Sons of Navarus Box Set #1

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Sons of Navarus Box Set #1 Page 34

by Scott, K. M.

  Turning back to the three men about to intrude on them, he let his smile fade to a scowl. “Fine, but make it quick.”

  As they filed past him, he turned to Solenne to sneak a kiss. “Don’t let him convince you to keep working as a spy at Verrater’s. He can find someone else.”

  Solenne ran her hands over his chest, letting them settle just above the waist of his pants at his hipbones. “When they leave, I have this thing I want to try that Sasa told me about. You game?”

  The way she raised her eyebrows made him think he was definitely game. “Vasilije better hurry,” he whispered near her lips.

  Saint followed Solenne into the sitting room and stood behind her when she sat. “Let’s get this over with. And if this is about her doing any more spying or anything to do with Teagan, the answer is no.”

  The three men sat down facing Solenne, and Vasilije spoke first. Immediately, Saint disliked his tone.

  “We have some questions about what you’ve done with the Archon, Solenne.”

  “What the fuck do you mean you have some questions about what she’s done?”

  Vasilije looked up toward him. “Maybe you shouldn’t be here for this, Saint.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? I told you I wasn’t interested in following you. I’m a Son because of the Order, not you. And you’re in her house as a fucking guest who’s quickly wearing out his welcome.”

  Terek hastily moved to diffuse the mounting tension. “Saint, I think what Vasilije meant was that perhaps Solenne would prefer if you weren’t to hear what she’s done in aiding you.”

  “I know what Solenne’s been forced to do, Terek. That’s why she’s not going back there. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me.”

  Saint placed his hand on her shoulder to ensure they understood his point. Solenne was the woman he loved, and if they had something to say to her, they would say it with him present.

  “It’s your choice, Saint,” Vasilije said somberly. “Solenne, I need to know what your relationship is to the Archon.”

  Saint set his jaw and worked to not take Vasilije apart piece by piece. Relationship? What the hell was he talking about?

  Solenne didn’t seem to understand what he meant either. “We don’t have a relationship other than my spying on him for the Sons. Why are you asking me this?”

  The three men sat silently, and Saint repeated her question. “Why ask her this? Someone offers us help and goes through what she’s had to at his hands to protect me, and you come here with your version of the Inquisition?”

  “We’ve heard some things and we just want to straighten them out. Saint’s safety is our only concern, Solenne.”

  “Vasilije, I would never do anything to harm Declan. Never. Ask whatever you want.”

  Saint waited to hear what these things they’d heard were. Did Teagan have something to do with all this?

  “Solenne, has the Archon ever had your blood?” Vasilije asked.

  Saint threw up his hands, fed up with entire situation. “That’s it. We’re done here.”

  As he moved to show the Romanian how unwelcome he was, Solenne grabbed his arm to stop him. “Don’t, Declan. I want to answer the question.”

  Saint shook his head. “No. You don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to. I’ve done what I thought was right to keep you safe. And I’d do it again, so if they need to hear it, so be it.”

  He watched her square her shoulders and sit as straight as can be in her chair. More than anything else, at that moment he admired her strength. Turning back toward his fellow Sons, he felt a surge of pride for the woman next to him. “You’re fucking lucky she’s who she is and that I respect her choices.”

  “To answer your question, yes, he’s had my blood. I needed him to trust me and when he demanded I allow him to have it, I didn’t feel like I had a choice. Verrater is cruel, like all Archons, but he seems to love inflicting pain when he takes my blood.”

  Solenne turned her face away from them and pulled her hair back from her neck to show a painful looking bruise. “This is the result of the last time he took from me.”

  Saint looked down at the deep purple mark and felt his blood run cold. The thought of that motherfucker hurting her and enjoying it made him seethe. When he got his hands on him, he’d know pain.

  Vasilije and Dante stared at the evidence of Verrater’s cruelty, saying nothing, but Terek seemed particularly affected by what Solenne had endured. “I’m sorry you’ve suffered to help our cause. We are in your debt.”

  Terek’s green eyes reflected his genuine concern, and Saint appreciated at least one of them seemed to understand what she’d given up for them.

  “Solenne, we don’t want to upset you, but these next questions must be asked,” Vasilije continued.

  “I have nothing to hide. Ask whatever you must.”

  Vasilije took a deep breath and asked, “Have you slept with him?”

  Saint balled his lowered hand into a tight fist as the words left Vasilije’s mouth. He had no way of knowing if she had, but he’d suspected it. The idea made him sick, especially because if she had slept with him, it had been to protect him and had likely been tantamount to rape.

  “That’s enough. Solenne is the victim here, not the bad guy. She deserves better than this bullshit.”

  Solenne covered his hand with hers and turned to face him. Her eyes were wide with fear, telegraphing her answer without her having to say a word. It didn’t matter. He’d have to live with his jealousy. This was the woman he’d loved for nearly a hundred years. If she’d done anything with the Archon, she’d done it to protect him.

  “I’m sorry, Declan. I wanted to tell you, but it never seemed like the right time. Please understand.”

  As she spoke, she squeezed his hand and he felt her begin to tremble. “I don’t blame you. I meant what I said. You’re the victim. And I’m the last soul with any right to pass judgment here. You’ve done what you did to protect me. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

  Saint smiled down at her beautiful face and hoped she knew how much he loved her. Whatever she’d done, he’d have to deal with it.

  And when he found that fucking Archon, pain would be the least of his problems.

  Solenne forced a tiny smile that told him she understood and turned back to face the three others. “Not that it’s any of your goddamned business, but yes, I slept with him for the same reason I let him have my blood—to help protect the man I love, the man I’ve loved for a century. You told me you needed me to spy on Verrater. Well, you served me up like a sacrificial lamb. He’s a sadist who treated me like his sex slave. What was I supposed to do? Refuse him? Then I’d never have a chance to find out anything about what their plans are for Declan or any of you.”

  “I’m sorry, Solenne. I knew nothing of Verrater when I told you to spy on him. And I never expected you to sacrifice yourself to help us,” Vasilije said quietly.

  “I didn’t do it for you. I did it for Declan.”

  Saint had heard enough. “She answered your questions. It’s time for you to go.”

  “I only have one more, Saint. Solenne, did you ever take any of Verrater’s blood.”

  Finally, Saint saw where their questions were leading. They thought Solenne had betrayed them and was playing him.

  “Vasilije, why would you ask me that?” Solenne asked, her voice shaky.

  “Because we’ve had a report that you have and Verrater has chosen you to be Saint’s assassin.”

  “No! That’s not true! Well, part of it is. He did tell me I had to kill Declan, but I would never do that. I couldn’t! You have to believe me. I never took his blood. To do that and sex would mean I’m his. Never! You have to believe me.”

  Saint stood stunned for a moment as the news of what Solenne had been shouldering all on her own sunk in. As she turned to face him, he saw the toll Vasilije’s questions and the Archon’s command had taken on her. Her eyes, filled with tears,
searched his face for some sign he still believed in her. Taking her in his arms, he held her tight.

  “You’re one class act, Vasilije. She told you what you wanted to know, so get the fuck out. You three know where the door is.”

  Solenne quietly sobbed against his chest as Saint stroked her back. As he led her to toward his room, Vasilije asked, “How long have you known Marc Verrater, Solenne? Is he the one you left Saint for all those years ago?”

  Saint’s limbs felt like led at the sound of the name Marc. A memory buried for so long was suddenly unearthed and exposed to the world. Solenne looked up at him in horror, understanding Vasilije’s words instantly.

  “No! You’re wrong!” she cried.

  “Are you saying you didn’t leave him for someone named Marc?”

  Solenne grasped at his arm as Saint backed away from her. “No, you don’t understand. Declan, it’s not what they’re saying. Please! Listen to me. Don’t listen to him!”

  “We have the letter you wrote him saying you were leaving him. Marc was the man’s name.”

  Solenne’s eyes pleaded for Saint to believe her, but everything seemed to swim in front of his eyes as she reached out to take him in her arms.

  “Declan, don’t do this! Don’t believe them. It’s not what it seems. Declan!”

  Saint pressed his back to the wall, sure if he didn’t he’d slump to the ground. Every word Vasilije uttered brought back the pain of losing Solenne and his punishment soon after, and every word that came from her mouth inflicted new pain on top of the old.

  “Solenne, we need you to come back to the monastery with us,” Terek said as he took her by the arm. “Don’t worry.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks as she frantically struggled to free herself from Terek’s hold. Like something from a nightmare, the scene seemed to play out in silent, slow motion in front of Saint. Solenne’s outstretched hand reached for him but fell short as she was led away. And then he was alone, consumed by the thought of another betrayal and Teagan’s promise that she’d leave him again.

  He looked up at the night sky full of clouds that obscured the stars. In minutes, the woman who filled his every waking thought would return to his arms and he would once again taste her on his tongue.

  Forced to meet in secret now that Teagan had decided to return, they cherished every stolen moment, knowing the danger if they were caught. For her, he would’ve risked sun and stake to once again be buried inside her. For her, he withstood the torture of living in the same house, never able to touch her for fear of putting her in danger.

  He watched other couples stroll through the park, out in the open with their affections, and a spark of jealousy ignited inside him. He wanted the world to know how much he loved Solenne, wanted to shout it loud for all to hear, but she wasn’t his to love. That privilege fell to his brother, who treated the gift like a task he occasionally remembered to complete.

  Minutes turned to an hour, and he began to worry she’d been caught sneaking out to meet him. Teagan’s return just a week earlier had been a surprise even to Declan, and since then the only time he shared with Solenne came through stolen moments and always with the risk of Teagan finding out their secret.

  The park emptied of people, and he left disappointed and concerned for her safety. As he walked over ancient cobblestones through the old town, he cursed his brother’s good fortune of having sired Solenne and his bad.

  Vampire law allowed for no reprieve of the sire-vampire relationship as long as the sire wished it to continue. Unfortunately, even though Teagan had chosen to abandon Solenne for all intents and purposes, preferring to enjoy his time with his own sire and as many women as could be accommodated each night, he hadn’t formally released her from the physical bond they barely shared.

  Declan entered the house, his eyes searching for any sign Solenne had been caught, but he saw nothing to indicate anything out of the ordinary had occurred. On his way to the sitting room, he heard footsteps behind him and turned to see his brother.

  “Enjoy your night out, Declan?”

  He stared into his brother’s eyes wondering if his tone had been intentionally taunting. “Not really a night out. Just went for a walk.”

  “You should find yourself a woman to sire. I can tell you from repeated experience it’s something you’d enjoy.”

  Nothing Teagan said was on its face proof that he knew anything of where he’d been or who he’d waited to meet, but something inside Declan told him he knew. “I think I’ll go to my room now.”

  He turned to make his way up to his second floor bedroom, preferring to avoid any more discussion of siring as the only woman he wished to call his own could never truly be his if Teagan continued to hold her to their legal relationship.

  On his way, he hoped to see Solenne, but except for Teagan and himself, the house was empty. As he entered his room, he saw on his bed lay a letter. He raised the envelope to his nose and inhaled the familiar scent of flowers that seemed to surround Solenne no matter what time of year it was. Tearing it open, he anxiously pulled the letter out and read the words that tore his heart out.

  “Forgive me. I can no longer live a lie. Teagan has released me, and I’ve met another named Marc. Goodbye.”


  Solenne closed her eyes to avoid the accusatory looks from everyone around her. Vasilije and Dante, joined now by Sion, talked just a few feet away, whispering about her supposed crime and looking at her with sideways glances every few minutes. But closing her eyes only made her feel worse for all she saw was Declan’s stunned face frozen in her mind.

  “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

  Turning around, Solenne saw Terek sitting behind her. “Are you the one chosen to guard me? You don’t have to bother. I won’t go anywhere until they understand what they think is wrong.”

  Terek stared back at her with green eyes like emeralds shining in the sunlight. His expression was the same he wore all the time—perfectly calm—but his eyes seemed to penetrate her.

  “I am not your guard. Think of me more as your advocate here.”

  “Advocate? Do you believe me that I’ve done nothing to harm Declan?” Solenne waited for his answer and then added, “At least not this time.”

  “I believe you believe you’ve done nothing against him now.”

  Solenne turned back in her seat to face those who accused her. Vasilije glanced over at her again and the look of indictment was written all over his face. Crossing her arms, she kept her gaze on his and said to Terek, “I need you to help convince them. Vasilije and Dante are sure I’m guilty.”

  “Perhaps it’s time the truth came out.”

  Solenne sighed, hunching her shoulders. The truth Terek referred to wasn’t just something she could say. Vasilije was her sire’s sire and unlikely to want to see him as the man she knew he was. Also unlikely was Teagan admitting he was that man.

  “The ties between sire and vampire aren’t easily overcome. Why is that not true for you and your sire?”

  Turning back to face Terek, she answered, “Because the ties of love for Declan are stronger. Teagan can’t accept that. He never could.”

  The thought of Declan believing she’d betrayed him again made Solenne wince in pain. She had to make the rest of the Sons believe her and then all she could do is hope he would.

  “Terek, why do they think I’d turn against Declan and the rest of you?”

  “Because you’ve done it before,” Vasilije answered behind her.

  Solenne faced forward and met his cold stare with one of her own. “He forgave me. That’s all that matters.”

  “I’m afraid not, love,” he said in a voice full of smugness.

  “I can understand why he hates you. And just to set the record straight, I didn’t do what I did alone. Teagan played his part.”

  “Your sire isn’t the issue here. And you should show more respect for the one who made you.”

  “God, you can’t see anything when it comes to you
r precious Teagan! Where is he? Bring him here and let him explain what happened back then.”

  “Unfortunately, for you, he’s not here at the moment, so you’re on your own, love.”

  “I’m not one of your women, love, so treat me with more respect.”

  Solenne turned to Terek, who was quickly becoming her only hope. “I’m guessing you read minds. Tell them what you see in mine. They won’t listen to me.”

  Terek stood from his chair and approached the others. “There are things we don’t know that may show you’re wrong about Solenne.”

  Vasilije shook his head in disbelief, but Terek’s words had some effect on Dante and Sion whose faces showed interest in the idea that she might not be guilty of the crimes Vasilije seemed so sure she’d committed.

  “Like what?” Dante asked.

  “Vasilije, your vampire seems to be far different when it comes to his brother.”

  “What does this have to do with Teagan? If anything, he was the victim of this one’s treachery.”

  “Why did you want me to work with you, risking my life to spy on Verrater, if you think of me like that?”

  “I didn’t know of your past until recently, love.”

  Solenne leaped out of her chair in exasperation. “Of course! Teagan comes back from the dead and can’t wait to tell you about my treachery, as you call it.”

  “Vasilije, why would he tell you that?” Terek asked.

  “He’s concerned about Saint’s safety.”

  That was too much for Solenne to handle. “Are you kidding? Do you even know your vampire? He hates Declan. He couldn’t give a damn about his safety!”

  Terek placed his hand on her shoulder. “We’ve obviously got a problem here. Did Teagan accuse his own vampire of working with the Archons?”

  Shaking his head, Vasilije explained, “No. He merely expressed concern that Saint had obviously become quite close to Solenne since going to her house.”

  “And two people who have loved each other for years shouldn’t find happiness together, even in times like this?”

  Dante cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “I’m confused. I thought Saint only liked human females.”


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