Chasing Noel

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Chasing Noel Page 4

by Debra Elise

They fell to the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. He brought her overheated body on top of his and stroked her hair while their breathing returned back to normal.


  “Hmm?” She wasn’t sure she could form a coherent word.

  “No regrets?”

  She was silent for a moment too long because he pinched her butt.

  “Ow. Bully. You fishing for a compliment?”

  “I think I just proved myself very well, actually. I’m more concerned with... how you’re feeling?”

  TS was a complicated man. Being sensitive to other’s feelings was probably something new to him, and she thought him sweet and…and oh, my Lord, that was the best sex she’d ever had. How stupid was she to have turned him down before?

  But she wasn’t going to let him know. It would be her secret. Besides, she wanted him to ‘prove’ himself at least once more before the night was over, and they went their separate ways.

  “It was good. I feel… good.”

  “Good!? I’ll show you good.” He placed his forearms on either side of her face and kissed her stupid. He lined up all their good parts and, in a well-satisfied and raspy voice, added, “Hope you’re not too sore for round two.”

  She smiled to herself. Oh, yes, she was definitely looking forward to round two.


  Noel woke up to the smell of ambrosia.


  Strong coffee.

  She sat up and yawned, stretching her arms above her head. The first thing she was aware of was all the small tugs and tingles her muscles produced. Some underused and others, well the loose-limbed feeling made her smile. It was the second awareness that made her freeze.

  A man was standing in the bedroom doorway, leaning against the doorjamb wearing unbuttoned Levi’s, and holding a cup filled with the one thing she couldn’t live without.

  Maybe she’d let him back under the comforter with her. “If that cup is for me, you’re about to get lucky again. After I drink it.” She realized too late her top half was bared to his gaze. She knew because he wasn’t smiling at her comment. He was locked on her breasts. His gaze was at half-mast, his erection pushing through the opening of his unfastened jeans. Yeah, she’d forsake her coffee for more of him.

  “Um, I hope you have more condoms because I hadn’t planned on having marathon sex while I was here.” Coffee forsaken, she flipped the comforter to the side, making sure he knew she was up for what his body was signaling he wanted.

  “We’re not going anywhere today. The snow has stopped falling, but we’re going to have to dig our way out to the main road, eventually.”

  “Um, okay.” At the moment she didn’t care if they were going to be here for a month. She just wanted him back in bed. Now.

  He set the coffee on the dresser and ditched his jeans.

  Noel sucked in a quick breath. Damn, the man was built. His broad shoulders and muscled arms and chest were swoon-inducing. And she’d had the pleasure of learning every inch of him last night and a just a couple hours ago. If he was offering a round three, who was she to argue?

  Before she could say his name, he was back on the bed leaning into her. He captured her lips and made her forget what he’d already done to her because this time he devastated her. And she matched him kiss for kiss, touch for desperate touch. This time was different. They knew now what the other felt like, tasted like, sounded like when they came.

  This time it was a race to see how much pleasure they could wring from the other. Luckily there would be no loser in the silent, sensual contest.

  They spent the rest of the day napping, eating, and making love. No thought was given to leaving. At one point, they dragged out a deck of cards, and TS suggested they play strip poker, but since she was wearing his shirt and he had changed into just a pair of sweats, it was a short game.

  The next morning Noel woke up after being thoroughly and oh so, spectacularly satisfied. This time there was no coffee perking up her senses. Instead, she listened for sounds of TS since he was no longer in bed with her.

  It was quiet. The kind of quite you only found in the woods far from other humans. She’d missed that stillness. Maybe in the late spring or early summer, she’d take another long weekend and come back; if she were still living here.

  The air had cooled in the cabin. Naked, she made a dash for the bathroom down the hall and turned on the shower. Warm water sprayed out. At least it wasn’t cold. She stepped in and washed her hair. As she rinsed out the conditioner, she heard the front door slam. TS’s boots stomped down the hallway.


  She called out, “in the shower.” A thought that he might join her warmed her head to toe. When he called back that he’d be in the kitchen, a sense of disappointment took her by surprise.

  They’d just spent hours in bed, consuming each other. She shook her head and scolded her greediness. She knew this prelude was all about working each other out of their respective systems.

  It had been inevitable considering how long she’d been thinking of him. It was over, they’d go back home, back to their lives, and if all worked as she was planning, she’d no longer have to see him whenever their friends got together. In six months, maybe nine, she’d be in another city. Away from the temptation of TS.

  And far enough away that she wouldn’t have to see him with other women.

  The door rattled from a knock, and she jumped.

  “Hey, you still breathing in there?”

  “Yes. Yes, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her dripping hair and took another and covered her shivering body. She caught her reflection in the mirror and noticed her face was covered in light red scrapes from TS’s beard. Her lips were slightly swollen. She wondered if he bore any marks created by her desperate need for him?

  It was unlikely she’d find out. She opened the door to find him standing outside.

  “Uh, hi.”

  “Hi, back.”

  Well, this was awkward. They were standing staring at each other without either saying another word. Noel had to bite her tongue from asking him what he was thinking. Too dangerous, too personal, and what they’d just done had to remain simple. Just sex. Asking for anything more would be foolhardy. And Noel was no fool. She reminded herself she wasn’t looking for happily ever after. She’d take what they did and keep it tucked away.

  Because she knew he had no room for her in his life.

  Noel knew he was consumed by his real estate projects and the baseball team he owned. For years in public and in private, he made it known that marriage and kids were not on his radar. In fact, he often mentioned he didn’t see himself having either. She knew a little about his upbringing; it hadn’t been a happy home. In fact, Kelsey had mentioned to her once that he never took friends to his house when they were kids, and she had only met his mom once. His father had no interest in him.

  Unfortunately, she could relate. Perhaps that was part of the draw between them. Like found like.

  TS cleared his throat, “I made some scrambled eggs, and there’s fresh coffee.”

  He said the magic word. Bless him. She could use a gallon at this point.

  “Great. I’ll just, uh, go change and be right out.”

  He nodded and stepped aside to let her pass. “I’ll hit the shower. I already ate.”

  “Oh, oh, good.” Noel turned to the bedroom and listened as TS shut the door, and the shower was turned on.

  She grabbed some clean clothes from her overnight bag and dressed in record time. She towel-dried her hair and wound it up in a bun on the top of her head. She pulled on a pair of thick socks and padded out to the kitchen.

  Noel inhaled her first cup of coffee, poured a second, and served herself some eggs. She was toasting a bagel when TS walked into the room. His unique scent reached her, and she took in a deep breath. Dammit, she was turned on again. How was that possible after having had—she didn’t’ know how many orgasms—but it was a lot, more
than she’d ever had.

  “Hey. I’m going to hike out to the end of the drive and see if I can get cell service. If I can, I’m going to get someone to come plow us out. Shouldn’t be more than four, maybe five hours and then I’ll be out of your hair.” He reached around her and refilled his coffee cup.

  Noel didn’t move. She felt a bit numb. Last night, and this morning had been a whirlwind of emotion and physical connection. And just like that, he placed any notion of a romantic spin on their time together out of reach.

  He shrugged into his ski jacket, took his cup of coffee, and walked out into the bright day. She watched through the window as he hiked through the snow-covered driveway until she could no longer see him.

  She kept herself busy while he was gone. She changed the sheets on the bed, tidied the kitchen and thought about finishing her book. But that’s as far as she got, thinking about it. Screw it.

  Noel pulled on her snow boots and jacket and went out to the back of the cabin and found an old shovel propped up against the siding. She attacked the snowdrift that had built up against the back door to the master bedroom and created a path between it and the kitchen door.

  That’s where TS found her. Hair plastered to her temples from sweat and mumbling to herself. God, she hoped he hadn’t heard her. She’d been giving herself a pep talk. Actually, she’d been trying to convince herself she could act as unaffected by what they’d done as TS had earlier. But she’d quickly come to the realization that it was going to take more than an hour of her practicing how to act to cover up all the feelings he’d unleashed, if ever.

  “There you are. The plow is here, and I wanted to say goodbye before I left.”

  She adjusted her sunglasses, thank god she remembered to bring them and leaned on the handle of the shovel. “Wow, that was fast. I guess it pays to have connections.”

  “No, it pays to have money.” TS grinned.

  His smile stole all coherent thought, but she didn’t have one of her usual snarky comments to throw back at him.

  “Well, yeah, I guess it does. So, you’re welcome to stay…” Lame, so lame. Noel regretted the words.

  “That’s nice of you, Noel. But I know you wanted to be out here alone. Wanted time to recharge, right?”

  She nodded and looked away. Recharge, yeah. She got some of that alright. Noel pasted a smile on her face. “I guess I’ll see you around then.”

  For a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. But he took a step back and rubbed a hand on his neck. “Noel, look, I wish… I think we both got what we wanted. It’s been building up between us for a long time, and I know I’m never going to regret it. It was great. You’re great. But, it’s no secret that I’m not looking for…more.”

  He looked at her expectantly. She knew what he was looking for. He needed her to say she agreed.

  “Of course, TS. It was great, and I, I don’t have time or room in my life for more either. I’ve got a lot on my plate. My business is growing, and please don’t worry. I’m not the clingy type. I… it’s just that it happened so fast. Didn’t it? This whole thing was just so unexpected.”

  She meant what she said. Her life had no room in it for a relationship or expectations from someone else, or love. Because this definitely hadn’t been about love.

  “Right. Yeah, fast.” TS stayed where he was for another beat. Put his hands in his pockets and rocked on heels.

  When he reached up and took off her sunglasses, she braced herself. She knew he was going to kiss her one last time. Should she let him?

  He didn’t give her an option. His kiss overwhelmed her, and his touch and scent were forever stamped in her brain. Dammit.

  He pulled back. No charming grin this time. His gaze held emotions she couldn’t read. He brushed a stray piece of hair off her face, turned, and left.


  The day after Christmas, Noel needed to tell someone about her time at the cabin with TS.

  “You know how when you’ve had really great sex? I mean can’t-stop-thinking-about-it sex?” Noel paced the room without waiting for Kelsey to answer and kept going.

  “When your body quakes and shivers hours a day even after you’ve had it. Bam!”

  “Bam?” Kelsey put Mari back in her cradle. She ran her fingers through her hair. “Hold it right there. What are you doing right now? Are you telling me that you and TS have finally hit the sheets?”

  Finally? Noel had thought it would never happen, but Kelsey’s question hit her hard. Had she been that obvious? Hiding her real feelings for TS, even from her best friends, had become second nature. Maybe she wasn’t as good an actress as she’d thought. How much did she tell Kelsey? And why the Hell was she running her mouth now about sex?

  Probably because she couldn’t stop thinking about it. It’d been both the best night, well two nights of her life and the worst. The worst because she’d finally admitted to herself, she wanted more, and now she knew. Knew what it was like to be with TS; to be well and thoroughly made love to by a man. For her, it had been beyond just the sex, but they’d made an agreement, she couldn’t afford having second thoughts.

  The sound of snapping fingers brought her back to the present. Kelsey had moved to stand in front of her.

  “You still with me, Ms. Snow? You can’t just drop a bomb and then go silent. You’re referring to TS. Oh, my God. You are! When? Wait. The cabin? Tell me everything.”

  Kelsey grabbed Noel’s arm and marched her over to the couch. Mari had fallen into a milk induced baby coma and was sweetly sucking her thumb. Noel had never envied a child before, but she wanted that bliss. To fall asleep without worry or memories of something that couldn’t be.

  “Noel, you know I’m going to get it out of you eventually. Stop staring at my baby, she’s not going to save you by waking up. Did you or did you not have sex with TS when you two were snowed in at the cabin?”

  She took in a long deep breath and met Kelsey’s intense gaze. She thought for sure Kelsey would be upset with her. After all, TS was like a brother to her. And she’d always been fiercely protective of him when it came to his personal life. And now, Noel would still be a part of that story whether she wanted it or not.

  But lord, there was so much between them she couldn’t get over. Better to let it all out now, move on, and let it fade to the background. She had a business to build and spending any more brainpower on what could never happen was a waste of her time.

  The one thing she’d give him credit for was that as soon as the fun part was over, he’d gather her close and hold her. Rubbing her arm and back, she’d drift off until the need for each other became too much. It was as if they both wanted to pack a lifetime of passion into their time together. And it would have to be enough for her. She’d make sure.

  “Okay, yes.”

  Kelsey squealed. What the hell? Were they back in high school?


  “Oh, don’t say but. You two have been circling for at least the last two years. It’s about damn time. We all were rooting for you.”

  Noel managed a strangled, “We?”

  “Yup. You would always clam up whenever TS’s name came up, or you’d make sure to become scarce whenever you two were in the same space. It was pretty obvious, sweetie. I had hoped maybe… well, you know. Then that whole thing with the interior design position for his project went to someone else.”

  “Gee, thanks for the reminder.”

  Kelsey grimaced. “Sorry. But you know what they say, ‘time heals all wounds.’”

  “I thought so too. That’s why I slept with him. It just seemed… inevitable, you know?”

  “You’re preaching to the choir. Same for Maverick and me.” Kelsey grinned then gazed down at her daughter. “And for us, it worked out. Better than I could have ever hoped it would. Maybe— “

  “No, there is no maybe for TS and me. One night, well two days actually and done. We both agreed. That itch has been scratched.”

  “Then why did you
ask me about having had great sex?”

  “Because you’re my best friend. And so is Lara and well Caris and Reese too, but you and I, we’ve always been … closer. I might tell them too, but I needed to tell someone and that someone had to be you.”

  “Because I’m also friends with TS.” Kelsey handed her a tissue.

  She hadn’t been aware she was crying. Silent tears had appeared, and she wiped them away and blew her nose. “Yes, because he’s your friend too. And because he’s always been a pain in my ass. Ever since we were kids, but that didn’t stop me from sleeping with him, and I wanted you to know. To know I’m okay and to not get mad or anything at him. Okay?”

  Mari snorted. The baby was still asleep, and when Noel looked down at her, the little imp had a smile on her face.

  “This kid is so like me already; it’s scary.” Kelsey adjusted the pink blanket with baseballs and bats all over it, she chuckled. “TS gave her this blanket. He’s been spoiling her since the minute she was born.” She turned back to Kelsey. “Noel, even with all you’ve told me and really it hasn’t been much other than the mind-blowing sex, I think you two would be good together. Hey, don’t roll your eyes. I’m serious here. We’ve all been secretly hop—"

  “Hoping? For what? To complete the set of happy couples?” As soon as she said the words, her chest tightened. Dammit.

  Kelsey sat back and crossed her arms. She didn’t answer her stupid question. Thank God.

  “Okay, Mom. Stop with the hairy eyeball. I’m sorry. And I’m happy for all of you. I am. You and Maverick, Lara and Luke, Reese and Connor, and Caris and Blake. I am so flipping happy for all of you. But you know that’s not for me. It never has been. You know better than anyone why. So, please let this go.”

  Her best friend still didn’t say anything. She didn’t look mad or upset. She looked… sad. And if there was one thing Noel hated was having those around her to be was sad. She had enough of that emotion as a child and teenager.

  “I’ll let it go. But I think you’re wrong about one thing, Noel.”


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