Keyboards and Kink

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  He wasn’t overweight. There didn’t seem to be an inch of spare flesh on his entire body, especially around his stomach, which rippled with his every step, that black T-shirt outlining washboard abs and a chest to die for. He stopped next to her table and Iris tilted her head back, her gaze lovingly taking in the thick column of his neck and strong, square chin and jaw. He had a goatee. She blinked at it because she could almost feel those black, bristly hairs tickling her inner thighs. Liquid warmth pooled in her belly and expanded outward. A crooked nose that listed to one side from being broken too many times made her heart ache from his pain. Wide, sharp cheekbones made his face seem a little too harsh, too dangerous. She shivered, her nipples beading beneath her dress. He had the most beautiful, soft gray eyes. A lock of brown hair kept falling into his eyes and he tossed his head back, but the lock returned.

  Iris let out a shaky breath, her body a riot of love and lust. She wanted to throw her arms and legs around him and ride him all the way to Mount Olympus. She shook her head and leaned back in her chair to get a better look at him. The dim lighting in the coffee shop darkened his skin, but there was something about it that seemed familiar. It wasn’t a race thing, it was something else.

  He looked at her, his eyes narrowing.

  “Is this some kind of fucking joke?” he asked in a voice that resembled thunder.

  Iris blinked hard, really looking at him. Not through the hazy lenses of lust and longing, but with the sharp eyesight of an immortal.

  “Briareus?” Her voice was squeaky with shock and dismay and thwarted love.

  They glared at each other and spoke at the same time. “You lied to me!”


  BC couldn’t fucking believe it. Of all the females on Earth and every divine dimension, why did his innocent yet naughty cyber lover have to be Iris “Butter Wouldn’t Melt In Her Mouth” Argyris? She glowed with innocence, with her immortality, and he wanted to howl at the betrayal.

  Sure, she looked absolutely fuckable with her tall, lush body, and rainbow colored hair. Sure he’d fantasized about fucking her and the way she was dressed this evening made him even hotter. The dress she was wearing had nearly knocked him out of his boots because it displayed generous cleavage, a tiny waist, and full, lush hips. His cock had pointed in her direction and he’d congratulated himself on finding a woman so gorgeous. But she’d tilted her head back to look up at him and he’d gotten a closer look at her beautiful heart-shaped face, full, fuckable lips, and hazy, blue eyes. Iris, goddess of rainbows and messages. Sweetheart of the Divine Community. BC had a new title for her, Liar.

  They’d left the coffee shop to avoid the curious mortals staring at them, one of them a pretty boy who looked at Iris with heat and appreciation. BC had snarled at the puny man before storming out of the shop, hot on Iris’s heels. She hadn’t said a single word to him as she set off down the street and he hadn’t talked to her either. He was a little too busy watching the way her ass twitched in that dress.

  Which only angered him more. The liar. He couldn’t believe she’d fooled him for five fucking years. He should’ve known his Pain-Bow Brite was too good to be true. She’d made him laugh and lust, and she’d even touched his heart, but there was no way he could reconcile his online wife with the goody two-shoes bitch ahead of him. He glared at the white scarf flapping behind her. She’d tied it over her head, hiding her rainbow colored hair. If he’d seen it first, he would’ve known who she was. He would’ve walked out of there without speaking to her. His anger manifested itself in the air. The wind picked up, storm clouds raced across the formerly clear night sky, and the first rumblings of thunder sounded.

  “Why did you do it?” he asked as she continued walking down the street. The sidewalk had run out a block before as they left the busiest part of this shithole town. Woods dotted the horizon, marking the end of town and the end of his patience. “Why did you lie to me?”

  She spun around so quickly her scarf fell off her head and her glorious multi-colored hair spilled over her bare shoulders. “I’m not talking to you, you barbarian!” she shouted at him, her blue eyes sparking.

  BC snorted. “Yeah, you’re doing a bang up job with that, sweetheart.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Who put you up to it then? Did you lose a bet to your Harpy sisters?”

  “No one put me up to anything. I was on that game first, asshole. You were the one who came after me!” Her glare was hot enough to evaporate water. “I didn’t even know you knew how to use a computer.”

  Large drops of rain splattered to the ground around them as the storm intensified. “But you enjoyed how well I know how to use a computer, didn’t you, Pain-Bow?” He let his gaze roam over her, taking in her heaving breasts and the flush of anger on her cheeks. “What happened, princess, you got lonely in your ivory tower? You wanted to rub elbows with the peasants? Wanted to lose your precious virginity to a mortal?” And that pissed him off even more, to think that she’d been having “sex” with someone she thought was mortal when she hadn’t looked at BC once at work.

  To his complete shock, her anger melted away and something like despair filled her face. Her throat worked, but no words came out for a long time. When she did speak, it was with great dignity that made him feel like a fucking bastard.

  She swallowed a couple of times. “Look, I didn’t mean any of this to happen, okay? It was a mortal game and, and it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to fight with you over this because I’ve never been much of a fighter, you know?” Her lips curled into a sad smile. “I’m sorry you’re disappointed.”

  She turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm and spun her back around. “No. You’re not leaving until I know what the fuck you thought you were doing,” he said in a near shout because the rain started to pelt down harder. He shook her as something irrational and dangerous reared its ugly head. “Why would you waste yourself on some mortal?” Why couldn’t you have looked at me?

  Iris tore herself out of his arms and glared at him. “It wasn’t a waste! I loved him, okay? He was everything I ever wanted to have for myself, but couldn’t because you all look at me like I’m so perfect and untouchable.” His face must have betrayed his surprise because she laughed bitterly, rain pouring down her cheeks like tears. “Yeah, while everyone’s out enjoying themselves, finding lovers, I’m left behind because I’m too sweet and innocent to be tainted with lust. Well guess what? I like sex! I want it all the time. I want to have it with someone who’ll hold me after, who’ll make me feel special and loved and, and I’d like to fuck something other than a godsdamn vibrator!”

  Chapter Four

  Iris slapped a hand over her mouth, appalled by what she’d just screamed into a very surprised Briareus’s face. But it was his fault. It really was. She’d never felt so betrayed, like he’d peeked into her soul without bothering to ask permission first. Her heart ached because the love she felt for her Thunderkiss didn’t exist. It couldn’t, not when he didn’t exist.

  Briareus stared down at her, his gray eyes reflecting the storm clouds overhead. His hands still gripped her arms like brands on her bare flesh. His hair was plastered to his head, beads of water sliding over his face. His black T-shirt clung to his chest like a second skin. He was just so big and sexy, but he wasn’t her Thunderkiss. He hated her, thought she’d manipulated him when all she’d ever wanted was for someone to love her, to look past the “perfect princess” façade she lived and take her.

  He continued to stare at her, the storm raging around them stronger than ever. She knew the storm was a manifestation of his anger, but it turned her on. It shouldn’t have. He wasn’t the sweet mortal who’d accept her for who she was. He was a god who was angry at being betrayed. By her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a shaky voice but was cut off when he dragged her up against him and sealed his mouth over hers.

  For a moment, she was paralyzed by shock. His tongue surged inside her mouth, taking what she wasn’t sure she wanted to give. He stared i
nto her eyes as he traced every inch of her mouth, flicking his tongue against hers before beginning a slow thrust and retreat that made the walls of her pussy clench. Moisture, not from the rain, dampened her thighs beneath her dress. Her breasts were pressed tightly against his chest, the hardened nipples throbbing in time with her heartbeat. Iris lifted her hands and carefully placed them on his thick shoulders. Briareus gentled his kiss when she touched him, his tongue teasing her with little laps, enticing her to play with him.

  And she did. Slowly, tentatively, she kissed him back, sucking on his tongue, tasting him in shy forays that made him growl in the back of his throat. Then somehow her arms were around his neck, her legs wrapped around his waist as they ate at each other’s mouths, the taste of fresh rain mingling with the dark, spicy flavor of Briareus. She purred softly and rocked her hips against his hard stomach, enjoying the feel of having a male body between her thighs.

  His hands cupped her ass, roughly kneading the tender flesh as he started to move. Somewhere. Iris didn’t care where they went as long as he didn’t stop kissing her. This was the most amazing feeling, intimate in a way she’d never have experienced without him. Thunder rolled, the deep, tolling vibration making her pussy flutter with anticipation. This was Briareus, but the sound of that thunder, the hungry, throaty sounds he made in the back of his throat were all Thunderkiss.

  Her back came up against something hard, startling her out of the kiss. Panting, on fire with need, she looked around to see Briareus had backed her into a tree, his big body pinning her in place. Stark need made his face harder than usual, but she wasn’t frightened. If anything, the knowledge that he wanted her so badly made her burn hotter for him.

  “Briareus,” she said in a raspy tone. “Please.”

  He stepped back and took her hands off his shoulders. “Grab the branch,” he ordered.

  Blinking against the rain dripping onto her face, Iris looked up to see a branch directly overhead. Licking her lips nervously, she reached up to grip the wood in her hands. He stepped away from her, easily breaking the hold she had with her legs, making them drop to the ground. Her heels were gone, the soil wet and cold beneath her feet. She shivered, not so much from cold, but from anticipation. A quick glance downward showed that she might as well be naked as much good her dress was doing her.

  “Look at you,” Briareus said in a harsh tone as he studied her. He looked huge, like the storm god he was, primal and dangerous, but she still wasn’t scared. “You look like a very bad girl, Iris. And you know what happens to very bad girls?”

  Breath shunting in and out of her lungs fast enough she felt a little light-headed, Iris asked in a near croak, “What?”

  His hands gripped the neckline of her dress and tore it from her body. His eyes flared with hunger. “They get fucked. Hard.” Her bra and panties were quick to follow, leaving her completely naked in front of a fully clothed Briareus.


  If BC had any concern that he’d scare Iris, it faded at the dazed, lustful look on her face. Her pupils nearly swallowed her eyes and color surged into her chest, rolling up her neck to settle in her cheeks. With her arms over her head, her full breasts were thrust out, the large brown nipples erect and pouting prettily. A bead of water followed the center line of her body, making a trail between her breasts, down her gently curved stomach before disappearing in the bare slit between her legs.

  “You really are a bad girl,” he said huskily, easing one of his feet between hers to nudge her legs further apart. “Look at you.” He crouched in front of her, putting his face level with her pussy. “Not a single hair to hide these pretty pink lips.” He stroked the deeply flushed folds of her sex, feeling her arousal dampen his skin and bringing him the scent of her need. “You’re soaked.”

  And she was, her cream sliding down her thighs and tempting him to taste her before he was ready. Briareus had plans for his bad little Iris and he meant to stick to them. First and foremost was finding out if she’d really meant it when she screamed she loved him. Gods, he’d thought his heart was going to stop when she said it, having never had a single soul tell him that before. And then to hear her talk about her vibrator and how she wanted a lover had only reinforced his feelings for her. The thought of any other man touching her made him want to unleash holy hell on the world.

  He wasn’t letting her go. They’d spent five years getting to know each other better than they had in the entire twenty-five thousand they’d worked together. She wanted love, wanted acceptance? Then he would be the only man to give those to her. And he’d start right now by teaching her exactly how he always wanted his female to be for him: Wet.

  “This is a beautiful pussy,” he said conversationally as he stroked her swollen folds. “I want it kept groomed like this all the time.” He gently spread her with his opposite hand to reveal her swollen clit. “And at any given moment, when I tell you to drop your pants, I want you to be this wet for me.”

  “Wh-What?” she asked when he paused to blow a stream of cool air over her clit.

  BC looked up at her from between her legs. “This is my pussy and I’m telling you how I want it.”

  She shook her head, her rainbow colored hair flying out before slapping against her shoulders and chest. “No. No part of me belongs to anyone but me.”

  BC smiled in challenge as he leaned forward. “Are you sure about that?”

  Her eyes widened. When she spoke, her voice was low and uncertain. Just the way he wanted her. “Yes.”

  He chuckled and circled his tongue around her clit. Her ragged gasp told him she liked it, but the cream coating his chin ensured he knew she loved it. He pulled back when her legs started to buckle.

  “Tell me this pussy belongs to me.”

  She shook her head and he stroked his finger through her folds to circle her entrance. “Tell me.” He pushed in slowly. He had to close his eyes when her inner muscles clamped around his finger. She was tight and wet and would feel like heaven around his dick. After he got her promise to stay with him forever. He thrust slowly and gently, not wanting to reward her for bad behavior. “Tell me.”

  “No, oh gods, yes, I mean, no, mine. It’s mine.” Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. “More, oh yes, more of that. Deep, please!”

  “Tell me this is my pussy and will always be my pussy,” he said in a harsh tone before flicking his tongue over her clit hard enough to raise her to her tiptoes.

  “Oh gods! Yes, it’s yours, please let me come!”

  Briareus thrust two fingers in her tight sheath and sealed his mouth over her clit, sucking and playing with it as he fucked her with his fingers. Tremors started in her legs as her cries grew louder and shriller. Briareus called his thunder, letting it rumble through her pussy. Her back arched as she screamed out in completion, her inner muscles squeezing his fingers the way he wanted them to squeeze his cock. He removed his fingers from her, moving his hands around to grip her legs and rest them on his shoulders.

  Her second scream was louder as he buried his face in her pussy, his tongue darting into her flexing sex as his nose rubbed her clit. He wanted to have all of her, mark every last inch of her, starting with the most intimate heart of her body. Moisture coated his face that had nothing to do with rainfall and everything to do with the drops of climax his woman yielded to him. And that’s exactly what it was, a surrender. Iris gave herself to him, grinding her pussy against his face as she worked through her climax. Not ready to let her come down yet, BC slicked his finger into her sheath next to his tongue to gather some of her sweet honey. Just when she started to relax, he gently pressed his finger against her asshole.

  She managed to let out a strangled, “huh” before he thrust his finger in to the first knuckle. She bucked against him, trying to dislodge him, but he refused to let go. Moving his mouth to her clit again, he fucked her ass with his finger. Strangled moans built in her throat, growing louder and louder until he grazed her clit with the edge of his teeth.

>   Iris’s keening wail split the night, joining the sound of thunder as she shuddered against him, her ass clenching around his finger. One day he’d have his cock there, but for now, he enjoyed how tight and hot she was and how wet she was for him. Only him.

  Her body went limp and he quickly supported her with his hands, pleased she’d so easily handed her safety over to him. He pressed a kiss to her lower stomach and looked up to see her slumped back against the tree, her face flushed with orgasm, a little smile on her lips. She was beautiful and everything he could ever want in a mate. Only one thing remained to be discovered.

  “Were you telling the truth?” he asked against her silky skin. She blinked down at him questioningly. “When you said you loved him, did you mean it?”

  Chapter Five

  The rain had trickled to a stop right before her orgasm and the clouds swept away from the night sky as though they’d never been, leaving her an unobstructed view of Briareus. Iris stared down at the giant supporting her on his shoulders. He acted as though it was perfectly normal for him to be wearing a female as big as she was like a scarf. She would have laughed at that image if it hadn’t been for the startling vulnerability in his gray eyes. Her juices coated his face, making his skin shiny in the moonlight. Reminding her of what he’d done to her and how much she’d enjoyed it and how much she wanted to do it again and again and again.

  She’d never in all of her thousands of years of self-pleasuring felt anything like what Briareus had done to her. She wanted to shy away from the last part, when he’d put his finger in her ass, but it was something they’d done in their cyber world where anything went. Iris hadn’t considered how erotic it would feel to have his finger there, how deliciously naughty it would be to have him push past that ring of muscles as he sucked her clit. She shivered as she wondered what it would feel like to have his cock pressing there, making her burn and pant and come all over him. Arousal threatened to spark to life again, but she forced it down.


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