Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  A couple of trucks pulled into the gravel lot out front, a couple of burly guys banging through the screen door and taking a table. The lunch rush had started. I got the job.

  The man’s name was Steve. He prepared the food while his wife, Laura, served it up. They were both on display out front all the time, putting on a show for the appreciative truckers and travelling salesmen, the farm women lugging their kids along by way of cover.

  I bussed the tables and washed the dishes, gofered stuff from the back. Despite the two attractions, the crowds weren’t that large, at lunch or dinner, because a new provincial highway two miles east had left the eatery isolated out there on the old municipal road. I figured my half day would square me and I’d be on my way. I figured wrong.

  ‘Want to stay on the week, see how things go?’ Steve asked that night, his arm around Laura’s slim waist.

  I shrugged. ‘Sure, why not? I’ve got no pressing engagements.’

  It was ten o’clock, the place lit up like an oasis in the middle of the surrounding nightland. Occasionally a car or truck swept by on the road, but otherwise the only sounds were the crickets outside. I didn’t see how the place needed an extra man, but I wasn’t squawking at having a regular place to eat and sleep for awhile.

  ‘Great,’ Laura said, leaning forward and kissing me, on the mouth.

  Her lips lingered, soft and moist, her warm hand squeezing my bare arm. I was wearing just a T-shirt and jeans, and my chest muscles clenched in my shirt, my cock stirring in my pants, as the woman’s mouth lingered on mine, right there in front of her husband.

  She finally pulled back. The pair of them stared at me with glittering eyes. Then Steve leaned forward, kissed me on the lips, every bit as softly and wetly and sensuously as his wife. It caught me more than a little off guard, but my cock liked it a whole lot, swelling to outlined visibility in my jeans, my body surging with heat.

  Then we were all in each other’s arms, kissing one another, spontaneously combusting. Steve and I kissed, Laura and I, the pair of them, all three of us, the passion flaming. They stuck out their glistening pink tongues and I shot out my sticker, entwining with them, the three of us urgently frenching.

  We were in the back kitchen, the steam rising from more than the stove and the basin of dirty dishes now. Steve grabbed onto the back of my head and really laid one on me, his tongue exploding into my mouth and thrashing around. I fought back with my tongue, capturing his excitement, writhing around it, as Laura pulled up my shirt and planted her plush lips on one of my nipples, sucked on it.

  I groaned into Steve’s mouth. He swallowed it down, eagerly sucking for more, Laura sinking her teeth into my nipple. She spun her slippery tongue all around my other nipple, making me shudder with delight. I thought I saw what they needed another man for now.

  Laura ended up down on her knees on the white tiled floor, Steve sitting up on the back counter with his legs spread and dangling. He watched with a lascivious grin on his face as Laura freed the massive bulge in my jeans and pulled my throbbing cock out. She stroked it, breathing all over it, looking up at me with a smile on her parted lips. Her husband unzipped his pants and drew out his own rod, started stroking cock right along with his wife.

  I shook with sensation, on fire. It was more than a little weird getting a hand-job from a guy’s lovely wife while he sat there and watched and wanked. More than a little weird, and more than a whole lot wonderful. Laura’s smooth palm and slender gripping brown fingers slid deliciously up and down my pole, while the sight of Steve jacking his towering tan erection only added to the stunning pleasure.

  Laura slid her lips over my knob, sucking on my bloated crown. I groaned with delight, rolling a rigid, buzzing nipple with one hand, riding the blonde’s silky head with the other. She took more of my raging member into her mouth, engulfing me in wicked warmth and wetness.

  ‘That looks like fun,’ Steve said. He slid off the counter, his long hard cock bobbing in front of him as he advanced on us.

  He kissed me hungrily on the mouth. Then went down on his knees with his wife, inhaling my nut sack as she sucked on my shaft.

  ‘Fuck!’ I yelped, the pair of mouths on my genitals making me jump with joy.

  Laura wet-vacced my prick, bobbing her head back and forth, sucking fast and tight and velvety wet. Steve mouthed my balls, tugging, twisting, juggling them around with his tongue. It was all I could do to keep my feet under the sexual onslaught, shimmering with erotic feeling.

  Steve disgorged my sack and Laura my cock, and the pair each took a side, sliding their lips up and down my shaft, staring at one another, up at me. I placed a hand on both of their heads, pumping my cock in between their dripping mouths, riding their lips and their tongues. I’d never had two on my dick before; the sensations were overwhelming.

  Steve pulled my slathered steel-hard cock to his side and slid his mouth over my knob, easily inhaled my shaft almost down to the balls. I shuddered, watching, feeling the guy suck on my cock, Laura licking my balls.

  Then it was her turn. She took my cock from her husband and popped it into her mouth again, sucked with a furious intensity. Her hair flew back and forth, the woman just about tugging my foreskin right off. As her husband reached up and played with my nipples, reached down with his mouth and sucked on my sack some more.

  They went back and forth, passing my prick to and fro between them like a sexual baton, sucking and licking me, kissing and frenching each other when their ravenous mouths met up on my dick. Until, finally, I just couldn’t take any more, my cock was come-hard, my balls boiling, my body and brain ready to explode.

  They climbed to their feet and kissed me hard and deep, giving me a good taste of my own precome. Then Laura wiggled out of her skirt and panties and bent over in open invitation, her hands up on the counter, long legs slightly spread, taut mounded bottom wagging from side to side. Steve supplied the condoms, one for me, one for him I gripped my dripping dong and rushed forward and speared it in between the woman’s legs, plunging my cap into her wet pussy lips from behind.

  ‘Not so fast, sport,’ Steve said.

  I turned around. He was completely naked now, his body gleaming poured caramel under the lights. He was grinning, and greasing his cock. ‘If you want to take, you’ve got to give something up.’

  I was more than willing to give my ass or anything else up to the gorgeous guy. I shoved my jeans down and he slicked up my crack and pushed his mushroomed knob against my tight pink pucker. I bent forward, and he popped my butt ring and sunk shaft into my anus.

  ‘Fuck my wife in her hot wet juicy pussy,’ he hissed in my ear, ‘while I fuck you up the ass.’

  His big cock felt so very good lodged in my chute. And my cock felt equally as good, when I stuck it in Laura’s pussy, went balls-deep in her heated tunnel.

  It was a little awkward at first, but we quickly got a working rhythm going, Steve pumping my ass, me stroking back and forth in his wife’s pussy. She clung to the counter, I to her narrow waist, Steve to my shoulders, us men thrusting, Laura pushing back with equal enthusiasm.

  I’d never experienced anything like it before, only fucking women and men singly before. The combination was mind-blowing, our parts oiling together, faster and faster.

  Steve’s fingernails bit into my shoulders, his thighs spanking my butt cheeks, cock drilling my chute. He swirled his tongue around in my ear, sunk his teeth into my neck, fucking me in a frenzy, rocking me against Laura, driving my cock into his wife’s cunt. I hammered the moaning woman’s pussy, shivering her butt cheeks with my body, cleaving her quim with my axe.

  Our heated grunts and groans, the wet-hot smack of flesh against flesh, the erotic squishing and squelching of cocks pumping sexholes, filled the crackling air. The temperature soared, the sexual intensity off the charts.

  We came almost as one.

  ‘Fuck, yes!’ Steve howled in my burning ear, jerking, spraying, flooding my bowels with his white-hot semen.

sp; ‘Oh, Jesus, I’m coming!’ Laura wailed. She shook out of control on the end of my wildly pistoning dong, gushing her hot juices all over me.

  Leaving me molten in the middle. I thrust a couple more times into Laura’s soaking pussy, gripping Steve’s spurting cock with my ass muscles. Then I exploded, blowing out my balls, my body and brain flooding with bliss. I came over and over, fucking and getting fucked, jetting and getting jacked up the ass.

  It went on like that for the rest of the working week. Until Sunday night.

  After another mediocre day of business, I heard Steve and Laura whispering to each other in the yard out back. I was headed outside to join them, a hard-on in my jeans and a lusty song in my heart. But what I heard through the open curtained kitchen window stopped me in my tracks, froze my dick and balls icy cold.

  ‘We can’t wait any longer,’ Steve said. ‘We’re losing too much money. Let’s burn the place down tonight, collect the insurance money like we planned and get the hell out of here.’

  ‘OK, I guess so … yes,’ Laura replied. ‘Everyone’s seen him, knows he’s been working for us. A real, dead body in a fire makes things look a lot more realistic, less like fraud.’

  ‘And everybody’s seen how friendly we’ve been to the guy. Why would we kill a complete stranger?’ Steve added cold-bloodedly.

  My employment, with all of the fringe benefits, had obviously come to an end.

  I stuffed my bed full of pillows later that night, snuck outside before Steve and Laura had a chance to lock me in their windowless storage room/guest bedroom. Then I sat in an open field and watched the place go up in flames. After placing a call to the police about a conversation I’d heard.

  It’d been one hell of a hot week, so a fireball seemed a fitting culmination.

  I was a hundred miles down the road before morning.

  The Window Cleaner

  by Eva Hore

  Stretching back lazily in my chair, I gazed out through the full-length window to admire the view. Ah, I loved working here, up on the 30th floor, right in the heart of downtown Manhattan. Sometimes I’d sit and indulge myself by wondering what was going on inside the offices of the building across the street.

  It was a beautiful day and I was lost in thought for a while before my subconscious noticed movement directly across. There was a guy, out on scaffolding, cleaning the windows.

  What sort of training did you need to become a window cleaner? I fleetingly wondered how much they were paid for that sort of work. I’d never thought about it being a dangerous occupation, well maybe not at ground level, but certainly up high it would be. I also wondered if they were harnessed on, and how safe the scaffolding was.

  I wasn’t busy so I went into my partner, Peter’s, office to borrow his telescope, to take a closer look. Yeah, it looked pretty safe and the guy definitely was hooked on.

  He was taking his time with the squeegee, up and down, over and across in monotonous repetition. I watched for a few minutes before I realised he actually hadn’t soaped up the window or rinsed anything off. He was just going through the motions.

  I was intrigued and as a private investigator in this law firm, I was trained to notice these things. I focused in on him, to see what he looked like, but I could only see the back of his head.

  Movement in the office now caught my attention. Refocusing, I was pleasantly surprised to see two women in a close embrace. With my interest piqued I dragged my chair closer to the window, eager to observe what would unfold.

  One of the women looked familiar. It took me some time to realise it was Audrey, Peter’s wife. Oh, my God, she was having an affair with another woman. I was relieved he wasn’t in his office. What if he’d come in and caught me? I wouldn’t have known what to say; he may have insisted on watching himself.

  Anxiously, I continued to observe the scene being played out. I’d completely forgotten about the window cleaner who was obviously just as caught up in the action as I was.

  The other woman was taking off Audrey’s jacket, then she unzipped her skirt, dropping the jacket casually onto the floor. Audrey stepped out of the skirt, kicking it away from her feet. She was wearing a black bra and half-slip. Suspenders and stockings peeked out below the slip.

  She wiggled her way up on the desk, crossing her long legs, a stiletto heel visible as the other woman ran her hand up her leg and down the outside of her thigh and then back up under the slip.

  She threw her head back as though laughing, her dark hair spilling down to caress her back. The woman was at the hollow of her throat, then she moved on towards her massive breasts. I licked my lips amazed that this could be happening.

  Audrey’s hands held the woman’s head while she pushed her biceps together, forcing her breasts to practically spill from their cups as she smothered them into her face. The woman was laughing, crushing Audrey’s breasts as her tongue slipped into the cup to tantalise her nipple.

  The woman pulled back and I watched mesmerised as she slowly stripped out of her clothing, down to her underwear. She knocked Audrey’s legs open as she moved into the desk.

  I could hardly believe it. Audrey always seemed so, I don’t know, ladylike, in control, certainly not someone who would make love to another woman in an office block where anyone could witness their antics. God, poor Peter, how would he feel if he found out? I was used to seeing people in compromising situations but this was so erotic, so voyeuristic, so fascinating.

  They embraced again, kissing and fondling. I could feel the distinct throbbing of my cock as it began to harden. The woman’s hands were behind Audrey’s back where they unclipped her bra, allowing her massive breasts to fall, swaying as she discarded it.

  My hands were shaking. I was having trouble holding the telescope steady. Seeing her like that with another woman pawing at her had my cock throbbing. I wanted to rush over there, show her what a man could do.

  She lifted each breast into the palm of her hands as though feeling their weight, then she pounced on one, smothering it, kissing and licking, her tongue snaking around. She pulled back slowly and I saw she had the tip of the nipple in her mouth and was stretching it out until Audrey’s hands drew her head back in.

  Her mouth worked its way downwards, as her hands pushed Audrey backwards until she was lying flat on the desk. Audrey’s breasts flopped down her sides, while the woman inched up the slip with her teeth to leave it bunched up at her waist.

  Audrey was massaging her own breasts, her hands running over them. She threw her hands over her head and arched her back, forcing her breasts to strain forward. I focused in hard on her nipples, erect and firm, begging to be touched, licked and sucked.

  The woman stood back then, looking down at her as she picked something off the desk and ran it down Audrey’s abdomen. It must have been a letter opener as with a quick flick of her hand she held up a flimsy g-string for her inspection.

  I focused in harder and was rewarded for my efforts as the woman sucked at the crutch of the g-string. Audrey’s breasts were jiggling as she laughed, the dark nipples rising and falling.

  Audrey’s breasts weren’t the only things I wanted to zoom in on. I wanted to see all of her. She was a magnificent looking woman. She looked so sexy lying there on the desk, her dark hair spilling over the curves of her face and her body. I desperately wanted to see her pussy, but as I continued panning down her abdomen, I could only just make out a dark tuft of pubic hair, poking up between her suspenders.

  I rubbed my cock slowly, enjoying the sensation as I envisaged what she would look like had she been lying on the desk with her legs opened towards the window instead. I wouldn’t have minded being in that room right at that moment. I knew exactly what I would have been doing.

  A head came into view as the woman’s long tongue, snaked its way up and down her slit. Fuck, I was getting harder by the second, and when Audrey lifted her legs and wrapped them around the woman’s head to draw her closer into her, I undid my zip and fondled my knob, the tip slimy
as precome oozed from it.

  I eased further back in the chair, stretching my body out fully, admiring my cock as it strained upwards, shiny, hungry, wanting a pussy to fuck. The erotic combination of spying and jerking off at the same time had me pushing my own pelvis upwards to simulate fucking while I continued to pump my cock lovingly.

  Looking back at the women I noticed they were in the process of changing positions. As Audrey came off the desk, her half-slip rode up her arse, looking more like a belt scrunched up at her waist. She turned towards the window I could clearly see her black pubic hair against the whiteness of her skin. Oh, how I wanted to touch and feel her flesh, to bury myself into her pussy.

  I nearly came until I saw the other woman was coming around to the window side of the desk. I scooted my chair closer to my window resting my elbow on the arm, wanting to be able to focus with a steady hand when the action began.

  The other woman removed her underwear, and stark naked, jumped up on the desk. She lay back further, lifting her feet and planting them firmly onto the desk, her knees dropping open, her naked pussy visible for my inspection.

  Wow, it was as though she knew I was watching, but that was impossible. There was no way she could have known. I put my cock back in and adjusted myself, just in case.

  With her legs splayed open I was able to admire the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen. Totally void of hair, the lips pink and perky, gaping open, waiting to be filled. My eyes nearly popped when I saw her pull back the hood over her clit and gently give herself a rub.

  I wanted to rush over there, burst through the door and fuck this woman’s brains out. Her hands were now running over her breasts, pulling at her nipples, stretching them out, moving on down her taut abdomen and lovingly caressing her pussy.

  She was smiling, her tongue flickering out to run along her red lips invitingly. I was so focused on her that I didn’t even notice Audrey’s lack of participation. It was only when I panned the room that I saw her strutting towards the desk with a big black dildo leading the way.


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