Giving You Forever

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Giving You Forever Page 15

by Ashley Wilcox

“Antibiotics weaken the strength of your birth control, honey.”

  “Wait…what?” I ask, my stomach now sitting on the ground.

  She snickers again.

  “They probably should’ve told you that.”

  Um, ya think?

  Completely lost for words and numb, I softly tell my mom, “I, uh, I gotta go. I’ll call you later.”

  “Let me know how it goes,” she adds in a chipper tone before I respond, “uh huh,” and press end.

  “Everything okay?” Nolan asks, noticing my sudden blank stare.

  “We need to stop at the next exit,” I tell him, expressionless.

  “Doll, you’re scaring me…”

  “I have to buy a pregnancy test.”

  As I sit in the car, twiddling my thumbs, and taking repetitive deep breaths to avoid getting sick, Nolan finally comes out of the drug store, carrying a bag full of tests, handing them to me when he gets inside the car.

  “I’m pretty sure we only need one,” I smirk, seeing at least ten in the bag.

  “Just in case,” he winks with an adorable grin, making me a little less nervous.

  He puts the car in reverse, and I question where we’re going. I can just go back inside of the drug store. I’m sure they have a bathroom.

  “The comfort inn down the street that we passed,” he tells me, rubbing the top of my leg.

  I look at him confused.

  “You’re not finding out that you’re pregnant in a public restroom,” he continues.

  “So you’re going to rent a hotel room?”

  “Yeah,” he replies like it’s no big deal, not seeing what a waste of money it is. I honestly couldn’t care less where I find out that I’m pregnant. I just want to know.

  “Okay,” I answer, not bothering to argue. I’m certainly not going to complain.

  – NOLAN –

  Too nervous to sit down, I pace back and forth outside of the bathroom door. I’d be inside if she’d let me, but she said it’d be too weird to pee on a stick in front me. I don’t get why, but I agreed to wait outside.

  “Are you done yet?” I ask through the door, thinking she has to be done by now.

  “It’s still got a minute and a half left,” she yells back.

  “But you’re done peeing on it?”

  “Well, yeah,” her voice decreases from yelling to normal when I step inside the bathroom.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “You said you couldn’t pee on the stick with me in here, not that I couldn’t wait with you.”

  A smile tugs on her lips as I take the small step between us, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as she slips her arm around my waist. Then we wait, staring at the little blinking hour glass together. silence.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  – ALEXA –


  The bold capital letters appear after the three minutes are up, causing both of our mouths to fall open. Tears immediately stream our faces.

  Turning towards me, Nolan pulls me tightly against his chest, kissing the top of my head over and over again, full of joy before loosening his hold and picking me up, making our faces perfectly aligned.

  “Holy shit, doll. We’re having a baby!” he practically shouts, his deep blue eyes shining bright as a smile covers his face.

  With so many emotions flooding my body, my speech fails me, not allowing me to speak, my only response a nod of my head.

  Noticing my expressionless stare, he places me back on the ground, holding my face in his hands. The tears flow heavier.

  “Doll, what’s wrong?” he asks, confused.

  I shake my head just as lost–I don’t know what I’m feeling. I don’t know how I should be feeling. Am I happy? Yeah. Am I sad? Yeah. Am I scared? Tremendously. His face pales and looks at me frightened.

  “Do you not want this? Do you not want to have a baby with me?”

  Immediately I shake my head repeatedly.

  “No. That’s not it at all. Of course, I want to have a baby with you, I just…I don’t—”

  “You’re scared?”

  Feeling ashamed, I look down and whisper, “I’m terrified.”

  Placing a finger underneath my chin, he brings my face back up to his, melting my heart with the warmness in his eyes.

  “You’re going to be a wonderful mom, angel. And you have me. I’ll always be here for you, and for the baby. This may not be part of our plan, but we can do it. I know we can. We have so much love to share…” He rests his hand over my stomach. “With our little peanut.”

  I stare at his hand resting on my abdomen and can’t help the smile tugging on my lips, picturing him rubbing my belly as it grows, sharing this experience with him. He’s right. We can do this. It may be much sooner than we had planned, but sometimes you can’t plan for everything. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches, and as long as I have Nolan by my side, I know that I can do this. I can roll with the punches. With him.

  – NOLAN –


  I’m going to be a dad…again!

  For a minute when she hung up the phone with her mom earlier, the scared as hell look on her face when she told me that she might be pregnant, I was worried. My insides were already jumping ecstatic, hoping that it was true, but by the look on her face, I couldn’t tell how she was feeling. Just a month or so ago, when I brought the topic of kids up, she was shaky with her answer. So I was shitting bullets, worried that she wouldn’t want to keep it, or be depressed. I didn’t know how she was going to react. Then, seeing the look on her face once the test read positive, I was sure that was it. I was sure she didn’t want to have a baby. I knew I had to go into recovery mode, make her believe what an amazing mother she’d be. That we could do this and that we’d be okay.

  I wasn’t sure which way it’d go, but the grin that curved her beautiful lips when I placed my hand over her stomach confirmed that I still had her; that she was inching closer to being just as excited as I am. And now, walking around the Babies-R-Us just down the street from the hotel, I know she’s with me. She ecstatic and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Oh my god, babe. Look at this one,” she holds up a blue onesie that says automatic sprinkler on it. “Can you believe we’re going to have something this little?”

  “Doll, we have to get this one,” I chuckle, holding up another one that looks like two baby arms flexing on it. Two tickets to the gun show.

  “Yes! Definitely need to buy that one,” she smiles.

  An hour later and searching the store high and low for all the cute clothes, gadgets, and learning way more about pregnancy and childbirth than I was expecting, we finally leave with a bag full of things, including some pregnancy books for Alexa.

  “Where to now?” I ask once we get back into the car. “Are you hungry? Do you want to stop and have dinner…celebrate?”

  Tilting her head towards me with exhaustion painted all over her face, she asks, “Can we just start heading home? I just want our bed...”

  Completely mesmerized by those eyes, I cup her cheek telling her, “Whatever you want, doll face. We just have to return the hotel’s room key first.”

  “Should I call my mom back and tell her?” she asks with big eyes when I get back into the car.

  “So, are we just telling family for now? How does this work?” I ask, completely in left field with this.

  With Margo, we didn’t even know she was pregnant until she was three months along and kept it a secret until she started showing.

  “I think you’re supposed to wait until the end of the first trimester to tell everyone. So yeah, let’s stick with family for now.”

  “Let’s call my sister and Dylan!” I tell her, excited to tell who ever I can.

  With a fucking adorable giddy grin, she holds up her phone, dialing her parents first.

  “Mom!” she says before biting down on her lower lip, trying to contain her excitement. “Well, we stopped and bought a test…yup, it was posit

  “Put it on speakerphone, I wanna hear, too!” she begs as I dial Kelly.


  “Kel, it’s Nolan and Alexa…”

  “Hi Kelly,” Alexa calls out from beside me.

  “Hey, what’s up?” she responds.

  “We’ve got some news,” I begin, wiggling my eyebrows towards Alexa.

  “Uh oh. Should I sit down? Are you guys eloping? Moving somewhere crazy?”

  We both laugh. My sister knows me too well.

  “Nope,” I lick my lips. “Alexa’s pregnant!”

  “Ahhh!!! Are you serious? Oh my god, I’m so excited for you guys!” she yells through the phone, making both mine and Alexa’s eyes tear-up. “How far along are you?”

  “We just found out, so not very far at all. She still has to go see the doctor. We’re just telling family.”

  “Oh wow. Gosh, guys, I’m so happy for you, seriously. Congratulations!”

  So full of love and emotions, I look over to Alexa, glowing with happiness, falling even more in love with her.

  “Thanks, Kel, I’ll let you know how the appointment goes,” I tell my sister, putting the focus back on her.

  “Yes, please. Let me know how everything goes. Love you guys,” she says before saying goodbye and ending the call.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  – ALEXA –

  It’s like a switch has turned on once I find out that I’m pregnant, making pregnancy symptoms come in full swing. Last night I fell asleep on the couch when we got home, ate, then showered and then went back to bed–totally exhausted. Now, it’s 7 a.m., and I’m hugging the toilet. Not getting more than two minutes into my morning ritual, the infamous nausea formed in my stomach, pushing quickly up my throat. Thank God I was only steps from the toilet.

  And people enjoy being pregnant?

  Finally ready for the day, I make my way downstairs for my coffee and breakfast. A sticky note is on the coffee maker like usual.

  No caffeine? Are you stinking kidding me? How the heck is this going to work?

  Not even bothering to hit start, the only reason why I drink coffee is for the caffeine, I grab a water from the fridge, crackers from the pantry, and huff and puff as I exit through the garage to my car.

  Today is going to be interesting.

  I manage to bypass Jamie’s questions, wondering why I don’t have a coffee glued to my hand and why I’ve been eating crackers like they’re going out of style. I’m just not feeling well, is all that I tell him.

  After my second class, I decide I should probably call the OB, notifying them of my bundle of joy that hates me. Apparently, over the counter pregnancy tests these days are pretty darn accurate, so if it says that I’m pregnant then I’m pregnant, and I don’t need to come in until around eight or nine weeks–a month from now, and should start taking prenatal vitamins in the meantime. I asked if there was anything I could do about the nausea, or any substitute for my addiction to caffeine. The nausea they gave me some suggestions, but the caffeine, I’m basically crap out of luck, saying to just try and get more rest. Thanks!

  As expected, my phone buzzes with a message. I told Nolan that I’d be calling my doctor after my second class, and knowing that he’s probably been thinking about it all morning, it comes as no surprise that he is already texting me to see to what they had to say.

  I smile to myself, knowing him so well and knowing what a worry wart he is. God help this poor child. The poor thing will probably have to live in a bubble.

  Not bothering to put my phone back in my bag, I wait for his reply, knowing it’ll be within seconds.

  I have to chuckle to myself. Though at times he can be overbearing, he’s incredibly thoughtful, always taking care of me.

  Oh my god, where is my memory lately? Tonight we have our taste testing appointment.

  Putting my phone away, I start walking to my next class early, needing to make a pit stop at the vending machine for some ginger ale and hard candy, hoping that they’ll work.

  Oh crap!

  Throwing my hair up into a ponytail, quickly touching up my make-up in the mirror, I pop a piece of gum in my mouth, cursing myself that I didn’t give myself enough time to brush my teeth–I should really just keep a toothbrush in my purse now–as I bolt out of the house and into my car to speed across town to make our appointment.

  Of course, when I arrive there are no parking spots, so I park on the street, then run like a lunatic to the entrance of the hotel. As I get closer, I see Nolan standing outside, pacing and looking down at his watch. He spots me right away, making the few feet between us.

  “Sweetheart, what’re you doing?” he observes me changing to a brisk walk, gasping for air like I’m a chain smoker.

  “I…” taking a deep breath, “took a long nap after school, and woke up late then couldn’t find a spot to park, so had to park on the road.”

  A smile tugs on the corner of his mouth.

  “You should’ve just called. David’s in a meeting still, and I could’ve parked the car for you.”

  Taking another deep breath and shrugging my shoulders, I answer, “Oh well.”

  He wraps his one arm around my neck, pulling me into him, “I missed you today,” he whispers against my forehead before kissing it.

  There’s no better feeling than snuggling into Nolan’s chest, inhaling his masculine scent that comforts me instantly, at the end of an exhausting day. It’s an immediate de-stressor and relaxant.

  Wrapping my arms around his waist I respond, “I missed you too.”

  “Mr. Pratt?” A woman peeks out the front entrance door and calls Nolan’s name, getting our attention. “David said he’s ready for you guys.” She smiles.

  “Great, thank you,” Nolan responds as he releases me from his hold, lacing his hand with mine before we follow behind her.

  “Alexa! How are you?” David greets me, walking into the ballroom where we are waiting for him. “And you must be Nolan,” he turns to Nolan, extending his hand.

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you,” Nolan responds, shaking his hand.

  “Here, have a seat,” David says, motioning to a table set up with some plates and silverware. “We’ve got a bunch of things for you guys to try, so please get comfortable.”

  Once David turns, Nolan wiggles his eyebrows while rubbing the top of my leg with an amused grin.

  “Excited much?” I chuckle, shaking my head.

  “Hell yeah. I’ve barely eaten today and did an extra mile on the treadmill in between appointments, gearing up for this!” He rubs his hands together, excited.

  “Alright. So first we’ll start with the hors d’oeuvres,” David interrupts, carrying out a tray of appetizers.

  After tasting at least twenty different variations, we finally agree on seven before David begins to carry out the entrees. As soon as he places the first one in front of us, my stomach starts to turn, overwhelmed by the potent smell coming from the broccoli.

  Has broccoli always smelled like this?

  Not wanting to make a scene, I keep swallowing and taking sips of water, trying to push the nausea back down, but it’s not working. I know I’m going to be sick.

  “Where’s the restroom?” I rudely interrupt David as he explains what’s on each dish.

  Flustered by my intrusiveness, he points to a sign on the other end of the ballroom with a gold plaque reading restrooms on the front.

  “Thank you,” I quickly stand, dropping my napkin on my chair, and walk as quickly as humanly possible in that direction.

  – NOLAN –

  Judging by the look of distaste on Alexa’s face, she must have had a “food aversion” to something on the plate. I read last night that this could happen. I stand as she practically runs to the bathroom, contemplating if I should follow. It pains me to see her go through this.

  “Is she okay?” David asks with a confused as hell look on his face.

  “Uh, yeah,” I tell him. “She’s, uh…” I pause,
trying to think of the most logical reason I can think of, but only one stands out and slips off my tongue, “pregnant.”

  Like a light bulb went off in his head, a smile replaces his confusion when he answers, “I see. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I smile back, so thrilled to finally tell someone. It’s been on the tip of my tongue all day, wanting to tell everyone I encountered, praying that the next month or so fly by so I can tell the world.

  Just as I start to walk in her direction, to make sure she’s okay, she exits with an adorable but embarrassed grin on her face.

  “You okay?” I softly whisper in her ear when she comes up beside me, gently draping my arm around her waist.

  With a tight smile, not wanting to elaborate, she whispers, “I’m fine,” before taking her seat.

  “Here,” David reaches for the plate that caused the little break. “Let me get this one from you,” he smiles. “Probably was the broccoli. My sister had the same problem with it,” he adds with a wink.

  Alexa turns to me with a peculiar look.

  Shrugging my shoulders with a tight smirk, I confess. “I told him.”

  “Nolan,” she rolls her eyes with an annoyed, but sweet ass grin.


  “No worries,” David jumps in, saving my ass. “My lips are sealed.”

  “What’cha doing?” Alexa asks, climbing on top of me and straddling my lap, definitely getting my attention.

  “Just lookin’ up some stuff,” I respond, closing out the screen on my phone and resting it on the couch cushion beside me.

  “You’re not looking at pregnancy dos and don’ts again, are you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I answer, dripping with sarcasm.

  “Seriously?” She tries to act mad, but she isn’t. The fucking adorable smirk and sparkle in those damn emerald eyes give her away.

  “What’re you doing?” I ask, pushing her blonde hair behind her shoulders on both sides, exposing her perfectly contoured shoulders, fearing that we have a daughter that looks just like her. Knowing what this sexy ass body does to me on a daily basis, I’d kill the fucker that looks at my princess the way I look at Alexa.


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