Chasing Noel

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Chasing Noel Page 10

by Debra Elise

  “I did,” Noel whispered. She began to weep.

  “Good. Now, please tell me those are happy tears?” TS demanded.

  “Bossy.” Noel shot back.

  “Always. But I have changed in other ways.”

  “Really? And who’s responsible for this miracle?”

  “You. You changed me. The very first time I saw you after moving back. It was like a damn arrow to the heart. Well, to be honest, it went straight to my happy place first.”

  She laughed; he wanted to hear that laugh for the rest of his life.

  “All I could think about was you, and how was I going to get this hotter-then-Hell, all grown up Noel into my bed? Not that I had a clue what I would do after I got you there. Because even then on that very first day, I knew.

  “Then your name pops up on a bid proposal for the condo project, and whatever plans I had to woo you were blown to Hell. And it was Hell, Noel. Months of torture, then two weddings, a baby shower, and the kiss that sealed my fate.”

  “And now, fast-forward to this moment, and I’m scared you’re going to walk away and keep me from our child all because I pushed you away when I should have held on and refused to let go.”

  “I can’t believe that Thomas ‘TS’ Scott is ever scared. You eat CEOs for breakfast, TS. I’m not buying it.” Noel grinned.

  TS held out his hand, and when she took it, he bent down in front of Noel in front of the place she loved the most. “I don’t want easy. I want you. It’s always been you, Noel. And the fact you’re pregnant is a bonus. Every day with you is a bonus and I want you always, will you marry me?”

  “Oh, my… I had no… TS, are you sure?”

  “Sweetheart, don’t cry. I seem to be making you do that a lot and I’m sorry. Please say yes. Say yes so I can kiss you again. Say yes, so I don’t have to be a miserable SOB for the rest of my life. Say yes… say yes, because you love me.” He held the ring toward her, but she kept her gaze on him.

  Noel placed her hands on his face. “I do, I mean I will. I love you.”

  She brushed away a tear. One of his and cradled his face in both her hands.

  “Did you know I’d wished for you, on Christmas?

  God, he wanted to kiss her forever, but when they both came up for air, he placed his forehead on hers and brushed the last of her tears away.

  “Everything, every moment, every hard thing I’ve ever been through has led me to you, to us. To our baby.” He placed his hands on her belly and couldn’t wait to watch her and their child grow. He made a silent vow to himself and to their child that he’d never repeat the sins of his father.

  With a love he’d never thought possible, TS whispered, “You were worth the chase, Noel.”




  “Okay, folks, here’s a first. It looks like there’s some activity in the owner’s skybox. Word has it that Outlaw owner and general manager, Thomas Scott, that’s TS to his friends, is pacing the box and not because of the game. His better half, Noel, is due any day with their first child.

  Could be the little tyke might be making his major league debut this evening. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated as new information comes in.”

  TS had the most stubborn wife. He continued to pace the room as he spoke to the 911 operator. “Her water broke less than five minutes ago. Apparently, her contractions started around noon today, but she neglected to tell anyone.”

  He looked over to see Noel puffing through a contraction. A light sheen of sweat bathed her face. She never looked more beautiful.

  Kelsey caught his attention. She’d been timing the contractions. “Three minutes. Where’s that damn ambulance, TS?”

  “I don’t need an ambulance, TS. Can’t we just—”

  “Noel, sweetheart. We’re on the top level of a baseball stadium. I’m not letting you walk to our car in the underground garage. You’re getting an ambulance.” He tried to keep the panic out of his voice. Not sure it worked.

  The sound of sirens drifted through the open skybox window. He happened to glance up at the full-screen TV mounted in the back of the room and cursed.

  “No, sorry. It’s all good. Yeah, we can hear them now.” He stayed on the line with the operator and motioned to Grant.

  “Get on the horn and call whoever is in charge of the television cameras and tell them to stop showing the skybox. Dammit, I should have installed the privacy glass.”


  “Yes, sweetheart. What do you need? Don’t worry, they’re on their way up now.”

  “Babe, I need you to relax. He’s not going to be born on TV.” Noel rubbed her stomach. She reached out and took his hand. “You can do this, TS. You’re going to be an awesome father.”

  He hoped she was right. Panic had set in a week ago, and he wasn’t so sure anymore. He was just grateful Noel would be their son’s mother.

  The EMTs arrived, and with efficiency he was grateful for, had his wife secured in the ambulance before any reporters discovered where they’d parked the vehicle.

  Forty-five minutes later, their son was born. Thankfully, they’d made it to the hospital.

  Carson Hayden Scott was a whopping eight pounds, fourteen ounces.

  Later that night, he cradled his son as the woman who stole his heart slept. He had everything he didn’t know he wanted and everything he’d been lucky enough to find. Noel had indeed done the impossible—his secret Christmas wish had come true.

  Other books by Debra Elise


  Saving Maverick ~ Book One

  Catching Luke ~ Book Two

  Claiming Connor ~ Book Three

  Mistletoe & Scrooge ~ Book Four

  (A Christmas Short Story)

  Managing Blake ~ Book Five

  Chasing Noel ~ Book Six

  *Each book can be read as a stand-alone, however it is recommended you read in order for maximum enjoyment!

  About the author

  Debra Elise lives with her husband and their two sons in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She is an Autism advocate, stay at home mom, full time writer, and is always on the lookout for inspiration in all its forms.

  Sharing what motivates her is a life passion (a close second to writing romance of course). A self-proclaimed extroverted introvert, when not writing or procrastinating, she enjoys hanging out with other author-type individuals and teasing her three 'boys' into displaying their killer smiles.

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