ISOLATION: Child Support 911

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ISOLATION: Child Support 911 Page 18

by Tabitha White

  Chapter 35

  Excitement grew inside Angie walking past the bank’s marquee sign knowing powerful weapons inside belonged to her.

  “Hi. I wanted to gain access to my safety deposit box.”

  “Sure, fill this form out.”

  Angie scribbled in haste.

  “A man’s as tall as the sum of his deeds. That’s what my father used to say to me.” Angie said to the bank teller as she handed her the form.

  “Your father and mother’s spirit lives in you, God rest their souls. Do you still live nearby?” asked the clerk.

  “Yes, still living in Farmington Hills, can’t yet find it within myself to leave. Maybe someday Lance and I will leave here but for now I need to focus on our future.”

  “May we go in?” Angie asked this old friend.

  Looking over the paper the clerk said, “You’re all set; take care.”

  Holding a basket of suckers, lowered to Lance’s level, the clerk said, “Go ahead take one honey.”

  As Lance indulged in a root beer sucker, he and Angie began to make their way to the area of the bank set aside for safe-deposit box examination. Marble lining the walls and floors, muffled the sounds as Lance and Angie made their way down a long hallway. Passing by pictures of former U.S. presidents Lance chimed in, “That’s Carter, Regan, and Bush.” His words trailed off as their focus shifted to a ‘clip-clop’ sound that resembled a horse trot. I hope she doesn’t slip and fall in those heels on the marble floor.

  “Right here Lance, box 701.”

  “The aces live here mommy?” Lance asked looking up at Angie as if she held the answers to life’s greatest mysteries.

  “Yes my dear, some of them live here. Your grandmother always told me and now I’ll tell you, ‘Never keep all your eggs in one basket.”

  “We’re going to scramble them right?” Lance asked.

  Laughing, Angie said, “No my dear we’re not going to scramble them.” She replied pushing the hair on his forehead off toward the side. Kneeling down to his level she said, “These aces represent our ticket to freedom. Timing their arrival on set remains key. That time has arrived. Do you remember grandma’s other saying?”

  “You will know when the time’s right.” Lance replied.

  “That’s right. And how do you think I know that time has arrived?”

  “Because you will know in your heart just like grandma said.” Lance murmured tracing a letter x across his heart.

  “That’s right, because you will know. How will you know when you’re in love?” Angie asked Lance. “Do you remember how grandma knew she loved grandpa?”

  “I forgot that one.”

  “She said he offered a hand to help her get out of the car. When their hands touched, she knew.” Angie said.

  “I’m getting hungry, can we get some food; how about pizza?”

  “Sure we’ll eat when we leave here.” Angie retrieved the contents of the safety-deposit-box leaving only a piece of black felt adhered to the bottom of the narrow metal receptacle; and the memory of an Ace.

  Lance and Angie once again made their way down the long hallway with its muffled sounds. The walls seemed ominous, the ceiling hung overhead void of any daylight except for the large open rooms at either end.

  “Okay my dear let’s go and get some breakfast.” Angie said.

  Waving to past acquaintances the tellers smiled back at Angie and Lance. Exiting the building revealed glorious sunshine where Angie’s eyes fell upon three small Black-Capped Chickadee birds sitting on a rock wall gathering food and brush for their nest. Angie understood the bird’s instinctive nature. Opening the car door and fastening Lance’s booster seat belt she thought about their next stop.

  “Mom I’m starving.” Lance said with extra emphasis on the ‘g’ of starving.

  Angie decided to drive past the park where she established the most important friendship in her life with her one true constant, the tire swing. It swayed in the gentle breeze, the various strands woven in the figure eight pattern forming the three-strand twisted rope. Remaining loyal through scraped knees and tattered-Barbie’s this adolescent sidekick never chafed. The fibers of the elongated flank of rope still looked supple as if commissioning it occurred yesterday.

  “What would you like?”

  “Pizza!” Lance said.

  “For breakfast? You’re funny, besides that, you’re going to look like a pizza soon. We will have to eat on the run today as we have an important meeting today.”

  “Okay.” Lance said.

  Jaid requested a meeting before the whoopla began again. However, Angie decided this crucial information must remain protected from prying eyes and felt her trunk would safeguard it for now. Inserting the key into the trunk lock prompted the metal lid to lift where her eyes fell upon a silver matte suitcase.

  What evidence have they planted this time?

  Angie’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt. Craig and Martin planted evidence in a clear plastic bag. This suitcase has numeral code-locks on both latches. At first disbelief permeated every fiber in Angie’s body. That quickly changed to acceptance. I knew it!

  Chapter 36

  “Good morning Jaid.”

  “Morning Chase, have you spoke with the police? They’re looking for Craig.”


  “Has your investigation produced any new leads?”

  “No, but I have some leads to follow.”

  “Who’s the latest bounty?”

  “File number 231, Alan Dekking. He’s the one who skipped on identity theft charges.”

  “How much has the court set his bond at? Jaid asked looking through his file?”

  “He’s a whale; $75,000 dollars.” Chase said.

  “Wow! You may have just bought me a new pair of shoes!”

  “Why does Craig stir the pot in the law enforcement community?” Chase said.

  “I’m not sure; it’s confusing as I have an entire office of files, as does the courthouse, of deadbeat parents who don’t pay their support. Word on the street from Vitale’s says he’s involved in a three-ring-circus act between himself, his brother Martin and their Aunt Hattie defrauding the government by tax evasion. Martin insisted my client not receive any money due her, so he manipulated Craig and Hattie by persuading them to place all Craig’s assets in an account in Hattie’s name. While they focused on Martin’s plan they left a paper trail comparable to the Great Wall of China.”

  “How the hell did they do that?”

  “In conspiring to keep money out of Angie’s hands they became accessories in a felony and fugitives. I believe they’ll all face felony charges.” Jaid said.

  “The muck deepens every day, that’s why I enjoy the law.” Chase said.

  “Federal agents have already visited the bank where Hattie works and Martin’s last place of employment. Last I heard they hauled Candy and her children down to the station for questioning because Craig and the gang have disappeared. The feds froze all their assets and persuaded Martin’s mortgage company to invoke an escalation-clause on their note. Life, driven by hatred, landed them up the creek without a paddle.” Jaid said.

  “An escalation-clause, that’s serious. They must feel confident the evidence supports a long stay at the local correctional-facility.”

  “I’ve seen it happen more often since the economic meltdown in 2008. Craig and I parting ways remains a shrewd decision on my part. His absence makes him look guilty.”

  “Any ideas where they’d hide?”


  “Wherever they’ve gone someone will recognize them eventually. When they return they’ll face multiple charges and the unwitting people they used as pawns will have their day in court.”

  “What’s Angie’s opinion on this?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll ask her this morning.”

  “Does she know what happened to Craig?”

  “Chase I’ve been knee-deep in another case. We haven’t spoken about this yet.” Jaid sa

  “Perhaps the firestorm of investigative-activity by the police and the feds will contribute to her case against Craig.”

  “Angie remains focused on obtaining proof of Craig’s wrongdoing to prompt him to pay her so she can redeem her home.”

  “I could use someone with her determination working for me.” Chase said.

  “Listen Chase, Craig and his flunkies are ruthless, but Angie, she’s brilliant! Her mind speaks criminology and she doesn’t realize it. If anyone can obtain pertinent evidence to persuade him, she will. Craig has great skills; however, Angie possesses genius abilities in clandestine-operations.”

  Chapter 37

  “Seems there’s a bounty on your head boy. Perhaps I should turn you over to the authorities and collect the finder’s fee.”

  “Why don’t you show me your face you coward?” Craig said.

  “Let’s begin again; where’s the will? For starters, tell me about the innocent people’s lives you destroyed. Did you feel remorse when you bullied them and stole their livelihoods and their children’s futures? The time for redemption has come. Make amends and I’ll let you live!”

  Deafening silence ensued. Then Craig scoffed saying, “Go to hell!”

  “Consider that your one chance cowboy! Incidentally, how has the bathroom situation worked out for you? Do the flies make their way up the gravity tubes you’re using as a poop shoot? Ha Ha Ha! How does it feel, forced to surrender control, as you inch toward death? Thanks. We profited nicely selling Mika. Incidentally, she looks like an unrecognizable heap of leftover metal parts. Getting back to business, as I said you lost your one chance cowboy, now we’ll write the script of this who-dun-it and let the police figure it out.”

  “You can’t keep me here like this! I have rights you know. Why do I not hear the other person? Did you kill them?”

  “Oh the poor boy speaks. Maybe they’re dead; maybe they’re not. Let that marinade in your demented mind. So you think you have rights. What about your boy? What about his rights? That boy did nothing to you, nothing! What about the people you robbed; you destroyed their families. You sick pig don’t you ever tell me you’ve got rights! I’ll give you rights, a right to scream all you want because nobody will hear you out here. Do you know where we’ve kept you? It sure as hell isn’t the old horse farm.”

  “You cannot leave me out here in the freezing cold, I’ll die! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!”

  “Now you’re catching on. Go ahead scream. I’ll allow you the next ten minutes to scream as loud as you can. Go ahead bust a gut, or should I say bust a lung. If someone in hears you within the next ten minutes I won’t try to stop them, I’ll let you go. Otherwise you and my old buddy chloroform have another date and it’s lights out where you continue to slip away in the brutal cold.”

  “Help! Someone help me! I’m encased in the wall of a swimming pool. I can’t move. Please somebody, anybody help me!”

  Craig continues shrieking for help as the captor sits back and emits a deep laugh.

  “Go on keep yelling; don’t let me break your spirit. It’s all about power isn’t it; calling the shots and demanding everyone follows; sound familiar? All the power you need resides within you; harness that energy and perhaps someone will hear you. If not I’m not sure you want to know what will happen next.”

  “Not sure I want to know what!”

  “You choose to use your window of time; a scant ten minutes to ask me questions? Real bright genius. Son you’re a few clowns short of a circus.”

  “Not sure I want to know what! Tell me damn it!”

  “Well if you don’t get someone to find you in the next ten minutes it’s lights out for a while. The heat’s turned-up back home. I’m unable to visit anytime soon and tomorrow’s temperature will drop down to 14 degrees. The Arctic snap resembles your behavior. You cramping yet, or have your limbs gotten sores from the intense cold and rapid invasion of maggots?”

  “Show me your face and reveal your true voice and let’s dance.” Craig provoked.

  “Beep! Wrong answer! Sorry you lose! Do not pass go, do not collect $100 dollars. You’re good at shoveling lies; however the tables have turned. Prepare for the fight of your life cowboy. Do you feel the harsh pull in the other direction? Can you sense the deep heavenly silence? Explore the moral what goes around comes around. Prepare, for a firestorm ahead. It’s an uphill-battle now.”

  “You’re a monster and your inhumane treatment breaks the Geneva Convention. LET ME OUT? Please let me out. My legs have cramped beyond comprehension and I need something to drink. I’ve had nothing to drink. Please give me some water.” Craig groveled.

  “Did I mention you’re a wanted man? There’s a high price on your head. I believe that’s a song cowboy. Drink, who needs a drink? Hell, I think I’ll have two! I brought your chow rations cowboy; more Spam. Isn’t that what you left in the cupboards for your boy? WHAM, BAM I would like some more Spam Ma'am. I’ll give you a drink cowboy; Wild Turkey. Wondering why? When they find your listless and decaying body and test your blood, they’ll find a blood alcohol level of 3.5. Nobody will believe a bloody word you have to say. The consensus among the authorities; that you’d stayed soused for the last two weeks; will explain your disappearance. Your reputation precedes you cowboy. You couldn’t have made this any easier for us. There isn’t a soul in the world that’s going to believe a word of what you have to say son!”

  Craig can now make out two distinct sets of laughter.

  “You’re both sick and demented.”

  “Time isn’t on your side cowboy. Eek your way through bone chilling seconds as the cement cures. Parallel your life with that of your child and ex-wife. Hone in on your crude ridiculing laughter. Examine your conscious and realize the facts; you’re a madman! Right now, everyone believes you got on Mika and let the horses run all the way to Alaska. Brit received a letter void of benevolence, saying you dumped her. You said she’s cramping your style so you ditched her and moved on to greener pastures. I’ve got to say messing with your life continues to amuse me.”

  “They will believe me when I get out!” Craig said.

  “Well go ahead then; get out.”

  A long pause occurs with no words spoken by Craig or the captors. However, Craig heard a low muttering from an unknown individual. It consisted of a groan in a long-drawn-out cadence that resembled a squelching piglet overrun by a larger boar in the drove by the watering trough. As Craig tried in earnest to free himself from his isolation deep suctioning blurts occurred, as the Gunite had not cured in deeper set areas around the bend of the elbow.

  “Yeah that’s what I thought cowboy. Son you need to realize it’s time for you to pony up at last. You couldn’t find the door of a teepee without a detailed map. Drink up sonny boy it’s nighttime.”

  Chapter 38

  Before proceeding, Angie called Phil. Dialing the numbers her veins chilled as she pondered the unknown contents of the case. Phil had the ability to unlock the mystery without intrusion. Angie intertwined strands of hair in a figure eight pattern between her index and middle fingers as the resonating sound of each ring echoed like a gong. Repositioning the phone from ear to ear, Angie waited. Answer Phil! You’re the sole individual who can help me.


  “Phil its Angelina. I need a case x-rayed. When can I meet you at your dad’s office?”

  “Meet me there at 9:30.”

  “No questions asked right?” Angie said.

  “No questions asked.” Phil reiterated with a slick voice.

  “What do you have for me?” Phil asked.

  “A dirty judge? However, you can’t expose him until certain events occur and I need time to make that happen. Craig stopped paying on the mortgage and the bank foreclosed and auctioned our home. I need to raise the money before the deadline for redemption passes. Ultimately, I’ll give you more than a dirty judge. I’ll give you a twisted mess, involving prominent business owners in this community, on a silver platter.
It will make a great headline. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes, meet me at his office in twenty minutes.”

  “Sounds great, I’ll see you there.”

  Angie folded her phone in haste disconnecting the call to Phil and let it drop on the seat next to her. As soon as the phone hit the upholstery, it began ringing again. Staring at the phone in her current state of resentment, she hesitated to answer it. Holding up her middle finger, she showed her loathsome attitude toward the body on the other end of the phone. Opening it Angie said, “Hello.”

  “Sugar, I’m ready for our date. I upheld my end of the bargain, now it’s time for you to uphold your end.”

  Angie knew she had to string John along. Letting on about her knowledge of John, Craig and Martin conspiring together, she may not attain her goal. However, a question surfaced about Craig’s absence. John conspired with Craig; so who neutralized him?

  Taking a deep breath Angie said, “Hi John. Do you have good news for me sweetheart?”

  “Yes I do, I’m ready for you.”

  “John I received the strangest phone call this morning. Someone named Rachel Taylor asked about you. Do you know anyone by that name?”

  “Ahem. I um, who…”

  Interruptive sounds infiltrated his thoughts and caught John off guard inducing deep guttural choking.

  “Argh, gasp: Angie Rach what? Gak, ahem. Who called looking for me?” John said a couple octaves higher.

  “Some woman, real sophisticated like too, Rachel Taylor. Do you know her?”

  “Do I know her? She stole my heart in high school. What did she want? Did she say anything else?” John asked sounding like an aroused teenager.

  “What do you mean what did she want? Don’t play coy John!” Angie said building up John’s ego. “You know what she wants; she wants you.”


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