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ISOLATION: Child Support 911

Page 19

by Tabitha White

  “Did you get her number?”

  Amid provocative overtones Angie said, “Of course I got her number.”

  “Let me call Rachael first and see what’s up. She may have a tight schedule, you know in town for a short time and I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”

  “Oh sure, I understand. That’s not a problem. I have something else I need to take care of today anyway. Call your old friend and reminisce.” Angie said.

  “I’m glad you understand. Listen Angie, did she say anything about wanting to get together?”

  “Yes, she mentioned she’s renting a cabin on Spider Lake in Traverse City and hoped the two of you could get together for drinks. She’s in town for a week and felt she had to reconnect with you.”

  “Hot damn Sugar! You’ve made my day! Anything you need; just ask and I do mean anything.” John said.

  “Nothing comes to mind right now, thanks John. Reconnect with your old friend and we’ll get together another time.”

  “Thanks Angie.”

  “Bye. I’ll talk with you later.”

  “Bye.” John said.

  Angie closed her cell phone then flipped it open again, first ensuring the call with John had disconnected. Dialing Tammy’s number her hands shook a bit as pride resumed its trump position.


  “Tammy, its Angie, listen I just talked to John. I want to make sure Rachel’s hooked.”

  “Oh trust me Angie she’s hooked and I mean that literally. She’s a high-price hooker. After graduation, she found herself on the wrong side of a drug deal. With no other options, she turned to prostitution to repay the debt. She stayed in the business and became a high-price hooker. I told her John wanted to stay with her for an entire week at a cabin on Spider Lake in Traverse City. She rented the cabin and flew in this morning. She’s waiting for him and a week’s worth of pay.”

  “Good, I’m happy to see plans stay on track. Goes to show John, two can play at that game. Craig and Martin may feel they crushed my chances of redeeming the home with their unlawful behavior, however Craig failed to remember that I aced trigonometry. Given enough time I can figure out a solution to any problem.” Angie said.

  “Angie I have to say I’m impressed by your resourcefulness. When you’re at a low point, you find ways to make lemonade out of lemons thrown your way. You clever woman, you’re a genius.” Tammy said.

  “Thank you Tammy. I couldn’t have done it without your help. Okay, I’m off to meet with someone; I’ll talk with you later.”

  “Okay talk to you more then. Bye.” Tammy said.

  Chapter 39

  I knew something smelled fishy! Angie’s eyes glared at the suitcase. Questions raced through her mind until doubt parked itself front and center where her thoughts stopped at a dead end. Her heart raced as the pulsing sensation in her neck amplified. A mysterious suitcase and no one claims ownership, how curious. What’s inside, more incriminating evidence against me? Perhaps Anthony could shed some light. I’d like to ask him about the key to Hattie’s guilt I believe he put inside. However, I’d appear distrusting; which is accurate.

  Angie’s hand caressed a locked and suspicious case. There’s pleasure in power.

  Angular thoughts swirled inside as Angie’s fingers curled around the handle of the matte silver case. A light-touch made for easier fingerprint clean up.

  Phil parked his Jaguar in his father’s spot underneath a sign that read ‘Reserved for Dr. Frank.

  “Morning Phil, I appreciate this.”

  “Let’s get inside, X-ray it, and leave before his nurse shows up.” Phil said as his eyes scanned the lot from end to end. Hands shaking, from his habit no doubt, the lock’s tumbler released the latch and they colluded behind locked doors.

  “Great office.” Angie said.

  Phil’s quivering hands unlocked another door, this one to his father’s office, and then another behind a fraudulent bookcase. As the door opened, a dull creaking sound emanated from the brass hinges, once open a metal surface reflected overhead light, until Angie’s eyes rested on a probable illegal, airport X-ray scanner.

  “Angie, place the case on the belt, flip this switch up and look at what’s inside. I’ll turn my head as I said no questions asked.”

  Phil turned around, inserted I-Pod ear buds, and continued to groove with Bruno. Angie’s tense arms placed the case on the belt. Her shaking hands and thick throat told a crude tale. Swallowing her pride, she pushed the red lever to the on position. The belt cascaded away from her carrying the curiosity case. Reaching the internal-mechanism of the X-ray scanner her eyes peeled wide. The contents, a bloody severed finger surrounded by money, raised serious questions and provided no answers. Angie’s hand shut off the scanner just as quick as she could reach for the lever. As her insides quivered, feelings of vomiting rushed in.

  With haste, Angie pulled the illicit case from the belt and said, “Thanks Phil.”

  Quickening her pace toward the exit Phil said, “I’ll let you out, then I’m locking up.”

  “Okay thanks.”

  “Did you find answers?”

  “No questions asked remember.”

  “Sorry my bad. The sooner you can provide me the name and details the better. I need a killer story to impress my boss and my father.”

  “I will. Speaking of your father why did you not follow suit and become a doctor?”

  “I’m invoking our no questions asked policy.” Phil said.

  “Touché. Thanks again. I’ll get you that info as soon as possible.” Angie said.

  “Thanks Angie. I’ll talk to you soon.” Phil said locking the door behind him.

  Amid shaking hands, Angie’s mind teetered between sanity and insanity. Putting the car in drive Angie depressed the accelerator as if she’d robbed a bank. Muck stirred about in her head as Anthony crossed a line. There’s no turning back now. Dam you Craig Freeman! Because of you, I’m forced to deal with these shady people!

  “I’ll kill the bastard. The first chance I get I will take my little friend and plunge it into his rotten soul and kill the freaking bastard!” Angie shouted.

  Angie’s mind steamed over a cup of coffee as thoughts revolved around Craig’s illegal actions. Fleeting thoughts took over and elicited a strong desire to throw in the towel and turn him over to the authorities for using a false social security number. However, she realized his imprisonment would negate her chances of inducing him to pay her $9,000. I could have that bastard wiped out in a New York minute. That choice lacks satisfaction; I want to see him squirm. Thoughts of beating Craig at his own game, through leveraged helplessness that she’d force on him, brought a smug grin on her lips.

  I’m still due at Jaid’s this morning, where can I hide this bloody mess? Like a spring rain moves in and invades the serene landscape, Angie remembered the money in the suitcase.

  Bent up emotions about helping the Mob raised a moral dilemma. My fingerprints!

  An abrupt tennis match happened topside between Vitale’s mob involvement vs. Craig or Martin setting her up as the fall guy.

  With few alternatives, I’ll have to call Anthony. He’s the sole individual who could gather that amount of money, after I keep my appointment with Jaid.

  Chapter 40

  “Well my long lost lone wolf.” Jaid said. “It appears you’re the woman of the hour. Let’s go in my office and talk.”

  This morning as Angie entered the driver’s seat of her life determination reigned supreme. Craig’s habitual wrong’s will stop forever. With studded heels and her once stalled engine, the light turned green.

  “Jaid we need to gain control.”

  Angie glanced at the calendar on Jaid’s desk and saw the words February written in black calligraphy letters. You’d think its November as new conspiracy theories keep arising.

  “Craig’s disappearance has the media in a frenzy. Let’s let it play out. Oftentimes answers roll in like the tide.”

  “No it’s much more in
volved.” Angie said as a rapid heart rate overwhelmed her typical calm demeanor.

  “Tell me what’s going on Angie. An officer would like to talk with you about Craig’s disappearance. Do I have reason for concern if you speak with them?”

  “No, you’ve no reason for concern. They still haven’t found him?” Angie asked raising her voice on the back of adrenaline. “Do I meet with them today?”

  “We will go to police headquarters together so you can answer all their questions. However, an officer showed up yesterday looking for you and asking pointed questions.”

  “I can’t do it today.” Angie said as she began pacing the floor.

  “Talk to me Angie, I’m your attorney. I can help if you let me know what’s going on.”

  “I’ve got more questions than answers.” Angie said.

  “Have you found any evidence of Craig’s wrongdoings in his insurance business?” Jaid asked.

  “The search has reached a dead end. I’m beginning to feel as if I’m wasting my time there. Craig and Martin have falsified all the records I’ve found. If I’m going to hit Craig where it hurts I’ll use other means.”

  Angie knew this touchy subject raised eyebrows in the past and felt it prudent to avoid prying eyes.

  “Why does so much in life revolve around money Jaid? It sickens me realizing the unscrupulous have plenty and honest people get scraps.”

  “Now you’re beginning to understand what drew me toward the law. Many people face insurmountable odds that need justice. I believe helping them in fighting for their rights makes a difference in people’s lives.” Jaid said.

  “Well you’ve left an indelible imprint on mine. Thank you for all you have done for me. I’ll talk with you later.”

  “Okay Angie, keep at it. If there’s a way to beat Craig you’ll find it. Chase and I discussed your impressive abilities to solve difficult puzzles, you’re amazing.”

  “Thank you Jaid. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I will talk with you later. ”

  “See ya Angie. Call me later to set up that appointment.”

  “Okay I will.” Angie said.

  I need to calm down! Disaster averted.

  Chapter 41

  Angie emanated a notable shrewdness in her demeanor as she walked into Vitale’s Italian bistro.

  “Anthony you have a visitor.”

  “Where should I wait for Anthony?” Angie said.

  “I’ll take you to his table. I’m Gina by the way.”

  “Pleased to meet you. I don’t mean to appear rude but I’ve got no time for small talk today I’m in a bit of a predicament.”

  “That’s fine dear, whatever your troubles I’m sure my Anthony can help you iron them out. He has a wide net of resources.”

  Angie’s eyes focused on his feet as no sound occurred as each foot depressed his weight in equal measures against the floor. The dark Italian leather loafer that encapsulated each foot appeared tailor-made. I don’t doubt that his shoes are custom-made by a cordwainer in Santoni, Italy. Anthony’s gait resembled Sinatra’s and appeared billowy soft.

  Angie, to what do I owe this honor?”

  “We need to talk in private.” Angie said.

  “Sure, let’s go to a back table.”

  Angie walked among many tables filled with suits and skirts discussing business over lunch.

  “Sam, two glasses of Pinot Noir.” Anthony said to a waiter. “Please Angie have a seat at my favorite table in the house.”

  “Thank you.” Angie said relaxing in the chair. Every dime she needed sat inside her trunk within a suitcase beside a bloody finger. Choosing that option makes her money troubles disappear in a New York minute. However, her mind questioned what she would owe the mob.

  “How did you do it?” Angie asked.

  The waiter approached and Anthony upheld both hands signifying he’d wait for the sweetest sip of the wine with Angie before he chose to answer. Angie and Anthony picked up their wineglasses and tapped them together. A sharp tone emitted from the sides of the wineglasses and lulled Angie deeper in her sense of false comfort.

  “How did I get the suitcase in your trunk? My mother drove a Buick for many years that I practiced on. Please, I will not act coy with you. I like you, I always have. With the inconvenience neutralized, you no longer have to worry about him. Now you and Lance can live a good life. Forgive me if the finger, albeit necessary, appeared a bit offensive to you.”

  “I’m tied in; why? Whose finger do I have?”

  “Well that’s how we conduct business. I scratch your back and you scratch mine. This method has consistently produced favorable results in the past. Forgive me, I don’t mean to seem blunt, but you know who lost their finger. I think we can help each other.”

  “What do you expect from me?” Angie asked.

  “Silence, that’s it. Again I must stress the disruption that will follow for me if Craig and Martin’s insurance records surface. There’s always two ways to skin a rabbit.” Anthony said.

  “So regardless of what I find I can’t bring forth any evidence against Governor’s Insurance? Do I have that right? What about Judge Hall?”

  “You wouldn’t want to bring anything against Governor’s Insurance Co., trust me. Judge Hall’s fair game.” Craig said.

  “Okay I see the common goals in our business arrangement. I must ask about the money. Accepting it and paying off the mortgage seals the deal?”

  “No one at Vitale’s will allow a woman or a child to live on the street. Pay the mortgage off and redeem your home.” Anthony said.

  With her brow furrowing Angie’s eyes fixed themselves on Anthony’s as the pungent scent of the Italian restaurant disappeared, as did her patience.

  “How shall I explain coming into $9,000 to pay my mortgage off if anyone asks?”

  “Angelina, you can tell them I borrowed you the money and you will repay me by working for me.” Anthony said.

  Angie’s blood pressure rose like that of a home radiator.

  “I’m to do what! Listen Anthony I’m not going to owe anyone anything!”

  “I surmised you may need persuading. If you have another source that can provide you the $9,000 we can end our arrangement.”

  Angie paused. Glancing at the metallic napkin holder a grim reality stared back and formed her answer. Even if she found incriminating evidence that Craig and Martin swindled people, Anthony precluded her from using it. However, she wanted to beat Craig at his own game.

  “Let me clarify our understanding; I don’t take orders from anyone. I’d rather lose the house first.”

  “Of course.” Anthony said.

  “Now, how will I repay you the money?” Angie asked.

  “Judge Hall has stalled a particular business venture of mine. He and I have had a formidable business-relationship. However, he and Craig shared a mutual understanding and a satisfactory business-relationship. I don’t care for Judge Hall. He needs gentle persuading to allow events to happen in his town. With Craig and Martin retired, I will replace them as the business liaison. Perhaps, as it’s an election year, you need something from Judge Hall before he’s persuaded to leave office.”

  “That’s it? You want nothing more of me. I’m a bit surprised; pleased, but surprised.” Angie said.

  “I like to keep business simple.” Anthony said.

  “Lance will remain uninvolved.”

  “Angelina, I adore children, they’re never involved in business dealings. You and I will enjoy a pleasant business experience stemming from our mutual understanding.” Anthony said.

  Angie caressed her wineglass in her hand and raised it signaling she and Anthony Giannola embarked forward as clandestine business partners with a toast. Anthony picked up his wineglass and as the two crystal goblets connected the echo of an icicle-like clang resounded and transformed into a resonating chime whisper in timbre.

  “To mutual understanding in business.” Angie said with a smug grin.

  “Salute.” Anthony s

  “Salute my friend.”

  Chapter 42

  “Tammy its Angie. I need dirt you have on Judge Hall.”

  “Change of plans?”

  “Yes, Craig holds the lock and Judge Hall holds the key. I can’t bring down Governor’s Insurance. The judge must allow others to form business-relationships with him. Craig and Martin will no longer conduct business with the judge; but others will.”

  “May I ask who?” Tammy asked.

  “Tammy that’s not important now. First, we know Judge Hall holds the key. I need blackmail evidence to guide the knife in his back.”

  “Okay I will not ask. We can do this you know. If you can take Craig out of the picture as well as Martin you could run Governor’s Insurance.” Tammy said.

  “Tammy you’re not thinking straight. Let’s find evidence against Judge Hall.” Angie said.

  “Think about it Angie. If Craig and Martin go down, Candy also falls. Lance remains the sole heir to that empire. Since Lance falls a bit shy of the age of majority you could run the company until he’s old enough.”

  “I never thought about it that way, but you’re right. If we had enough evidence on Craig, Martin and Hattie we could still take them down without taking down Governor’s Insurance. Currently, I’m prohibited from taking down the company, but the officers remain fair game. Brilliant!” Angie said.

  “Selling Mika would provide you enough operating cash for some time. With Craig out of the picture you can ask for confiscation of the bike to pay child support arrears.”

  Angie paused allowing the facts to sink in.

  A smile infiltrated Angie’s mouth like someone who’d won the lottery as she said, “Tammy you’re a genius! Listen I still have matters to address, you alright with both the boys a while longer?”

  “No problem, they’re having a great time. Take your time.”

  Chapter 43

  “Good Lord there’s police all around Jaid’s office.” A chill ran down Angie’s spine.


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