It Won't Prosper: Parable On Infidelity In Marriage

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It Won't Prosper: Parable On Infidelity In Marriage Page 11

by Genevieve Woods

  Kevin was left standing in place, speechless, as she slammed the door.

  Capriccio Grill, Peabody Hotel

  Frankie sat in the upscale restaurant with Shayla, Dawn, and Autumn drinking ginger ale. He was more nervous this day than he was when he received the paternity results. This was the first time all the leading ladies in his life would meet, and he was nervous as all get out. He had spent the last few months with Karen and Nikki and loved his little girl completely. Karen was beautiful and warm, and he had yet to figure out what prompted her to do drugs and have a one-night stand. She was nothing short of responsible.

  “Daddy!” Dawn called out breaking into his thoughts. “Are you here with us? You seem nervous.”

  Frankie smiled warmly at his more caring daughter and said, “Yes, Pumpkin, I am nervous. I want this all to go smoothly.”

  “It will, Daddy!” Dawn and Autumn both exclaimed.

  Autumn held her dad’s other hand and said, “I can’t wait to spoil my little sister.”

  “Thanks, girls. I knew I could count on you.” Frankie lifted one of each of their hands and gave them each a kiss on it. Then Frankie turned to Shayla and asked, “What are you thinking, sweetheart?”

  Shayla sighed, “I don’t know how I feel, Frankie. We were married so long. Now, we are in a good place. I just don’t know where I will fit in.”

  Frankie had a feeling that she felt some kind of way about his new family. He wanted to ease her into this transition. “Shayla, you are the mother of my girls and my best friend.” Frankie reached over the table and grabbed her hands to reassure her.

  Shayla had tears in her eyes as she held tightly to his hand and said, “Karen is the mother of your other daughter. What is to stop her from becoming more?”

  That statement tore at Frankie’s heart. Shayla had never given any indication that she wanted more than friendship. He understood why she didn’t want to be more than friends. He had put her and the girls through so much during his addiction. He wanted to comfort her and tell her they had a chance, but he could not as Karen was taking up more room in his life, heart, and mind.

  Before he could say anything, he heard a high-pitched voice scream, “Daddy, we are here!” Frankie rose from his chair and met his little Shopkin in the middle of the restaurant, giving her a twirl just the way she liked. Nikki held on to his neck and smiled showing all teeth and gums. She had lost her two front teeth in an accident.

  Karen came rushing behind them and apologized. “Sorry, she was so excited, I could not keep up.”

  “No problem,” Frankie replied. “I’m happy to see Miss Shopkin here too. How are you, Karen?” Frankie held Nikki in one arm and pulled Karen to him, giving her a lingering kiss on the forehead.

  Karen blushed and pulled away as she felt three sets of eyes zoom in on them with intensity. When Karen stepped back, Frankie turned to see what had alarmed her and remembered Shayla and the girls were with him. Karen and Nikki did this to him. Their presence took him to another place, a place of hope and promise.

  Frankie could not explain it. Maybe it was just gratitude toward Karen for being responsible and raising Nikki to be this bright little girl. He had learned that Karen did not once think about aborting his Miss Shopkin. Instead, she put herself through college while progressing in her career. He was in awe. With the one night they shared in creating Nikki, he could not have dreamed she was a responsible, educated lady. Her beauty and grace were an added bonus. He was totally captivated by her and his daughter. However, this was not just their new little family. He had to begin the blending of all his ladies. By the look on the girls’ and Shayla’s faces, he was not sure it would be a smooth one. He took a deep breath and led Karen, in front of him, with his hand on the small of her back toward the table. Nikki laid her head on his shoulder as he held her. When he made it to the table, Dawn and Autumn both stood and then nudged their mother, who had a look of defeat all over her. When Frankie approached, he introduced Karen first to his daughters and Shayla. The girls both greeted Karen with a hug.

  Autumn grabbed Nikki and said, “Hi, we are your big sisters.”

  Shayla shook Karen’s hand and said “Hi, nice to meet you.” Then she excused herself to the restroom. Karen had no idea on how to feel or what to think about her sudden departure but focused her attention on her daughter and her big sisters. Nikki was overjoyed with having twin big sisters. She started chatting with them as if she had known them all her life. Dawn and Autumn were under the Shopkins spell in less than ten minutes. However, after thirty minutes, Dawn brought up the elephant in the room saying she had to check on her mom, who had not returned. Frankie asked Autumn what she thought was going on with Shayla.

  Autumn shrugged. “Dad, I don’t think she can handle this setting.” She said this while using her hand to motion to Frankie, Nikki, and Karen.

  Frankie was flabbergasted. “What do you mean this setting? Shayla knew the purpose of this lunch was for you all to meet Karen and my baby girl.”

  “Dad!” Autumn exclaimed, “Yes, she knew, we all knew, but none of us expected you three to seem like a family. Where I am tickled pink to have Nikki, and you too, Karen, in our lives, Mom may need time to adjust. That’s all.”

  Karen understood. She leaned into Frankie and said, “Maybe I should go. Autumn is right, from everything you shared with me about Shayla, I don’t want to ruin her afternoon.”

  “I’ll have none of that. Shayla and I are friends and nothing more.” Although he and Karen had not made anything official between them, he was certain she was his future.

  Karen beamed with pride. She was elated how Frankie had stood up for her and Nikki. She grabbed Frankie’s hand, looked over at Nikki, and said, “Nikki, Mommy needs to leave and take care of something. Can you stay here with Daddy and your sisters?”

  Nikki nodded and said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Okay, then it’s settled. Frankie, you can bring Nikki home after you guys are done here.”

  Frankie relented. “Okay.” This was another reason he wanted Karen. She was so giving and understanding. He rose from his chair and walked her out, promising to set things straight. Karen wanted to set something else straight. She was leaving to keep the peace not to surrender what she hoped was a future with Frankie and their daughter. Instead of a simple kiss on the cheek, she stood on her tiptoes and gave Frankie a subtle kiss on the lips and whispered, in his ear, “See you later.”

  Frankie had to stand there a few minutes to collect himself as he watched her stroll away. That was the opening he needed to pursue more with Karen. First, he had to see why Shayla had flipped the script on him. When he arrived back to the table, Shayla and Dawn were back, and all the ladies seemed to be engrossed in conversation with Nikki. That’s when Frankie caught the look of victory in Shayla’s eyes. She was okay with Nikki, but she wanted no part of Karen. Oh boy, he thought, and so it begins, women and their fickle minds.

  Camille’s Apartment

  Benjamin tossed the salad he made for himself and Camille while he listened on his mobile device to Kevin’s recap of his trip to Atlanta, and the consequential fight he had with Paige. Benjamin hated to hear that the relationship being over hurt Kevin, but, in his opinion, it was the logical step. Of course, he could not voice that at the present moment, so he continued to prepare dinner and simply listen. A smiled crossed his face when Camille came out showered and looking refreshed in her white terry cloth boyshorts and tank. She was also on her mobile device, no doubt listening to Paige’s version of the drama. Ben gave Camille a wink, and she blew a kiss his way and sat down at her eat-in kitchen table.

  Camille was getting comfortable with the way Ben catered to her. He was so attentive. She just wanted to enjoy the moment with him, but best friend duty called. Camille could not believe Paige had been arrested for attacking Mrs. Michelson. But then, why did Mrs. Michelson have such a problem with Paige? She had never done anything to Camille’s knowledge to warrant being spat on, literal
ly. Camille said thank you to Ben as he sat her plate down, and Paige stopped mid-sentence.

  “Camille, why didn’t you tell me Ben was over there? I will talk to you later.” Before Camille could object, call ended appeared on her phone’s screen. Apparently, Ben had the same fate with his conversation as she had because he placed his mobile device on the table and said, “Shall we say grace?” That was another trait Camille adored about Benjamin, his commitment to his faith. They both had renewed their lives with Christ and had begun the journey of healing together for their bodies, minds, and souls. The last few months seemed like an eternity, and that is what gave Camille pause. It was all moving so fast, and she was so caught up in it. She feared it was too good, too fast, to last.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Ben said bringing her back.

  Camille chuckled and said, “Just thinking about how fast we have been moving, and if we should slow down.”

  Ben frowned, “Cam, I am not rushing you into anything am I?”

  Camille knew she had started this dinner off wrong because of her fears. She had to make it right. “Of course you haven’t, Benjamin. It is just . . . I have always been independent, with my dad being overseas. Now, after just a few months, I find myself not just wanting you to confirm every decision I make, I feel like I need your approval.” Camille dropped her head and picked up her fork, digging into her salad, avoiding Ben’s gaze.

  “Camille, look at me,” Ben said sternly. Camille lifted her brown eyes up to his with, what Ben thought was, the look of an adorable little girl. “Camille, when something is real it does not take forever to know. I dated Lauren for seven years and could not commit to her. Did I love her? Yes, I always will. However, I knew deep down it was not the real thing that would last for the rest of my life. One night, as tragic as it was, I felt it with you.” He reached for hands, and she quickly gave them. “Cam, we can slow down if you want because you have to feel this too. I don’t need any more proof that you are my missing rib. Camille James, I am willing to wait seven years plus seven more if that is what it takes for you to feel we are meant to be.” He kissed the inside palm of both her hands and begin eating his food.

  Camille sat there stunned in her seat. She could not move. Those words were felt in her soul. She only moved when Ben said, “Cam, sweetie, eat your dinner. We will work at your pace.”

  Camille ate her food. What a man. Although she was not ready to verbally admit it, she felt it too. She was Benjamin George Adams’ missing rib. They continued their meal, discussing current events and their best friends’ breakup. They both thought the breakup was for the best, but they both knew Kevin and Paige were not done yet. They vowed to one another not let their friends’ mess of a relationship filter into their blossoming love.

  Later that evening, when Benjamin had returned home, he received a text message from Camille that said Goodnight Adam, from your Eve. I feel it too. With that. he screamed thank you, Jesus, at the top of his lungs and did a Holy Dance in his home office. Then he settled down and texted back. Goodnight, My Eve, I love you.

  Camille could not stop the tears as she read, Goodnight, My Eve, I love you. She asked the Lord to give her the strength and wisdom to be what He wanted her to be and to show her how to be what Ben needed her to be. She then texted back a happy face and sweet dreams.

  Capriccio Grill, Peabody Hotel

  Dawn and Autumn had taken Nikki to some of the downtown toy shops to start their spoiling of her right away. Shayla and Frankie were left at the table drinking coffee after their meal and dessert. Shayla began the conversation. “Nikki is a beautiful little girl, very intelligent for the rough start her life had. But she is cut from your cloth, and we will help her develop to be a young lady like Dawn and Autumn.”

  Frankie could not believe his ears. “What rough start are you speaking of, Shayla?” he asked with an attitude and raised eyebrows.

  Shayla smiled and said, “Don’t get upset. I just mean, clearly, her mother lacks judgment. You said yourself—you were not notified about the pregnancy and birth of Nikki because she did not know your complete legal name.”

  Frankie said firmly, “Shayla, I did not know hers either, and between Nikki’s two parents, Karen is by far the most fit. My little girl is smart and not lacking in any area because of her mother. Karen made a mistake one night with me, but since then, she has been every woman to Nikki and herself.”

  “Frankie, please lower your voice. You barely know this girl. Yet, you parade her in here like she is some angel sent from above. Don’t forget who has been there for you. Me and our girls have been to hell and back with you; not Miss One-night Stand.”

  Frankie sighed, “There it is.”

  “There what is?” Shayla asked firmly.

  “You are jealous.”

  “What do I have to be jealous of, Frankie? Tell me.”

  “You, my dear Shayla, are jealous that I have found something with Karen. Yes, our first night together was less than ideal, but we made someone beautiful together. For the first time in our lives, you had nothing to do with something wonderful for me, and you can’t handle it.”

  Shayla was shaken by his bluntness. Since being sober, Frankie had never had cross words with her. He always treated her with respect as his ex-wife and children’s mother. If ever he didn’t, it was because of drinking and, or, drugs. But this Frankie was stone sober, and their relationship was ending right before her eyes. Pure hatred swelled in her chest for Karen and Nikki. How could he think of moving on? No, she did not want to remarry him because of the Hell of his addiction, but she was not going to marry anyone else. Since his recovery, they were better than ever, sharing everything, being there for the girls. A couple of times they even made love, and that did not change the nature of their new friendship. How could Frankie move on with some tramp who got high and drunk and conceived a bastard child? Nikki was nothing more than a whining little crack head herself. No. She would not allow it, nor would she continue to sit here and let Frankie treat her this way. She began gathering her things as she spoke. “Frankie, you go ahead and play family with this little girl. When you find yourself lost, drunk and alone, just remember it was you who chose this.” Shayla, with her purse under her arm, stood and stormed out of the restaurant. She had ridden in with her daughters, so she called a car service and left alone.

  Frankie was amazed that Shayla would not want him to find happiness. Surely, she did not think their friendship with occasional benefits was healthy. Frankie paid the check and called Dawn to find out where they were with Nikki. He explained he and Shayla had words and told them he would drop by in a day or so to check on her. They were pleased with that and told him their mom just needed time.

  Meanwhile, Nikki was elated to have every Shopkin from season one and two and all the accessories now. Uncle Ben had bought her some, but her big sisters finished the entire set. She could not have been happier. She jumped in her Daddy’s arms and said, “I love you, and my sisters and my mommy. I am so happy.” That brought tears to Frankie’s and his two grown daughters’ eyes. They walked to their cars, arms linked together. Frankie could not be a prouder dad.

  Frankie carried his sleeping baby girl up the stairs in one arm, and her bags of toys in the other, while he climbed the stairs to Karen’s apartment. He was definitely winded as he lifted the brass door knocker to alert Karen they were outside. Karen opened the door with a smile. Her beauty and smile took the rest of Frankie’s breath away.

  Karen, oblivious to Frankie’s tiredness, took the bags from him and motioned with her hands for him to enter. She told him to follow her to put Nikki into her bed. Frankie did as she instructed. He could not get his brain to function enough to tell his mouth to say something, so he just followed like a puppy with his tongue hanging out. Upon entering Nikki’s bedroom, he was overwhelmed with pride. Karen had given their little girl a room for a princess. Everywhere there was sugar and spice and everything nice. Her room had a beautiful pink canopy twin bed w
ith a rail. Her walls were painted with a mural of the sun and clouds in the sky. She had a dry erase board mounted on her wall, where you could see Nikki’s drawings and her practicing her name in script. There was a little grocery store set up, a kitchen, and play area where all things were Shopkin. Finally, he could speak.

  “Karen, you have our baby girl’s room so beautiful. Thank you for loving her when I was not around.”

  Karen blushed and waved him off. “Frankie, would you stop bringing up that you haven’t been here stuff. You are here now, and that’s what matters. Come on, let’s take her shoes and socks off so that she can finish her nap.”

  Frankie did as he was instructed, and after Nikki was tucked in, he kissed her forehead. He followed Karen out, after she turned on Nikki’s bed lamp, and closed her door.

  Sitting on Karen’s sofa, Frankie and she shared a glass of sweet tea and began a much-needed conversation. Frankie took the lead. “Karen, I want to apologize for Shayla’s behavior today. She was out of line, and I told her as much.”

  Karen was happy he addressed Shayla but was hoping it was not in front of their daughters. “When did you address Shayla? I hope not in front of the twins and Nikki.”

  Frankie shook his head emphatically. “Of course not, the twins had taken Nikki shopping, and she should have all that Shopkins stuff now.” He and Karen both chuckled at that. “Anyhow, when they left, I asked Shayla what her problem was, and can you believe she is jealous?” Karen looked at Frankie as if he had two heads. “Karen, why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Frankie, surely you are not this clueless. Shayla is still in love with you. It was all over her face.”


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