Their Baby Blessing

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by Heidi McCahan

  The navy prepared him for anything...

  except an instant family.

  When navy veteran Gage Westbrook promised to look out for his late best friend’s son, he never imagined he’d bond with the baby boy. And he definitely didn’t plan to fall for Connor’s gorgeous temporary guardian, Skye Tomlinson. But weighted by guilt for the accident that took Connor’s dad, can Gage find the courage to forgive himself and embrace the chance at a family?

  “Do you want to hold him?”

  Connor stretched out his arms and leaned toward Gage.

  Gage scooted his chair back. “I’ll try.”

  Connor babbled an unintelligible sound and kicked one leg against Skye’s hip while leaning farther out of her grasp. He wasn’t old enough to use words yet, but she understood his body language. She gently passed him to Gage.

  Skye avoided eye contact and moved past him to the kitchen, wishing there was a wall or a cabinet or anything to block her view of Gage, cautiously holding Connor like he was the most fragile thing in the world. A telltale flutter in her midsection made her deliberately turn away and take her sweet time rummaging in the pantry for a container of the puffed rice snacks Connor loved.

  That was the last thing she needed—succumbing to the image of this strong, competent man riding in like some fairy-tale hero to rescue the damsel in distress.

  She wasn’t in distress. Okay, maybe she had a little bit going on in her life, but she didn’t need him to rescue her.

  Heidi McCahan is a Pacific Northwest girl at heart, but now resides in North Carolina with her husband and three boys. When she isn’t writing inspirational romance novels, Heidi can usually be found reading a book, enjoying a cup of coffee and avoiding the laundry pile. She’s also a huge fan of dark chocolate and her adorable goldendoodle, Finn. She enjoys connecting with readers, so please visit her website,

  Books by Heidi McCahan

  Love Inspired

  The Firefighter’s Twins

  Their Baby Blessing

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  Heidi McCahan

  Commit thy works unto the Lord,

  and thy thoughts shall be established.

  —Proverbs 16:3

  To my Colorado family:

  although we don’t see each other often,

  I’m thankful for the moments when

  our paths intersect. Much love to all of you.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from His Suitable Amish Wife by Rebecca Kertz

  Chapter One

  She shouldn’t have said yes.

  Seated at a table next to the window, Skye Tomlinson cupped both hands around her disposable coffee cup and scanned the parking lot outside Common Grounds for a man who might be Gage Westbrook. What was she thinking—meeting a total stranger for coffee? And after only a brief exchange of direct messages on social media, too. What if he’d fabricated his whole story? Maybe this was an elaborate scheme he’d plotted to—

  Relax. Not every man was out to manipulate women for their own personal gain.

  Skye took a sip of her skinny hazelnut latte, desperate for comfort as the painful memories of her ex-boyfriend threatened to resurface. He’d controlled her, mocking her need for independence. Then made her feel like nothing. Over and over. While his harsh words no longer played on an endless loop in her head, she still carefully guarded tender emotional wounds. And loathed her own foolishness at ever believing he genuinely loved her.

  Stop. You’re safe here. A quick glance around the newest coffee shop in Merritt’s Crossing revealed two of her mother’s friends sitting in the overstuffed chairs by the fireplace. More familiar faces lingered around tables, savoring the warm and inviting atmosphere on a blustery Sunday afternoon. She was confident any of these folks would come to her aid if she needed them.

  Although she’d snooped around Gage’s social media profile—or tried to anyway—he hadn’t made many details available to her prying eyes. His profile picture featured a submarine, and his cover photo was a sunset over the Florida coast. On the upside, she’d asked her brother who worked at the local sheriff’s department to run a quick check, and he’d come back squeaky-clean.

  Despite Gage’s spotless record, she was still apprehensive about meeting him. But he said he knew about baby Connor, and that he had sensitive information about the birth father. Maybe that meant he also knew more details about where Skye’s cousin McKenna might be, so Skye couldn’t afford not to hear what he had to say. Because as much as she adored the sweet eleven-month-old who’d been left in her care more than a month ago, it was time for McKenna to come back, step up and be Connor’s mom.

  While Skye hated the convoluted family feud that no doubt influenced her cousin’s dangerous and heartbreaking life choices—and wrestled with her own guilt over not doing enough to help resolve it—she couldn’t be Connor’s permanent legal guardian. If she was honest, she didn’t want to be his guardian. A temporary leave from her pharmaceutical sales position in Denver to come home to Merritt’s Crossing and help her widowed mother while she recovered from knee surgery was manageable. Keeping the family furniture store afloat proved daunting, but Skye could handle it until Mom was back on her feet. Literally.

  But motherhood? Though a noble endeavor, it wasn’t part of her carefully orchestrated plans. Kids were fine for her friends, and she’d love it if her brothers married and started families someday, but she wasn’t interested in raising Connor or having children. It wasn’t just the day-to-day tasks of meeting Connor’s needs and finding adequate child care, although juggling both responsibilities felt overwhelming. Caring for him threatened the self-reliance she’d worked so hard to gain. What was worse, with each passing day, Skye worried more and more that McKenna might not ever show up. The thought of parenting Connor on her own and managing a career planted an icy ball of dread in her stomach. She couldn’t stand the thought of the precious baby boy going to foster care, though.

  Common Grounds’s front door opened, and a blast of frigid air accompanied a tall, broad-shouldered man wearing a dark green winter jacket and black knit hat. Her breath caught. Was that Gage? Although he’d worn exactly what he’d promised in his message so she could easily identify him, she wasn’t prepared for his impressive physical appearance. The words devastatingly handsome darted through her mind.

  Flustered by her reaction to his arrival, she willed the butterflies flitting through her abdomen to settle down while she let her eyes travel—just for a second—from his angular, clean-shaven jaw to his dark-washed jeans and what appeared to be new hiking boots. Interesting choice for a Colorado winter. Maybe he wasn’t from around here?

  The pleasant hum of conversation faltered as he removed his hat and surveyed the coffee shop. When his gaze landed on Skye and he strode toward her table, she felt the weight of every curious stare in
the room. She squirmed, pressing her spine against the rungs of her ladder-back chair, while her legs itched to stand and carry her to the safety of her car outside. If she was quick, she could brush past him. Offer a hasty excuse and cancel their meeting.

  He stopped beside her, his fingers twisting his hat in his hands. She forced herself to meet his gaze. The flicker of uncertainty in his hazel eyes gave her pause. Was he nervous?


  She managed to find her voice. “Yes?”

  “Gage Westbrook.”

  Skye clasped his outstretched hand, groaning inwardly as she realized the contrast between his cool skin and her clammy palm. “Nice to meet you,” she mumbled and quickly pulled her hand away.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.” He gestured toward the counter behind him. “Mind if I grab a cup of coffee?”

  His smooth voice and impeccable manners—not to mention those captivating eyes flecked with hints of gold—derailed her intentions. Any thought of getting up and leaving had vanished.


  Warmth heated her skin. “No, I—I don’t mind. The coffee here’s great.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  While Mr. Handsome-Hazel-Eyes strode to the counter, Skye avoided eye contact with anyone else in the room and pulled her phone from her purse. Her brother Drew had agreed to stay with Connor this afternoon while she met with Gage, and Mom went to church and then to lunch with a friend. Although Drew said he was willing to help, his lack of experience with babies put her on edge. Connor wasn’t easy to care for. Would Drew be able to handle him?

  Sure enough, two text messages waited for her. The first asking if they were out of diapers, and the second requested tips for coping with a fussy baby who refused to nap. She winced. Poor Drew. He wouldn’t volunteer the next time she needed help. She sent a quick response and then set her phone down in front of her so she wouldn’t miss another text.

  A few minutes later, Gage slid into the seat across from her and set a steaming mug of black coffee on the table. He unzipped his jacket and draped it across the empty chair beside him. His aqua-blue sweater emphasized his muscular arms and shoulders, and Skye forced herself to avert her gaze. Gage settled in his chair and quickly smoothed his hand through his close-cropped sandy-blond hair.

  “Thank you for meeting with me.” His smile revealed straight white teeth and Skye’s heart blipped double time. “I’m sure my message seemed odd.”

  Skye cradled her coffee again and strong-armed her thoughts into submission. Handsome or not, Gage was still a stranger, and she was only meeting with him to see if he could help her get what she wanted—a permanent guardian for Connor. “You said you found me because my cousin McKenna Tomlinson posted a picture online of the two of us at Christmas with her baby, Connor. It’s unnerving, although not surprising, since she posted a lot of photos that day. The part I can’t figure out is your connection to McKenna. I’d ask her myself, but she left town right after the holidays.”

  “I was afraid that might be the case.” Gage frowned. “Do you know where she went?”

  “Hard to say. She’s...complicated. Last text I received said she’d made some friends in Wichita.” Skye picked at the cardboard sleeve on her cup. “I was hoping she’d reconnect with her mom, who lives in Kansas City now, but there’s really no way to predict what McKenna might do next.”

  Not that McKenna’s mother would bother to call if McKenna showed up in Kansas City anyway. Aunt Willa stopped speaking to Skye and the rest of their extended family a long time ago. The familiar regret over their long-standing feud made Skye’s heart ache.

  “And her baby?”

  Gage’s question pulled her back to the present. Her scalp prickled with uncertainty. “Before I say more about Connor, I’d like to know why you’re asking. Who are you?”

  “McKenna’s boyfriend, Ryan, is—was—my best friend.” Gage reached inside his jacket pocket and then slid a photograph across the table. “We were stationed in San Diego with the navy, and that’s where he met McKenna.”

  “Oh.” Skye examined the picture of Gage and a blond-haired, blue-eyed man standing on the beach, wearing shorts and T-shirts and grinning at the camera, with the ocean in the background. Ryan. Skye didn’t know much about the guy with Gage, other than McKenna claimed he was Connor’s father. McKenna’s stories had always seemed a bit convoluted, though. It was reassuring to meet someone who could fill in some of the gaps, especially anything about Connor’s father.

  “I’m not sure what happened after San Diego,” Gage said. “Ryan couldn’t stop talking about her, but then we got our orders to transfer to Florida and he asked her to move there.”

  “She didn’t, did she?”

  Gage shook his head. “Ryan said he talked to her all the time and tried to convince her to change her mind, even offered her money to help cover the expenses. Then she told him she was pregnant, and he...” Gage looked away, and a muscle in his jaw knotted.

  “He what?”

  Gage dragged his gaze to meet hers. “He died before he could see her again or meet Connor.”

  “Oh no.” Skye’s stomach plummeted. “I’m so sorry. I—I had no idea. She never told me that part.” No wonder Connor’s father hadn’t come forward to help. Questions pinged in her brain, and she wanted to ask more, but the sheen in Gage’s eyes made her keep quiet.

  “When did she come back to Merritt’s Crossing?” His voice was shaky as he tucked the photo away.

  “First she showed up at my apartment in Denver right before Thanksgiving, with Connor in his car seat, a backpack and five dollars to her name.” Skye shivered at the memory. “I still don’t know how she got to Denver from California with a newborn. Frankly, I was afraid to ask.”

  “So she and Connor lived with you?”

  “I let them stay with me for a couple of days because I knew she didn’t have anywhere else to go. We’d both lost so much, and it was nice to have family around, you know?” She clamped her mouth closed before she revealed details about her family’s struggles. What was it about him that made her want to share information so freely?

  “Where is Connor now?”

  “My mom let McKenna and Connor move in with her in November. He’s been staying with my mother and me since McKenna left in January, although my mom is recovering from knee-replacement surgery, and I’m trying to keep the furniture store open...” She trailed off. Again with too much information. Stop.

  Gage studied her. “Sounds like a lot for one person to handle.”

  “I’ve managed so far, although it’s been really hectic. As long as Connor doesn’t get kicked out of the church’s child care program, then it’s all good.” And given the program director’s recent warning about Connor’s behavior, that was definitely a possibility. She forced a wobbly smile. “I hope.”

  “Here’s the thing. I made a promise to Ryan before he died.” He worked his jaw before continuing.

  A niggling in Skye’s chest forced her to stiffen. “What kind of promise?”

  “I told Ryan that I’d take care of his child, and I intend to keep my word.”

  What did he mean—take care of his child? She clenched her fists in her lap. “I don’t understand. What are you—”

  He held up his palm to silence her. “This sounds ridiculous, I’m sure, and I don’t blame you for being skeptical, but—”

  “Skeptical doesn’t even begin to describe how I’m feeling.” Skye linked her arms across her chest. “Why would I believe anything you tell me?”

  Irritation flashed in his eyes. “Because Ryan was like a brother to me. I can assure you he had every intention of being involved in Connor’s life.”

  Skye’s throat tightened at the raw emotion in his voice.

  “I—I want to do for Connor what Ryan can’t.” He cleared his throat. “I’d like to see him on
a regular basis.”

  This was crazy. She didn’t know this man, and he wasn’t even related to Connor. Did she really look that gullible? “I’m afraid that’s out of the question.”

  * * *

  Gage was not giving up. He’d come so close to finding Connor, only to encounter an unexpected obstacle—Skye Tomlinson. She was not only determined, but incredibly attractive. Her pink cheeks, long dark curls and pale blue eyes fringed with dark lashes all conspired against him and threatened to distract him from his critical mission.


  He couldn’t afford to blow his one chance and based on the way she was glaring at him, he estimated she was about three seconds from getting up and leaving.

  “I’m sorry I’ve upset you.” He softened his tone. “Is there anything I can say to change your mind?”

  Something unreadable flickered in her gaze and vanished.

  “Why are you here? I—I heard what you said about the promise to your friend, but do you really expect me to believe that you came all the way from Florida to find the baby he’d never met?”

  The doubt in her voice pricked at him. What was wrong with a man keeping his word? Gage sipped his coffee and weighed his response. To be perfectly honest, he’d do anything to assuage the guilt he carried from watching helplessly while Ryan succumbed to the flames, knowing he could’ve saved him if only he’d followed the correct protocol.

  No. Not now. He squeezed his eyes shut and battled back the mental images from that horrific day. Tomorrow was the one-year anniversary of the accident that killed his best friend, and he still had nightmares.

  Setting his mug down, he met Skye’s gaze again. “After eight years in the navy, I decided to not reenlist. I’m almost finished with my online certification to become a wind energy technician, and the program’s director told me he places most new graduates with companies in eastern Colorado or Wyoming.”

  “Ah.” Skye nodded. “Alta Vista Energy just opened a new wind farm not far from here.”


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