Sons of Navarus Box Set #1

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Sons of Navarus Box Set #1 Page 18

by Scott, K. M.

  Finally, one night as she walked the French Quarter, the connection she’d felt since their first night together as vampire and sire—the connection that had been her lifeline to him since he’d left—disappeared. She couldn’t sense his presence anywhere in the world. She was now just as he’d been for centuries.

  Truly alone in the world without a sire.


  The sun set below the nearby mountain range, leaving a sky of deep purples and oranges. Vasilije gazed out at the natural beauty left behind by the day. Centuries since the last time he’d enjoyed the feel of the sunlight on his skin, the last remnants of each day still fascinated him here. He remembered as a child playing in the sun among the guards assigned to watch him, the only son of the local prince. Surrounded by sisters from his father’s wife and numerous concubines, he’d lived a life of special privilege then.

  Those days were long behind him now, but his return to the land of his Romanian home had been the refuge needed to secure his safety after his escape from New Orleans. It had also renewed him, preparing him for the duty he’d finally perform for his kind. For the duty the Sons of Navarus would fulfill.

  His time in seclusion hadn’t been entirely because of his actions in New Orleans. The real truth of the Louisiana Archon’s actions came to light in those days right after he’d arrived in this place. Tatiana’s attempt on his life hadn’t been merely because of her desire for revenge. She was part of a much larger plan by the Archons against the Sons of Navarus. From this point on, he’d be a marked man, wanted dead by the vampires intent on ruling their world as they saw fit.

  But he wouldn’t be alone. There were others like him in the Sons of Navarus, and together, they would fight against the Archons. And there was Sasa.

  As darkness enveloped the countryside, Vasilije waited for Sasa’s arrival. He’d called her to him minutes earlier and knew as one of his vampires, she’d have no choice but to obey his command.

  Whether she wanted to or not.

  The place she was to come to was as different from her home in New Orleans as night was to day. Nestled in the Carpathian Mountains, the land surrounding the town of Suceava was quiet and secluded but close enough to modern necessities. It wasn’t the French Quarter, but she’d get used to it.

  It would be an adjustment, but in time, he hoped she’d come to love the area as he did. Her addition to his life here would be the last piece to make it complete. He’d missed her in their months apart. Closing his eyes, he replayed the last night they’d spent together, enjoying the memory of her taking what she needed from him as they joined together once again as sire and vampire.


  He opened his eyes and there she stood, mere feet away from him. Every cell in his body craved her touch as his heart called out to her.

  “Sasa, come.”

  She looked at his outstretched hand and stood motionless, her face the picture of hurt. Looking up at him, she leveled her gaze on him. “And this is what you expect? You leave me alone for months, not knowing if you were dead or alive, and then the moment you call, I’m expected to drop everything and come to you? I’m not the woman you left all those months ago, Vasilije.”

  Not exactly the reunion he’d hoped for.

  As she spoke, his gaze wandered over her body. He’d missed the feel of her against him. She may have been standing in front of him in jeans and a sweater, with enough attitude to put off the average man, but he imagined her naked and far more amenable to his ideas.

  “Are you even listening to me?”


  “Yes what? Yes, this is what you expect from me, or yes, you’re listening to me?”

  He couldn’t help but smile. The effect she had on him was unlike that of any other soul in the world. If any other of his vampires spoke to him like that, he’d punish them severely, and God help any human who dared to do anything like that. But Sasa was different.

  “Yes to both. Now come here and stop fighting me.”

  She walked toward him reluctantly, as if she were resisting her very nature, but she didn’t have a choice. She was his. Gradually, her eyes softened and the woman he’d left all those months ago stood in front of him.

  “Sasa, I missed you. If I’ve ever hurt you, it was not what I wanted.”

  Without speaking a word, she told him she’d missed him too. Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed her body to his and looked up at him with that gentle expression that always made him want to possess and protect her. Her mouth—the mouth that had given him such exquisite pleasure, lied to him, and even driven him to the brink of madness once or twice—waited for the touch of his, begging to be kissed.

  “I haven’t forgiven you for not coming back to me. And where is this?”

  Dipping his head down to kiss her, he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips. “Romania. And you will. Give it a minute, love.”

  Feigning annoyance, she turned to walk away, but he pulled her roughly to him, pressing her back against him. Cupping her breasts under her sweater, he squeezed her excited nipples as she pushed against him. Moaning, she gave a quick wave of her hand and her clothes disappeared, leaving her naked next to him.

  “Nice trick, pet.”

  “I’ve been practicing.”

  Her words struck him like a hand across the face, and the thought of her with another man sent a possessive rage coursing through his body. She was his. His vampire. His woman.

  Spinning her around, he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She hung on to his neck while she fumbled with his pants’ button as he carried her to the bedroom. Pushing her back onto the bed, he shed his clothes with a smile.

  “Get on your hands and knees, love.”

  In front of him, Sasa’s body waited for his touch. With his hands on her hips, he climbed onto the bed and eased her back toward him. Arching her back, she opened herself up to him, wanting him as much as he wanted her. Slowly, he slid into her and stilled, reveling in the pure pleasure she gave him.

  He’d missed this. The feel of her body surrounding his like a glove, so snug even as she dripped with arousal. The memory of their last time together like this flashed before him, and he ran his palm over her soft skin to her neck and back again, worshipping the feel of her beneath him. That time had been full of rage. This was about love.

  Moving in and out of her, he found a sweet rhythm. He was in no hurry. If this was the way he spent the rest of his nights, he could leave this Earth knowing happiness once again. But he needed to see her, to see those dark eyes so full of desire staring into his.

  He reluctantly left the warmth of her body and turned her to face him. Hovering over her, he was struck by her beauty. From the moment he’d first touched her, she’d enchanted him. Now as his vampire, she threatened to undo him. Looking up at him, her knowing eyes still tinged with innocence, she seductively ran her tongue across the tips of her fangs.

  “Don’t tease me, Vasilije. It’s cruel, and you shouldn’t be cruel to me.”


  Her words touched his heart, and he lowered himself to her, knowing she had no understanding of how she affected him. Every night without her had hurt, like a piece of him had been ripped away leaving an open wound. Now she was with him again, and mere words from her endangered any control he thought he’d possessed.

  She clung to him as they made love, as if she feared losing him once more. Never. He wouldn’t let that happen again.

  He slid his teeth over her skin and next to the tender spot just below her ear. “Give yourself to me, iubita.”

  She did willingly and as the first of her blood entered him, she tightened around his cock and cried out in ecstasy, surrendering her arousal to him even though he knew she’d been hurt by his absence. As his own release surged into her, he felt at home. Truly, after so long, he was home.

  In the silence between them as they lay together in one another’s arms, Sasa kissed him and asked, “What was that wor
d you used? Iubita?”

  “It’s a Romanian word.”

  “What does it mean?”

  Stroking her cheek, he looked into her eyes so filled with curiosity and love and kissed her.



  Vasilije watched as the men filed into the room and positioned themselves backs against the wall. Each was a member of the Sons of Navarus like him—charged with protecting those most ancient of their race, the Order of Macaria—and powerful in their world. They’d come in response to the Order’s call for them to take a stand against the corrupt Archons who threatened their world.

  They stood silently, watching for who would speak first, who would say the words that would seal their fate. Vasilije stood from his chair and motioned to Sasa to close the door.

  “I’m glad you all made it. How many years has it been since the vampire world needed the Sons? What vampires have feared for eons has finally occurred. The prophecy has come true. The Archons have begun their plan to eliminate the Order to secure their own power. Each of you is in danger as you stand here because to do away with them, they must first get rid of us. They want to eliminate us from our world so the Order is defenseless. But not all of you have agreed to this. Some of you have had this handed down from your sires. Know that none of us will judge anyone who chooses to leave now.”

  “Fuck that. If you’re a coward, you deserve to be judged.”

  Vasilije turned to the youngest of the Sons, a vampire with an all-American boy look and the body of an athlete. “Dante, relax. Not everyone is up for a fight like you.”

  A few murmured their opinions quietly, and Vasilije raised his hand to silence the group. “If anyone wants to leave, there’s the door. Know that we wish you the best. But I’m not going to let those fucking Archons wipe out what vampires have had throughout history. I won’t let them kill the ancients. I promised to give my life for the Order. The Archons have already tried to kill me, and they’ll try again. Obviously, Dante is with me. Who else is?”

  The six other men stood looking straight ahead as they considered the most important decision of their lives. One stepped forward, and Vasilije braced himself for what would come next.

  “I need to know this isn’t a you-as-the-leader thing. If that’s what this is, I’m out. I’ll take out as many Archons as I can and take care of myself.”

  Vasilije grinned with relief. Declan’s comments weren’t surprising. Teagan’s brother, he was bigger and more menacing than Vasilije’s friend had ever been. Dark and secretive, he hadn’t liked him since the day he turned Teagan, and the feeling was mutual. But he was a Son of Navarus above all else.

  “No, I’m no more powerful than any of you. The Archons want us gone because we’re protectors of our race. We’re also what they aren’t. Sires. That gives us great power, and most of us have taken advantage of that power to sire many vampires who are loyal to us. This isn’t about me, Saint. This is about keeping those sterile fucks from getting any more power than they already have. If we don’t, we can all kiss our world goodbye.”

  “Fine. Then I’m in,” Declan mumbled as he stepped back toward the wall and folded his arms across his chest.

  Vasilije waited for more questions, but none came. “Well, then I guess introductions are in order. Some of you may not know all of us. That’s Saint.”

  “I’m guessing by your attitude that your nickname is ironic?” Sion asked.

  Declan grimaced and Dante chimed in with, “No. He’s called Saint because he doesn’t fuck his vampires. We’d call him Virgin, but then he’d have to stop fucking humans.”

  Declan moved to grab Dante, but Vasilije stepped in between them. “Relax, gentlemen. Sion, why don’t you tell us who you are? Some of us might not know you. It’s been a long time since the Sons were all together.”

  Sion stepped forward and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Lean, he was the picture of logic and reason, rarely giving a sign of his emotions. “I’m Sion, I inherited this job when my sire was staked in the 1940s, and if you need to know how something works, come to me.”

  “Glad to have you here, Sion. We know each other from way back, and I think you’ll all find him to be a valuable member of the group,” Vasilije added.

  Dante leaned in and whispered next to his ear, “Interesting group so far, Vasilije. A sexual deviant and a geek.”

  Vasilije ignored Dante’s comment and continued. “Terek, I think almost everyone here knows you.”

  A dark haired man with piercing green eyes bowed slightly and smiled. “I get around.”

  “Still all about the mystical stuff, Terek? I bet that gets the ladies to give in quick,” Dante joked. “Maybe that’s what you need, Saint. A little Terek mojo to fix up your problem.”

  “One more fucking word out of you and we’ll be seven, not eight,” Declan growled.

  “And Ramiel and Thane. Gentlemen, good to have you here. If anyone knows about the prophecy, it’s these two,” Vasilije said as they nodded silently. “What they know has been handed down from ancient times. Their sires were two of the original Sons of Navarus. Gradually, over the centuries, all the other vampires believed to carry the true knowledge of the prophecy have been lost and only Ramiel, Thane, and two other vampires remain.”

  The other Sons regarded the two men, who stood silently staring back at the group. Ramiel was the biggest of all the men assembled and had the face of an angel, but eyes as black as night. Thane was only slightly smaller, but his eyes showed a kindness absent in the other vampire’s.

  Vasilije continued, “You may be the most important of us here. If we intend on stopping the Archons, we’ll have to figure out where the secret of the prophecy is hidden.”

  Turning to the last member of the group, Vasilije moved to shake his hand and smiled. “And last, but not least, Nico. Haven’t seen you in a long time. I wasn’t sure you’d be in for this. This wasn’t your responsibility, and considering your sire, no one would blame you for bowing out.”

  Every bit as Greek as his name, Nico was dark with olive skin and black hair. The most ancient of the Sons of Navarus, he’d been turned in ancient Greece as a young man and appeared as if one right out of a Greek myth. “Not in on giving those Archons what they deserve? I just need to know we’ll be taking some of them out. This won’t be any fun if we’re staying all law abiding.”

  Vasilije nodded. “That may be what we have to do. Right now, we need to find out what their next move is and go from there. I’ve already spoken to someone who will act as our spy with them. I know I’m still a target, so that’s something that’s going to be a reality from now on. But we need to know who’s next. So we’ve got to protect the Order and protect ourselves.”

  “Like a vampire A-Team?” Dante joked.

  “Jesus Christ, let it be me they want to kill next so I don’t have to listen to this asshole anymore,” Declan grumbled.

  Vasilije shook his head. “Not exactly, Dante. The Archons want us dead because of who we are, but even more so, they want the Order of Macaria liquidated. That’s far more than just the people in this room. And we’re not exactly do-gooders here. We’ll get dirty if it calls for it.”

  “Then where do we go from here?” Sion asked.

  “As soon as my spy tells me what she knows, we’ll know what to do. Until then, make yourselves comfortable. Old monasteries have a lot to offer.”


  It was still hours before sunrise, but Vasilije and Sasa lay in bed relaxing from a long night with the other Sons of Navarus. Sasa rested her head on Vasilije’s shoulder as she listened to him explain what the group was planning, and when he finished, she asked, “Do we know who the Archons have chosen now? Whose vampires are going to have to live in fear like I do?”

  He kissed the top of her head and tipped her face up to look at him. “You have nothing to fear, love. No matter who they send, I’ll do what I have to.”

  “Why are they doing this?”

chons by ancient law can’t sire vampires. This was supposed to ensure impartiality, but all it’s done is ensure that the ruling class is corrupt. They only have to obey the magistrates, and they’re usually their sires. It’s a rather incestuous system. They want to be sires, but even more, they want power. It’s not enough for them to be the law and order of our world. They want what the ancients have. They’re sick of being the cops of the vampire world.”

  Sasa sat up and crossed her legs under her. “So why not just go around the Archons and tell the magistrates what they’re doing? The magistrates wouldn’t allow them to harm the most ancient and revered members of our world.”

  Vasilije sighed and rested his palm on her knee. “Because as their sires, they’re unlikely to believe us over their vampires if we don’t have proof. All we have now are a few dead vampires and Tatiana’s attempt on my life.”

  A look of fear came across Sasa’s face at the mention of what they went through in New Orleans. “Can the group beat the Archons? Are the Sons of Navarus strong enough?”

  “The Sons of Navarus are as ancient as the Order. Long ago, when our world began with Hades’ daughter Macaria, the Sons was created in dedication to the human she loved—the first vampire. Since then, whether recruited or given the duty by their sire, there have always been eight vampires charged with protecting the most important of all vampires, the Order of Macaria. For many years, the Sons were forgotten and peace reigned in the vampire world. But the prophecy was always there, always a reminder that if the Archons attempted to eliminate the Order, the Sons would be needed.”

  Sasa wrinkled her nose. “I love you, Vasilije, but you don’t appear to be someone I’d think would be a protector of vampires, other than your own, of course.”

  “I’ve been part of the Sons of Navarus since the late 1800s. I was asked because of the number of vampires I’ve sired. Sires like me, with many vampires, are very useful to the Order.”

  “So how can we ever hope to beat the Archons?”


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