ISOLATION: Child Support 911

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ISOLATION: Child Support 911 Page 14

by Tabitha White

  Tears begin streaming down Angie’s cheeks as she bent her knees and lowered herself backward into the chair. Motioning with her hand for Tammy to leave the room Angie said, “Just go.”

  “Perhaps time alone will do you good right now, however, inner conflict; I don’t buy it! Craig and Martin cheated you out of a chapter in your life that you will never regain! They’ve wronged us all, perhaps you the worst by making you the fall guy. The records in your trunk showed you’d falsified documents alluding to your knowledge of the embezzlement by your signature on checks! Good forgeries too I might add! If I did not know you better, I’d say you signed the checks. My god Angie they have framed you for embezzlement; that warrants twenty years! Of course that’s assuming the mafia doesn’t mark you first! So you take all the time you need to regroup and realize their actions precipitated all-out war!”

  “Tammy, please just go!”

  “I’m going, but first I want you to ponder this. If an assailant held you at gunpoint, robbed you and told you that if you testified against them they’d kill you and you didn’t testify; they’d escape justice. This parallels Craig and Martin. Had you done nothing Craig and Martin would escape justice and continue destroying people’s lives robbing them of their dignity. Like a brave dove, you put the wheels of justice in motion. I admire you for your bravery.” Tammy said.

  Angie’s chin quivered as she muttered sitting on the end of her mattress. Tammy noticed that Angie appeared disconnected. Pride once again took a back seat causing this reoccurring event to stir suppressed feelings of rage, yet she sobbed.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Tammy said as she closed the door.

  With the chips down I grabbed for the closest lifeline; criminal activity.

  Angie stood up, walked to the bureau, and picked up a picture of her mother and father.

  What would they have wanted me to do? They’d say fight for my rights and the rights of my son. Lance depends on me to protect him; he has no one else.

  Using the back of her hand as a mock tissue Angie wiped the teardrops of her pity party and glared at herself in the mirror.

  “A pity party! I’ve got nothing to feel guilty about. That prick left us destitute and did not look back; nor did any of his relatives and they damn well had the means!” Angie said.

  Outside the door, Tammy overheard Angie regaining her typical behavior filled with tenacity and courage bringing a smile on her lips.

  “Yes!” Tammy said.

  Looking in the mirror Angie spoke saying, “You Angelina Steadfast, sole provider for Lance, will stand up, brush the resignation off your shoulders and dig your heels firm in the ground! The war’s just begun and you have a home to save! They tried to frame you, think about that woman, you’d spend twenty years in jail leaving Lance to fall prey to a broken system. Neutralization of your opponent appeared as your lone choice; never let your guard down.” Angie said.

  “My hidden ace arrives soon. This will surely put the screws to Craig and Martin. The best part; they never saw it coming!” Angie roared with wicked laughter.

  Chapter 26

  “Sit up you stupid ass! You’re making it difficult for me to contort your body to this shape when you keep falling over. I’m talking to myself, Craig passed out thanks to the chloroform.” the captor said.

  Indiscriminate grunts emanate from Craig in a low and overt tone.

  “Resembling our states deepest lake, you wrongly identified with superiority. Funny to see how your life now resembles Gordon’s phrase; the gales of November come slashing. When you wake and find yourself in isolation, you can try and slash your way out; good luck cowboy! Leaving Angie and Lance destitute in a foreclosed home and then for dead living in their car while you cruised around on a $45,000 Indian cycle warrants isolation. You’ve no courage; no guts, you exemplify cowardice. Speak or forever hold your peace.”

  A long silent pause followed.

  “Hmm nothing; no chortling, no tears or words of remorse, not a single word pervading your vocal cords. Well how about we give those vocal cords one more jab and see if that wakes them or you up.

  A loud whump followed a crushing blow delivered to Craig’s vocal cords caused Craig to begin with a dull ‘oooaughoaua’ as he gasped while spitting out blood.

  “Just as I figured you wouldn’t have much to say. Perhaps the chloroform I gave you aids your silence, not that it matters anyway. You’re guilty! I gave you a chance to speak and defend yourself and you chose not to say a damn word. Oh well. Let’s tighten this ball crusher around your jewels and see if you have anything to say then.”

  Metallic screeching and clacking sounds of steel vice grips tightening resonate in the arid air.

  Craig winced in pain as inaudible words and saliva dribble from his mouth like green slime dangling off his lip.

  “You look a bit grotesque to me. Welcome to the butcher’s shop. Mr. Freeman I must warn you, I’ve noticed your limbs appear similar to the fleshy pendant-like lobe in the back of your throat; the Uvula. Your arms dangle like that of a Halloween skeleton greeting trick-or-treaters.”

  Another unsubstantial flinch from a crushed arm occurs and a deep but subdued grunt occupies the airwaves. The deep howls from the fiery bellows continued to feed the captor and brought about a wicked snickering.

  “Ready for a drink? On the rocks, straight, shaken or stirred? Hmmm, no response. Hell and I thought you liked to party! With you, I suppose it’s your way or the highway. Those days have passed Cowboy. You’re lucky I didn’t leave you out there for the wolves or the coyotes…they would’ve had a field day with you son. They’d stumble into town drunk after devouring up your sorry bag of bones. Anyway, I’m having fun; I hope you enjoy the festivities! Would you have preferred I let you to the coyotes?”

  Short vibrant trilled chirring sounds of grasshoppers and cicada‘s carved out the backdrop of the evening.

  “Now let’s see here, leg length about thirty four inches. This Styrofoam cuts easier than I thought.”

  First creaking sounds permeate the air then soft brushing sounds as limbs moved across the Styrofoam suggest hasty movements by the captor.

  “Whoops! You don’t want to fall out now. It’s a long, long way down. I better staple you in a bit better.”

  The quick snapping sounds of a contractor’s electric staple gun occurred that resemble the rat-tat-tat-tat of a machine gun.

  “There we go those heavy-duty staples will keep you in place while I form this Styrofoam around your legs. You amaze me with your legs dangling like a marionette on four strings and a wooden cross.”

  Plugging its nose Craig’s captor spoke.

  “Operator can I help you? Who do you want to talk to today? Oh my dear boy do you see that gnarled tree over there? Your knuckles look so similar to it. Speak up son no one here can hear you mumbling and groveling. Speak up.” The captor said growing angrier. “It’s rude to mumble.”

  As a medium sized sledgehammer thrust into Craig’s left knee emitted a loud pop and caused a reflex action that kicked the left foot forward; it hung there, eerie dislocated and pulverized.

  “Cowboy that’s some hip new dance move you got there! “Boy! I’m talking to you boy! Got your ears on? Can you hear me?”

  Intermittent slapping sounds mark Craig’s captor using his cheeks for target practice trying to get a rouse out of him. Squealing sounds, like those of a rat, emanated from Craig. The morose smell began to invade the air causing hawks to begin circling; the vultures would swoon in next.

  “See that wooded parcel of land there? One of your victims owned that land. It held the promise of a home for them right until you forced them from their business and shattered their dreams. Do you see it?” Craig’s captor asked while holding its hand firm under Craig’s chin and turning his head toward the parcel.

  Squelching noises mixed with snapping sounds occur as the captor struck Craig’s fingers with crushing force. Craig winced in pain but couldn’t move. Less than an inch of space s
at between his broken body and the Styrofoam.

  “Well you’re going to see it for some time. You need to marinade until your flesh resembles the smell of rotten fish and ammonia. Oops! By then you’d have died and the blue flies would feast on you while maggots covered your body; well what’s left of it anyway. We did lose some of you back there on the dirt road. Sorry, no one told you to open the door; you chose to open the door.”

  Sounds of Styrofoam cut and snapped like toothpicks filled the darkness. A loud zonk rang in Craig’s ears, testing even the toughest nerves, as the captor broke off a large chunk of Styrofoam with a swift karate chop. With painstaking efforts the captor placed Styrofoam around Craig’s limp body and entombed him.

  “There you go. All snug like a bug in a rug. I brought you more music cowboy; three new wind chimes. The decent person that I present myself as influenced me to allot you a poop shoot and a urine tube. That way when you have to go to the john you won’t soil yourself. You’ll figure it out.” The captor said while breaking out in a roar of laughter infected with a virulent twang.

  “Oh, I almost forgot, before I leave you to wallow here in self-pity for today; your medicine. You like to drink so here you go Little Johnny take your medicine; Jack Daniels! Just what the doctor ordered.”

  The captor poured the liquid that, for Craig, now resembled molten ash forced down his throat as piercing sounds came from Craig expelling air from his lungs.

  “Controlling you has provided wicked entertainment for me. However, Mika has sold; well part of her. I’m dismantling her tonight. Tomorrow I begin selling parts across the globe. Destroying you has remained an obsession with me and I hope this plays a large part in your demise. Wait a minute isn’t that what you called her? See ya!”

  As Craig’s captor walked away Craig’s moaning took on a song-like cadence bellowed deep from within and began to fill the forest void.

  Chapter 27

  “Chase, have you seen this APB put out on Craig?” Jaid asked over breakfast.

  “Yes I have. Let me tell you off the record, his girlfriend the ditzy blonde, nags more than a thorn stuck in your ass. She keeps going on and on about how he wouldn’t do this. I keep telling her to look at his history. You know the cops haven’t even given this APB their lowest priority.”

  “How interesting.”

  “Word on the street says when the pig ditched his ex-wife and kid and left them in dire straits he drove an Indian cycle worth over $45,000.” Chase said.

  “I didn’t know about the Indian. Damages inflicted by Craig run deep. From what I’ve uncovered he went to great lengths to avoid paying child support. Damning evidence has surfaced proving he worked in cooperation with his relatives where they hide all assets so he could avoid paying a mere $26.00 a week in child support. He and his malicious relatives stir wicked visions in my head leaving a path of destruction in its wake. I see no use for vile humans whose evil and atrocious deeds resemble Hitler’s atrocities against Jewish folks.” Jaid said exasperating every cubic inch of air in her lungs.

  “Take a breath Jaid. Do you need some water? I know that still serves as a spring-fed source of pain.”

  “I’m fine. Knowing I represented such a vile person who alongside his relatives allowed family to starve and suffer, infuriates me!”

  “I know. Listen I’ll see you at the courthouse later. I’m off to the police station about another bounty.” Chase said.

  “Okay. Oh, before I forget Sam said he needed to speak with you and it’s urgent. Here you can reach him on my phone.” Jaid said extending her phone to Chase.

  Declining as shown by his hand gestures Chase said, “Thanks but I will have to catch up with him later.”

  This information prompted Chases heartbeat to pick up pace as he questioned does she know?

  Chapter 28

  “Angie we need to talk.” Tammy said.

  “I know, sorry about earlier. I needed time. Craig’s managed to ruin any option I had by lying. I’m happy my situation’s turning around.”

  “I’m glad we got things out in the open. Now we need to focus on getting proof to prompt him to pay you enough child support arrears so you can redeem your home. John called during your sabbatical.” Tammy said.

  “What did he say?”

  “He said his cousin and Martin have arrived in Petoskey giving him go ahead with Candy. One problem remains; Craig’s girlfriend Brit.”

  “Britney, she graced us with her presence in court. When Craig did not show, I noticed a blonde woman swarming by anyone who could offer an answer. She sat in the hot seat for Craig and let me tell you, it felt damn good to see his girlfriend sweat bullets for him because of his plan backfiring!” Angie said.

  “I’m happy for you Angie. Your success gives me hope. I misinterpreted your character when we met at the shelter. Now, how do we get proof of Martin and Craig embezzled from Anthony Giannola?”

  “With John setting his immediate sights on Candy and Craig neutralized what would stop him from setting them on Brittney as well?” Angie asked.

  “Angie that guy scares me. Can you trust him? Just talking with him on the phone displayed a few of his loose screws. In one breath he resembles a loose cannon, however, the larger concern; his likeness of someone who took far too many hits of acid during the 60’s.”

  “Believe me, I’ve noticed. Keeping with the hippie generation, he steers the conversation toward acid and Pink Floyd. He’s often in a hallucinogenic state. Later tonight I’ll tell you the bizarre things he told me.”

  “Why don’t we have time right now?” Tammy asked.

  “Because weird stuff that’s gone on over the years, even with Craig sitting on a bar stool next to me in the club, would take hours to tell you. What scares me about John, and the reason I’d never find myself alone with him, equates to something he calls a token of his affection that he’s getting for me.”

  “Let’s get what we need from him end our deal with him.” Tammy said.

  “I’m gearing up to call him to see how he’s going to go about getting Candy occupied so he can gain access to the safe.” Angie said.

  “I’ll leave you alone and keep the boys occupied so you can make that call.”


  Hearing the phone ringing Angie peered out the window and likened her calm demeanor to that of the still tire swing. No snow adorned any part of the rope leaving it appearing provincial in the backyard. Sheltered from the harsh elements today as the sun hid behind the clouds seemed a welcome reprieve.

  “John hi it’s Angie do you have a minute?”

  “I’m fine just sitting here thinking about us together allowing my infatuation for you to brim over.”

  “Now John, I’ve told you, I must take care of business before pleasure. What’s your plan to get the evidence out of Candy’s? The clock keeps ticking for me and Lance.”

  “Well I’m glad you said that. A man does have his needs you know. Since waiting for you I’ve limited my options Sugar.”

  Angie mimicked a self-induced gag-reflux and held up her middle finger, showing she’d uphold her dignity amid her life’s greatest misfortune.

  “Britney appears tall, and leggy; I think you will find her attractive. What’s the plan?”

  “Well Sugar I’ll keep Candy busy at her home tonight while you and Tammy break into the safe and get the evidence.”

  Angie broke into John’s sentence midstream before he could finish.

  “Me and Tammy?”

  “Well Sugar with my cousin hooking Martin right now that leaves you and Tammy to help.”

  “John that’s nothing like our original deal.”

  “Now Sugar I wouldn’t have involved you if I didn’t have to. If you want the evidence before Martin returns I don’t see any other way.”

  “John you infuriate me when you do not stick to the plan!”

  “Sorry Sugar I did not have any other options and I know you need the evidence.”

  “Who do y
ou propose we have babysit for our children?”

  “What about her ex-husband? Can’t he watch the children?” John said.

  “John, he left because of what Craig and Martin did. They robbed the man of his ability to provide for his family and stole the man’s dignity. Tammy said she’d never seen a man pushed over the edge like they pushed Al. Tammy said at first he began making excuses, then he became obsessed with this trinket, a castle, they’d picked up on vacation of the home they planned to build. After that he began self-medicating and drinking and he left. She has not seen him since. I’ll have to call you back when I find a sitter! I’m not happy about this John!”

  “I hope this does not change our original arrangement Sugar; I’m still counting down the days until our first real date.”

  Angie changed the tone of her voice and dropped it a couple of octaves to keep a silky demeanor about it. She knew she needed John as he remained the sole person who would do this for her. If John knew he held the key for this entire situation he would have called the shots and controlled Angie.

  “Sorry if I sounded angry there. I’m so deep in all of this and I just needed a momentary release. I’m afraid of losing everything. As a woman, I have needs. I understand that unexpected elements pop up and need addressing, however gearing them toward the main goal remains pressing. Success depends on a big strong stud like yourself and you just pulled a rabbit out of the hat. I’m sure Tammy will agree to partake in this clandestine mission as well. Give me a few and I’ll call you back.”

  “Talk to you then Sugar.”


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