Tudor Rose (The Tudor Dynasty Series)

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Tudor Rose (The Tudor Dynasty Series) Page 4

by Salisbury, Jamie

  “You’re both sure? I will implement changes right now to cancel these two nights and make them up later.”

  I’m looking at Amadeus. “It isn’t necessary Robert. If you hear anything at all, don’t hesitate to contact me, okay? Otherwise, we’ll meet you in Seattle.”

  Amadeus stands up as we conclude and without a word takes my hand and helps me up. He hugs me for a long time.

  Chapter Four

  Finally, we arrive in Seattle. Everyone gets a few days off before the concert and before the next leg of the tour begins. This is all down time, without interviews, parties, or concerts. Rooms are booked for our entire stay, giving those who don’t live in the Seattle area a home base.

  Amadeus had asked his sister Anne to drive one of his cars to the hotel. He walks over to the valet to have the vehicle retrieved. Waiting on Amadeus’ car, Red delivers our luggage. A large black SUV appears, and we get in. We’re now on our own time schedule for the next five days.

  We don’t have a long drive, but we’re both dreading the trip. Robert called us and gave us some disturbing news; all of our places had been broken into.

  Amadeus’ condo in Seattle overlooks Puget Sound, thus allowing him privacy, close, but far enough away from the internal disputes and conflicts of family life. We take the elevator to the fifteenth floor. As soon as we enter, regardless of having been straightened up, it is clear what has happened. He walks through the apartment, checking every room before coming back to where I am, next to his black baby grand piano. I notice the classical piece of sheet music, remembering he’s an accomplished pianist in his own right.

  “Not as bad as I thought. I’ll go through things later to check for anything missing.” He walks over to the outside windows overlooking the water front, staring out before turning back to me.

  “Well, we’re on our own for five days, anything you can think of that we need to do this afternoon?”

  “We probably should get some food in this place,” I reply, “because I know even if you are home, you don’t keep much here.”

  He nods his head in agreement. “Yeah, we’re going to need a few things I guess. We’re supposed to eat dinner with my parents. I thought tomorrow we’d go out to Damien's, so there are two meals out. Anything else?”

  “I should phone your mother. When would be a good time? And simply show up at Damien's?”

  “Go ahead and try to reach her,” he replies. “She’ll tell you without your having to ask if anything isn’t right with Julia. If she thinks everything is normal, we’ll simply pop in for a visit with Damien.”

  I sit on the large black leather sofa to phone Grace. Amadeus sits at the end closest to me. Our conversation takes longer than expected. She’s fishing, for information regarding our relationship‘s progress.

  “Are the both of you doing well, Zara?”

  “We’re fine, glad to get this break. I forgot getting a decent night’s sleep can sometimes be a challenge with the hours we keep.” I’m sure I detect a chuckle at that answer.

  “Well, William and I look forward to seeing you both. I realize you don’t get much free time away from my son, Zara, but perhaps we might be able to plan lunch and do some shopping before you leave.”

  We make plans for dinner at their house the following evening. Amadeus takes the phone from me to ask details regarding Damien.

  “We’re planning to visit Damien tomorrow. I thought this would be a good way for Zara to enjoy some of the islands.”

  “He’ll be thrilled to see you Amadeus.” He can tell by the sound of her voice, she’s getting upset. “Julia hasn’t been in touch in weeks and when your Dad called about us going to visit she made all sorts of excuses for us not to come.”

  “Mother, do me a favor, if Julia calls beforehand, don’t tell her we’re coming. I want to surprise Damien.”

  “I won’t, and I’m looking forward to dinner. I love you Amadeus.”

  “Until tomorrow, I love you too, Mother.” He finishes his call and puts the phone down. His mood, now dark, had changed in an instant. He’s not the happy, care free man he was a short time ago.

  “What‘s up A?” I ask. “Did your mom say something?”

  He repeats every word she told him. “So, darlin’, you and I are off to make a surprise visit to big brother and his wife in the morning and later we‘re having dinner with the parents.”

  “Do you think something’s wrong?”

  “Precisely what we’re fixin’ to find out. Even with this law suit, she has no reason not to let them visit Damien. I could tell though my mother was upset by Julia’s behavior. So we’re gonna go and find out what’s going on.” He sits himself right next to me, putting his arms around me. “You know we are alone for the rest of the day.” He gives me a devilish wink and leans over to kiss me.

  “We should go check the kitchen, remember?” I reply, my hand rubbing his chest.


  The following morning, the weather is cloudy, the sun trying to come out. Amadeus is in a hurry to leave. I fell asleep on the sofa while we were watching a movie the night before and he left me, covering me with a blanket. Now he’s acting like a drill instructor, prodding me to hurry.

  “You’re going to have to let us get some coffee.”

  “There’s a place right on the corner here. We’ll stop there first, let’s get the car and go.” he replies, as he shuts the front door behind us.

  As we’re driving, he explains that we have to catch a ferry to the island where Damien and Julia live. I can tell he’s excited about seeing his brother, he’s behaving as if he’s had a pot of coffee instead of one cup. I let him banter and enjoy his enthusiasm. He’s pointing out sights as we drive, explaining where we are in regard to his place. Arriving at the terminal, we wait in line for the next ferry. We sit in the car, watching what’s going on around us, making small talk.

  “Zara, this might sound strange, but I felt odd being at my place last night. I can’t explain it.”

  “Probably because you feel violated, which is perfectly normal, someone did break in. Give it some time and this too will pass.”

  “Yeah. I hadn’t thought about things like that. Other than things didn’t feel the same.” A ferry is coming into sight, and our conversation goes back to mindless banter.

  Though our trip isn’t a long one, Amadeus takes me up on the deck, so I can appreciate the sights of the sound and the islands are coming into view. Lots of boats are out on the water. I have a camera and change the lens out for a telephoto and start snapping pictures.

  An island is fast approaching. He leads us back to the car. We disembark the ferry and drive to Damien’s. He’s quieted down a little, unsure of what lies ahead. I reach across the console and squeeze his knee, attempting to comfort him. Taking my hand, he kisses the back of it and tightens his grip.

  Finally, he turns off the main road onto a gravel one until we come upon a massive black iron gate marking the entrance, which is closed. A brick column holds a speaker and surveillance camera. “No trespassing” signs posted everywhere.

  “Well, this is new,” he announces. “This wasn’t here last time I visited.”

  “It might be necessary A. With Damien retired and ill, they may have had one too many visitors.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right, makes perfect sense. Well, let’s announce ourselves, shall we?”

  We wait after he presses the button. Nothing. He tries again. Finally, a man is heard. “Yes?” the stranger asks. This is reminding me of the movie “The Wizard of Oz.”

  “Yeah, is Julia at home? I’m her brother-in-law, Amadeus.”

  “I’m sorry,” the voice replies, “Neither Mrs. or Mr. Tudor are receiving visitors. I will inform them you came. You might want to call and set up a time with her though.”

  Silence. The unfamiliar voice is gone. Amadeus tries again. I can tell by his actions he’s not happy. The voice returns. “Yes?”

  “You mean I have to make an appointme
nt to visit my own brother?”

  “Yes, sir. I believe that’s what I just told you. Now I advise you to turn around and leave as you are on private property.”

  “Do you believe this?” Amadeus shouts to no one in particular. He makes a gesture to the camera mounted near the box and rolls up his window. He turns his head toward me, his features darkened by his mood. The one thing about him, when he’s in an ill temper that handsome face gives him away. “What?” he yells at me.

  “Come on, let’s go babe.”

  Turning the SUV around we slowly creep back down the gravel drive. He’s looking at the barrier surrounding Damien’s property, a high chain-link fence with barbed wire strung across the top.

  “This wasn’t here either. What the hell is going on? I’ve half a mind to scale it, find her and confront her. She can’t keep my brother from his family!”

  “No, you‘re not. You have no idea what is back there and you certainly don’t need to get hauled in for trespassing.”

  “Yeah, but a stunt like that would sure make one embarrassing headline for her. I can see it now: ‘Tudor sibling arrested trying to see ill brother.’” He was laughing. “Come on, let’s go into town and think about all this.”

  We make our way back and stop by the water. The town is tiny and picturesque, reminding me of how small towns once looked when I was a child. Perfect Americana on an island.

  “Do you have Angus’ number?”

  “Of course, why?” I ask as I pass my phone to him.

  “I’m going to find out what he knows about this. He might not be back, but if he is it’s possible he knows more than we do.”

  Angus hasn‘t arrived. His band will be in town the day before the concert, opening for Tudor Rose. He talks with Ashleigh, Angus’s wife, telling her of the unusual reception we encountered at Damien’s. He’s shaking his head as he finishes the call.

  “What did she say?” I ask.

  “Evidently Angus called to speak with Damien last week, and some guy told him Damien was not available to come to the phone. Same deal we ran into.”

  “This is so bizarre,” I reply.

  “Well, she’s up to something,” Amadeus interjects before I am able to get anything else out. “If I had a boat, I’d go and at least access the situation from the water.”

  The weather wasn’t cooperating, a drizzle was coming down.

  “I guess we need to talk with my dad about this and see what he thinks. I don’t like this at all. But maybe, if we all call their house a zillion times while we’re in town, we might wear her down to where she’ll let us visit Damien.”

  “This is most likely the best we can do for now. I imagine your parents may perhaps hire an attorney.”

  “You want to walk around and look at the shops?” he asks me taking hold of my hand. “We’ve got time, and we need to have some fun.”

  We spend the next couple of hours walking through the quaint town, looking in pottery and antique shops before heading back to the ferry.


  I’m standing in front of the windows at Amadeus’ place watching the water below as I wait for him. I don’t hear him enter the room, but catch a glimpse of him in the window as he approaches me. He embraces me, drawing us closer.

  “Would you be happy living here?” he whispers.

  I’m at a loss for words, and I’m not sure what he means. I finally answer. “Yes.”

  “Even with the gloomy, grey, drizzly days? And we have a lot of those here.”

  Now he’s really got me going. I turn around to face him. He doesn’t back up, but rather keeps his arms around me, keeping me close.

  “What are you trying to say?” Instead of an answer he leans down and kisses me. A long, slow intense kiss. He loosens his grip on me and looks at me, those piercing blue eyes burning through me.

  “It’s like I told you, I love you. I want you in my life permanently. I want us to live together, make babies, raise our family, travel, and grow old together. This is our time Zara.” Before I can answer we’re kissing, passionately once more.

  I finally break free of him. I know if we keep this up we won’t be arriving at his parents on time. We’ll end up in bed instead. “I love you too A. And more than anything I want for us to be together. But…” I hear him groan as he shakes his head, looking up at the ceiling.

  “But what, Zara?”

  “Umm, we need to leave for your parents,” I smile at him, biting my lip, watching for his reaction. “We’ll continue this conversation later, okay?”

  “Yeah, but I can tell you right now Zara, there won’t be much talking when we come back.”

  I can feel myself getting flushed by his words. He must have picked that up. He kisses me then giving me one of those smug grins of his. With that we leave for our dinner.


  Our dinner with his parents is relaxing and enjoyable. William and Grace have always treated me as one of their own. I secretly wish my folks could have been a little more like them instead of the dysfunctional mess I came from. Amadeus stays close to me, which is not lost on either one of the older couple. Their youngest hasn’t had success in the love department. They want nothing more than for him to find his life partner.

  After dinner, the four of us retire to the den. It is a large, inviting, walnut paneled room. The house was built at the turn of the 20th century and rather than modernizing the interior Grace left the majority in the original style.

  Amadeus brings up the issue that‘s been avoided until now. He recalls our visit out to the island. The news is obviously distressing to the couple.

  “We need to do something,” Amadeus suggests. “I’m not sure how to proceed. The compound is like Ft. Knox. I wish I’d had a boat, I’d love to scope the place from the water, and figure out what is going on.”

  “Why is she doing this?” Grace exclaims.

  “I have no answer. Zara suggested we hire a lawyer and get his perspective. Perhaps she’ll let us visit him if she realizes we’ve hired an attorney.”

  “Good idea, Zara,” William replies, adding, “Do you think this matter is tied to the law suit about his music, Amadeus?”

  Amadeus looks at me. “I would like to say it doesn’t, but after today, I don’t know what to believe.”

  “Well, in the morning I’ll call Daniel Sterling. He’s been our attorney for years, and I’m sure if this is something he can’t, or is uncomfortable handling, he’ll recommend the top person for the job.”

  “Good,” I reply. “I believe that’s the best thing you can do.”

  “I also think we all should keep trying to call her to see if we can’t get her on the phone. Try and wear her down. If the attorney doesn’t think we need to do that, we can quit,” Amadeus adds.

  The conversation moves on to the concert and arrangements for their attendance until Grace throws us off with what at first appears to be an off the cuff comment directed at both of us.

  “Not to change the subject, but how long before the two of you get married? What are you waiting for?”

  I know I’m turning every shade of red imaginable, I feel my face heating up. I am not used to this close family interaction and I hear Amadeus groan as he blurts out, “Mother!” I can see he’s amused with his mother’s comment. I expect William to reprimand her as he does not like them getting involved in their children’s private lives. Instead he’s backing her.

  “I have to agree with Grace on this one you two.”

  Amadeus is caught totally off guard. I can tell he’s trying to come up with a response, but he’s floundering. He looks at me, trying to maintain his composure as he answers his mother. “Mother, I haven’t exactly asked Zara. But you’ll be the first to know when that happens.”

  My mind is whirling at what he just said. So was that a proposal earlier? I look over at him, watching him squirm. I want to say something, but Grace beats me to the punch.

  “What do you mean you haven’t exactly asked Zara? What do
you mean? Either you have asked her or you haven’t. Don’t make things so complicated dear.”

  William does come to the rescue, sort of. “Yes, your mother’s right. We don’t expect you two to have a large wedding or anything. We’d be happy if you just eloped.”

  And marriage isn’t the only topic Grace feels is not off limits.

  “Grandchildren Amadeus! You’re the lone holdout in the baby department young man.”

  “Mother, please!”

  “Don’t try to change the subject either,” she insists. “We aren’t getting any younger, and I’d like us to be able to take pleasure in your children as much as we do all the others.”

  My phone interrupts our conversation, and rescues us. Robert, texting with when he’ll arrive in Seattle the following day. I start to put it back in my pocket, but Amadeus is curious and reads the text. The smug expression on his face indicates he’s found a way out of this increasingly uncomfortable conversation. He mentions to his parents that we need to be leaving, we’ve some prior commitments scheduled for early in the morning and Robert was reminding us.

  Bidding his parents good night, we make the trip home.

  “Zara, I’m sorry. I had no idea my mother would get so personal tonight. But she’s never shied away from saying what’s on her mind.”

  “Don’t give the matter another thought. You’re lucky to have such caring parents. They mean well. And now we‘ve made them happy.”

  We arrive home as a light rain sets in for the night. I’m not used to the cooler weather of the area. I find myself shivering from the dampness. Amadeus takes the jean jacket he’s been wearing off and throws it over my shoulders as we enter the elevator.

  “We need to get you some jackets and stuff to keep here since cooler temperatures are not unusual even in the middle of summer. You should always carry a jacket or something with you.”

  “You certainly won’t see weather this cool in Manhattan in July, will you? A nice change from the brutal heat. I guess you get used to the changes?”


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