Child Support 911 Page 12

by Tabitha White

  Thinking about Jaid’s persuasive personality interrupted Angie’s train of thought.

  Not knowing Jaid, I must remember she represented Craig from the get go of this tangled mess. What could prompt her to change sides? Has Craig paid her to dupe me? In a sense Craig does have the money to do it, although, Jaid appeared frustrated with Craig in court when the truth surfaced.

  Time spent with Craig and his family produced innuendos of distrust that Angie never experienced before with family. Everything came into question including people and their motives. Questions loomed overhead like live power-lines charged and ready to snap about why Jaid turned on Craig and offered to help Angie.

  “Sam, my assistant, looked at their corporations and discovered clean records. This raises a red flag. Sam and I need to continue searching to reveal the truth. Martin holds the title of president; Craig; a pro-bono manager, and according to their tax records, Craig hasn’t drawn a salary. These facts never surfaced in prior representation of Craig on child support matters. Speaking of which I have some files you need to look through; however keeping matters legal, access remains limited to company employees. Sam needs a week off. Will you fill in for him while he’s on vacation?”

  “Yes I will. When do I start?”

  “Fill this W-2 form out and you will begin today.” Jaid said.

  Jaid sat back in her commanding leather chair while bouncing her fingertips together. Intertwining all her fingers, except the two index, which pointed like a gun toward Craig’s file, she said, “This stack of files will direct my next action in court. Go over them with a fine-tooth comb. Paralegal’s provide fuel for attorney’s next actions.”

  Angie remained motionless entertaining the notion presented before her. I’d have unrestricted access to Craig’s file. Angie’s body warmed like a menopausal woman experiencing a hot flash. Still uncertain about the sincerity of Jaid’s plans Angie’s eyes remained affixed to the hook dangled in front of her. Craig’s voice, arrogant in stature, streamed through her memory as a wicked vision. His brash words played out like an old skipping forty-five, reiterating his favorite mantra, watch and learn.

  “Brace yourself Angie.”


  “Judicial proceedings take on a stronger meaning when you read them.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” Angie said.

  Gathering a large stack of files off her desk with her left hand Jaid’s right swept upward in an arcing C formation; Angie followed. Entering the conference room, lights illuminated a stack of files on the ominous conference room table. A faint scent of pinion` incense hung in the air.

  Walking toward the door Jaid said, “Angie you can go through the files in the conference room across the hall.”

  Angie followed Jaid into the opulent conference room.

  “What a beautiful room!” Angie said.

  “Make yourself comfortable. There’s a small refrigerator across the hall, help yourself to a beverage.”

  Angie’s eyes soaked up the awe-inspiring décor in the room. Front and center, a black-walnut table with cherry-wood inlay resembling a buffalo, boasted unparalleled artisanship.

  “Thank you. What information shall I pull from the files?” Angie asked.

  “I need to know if any of those files need a motion filed today.”

  Jaid exited the room as the door latch clicked behind her. Angie pulled the stack of files toward her where Craig’s file glared back at her atop the pile. Angie opened the file and began to unravel years of shrouded mystery amid a thudding heart.

  “Shit!” she screamed as fury and rage welled inside her. Tightening fists assisted a rapid pulse pounding in her ears. Craig’s trying to bamboozle us! Her eyes moving further down the page gave way to a steady rise in her blood pressure.

  “Craig has petitioned the court for custody of Lance!”

  Angie began pacing the room to deter her thoughts of killing Craig; however pacing didn’t reduce this desire.

  Deep breaths, deep breaths.

  Angie paused in full stride, her eyebrows reaching as far up as her stretching skin would allow. Adrenaline raced through her veins as she continued reading the motion.

  “You fool! Never! How dare he ask the court for custody and in an expedited hearing! What the hell, this court date takes place two days from now!”

  Her eyes scanned the motion in rapid succession in an attempt to detect the filing date. Filed two weeks earlier, served a few days ago at her last known address, which Craig knew she did not reside at left Angie feeling like a pawn.

  Mind over matter; Craig, rot in hell! I’m armed with knowledge now.

  Angie pulled the motion out and placed them in priority status on the far left. The mere thought of this jagged reality furrowed her brow. Had Craig pulled off his clandestine attempts Lance would have become a pawn in Craig’s wicked game of chess. Craig wouldn’t know what to do with Lance had he won full custody. Angie understood what a no show, on either party’s behalf, represented in court; default judgment went in favor to the party present. Craig Freeman you’re one sick animal. Perhaps the time has arrived for me to name trump you jackass!

  Sam made his presence known with a rapid thump and the latch clicking.

  “Before I clock out I need to copy a couple of papers.”

  “Sure.” Angie said lifting her hands and pushing her chair to the left allowing Sam access in the files on the table.

  “Have you worked for Jaid long?” Angie asked peering over Sam’s shoulder.

  Sam sensed Angie’s intrusive eyes from a slower cadence in her voice and positioned his body perpendicular to Angies.

  Oh, okay. Well excuse me; I thought Jaid told me I had unrestricted access to the file. I wonder what the hell he’s taking out of the file anyway.

  “Yes since…” Sam paused and then continued, “For a long time. Okay I have everything I need. I’ll put the originals back later-on today.”

  “Have a good day Angelina.” Sam said as the latch clicked.

  Grinning a slanted smile with the gold mine in front of her Angie murmured, “Memory’s a weak slave; time to name trump!”

  As she read each paper, Angie felt a deeper wound in her heart. She had difficulty accepting the truth before her; Craig lied to a judge trying to get custody of Lance and abscond from paying child support. Coward.

  Angie’s mind jumped from paper to paper like a skipping record. The magnitude of his deception made her heart skip a beat.

  Why does this Statement of Assets say he has none? Liar! He received an inheritance.

  Craig’s arsenal of lies included working under-the-table in his own insurance company. Based on that fact, Angie had difficulty collecting child support. When he claimed he had no income the court had no merit to incarcerate him for nonpayment, and according to his IRS tax records, he didn’t.

  Hawk eyes honed in on Craig’s signature on an affidavit stating the integrity of the information provided to the court, to the best of his knowledge. They should have printed the words LIAR underneath his name.

  Hatred attached itself to the inner walls of Angie’s heart as she reflected on the deep irreparable wounds Craig inflicted on her and Lance. Her heart thudded quick and left Angie feeling as if she’d suffocate. The window provided a reprieve. Angie felt like a link in Craig’s chain.

  “Hi Tammy, it's Angie. Craig’s lies reach further than I expected. Besides the foreclosure, Craig planned on petitioning the court for full custody of Lance.”

  “That evil bastard!” Tammy said.

  Angie began to ponder how Craig’s deception affected people, as her thoughts focused on John; a mere pawn in this game of chess. Murder for hire motives can play tricks on one’s imagination and knowing John’s prior improprieties raises concerns. I hope he does not have a tendency to split apart at the seams learning he sat in second chair.

  “He lists himself as pro-bono manager of Governor’s Insurance yet he never draws a salary. Jaid and Sam have found nothing
in any of the corporate documents filed for Governors Insurance.”

  “We still have Martin and Candy in our back pocket!”

  “Please explain.” Angie asked.

  “In Martin and Candy’s world, the February Art Frenzy that Candy chairs, has become their golden child. Out of mutual business respect, I attended it during the first year they wrote the insurance policy for our construction company. When her children approached her with a question she acted like they had broken a Ming Dynasty vase.” Tammy said.

  “What do you mean by that?” Angie said.

  “Candy spoke in French with an art dealer and his wife from Europe. Her children approached asking questions about the chocolate fountain on a buffet table. Candy pulled the children aside and scolded them for asking her a question. The art dealer’s wife leaned in toward her husband and in English said, “This woman’s an ass.”

  “Okay, taking down Martin and Candy encompasses using their vanity and arrogance as our edge. Oh what a wonderful and wicked vision my mind sees.” Angie said.

  “Golden, I love it!”

  “Angie when I lost everything I had nothing but time. I’ve observed Craig, Martin and Candy for over a month now. I know all their habits and idiosyncrasies. I think as they think and have memorized their routine so I don’t think, I just act. Messing with their lives, in true psychological-thriller fashion, as they have mine, provides satisfaction. Psychological tweaking can mess with one’s mind; they brought it on themselves. Wouldn’t you agree?” Tammy said.

  “Tammy if we can even the score with Craig and Martin for all wrong they’ve imposed on past clients, my burden would lift and I’d remain grateful. When I look back over the years I wish I’d left him sooner.”

  “Why didn’t you leave him, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “Well it’s not that easy.” Angie said.

  “Just approach the door, wave your hand and say good-bye.” Tammy said.

  “I don’t know. It’s just not that easy, life breeds complications.”

  “Touché. We’ll talk more when you get home.”

  Turning off the light and closing the door behind her Angie ushered in a billowy reality. The familiar latching of the door sounded. The door closed on the old as she entered a new chapter in her life. Lance and Angie no longer held the short end of the stick; they now had multiple aces. Crossing the hallway to Jaid’s door Angie knocked but received no answer.

  “Angie, we’re up here at the front desk.” Jaid said leaning half into the hallway so Angie could see her.

  Class reigned supreme in Angie’s stature as she walked toward the front of the office while questions’, circling like vultures, about the absence of Craig’s infiltrated topside.

  Walking up the hallway thoughts fired through Angie’s mind in rapid succession on Craig’s deceit and betrayal all while her heavy footsteps sounded like gongs walking back to the front of Jaid’s office.

  “Jaid I’ve found evidence that Craig filed for full custody of Lance!”

  “Interesting, Jaid said. Keep in mind attorney-client-privilege guides my actions. However, since you discovered this on your own and I no longer represent Craig, we can advance with our next move.”

  “Finally, I feel like I have clout in my corner. Our priority is a custody hearing; where you will represent me. Jaid, I never believed Craig could stoop that low.” Angie asked.

  “Stop digging up dirt on Craig and focus on the custody hearing because he’s asked for an expedited court date.” Jaid said.

  “Okay. When I do collect evidence against Craig, he’s never going to wrong another person again.”

  “Court dates wait for no one.” Jaid said.

  “Jaid, you should know that I’ve joined forces with a former client of Craig and Martin’s. Her name is Tammy. They duped Tammy and her husband Al, out of everything.” Angie said.

  Jaid’s eyebrows told a tale of intrigue as she asked, “How did they do that?”

  Jaid suspected Craig’s business of wrongdoing, and had yet to learn of his criminal dealings and ruthlessness with former close friends and neighbors.

  “Craig and Martin own Governor’s Insurance. They acquired most of the business owners as client’s years ago in their respective neighborhoods. They sold them Workers' Compensation insurance policies. When a valid claim arose, they’d inform the client their premiums would triple. This insurance scheme forced most clients out of business. Many, out of shear financial despair, chose bankruptcy.”

  “How long have they done this?” Jaid asked.

  “From the first day they incorporated the business. The real kicker came in when clients paid for valid claims out of pocket and tried to make it work financially while continuing with business as usual. As time passed, another injury would arise where the cycle repeated itself. Clients, who previously had the financial backing to hold on, couldn’t do so past a second claim. At that point, they’d file bankruptcy. Following that Martin and Craig would swoop in, acquire the business and add them to the balance sheet of Anthony Giannola or Judge Hall’s companies.”

  “Judge Hall? Anthony Giannola. Tread with a light step there Angie I’ve heard Anthony has ties to the mafia.”

  “I know. As for Judge Hall, he’s as corrupt as them come. That’s how Craig has avoided just punishment all these years. He’s ridden the fine line between illegal and legal since we first stepped foot in the Friend of the Court courtroom. Craig has no moral compass.” Angie said.

  “Please explain.” Jaid asked.

  “Take his job at Governors for example. He receives money from the company somehow, evidenced by paying for his home and car among other luxuries. Yet for the court, he states he’s a pro-bono manager and earns nothing. His morals remain in the gutter, however it’s legal.”

  “Angie I never had any idea he took part in any of this.”

  “He’ll get what’s coming to him. We’re working on collecting evidence against Craig. I’ve invited Tammy and her son to stay with us while we collect evidence.” Angie said.

  “Angie, I’ll say it again; you and I have to appear in court in a few days. Set all this aside, I need you to focus on this custody hearing.”

  “I will. I know custody takes precedence, but Jaid don’t you see the pattern with Craig. He doesn’t stop on the first rung of the ladder giving grief to me; he carries out another subplot and imbues grief into every molecule of my body. Joy would overtake me if I held a knife to his paltry throat and sliced and diced him until he became unrecognizable!” Angie said.

  “Angie! I didn’t hear any of that. This secondary conversation never happened. You need to go home and gather yourself for our impending court date. Bye Angie, I’ll call you tomorrow and we can regroup then. We have court two days from now; focus.”

  “Thanks Jaid. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

  Chapter 23

  “Angie I think we have a problem.” John said.

  “Please explain.” Angie said.

  “This woman Candy isn’t as forthright as you said. I don’t think she will hand over the files.”

  “John, use your creativity. Do you remember the first time we met in the club and you presented yourself as a suave and confident man? You controlled how you presented yourself. When Gail approached, you turned it off. But when I spoke with you suave mannerisms were obvious in your behavior. You couldn’t stand the sight of Gail could you? It appeared as if she made your skin crawl.”

  “Well you see Sugar she’s hot for me. However, I’m not interested in Gail. I hated wasting my time talking with her in the club when I could have spoken with someone as fine as you. She wasn’t going to get anywhere with me.” John said.

  “I understand. I’ve dealt with similar circumstances myself in the past. Pinpoint the problem with Candy for me.” Angie said.

  “First, this refined social-status fantasy has her believing she’ll appear on the cover of Vogue. The lone magazine she’d make the cover of would be Trash U.S
.A. I’m not sure how I’m going to get her hot and bothered enough so she will reveal the locations of the files to me.”

  “John, if she does not disclose the file locations to you don’t worry about it. Visit her and break into the safe. Have you noted the details of the security measures he and Craig have in place?”

  “I have them marked down and I’m doing my best. But Sugar, these two act like they’re hiding something comparable to gold in Ft. Knox because they employed some fancy high tech security measures.” John said.

  “Can’t you hire someone to help you? Someone who will help little old you to break into their safes so you can find your way back to little old me? I’m waiting for you John. Wondering and waiting, however as I told you earlier in the week, I have to provide for my son first. I could not in good conscience allow my son’s basic needs to go unmet before my personal pleasures.”

  “I hear you Sugar. Darling when I hear you talk like that I can’t contain myself! I’ve been waiting for you to look my way and see me as the man who will replace Craig. I receive annual checks from my conservator; I’ll use that money to hire a professional thief for help with the safes. Knowing you’re my prize makes it all worthwhile. Can I call you later and go over the details of the plan for the safes once I talk with a professional?”

  Angie cringed at the mere thought.

  “Sure.” Angie said.

  Chapter 24

  The sun reflected off the church’s gothic windows while the town slumbered. Trailing off in the distance the faint hum of a snowplow dragging its thick metal blade greeted a duet of sanitation workers. A peaceful quiet encapsulated Angie’s thoughts as her mind drifted back to when their story began.

  Somehow, reminiscent of how summer gradually gives way to autumn things changed. Craig became fixated on success. In an instant, his suave demeanor changed from self-assured and affectionate to self-centered and noncommittal. Over time, this changed into a narrow focus where he honed all his efforts into his business and harnessed the momentum of those around him to propel him to success. In the end, he began avoiding family responsibility at all cost.


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