ISOLATION: Child Support 911

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ISOLATION: Child Support 911 Page 26

by Tabitha White

  “Okay. Thank you. On behalf of the Michigan Police Department please let your son know we’re sorry to learn about his father’s condition.”

  “I’ll let him know. I appreciate your concerns, thank you. May I go now?”


  Jaid gathered her purse and briefcase as Angie said, “Thank you officer.”

  “That wasn’t half bad.” Angie said.

  “I know, I prepare my clients for the worst and when it doesn’t happen it’s a pleasant surprise.” Jaid said.

  “I’m relieved and glad that’s over. Do you think I’m still a suspect in their minds?”

  “No you have a rock solid alibi. Once you told them you and Anthony saw a show alongside other witnesses that summed it up. I watched the other officer draw a line through the remaining questions.”

  I hope Anthony has rock solid witnesses for us who will say they saw us there.

  “For now I need to go home and explain what’s happened to Lance.”

  “Okay, I’ll drop you there.”

  First, I’m calling Anthony.

  Chapter 54

  Angie shared a lengthy discussion about Craig with Lance. She’d put it off as long as possible as she feared bitter memories and the coldness of Craig and his relatives would prompt Angie to present them as pricks. Angie felt everyone deserved a second chance so she presented a modified version. Essentially a stranger, Lance did not seem too disturbed by his father’s hospitalization. First on the agenda this morning, Angie needed to sign a copy of her sworn statement at Jaid’s office.

  “Good morning Chase.” Angie said feeling uneasy.

  “Good morning Angelina. Sorry to hear about Craig. That’s morbid what happened to him. Jaid said you visited him in the hospital, how’s he doing?”

  “He’s in bad shape. I’m terrified he’ll die! The doctor said it’s touch and go for now. He’s riddled with infections and his hands remain in bad shape; they’re all bandaged up. I couldn’t see them thank God. However, the doctor says they resemble hamburger with the bone exposed from the skin getting ground off. I can’t imagine the intense pain he’s experiencing.”

  “Ugh. That’s awful, just awful. Does he know what happened to him?” Chase asked.

  “He’s still unconscious. No one’s spoken with him yet. I’m concerned.”

  “Okay dear please keep me updated. I’m off to the police station for questioning. They want to know what information turned up in my investigation for Brittney.”

  “Does she know they found him?” Angie questioned.

  “She’s not allowed in, she’s not family.”

  “It makes me feel better knowing she had a miserable experience. Helping herself to my son’s inheritance, I’ll show her!”

  “Listen Angie, I’ve got a proposition for you and I’m not sure if I should ask this right now. Do you feel up to it?” Chase asked.

  “Sure, I feel strong and confident knowing the tides have turned in my favor.”

  “I’ve watched you through this whole ordeal. I must say you have nerves of steel. I’m impressed with how your deductive reasoning aided you and Jaid in turning your misfortune around and solved the case. I need a woman bounty hunter to help me with the filing cabinet brimming over with child support absconder cases. Would you like the job?”

  “Sure with one stipulation.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I get to hire my own assistant, Tammy. She noticed many instrumental details about the case that helped to solve it.”

  Chase extended his hand out for a handshake.

  “Looks like we’ve come to a meeting of the minds; it’s a deal.” Angie said.

  “Great! I’m looking forward to working with you.” Chase said.

  “Jaid, good morning.” Angie said.

  “Good morning Angelina. Good morning Chase. You look better today Angie?”

  “I’m still in denial that someone held Craig captive against his will yet in the same breath I’m relieved because I’ll collect my money.”

  “Did you accept Chase’s business proposition?”

  “Yes. I’m ecstatic! I believe we’ll enjoy working together.” Angie said.

  “I’m glad to hear that. About five minutes after I took your case Chase and I discussed your innate skills as a bounty hunter. Our firm needs you. I’m looking forward to our firm getting through that file cabinet of deadbeat parents who think they remain above the law; Segal style of course.” Jaid said winking at Angie.

  Do they know? I wonder if they caught wind of my arrangement between Anthony and me. Do they know Tammy and I sent John to do the initial dirty work? Who disfigured Craig? John left for Traverse City didn’t he? Shit Tammy and I never did confirm that. Perhaps I don’t want to know who did this to Craig.

  Three loud short bursts emanated from the office phone and interrupted the conversation. Sam said, “He’s just woken up. They need you at the hospital.”

  “Get your purse Angie, I’ll drive. Chase, meet us up there.”

  “Okay, Sam and I will drive up together.”

  Angie’s legs wobbled beneath her. “Oh god Jaid I’m not ready for this!”

  A quiet walk to Jaid’s car left Angie questioning what to say to Craig. While I’m sorry he’s hurt, what goes around comes around echoes in my mind. I shouldn’t say that. Where’s my money anyway? I want the truth about how much of his and Lance’s inheritance remains. Lance deserves his money!

  The tendons stood out in Angie’s wrists as she rolled down the window allowing momentary relief as the cool breeze pressed against her perspiring body.

  “Do you have your recorder on you?” Angie asked Jaid.


  “Good, I want to use it.” Angie said appearing distracted.

  Jaid sideways glanced at Angie as she handed her the recorder and noticed a twisted and stern look appearing on Angie’s face.

  “Can’t you drive any faster? I’ve waited fa long time for this!” Angie said.

  “Angelina after the police investigation commenced with Mandy in Florida evidence turned up that she played an active role in the cover-up and crimes.”

  “My gut feeling was not to trust her. When I spoke with Mandy, something seemed phony. Now I’m perturbed! I knew I should have trusted my gut feeling. What role does she play in their circus?”

  “Craig did not hand over the money for Nova 18 treatments with ease, she blackmailed him. In fact, he went with her on one appointment and paid in cash. A handwriting analyst examined his signature and the signature on this receipt, it’s authentic.”

  Rounding the curve in the emergency drop-off area Angie opened the door before Jaid brought the car to a full stop prompting her to say, “Angie relax, I don’t need you hurt!”

  Marching past the attendant at the help desk Angie made her way to the critical care unit. Furious she picked up the critical care phone and announced, “I’m here to see Craig Freeman.” The buzzer sounded and the wide door lumbered open like the handicap door on a restroom while experiencing a diarrhea attack. Entering Craig’s room Angie switched the recorder’s button to the on position.

  “Craig what happened?”

  “Not sure, I’m pretty messed up but I’m okay.”

  “Do you know who did this to you?” Angie asked.

  “I have no idea. I never saw a face and I never heard a voice. Well I did but the distortion made it unrecognizable. Two people held me against my will.”

  “I know about the fake will, Mandy and her A.I.D.S., Alexi, your inheritance money and Lance’s, hidden by you three schmucks in Hattie and Martin’s names in GrowMerica Bank. Your father suspected the embezzlement at GrowMerica Bank years ago. Trumping all that, Anthony Giannola and I know about you and Martin embezzling from him. You ceding to Martin’s hatred toward me has cost you the greatest gift in life, a child whom you’ll never know. Your group of clowns and your patsy John have all begun to turn on one another in police custody. As your glass walls beg
in to shatter one by one I’ll sit back with a fine glass of vintage wine and watch the follies unfold. However, before I go any further you’re going to tell Lance you love him.” Angie said.

  Chase and Sam walked into the sterile hospital room with their heads hung low as if to decipher the mood in the room before entering. Tammy’s ex-husband Al showed his face for the first time in months standing outside the doorway of Craig’s room.

  “This does not look good Chase. I’m scared, what if he talks?” Sam said.

  Sam‘s voice dropped lower as he placed his hand on Chase’s shoulder while curbing his desire to join the semi-circular group surrounding Craig.

  “Chase, Sam’s right what will we do if he begins talking?” Al said.

  “He’s a real mess. Look at him! Look at Angie, we’ve rattled her cage.” Sam said.

  “Let’s put on the good front, for Angie; remorse will not help us now, unity will.”

  Angie’s hands shook as the trying events of the past six years reached the pinnacle. Holding the recorder in front of Craig’s mouth she said, “Right here, right now tell our boy you love him and why you acted as a coward!”

  A deluge of tears began to slide down Craig’s cheeks as Angie bore witness to years of guilt and remorse releasing from every fiber in his body. Deep guttural moans mixed with uncontrollable crying left his words inaudible. Watching him wail in grief and remorse as his pulverized limbs shivered and lacked control induced a feeling of pity for him. Hearing Craig’s deep impassioned moaning, nurses made their way into the room. Upon sight of the dramatic scene unfolding the nurses understood and left.

  Craig motioned for the recorder with his hand that now bore one less digit.

  “I want to say…” Unable to keep his composure Craig’s words trailed off as tears filled in their place.

  Taking a deep breath and preparing for Craig’s words provide answers for Lance to a complicated situation, Angie’s eyes fell closed and a steady beat grew louder in her chest. Her emotions won the battle and tears began cascading down her cheeks.

  “Lance, I need to apologize to you. I did not act like a responsible parent and failed in my duties to you in that role. I love you. Son, as a teenager my life took a tragic turn when my uncle passed. This began a chain of events that left me unbalanced. Feeling like my life spun out of control I turned to drinking and felt it better if I stayed out of your life. Going around my problems was a mistake because I lost you. That’s never what I wanted and I’m sorry. The improvements on Mika represent your share of the inheritance son. I’ve willed it to you upon my demise. I love you son, love dad.”

  Tears streamed down Angie’s cheeks that had choked up so tight she thought a vein would burst. Her mouth contorted as she mumbled imperceptible short bursts that paralleled deep sighing as she cried and said, “Why didn’t you tell him this from the get go? Why did you leave us destitute?”

  Without hesitation, the sum of all wrongs reversed with Craig’s confession and declaration of love for his lone son.

  Craig fumbled to depress the button on the recorder. A nurse extended her hand to aid his listless limbs wrapped in thick sterile gauze. Not a dry eye remained in the room. Sitting in a vinyl chair Jaid continued to pass tissues throughout Craig’s heartfelt confession. Jaid, strong in presence, wailed as if the words came straight from her father’s mouth correcting his own injustices toward her and Sam.

  “The officer said as soon as I’m able they will transfer me to the jail hospital.” Craig said.

  Craig continued, “Angie the officer read me my rights and my attorney said they’re charging me on multiple counts. Forgery; my father’s will. How did you determine the one entered in probate was a forgery? His attorney didn’t even see the original; he kept in a locked safety deposit box at the bank.”

  “Craig, I sat with him when he drew it up. He drew a quick rendering of me on the corner of the document. When I went to the probate court and requested a copy of your father’s file I knew Martin produced a fake will for probate.” she said.

  Speaking in an even tone Angie said, “All this misery for Lance resulted from your selfishness and that of your relatives. You just stopped caring and thought of one person, yourself. I feel sorry for you Craig Freeman. You wasted your chance. I’m sorry someone beat you up and ground down your fingertips but…”

  “No Angie that’s not what happened. I tried to escape. They drugged me, took me hostage and imprisoned me in some sick demented captivity. I remember a cloth placed over my nose and in an instant, I could not move my arms or speak, I felt paralyzed. It played out in slow motion. When I woke up, large staples traversed over my arms holding them in Styrofoam, and my body to the sides of what appeared as a swimming pool. I couldn’t free myself as I had a quarter inch of room to move my arms and legs. They had me suspended in the side of the pool! They also kept someone else prisoner there as well but I don’t know who!”

  “That’s terrible Craig.” Jaid said.

  “They sprayed a cement mixture of gunite all around the sides of me. It formed a cocoon and left my skin visible. My God Angie look at the burns I have all over me. I look like I just returned from some fiery furnace! I tried to escape by digging my way out with my fingers. I clawed at the sides of the cement in haste when the lunatic left. No, wait, sometimes one lunatic, other days two. Agonizing over the pain, each scrape felt like knifes thrust inside my fingertips as it pierced the bones and sent intense pain that jilted my core. They ached and throbbed with each attempted scrape. However, I feel like they knew I’d never claw my way out but they left me to inflict pain upon myself through feeble attempts.”

  “Inhumane keeps coming to mind when I think of the torture they inflicted on you Craig; well you and the other unknown person.” Angie said.

  Angie listened as Craig recounted the gory details. At one point, her hand raised and covered her mouth. For the most part Angie’s eyes remained fixated on Craig’s hand and the missing digit.

  “Who’s that demented to do this?” Craig asked.

  “Did you believe you’d die?” Angie asked.

  “Yes and they told me I had died and awoke in Dante’s hell. At that point, thoughts of deep despair crept in, as I believed I’d never see another living soul again. Then hope would surface with the notion that I could dig my way out or that someone would hear me. They encouraged me to scream as loud as I could and if someone heard me, they’d allow the rescue. I screamed until my parched throat felt like hot glass had shattered in it, I thought that my vocal cords would snap. I clung to that singular notion of hope. At one point, I heard a car in the distance so I exerted every ounce of energy to project my voice. I couldn’t free my body so screaming remained my singular ounce of hope.” Craig said.

  All eyes moved from person to person in the room looking for any sign of what to say next.

  Moaning in an iambic dimeter Craig howled, “Why me, why me?”

  “You never saw their faces? Chase asked.

  While still sobbing Craig sputtered, “No they wore masks. At one point they had on Presidential Halloween masks.”

  “They told you you’d awoken in Hell?” Angie said.

  “Every thought became fixed on rescue. I thought if I could just break free from the cement tomb, I could overpower the lunatic captor. When they left I dug by bending my fingertips at the knuckles. The pain became excruciating. Left with no alternatives I had to continue. At that point, I knew my survival depended on it. I had no idea what these madmen would do to me next. Severe cramping took over from lack of motion. Cramps would start slow then heighten, and peak. While restrained these cramps turned into piercing pain that felt like a dagger thrust into my leg that sliced the ligaments on the sides of my muscles until they snapped. After exhausting every option, my mind caved and I gave up. Feeling defeated I believed I’d arrived in Hell. How long did they keep me in captivity?” Craig asked.

  No one answered his question. Their eyes focused on sticky spit spanning his up
per and lower lips that fluttered while the reality of his living hell sank deeper.

  Placing her hand on Craig’s arm Jaid said, “You’ve rejoined the living.”

  “Whether permanent damage to my arms and legs occurred remains unanswered. As my rationalization swung back and forth from delirium to consciousness, I’d lost all hope. I saw the end of my life. My thoughts focused on death as I hung there helpless, imprisoned in isolation.”

  “On one hand I’m sorry you experienced a horrific ordeal believing you’d landed in Hell. In contrast, I see poetic justice. Wow, I don’t harbor a grudge but what goes around comes around. You left Lance us for dead! We clawed our way back to some form of existence by eking out every agonizing day. Left to flounder like a fish out of water we struggled to get the basic necessities in life! We lived in the freaking car you whacko! When I lost my job if you’d paid a little child support we could have managed. Because of your insubordination as a father, they turned off all the utilities and we lost the house you bastard! Your son suffered a great injustice at your hand and you didn’t care! I want the fifty grand you owe me you spineless animal!” Angie said releasing years of pent up anger.

  “Angie don’t.” Jaid said reaching for Angie’s arm.

  “No let her. She’s right I deserved what I got.” Craig said.

  “You had the money to pay your child support and you chose not to while we lived in squalor bathing in the sink of the freaking public library! You left us for dead! I take great pleasure in the troubled look on your face. The missing fingertips and finger will forever serve as a reminder of your cruelness. When you acted spineless, I became brave and studied the insurance business behind your back. The business now belongs to Lance and he’s hired me as the manager. Your father advised me to take a life insurance policy out on you years ago. Did you know that? An insurance agent told me this morning that your father named me sole beneficiary of a $1,000,000 life insurance policy that you and Martin suppressed by hiding the original will. How does it feel knowing your own father placed more trust in me than you or any of your siblings? Jealous? Martin, Hattie, Candy and you will stew in jail for the next twenty years over that fact. Meanwhile, I’m paying back everyone you stole from with those funds. I’ve reached contentment in my life Craig, I couldn’t have asked for a happier conclusion to us.”


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