Unknown Touch

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Unknown Touch Page 7

by Gina Marie Long

  I could sense that Daniel's emotions were running high, but in a good way. Not something to fear or be worried about. He was contented, smiling. I will try my best not to disappoint your expectations of me. I can feel your tiredness. Get your nap in. You'll need it for all I've got planned once you arrive. See you soon, baby.

  Wow. I loved it when he called me baby. There was something so warm and fuzzy about it. No, warm was not the right word…it was more like a raging hot fire ready to consume anything within its path. And on that note, almost sensing a command from Daniel to do so, I blissfully drifted off. After a few minutes, I slumped over onto Dominic's shoulder. Ironic, huh? But he, too, was already in la-la land.

  Chapter 7

  Intros Again

  I awoke while still leaning against Dominic. I'm sure he was tickled pink with my openness to have slept on his shoulder. He gloated and whispered in my ear, "We're here. Time to meet everyone so be on your best behavior."

  I rolled my eyes at him and jumped to attention. We filed out of the van, one by one. Immediately I started surveying the surroundings and looking for any form of life. Several people (or were they actually werewolves?) casually walked out of the front door of the resort. One was in the lead. Daniel. Our eyes locked onto each other as if no one else was around for miles. I wanted to run to him, hug him with all my might. But I knew that would be inappropriate and I would disappoint and shock Eli with such actions. As it was, Dom kept darting his eyes back and forth between Daniel and me. He was worried. Jealous.

  "Welcome to my resort and home, again. I wish it was all for relaxation instead of business, though," Daniel broke the ice by speaking first.

  Eli politely reached out to shake Daniel's hand and he responded. Eli said, "Daniel, good to see you again, friend. Yes, I agree that one of these days I need to just come down here and go fishing and not worry about anything else in the world."

  Zac and Tessa had gone around to the back of the van, unloading our suitcases. Daniel offered, "I have your unit ready down at the far end. Why don't we get your possessions put away then meet back in the cafeteria. It's noon and I'm sure everyone's getting hungry."

  I meandered around the side of the van, almost hating to lose eye contact with Daniel. I was picking up my suitcase and mentally pushed, I really want to come over to you this second but it doesn't feel right to do that with everyone watching.

  Kara, there will be time to talk later. Try to not look like you're about to explode! Daniel silently laughed with a huge smile lighting up his whole face. He was so handsome

  Then our little group followed Eli down the sidewalk, each carrying our own suitcases. We looked like baby ducklings trailing after the mother duck. Eli had been here a few times before, enough to know his way around as did Dominic. Though I had been here about six weeks ago with my parents, it seemed as if I was seeing this place for the first time through a different set of eyes. When I had been here before, it didn't mean much of anything to me. My parents had wanted to take a quick weekend fall trip and the images I picked up from Dom led me to suggest we come here. I spent most of my time lounging around reading a book, usually sitting outside on the balcony. We had only stayed two days and went back home. At that time, the whole incident was relaxing but didn't stand out in my mind. Needless to say, there were things going on under my nose and in my brain that I wasn't aware of yet.

  Now, I completely took in the serenity of the woods. Breathed the fresh air in deeply. Even though it was approaching winter, this area was still so peaceful and beautiful. It wasn't too cold either. The predictions had stated we were due for a warmer November and December. We would take any advantages we could get if this mission turned out to be based mostly outside, in the natural elements, dealing with whatever Mother Nature threw at us.

  Our unit, cabin if you will, was one of the larger ones available. It could house up to eight people. It sat at the tail end of a row of cabins and ensured the most privacy. I wasn't sure how many total units were on the property, as they were scattered over a great expanse of land, mostly intertwined with sidewalks. I would have to take a walk later. Maybe Daniel would give me a detailed tour of the resort.

  Each of us chose our sleeping quarters, settled in with our luggage, used the restrooms and generally got a feel for the place. Log cabins were so rustic and old fashioned looking, yet this was built in modern times. Absolutely gorgeous and well taken cared for and meticulously cleaned. I would be sure to give out the appropriate compliments later. I walked out the back sliding glass door onto a huge balcony that overlooked Kentucky Lake. I spied a tiny hiking trail leading down to the boat dock and further over, an actual road that went right to the water's edge for boat access. Even from my distant vantage point, I could still tell that the water was sparkling clean, glittering as the noon sun reflected off it.

  We walked back to the main building of the resort and found the cafeteria. Several others were gathered to eat some lunch. A young woman approached us and said, "My name is Rebecca. I'm Daniel's sister as most of you know. But, Kara, I'm glad to meet you for the first time."

  "Hi," was all I managed to squeak out.

  "We figured it would be best to get lunch out of the way then head back to the conference room. That way we will have privacy for our business discussions and be able to talk more freely." Rebecca nodded as she looked around the cafeteria, indicating there were regular people staying at the resort that should not hear our conversations. I'm glad she clued me in to that fact, otherwise I was ready to jump into werewolf questions again. I could just picture the visitors sitting at the table, turning to look at me as if I'd gone completely loony tunes.

  I saw Daniel sitting at a nearby table with others, also eating his lunch. Obviously the tables were only so big and I couldn't expect him to be joining us if there wasn't any room at our table. Because I was staring at him so long, it must have caught his attention, and we smiled at each other. I continued eating my lunch, having idle chatter with the gang. Finally everyone was done in the cafeteria and the time couldn't have come soon enough for me. Everyone proceeded to the conference room, ready to delve into some deep discussion.

  Someone had arranged the tables in a large circle to make it easier for everyone to hear and see. There were the five of us, The Liaison, sitting directly next to one another at the table. Across from our group, sat the werewolves. I had to keep reminding myself of that. They were werewolves. They looked so normal. It was disturbing if you thought about it too much. I counted nine, just like Eli had estimated. They all looked about the same age, mid twenties and early thirties. I noted that none looked weak or fragile, not even the women. I sensed their power, cunning and confidence.

  Daniel had seated himself slightly apart from the rest of the wolves. I believe this was to draw attention to himself as he was going to be the main speaker. He began, "We all know and understand why we are here today. Obviously, if Eli's team, The Liaison, have arrived it is because we cannot control one of our own. If Stephen can be saved from the dark side then we must allow them to step in and try. We also agree that if Stephen is too far lost into evil ways, he must be destroyed. As it stands now, his existence threatens our very own and that of humans as well.

  "The reason for this meeting is clear but I suppose we should spend a little time with proper introductions. Many in this room are complete strangers. Every single being in here has not met one another yet. Some of you have briefly talked with Eli, Dominic, Zac or Tessa during their previous trips. Get this in your head - it is of vital importance, perhaps even for an individual's survival, that a sentiment of trust and honesty be created amongst us. We are all friends. Comrades striving for the same goal. The Liaison was formed to help neutralize violent situations in as non-violent way as possible. They have discovered a type of mind control persuasion, a way of manipulating emotions and can influence behaviors. We hope this method can be used on Stephen, without his knowledge for best results. Which brings us back to introductions, do
esn't it? Kara is the new psychic on their team that possesses such a wondrous gift." Daniel about made me fall off my chair with his instantaneous announcement. There was so much pride shining from him, for me.

  To be respectful and with complete sincerity, I said, "It's very nice to finally meet everyone. I vow to do everything I can with my psychic powers and skills to help you."

  The looks on the werewolves' faces were that of admiration. One dabbed at her eyes as if to wipe away tears. I tried to use my senses to touch at their emotions and if possible pick up on some thoughts. It seemed they wanted to believe that I could solve this problem with Stephen. They wished it so. But they also knew that Stephen could be deadly to me. They feared for my life. They were astonished that I would make such a promise when I truly didn't know them. We were strangers! Yet here I was wanting to help save their species from being exposed to society and possibly risking my life in doing so. Still going after Stephen was the only way to help them.

  Daniel actually choked up when he spoke again, "Thank you, Kara. I know you mean what you say. Eli, would you like to take over the introductions?"

  Eli proceeded, "Well, I'm Eli, what you would call the leader of our group. I am a doctor, scientist, philanthropist, researcher, and would like to help be a protector for your kind. Next to Kara is Dominic. He is another psychic with telekinetic skills and had previously worked for the FBI. This is Zac, an ex-Navy SEAL and his wife, Tessa, an ex-CIA agent. If you have any questions or concerns about what our specialties are, please don't hesitate to ask."

  Daniel took back the reins and introduced every single one of the werewolves in the order in which they sat. He kept it short and simple. It was too hard to remember all the names. Most of them I could recall instantly, but others would come in time as I dealt with each of them more and more.

  He began, "This is my brother, Isaac. Next is my sister, Rebecca, with her husband, Samuel. This is their son, Anthony, and his wife, Sarah. And then their son, Phillip. Next to Phillip is Rebecca and Samuel's other children, Matthew and Abigail."

  Isaac suddenly broke in, stating, "Daniel, I think for the record, we should state who is in the other pack now." Daniel nodded in agreement with a gesture for Isaac to continue.

  "The Alpha male over there, as you all know, is Stephen, who is single. But then we have Simon who is married to Lydia. They have a child, Rachel, who has a husband, David. David has a big question mark on his back as to whether his aggression is also out of control or getting to that dangerous point. It's hard to track them to watch their actions. They catch our scent very easily. When that happens, they either quickly leave the area or flat out confront us about tailing them. But, they don't suspect humans or pay much notice to their scents. Humans are all over this place fishing, boating, camping, hunting deer. With The Liaison joining us, they won't be suspicious of human scent in the area at all. Zac, if you're needing to track Stephen, and maybe David, I don't believe they would catch on for a period of time. Of course, still use all your stealth and skills to the maximum, and don't let your guard down." Isaac finished. He was very long-winded just like his brother, Daniel. Both of them were excellent at explaining things. I was following along like a pro and priding myself on not getting lost in the discussion.

  Rebecca added, "Also, I feel it's important to make sure of the status of Stephen's mind by at least two individuals in here before making any rash decisions about his life. Whether those individuals are humans or werewolves, that doesn't matter. If two people are in agreement and have determined that Stephen is too far lost to us and converted to evil, then at that time he can be destroyed. I don't want to kill one of our own, one who has been with us for hundreds of years, if there is a way to save him. To save his soul. I don't want to make a mistake with his life."

  Daniel spoke with an air of authority, as if he was relinquishing a major secret. "It is not easy to kill a werewolf - to kill us. We are virtually immortal," he was looking into each of the human's eyes. My eyes. "We are immune from aging and almost all diseases. Our bodies are constantly regenerating physical tissue. We tend to stop our aging once we're in our twenties, perhaps early thirties. We have a heightened healing factor that allows us to recover from injuries almost ten times faster than a human could, that is, if the human would even be able to heal from the injury at all. Things that would kill a human, normally we will survive it. We can be killed, though, by a lethal wound that destroys the brain, the heart, the lungs or cuts through a major artery causing us to bleed out. Also, oxygen deprivation as in a hanging will kill us."

  The room was silent. Obviously, the werewolves knew exactly how they could be killed. This information wasn't for them, it was meant as a refresher course for the humans, The Liaison. It was new knowledge for me as I filed it away in my brain, hoping I would never have to use that piece of data to kill one of them. Not that I'd have much of a chance against their super strength, speed and heightened senses. I noticed how the werewolves all sat at attention after Daniel finished explaining how we could kill their kind. I put myself in their shoes and realized how vulnerable they felt. The males seemed to have taken on a "don't challenge us" attitude. Even though we knew them to be the good guys for goodness sake. Gee, you could have cut the air with a knife, the atmosphere in the room felt so heavy.

  Isaac threw in one more piece of information. His choice of timing right after Daniel's explanation of how to kill a werewolf was interesting. "We do have within us the natural instinct of the animal we take after. We have a strong feeling of nobleness and greatly value our pack structure. We will fight to the death, if need be, to protect our family and even close friends from harm. We do not fear for our own safety in those times. Anyone who hurts our family will pay a high price because we will get back at them. And this mentality is the same for Stephen, too. So keep that in mind as we start dealing with him and his pack. He is very territorial."

  "I think it's time to take a break. Everyone needs to stretch their legs and shake off some anxiety," Daniel announced. The mood had become pretty intense in the conference room. Everyone could feel it. No one was upset with each other but rather with the situation presented to us. It was sad how Stephen's actions had stirred up everyone's emotions. And he wasn't even in the building to personally ruffle any feathers. As I looked around, I was thrilled to see humans and werewolves intermingling with one another as we took our break.

  After about an hour, Isaac cleared his throat loudly to get everyone's attention. "Why don't we call it a day and meet again in the morning. I need to head on over to the other resort and check in on things."

  Daniel took up his suggestion gladly. He said, "I agree with Isaac. It will be time to eat supper before we know it. Rebecca, I imagine you and Samuel are also feeling the urge to check in with your resort. Okay then, meet back here at 9:00 in the morning."

  Even after Daniel had adjourned the meeting, it was interesting to see how four of the werewolves still hung around and chatted with us. I was learning from them the hierarchy of who ran which resort or campground. Daniel was definitely at the top rung of the ladder, owning all the properties. He enjoyed dealing with all the aspects of the businesses: the paperwork, the management side of it, money issues. He made a ton of money in the stock market and other investments, too. Some of the other wolves had fabulous investments, but all made their successes with Daniel's recommendations and advice.

  Daniel, of course, took care of the resort we were staying at with the help of his niece, Abigail. His brother, Isaac, with nephew, Matthew, ran a resort a couple of miles away. His sister, Rebecca, and Samuel took care of the third resort, a few miles away in the other direction. Anthony and Sarah took care of the two campgrounds, also within three miles of Daniel's main resort. Philip, their son, floated between all the properties, helping with maintenance where needed. I couldn't believe I was remembering all this, but when the four wolves that remained behind to chat kept talking about who does what, the information was really sticking with

  I glanced around, wondering where Daniel had wandered off. He and Eli seemed to have finished a conversation. Soon enough, Daniel was heading straight for me, casually taking me by the elbow to guide me out of the conference room. Dominic's head about popped off his shoulders as he witnessed us leave together. I so badly wanted to stick my tongue out at Dominic, but thought that might be too childish on my part. Instead, I mentally put the image in his head of me doing just that action and gave him a monster size smug grin.

  Daniel led us into the cafeteria. His niece, Abigail, was just getting ready to prepare a meal for those of us staying at the resort. She was walking into the kitchen, so at that exact moment no one was in the dining room. Without any warning, he reached out and gave me that big bear hug I so desperately had been waiting for. It felt wonderful being in his arms. Safe and protected. Warm and loved. He plunked me back down on the floor and kissed the top of my head, just like in our telepathic dream state. He stood a foot taller than me and it was an easy enough thing for him to do.

  Daniel called for Abigail to come into the dining room. He told her to hold up with the meal preparation. He wanted to eat later, around 7:00, and to alert the others in the conference room on the change in the meal time. He explained to her how he wanted to give me a quick tour of the resort before it got too dark outside. The others, referring to the humans, already knew the entire layout of the resort and the surrounding area. I, on the other hand, had never taken a tour of the place when I was here with my parents. Heck, they probably got to know every nook and cranny while I preferred to lie around reading books. So, I was definitely at a disadvantage as compared to all the others here.

  We headed out the main entrance, following the never-ending flow of sidewalks. I could not help myself but I had to keep looking up at Daniel every few seconds. He was so excruciatingly good looking. He was a living being not just an image in my dreams anymore. I had every detail of his face, his body memorized. And he was a werewolf. It seemed impossible that he could transform into that creature. I wondered if, when, I would see this happen.


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