Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide Page 15

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Yes, I tried to, but it wasn’t easy. I told him to push it in anyway, “rape me”, I said because now I was carried away by the moment.’

  ‘That was never an option,’ said Peter

  ‘Anyway, little by little, I could feel him slipping into me as I did, indeed relax. My God, he felt massive and I thought that I would never be able to take him, but in a moment, he was fully in. He pulled out slightly, and gradually worked his entire dick into me, stretching me more as his shaft widened. I didn’t know that the human rectum was so accommodating. Of course, later on, I’ve seen fisting videos with the giver up to his elbow in the receiver.’

  ‘And how did it feel?’ I asked.

  ‘Well, at first, a bit painful, not massively, but I knew I was being stretched to the limit down there. I also knew, from my other anal experiments, that the discomfort would soon pass, to be replaced by a pleasurable feeling of fullness, a bit like when you know you need a crap, and you prolong it for the pleasure it gives you. The funny thing was, he was massaging my prostate, and the stimulation was causing me, almost, to come. Well, Peter, as he was about to come himself, reached round and slid his hand up and down my shaft.’

  ‘He wanked you off, to put it crudely?’ I said.

  ‘Yes, that’s right. He timed it perfectly, because, as he got faster and stronger, he let out a massive roar, coinciding with mine as I came at the same time. This went on for an eternity, it seemed, but we both came back to earth. He pulled out of me, wiped the lubricant mixed with a small amount of shit from my arse with a tissue, and got off.’

  ‘I took the soiled condoms off, and lay down on the bed beside him,’ Peter said. ‘He turned over and looked me in the eye. ‘Well, I’m not a virgin any more,’ he said.

  ‘You certainly aren’t,’ I replied. ‘How do you feel?’

  ‘Warm and fucked,’ he laughed.

  ‘Are you going to stay?’ I asked.

  ‘Not tonight, I’m afraid. Elaine and I are going with our daughter to celebrate her 25th birthday. I’m due there in about an hour and a half. Time for a quick cuddle though.’

  And that’s how our first date went. Gerald phoned his wife and said that he’d meet her at the restaurant; he told her that something had come up at work and he’d been delayed. It wasn’t the first time, because he has had affairs. I’ll give him this though – he’s always been faithful to his wife and to whoever else he’s been with. I’ve never had cause to complain.’

  ‘And where are you at, now?’ I asked.

  ‘Elaine has, as I said, had several lovers, but the one that’s lasted longest, is a woman of all people. She got in touch with her on one of these friends reunion pages. It seems they had had a fling at uni, and are now resuming it.’

  ‘And does she know about you and Peter?’

  ‘Oh, yes, she’s very open-minded. I may be why she took up with her girlfriend again.’

  ‘And do you still have sex with your wife?’

  ‘Yes. We decided that we were both bisexual and that we could continue as normal. The kids know the score. They’re not happy about it, but it’s not up to them, is it?

  ‘Have they met Peter?’

  ‘Oh, yes. We had a big family get-together. Peter sat next to me, and Jillian – that’s Elaine’s other half – sat next to Elaine. Peter and Jillian stayed the night in my and Ellie’s rooms respectively. All very friendly stuff.’

  ‘Well I have to say that it’s all very modern.’

  ‘It’s just the way that it’s panned out,’ said Gerald.

  ‘And how’s your relationship developing?’

  ‘It’s going great guns,’ replied Peter. ‘We’re very happy together. Sometimes Gerald stays the night, and sometimes he goes home, although we both hate it when he has to do that.’

  ‘Yes, sometimes, Elaine and I have to discuss family and financial matters, and there also the thing whereby we have to present a conventional face to the rest of the world.’

  ‘Do they know at your work?’

  ‘They may suspect,’ said Peter, ‘because I came out a long time ago. Gerald and I are very friendly towards each other in the office, so tongues will wag. But for convenience sake, so that neither of us is moved away, we keep our own council and let the tongues wag. There was one moment, though when we got found out, but it isn’t a problem or a threat.’

  ‘Oh! And what’s that?’

  ‘One of the directors is gay, but hasn’t come out and is also lusting after Peter,’ said Gerald. ‘Peter’s told him in no uncertain terms that he isn’t interested and that was that. However an interesting situation arose. This chap’s secret is known to everybody, but no one says anything directly in case they’re disciplined.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘We have occasionally done the scene,’ said Peter. ‘We have occasionally got dressed in our finest leather.’

  ‘No motorbikes then?’

  ‘No, although I suspect Gerald would like to get one. No, we go to this gay club, and who should be there but…’

  ‘The director.’

  ‘Got it in one,’ confirmed Peter. ‘He came over to our table and told us that no one need know about this and that he was sure of our discretion. He was with a camp transvestite at the time, and his own wig had begun to slip. Anyway, we haven’t had any trouble. I don’t think we ever will.’

  ‘So you’re into leather then?’

  ‘Well, it’s expected, isn’t it?’ said Peter. ‘You know gay, leatherman, rubberman, all that stuff.’

  ‘So you don’t care for it as such?’

  ‘Well, of course. I didn’t say we didn’t like it … I just said that it was expected,’ smiled Peter.

  ‘And he has such a cute little bum… and that tight leather stretched across it… mmm…’ said Gerald.

  ‘And you’re not, I suppose,’ responded Peter. ‘Your bum looks just as good in tight leather, believe me.’

  ‘And latex, now that’s what I really like,’ said Gerald. ‘It stretches and moves with the wearer; it highlights all their good bits. You are in no doubt about Peter’s credentials when he’s wearing a tight pair of latex jeans.’

  ‘Does it for me as well,’ said Peter. ‘You look terrific, and PVC, don’t forget the PVC – glossy as hell.’

  ‘No, I won’t forget it.’

  ‘Do you two indulge in … er … bondage and stuff?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Gerald but this isn’t just about gay is it?’

  ‘No. It just fills in the picture for our readers.’

  ‘Elaine and I have done all these things as well,’ said Gerald.

  ‘I’m sure you have. And now the big question I’m sure our readers would like to know, have you ever reversed positions?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Gerald. ‘We did say we would try it. It’s not our favourite thing, but it’s not bad. I never really liked to put it up Elaine’s bum, but she said that was the only place I was going when she had her period. Not as nice as her cunt at all.’

  ‘So, Peter, how was he?’

  ‘Oh, he was better than I’ve ever had. He was gentle and used plenty of lube. As I said, he’s not exactly hung like a hamster, and it was probably the biggest I’ve ever taken, but it was nice. Also, it reinforced our love to swap like that.’

  ‘And what about you, Gerald? How did you like it?’

  ‘Well, the only thing I can compare it with was with Elaine before she had the kids. She was quite tight down there; with the lube, Peter’s arsehole was a bit like that.’

  ‘I see…’

  ‘But not that lovely real, slippery gentle grip that you get from a cunt.’

  ‘I’m going to be sick,’ moaned Peter.

  ‘No, you’re not, Peter. Look, he really doesn’t like the thought of women’s bits, whereas I do. I love the taste of cunt …’

  ‘Gagging, here …’

  ‘And I always will. That’s why I’m so glad I’ve got the best of both worlds.’

  ‘And the fi
nal question: what about oral on a man?’

  ‘It’s not as unpleasant as I thought it would be,’ said Gerald. The taste of Peter’s semen’s quite nice – not salty, like it’s supposed to be. More like a sort of spicy wallpaper paste if you can understand what I mean.’

  ‘I’ve heard this from others that I’ve interviewed. And what about Gerald’s, Peter?’

  ‘It’s a sort of musty musky taste. Very nice!’

  ‘And do you pay homage individually, or …?’

  ‘We prefer a 69,’ said Peter.

  ‘I like that because it’s a bit like sucking myself off, not that I’ve ever been able to do it – I’m not lithe enough, and even my dick won’t reach my mouth. I’ve come into my mouth, but not sucked my own dick. When I suck Peter, and he me, I have a sort of merged fantasy…’

  ‘Go on, this is what our readers pay for …’

  ‘I fantasize, as I’ve just said, that I’m sucking myself off, but I merge this with the concept of being totally subservient to Peter – his sex slave. I’ve been in the subservient state of mind when we’ve played bondage games, that is, of course, when he ties me up. Vice versa, it’s a different kettle of fish.’

  ‘Right, I think I’ve taken enough of your time. I’ve got plenty of material here for my article. When I’ve transcribed the MP3 file, I’ll let you see the script … I always do this with my interviewees – it saves legal hassle later on. Thank you both for your time and for being such interesting subjects.’

  I got up to go and shook both Gerald’s and Peter’s hands.

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ they said in unison.

  ‘Just one thing you might be interested in,’ said Peter.

  ‘And what’s that?’

  If you go to The Heavenly Arms and ask for Georgina and Erica, say we suggested that they might be interested in an interview, you might get the female perspective on bisexuality. Oh, and I defy you to determine which one’s the ‘boy.’ Is it Eric, or is it George, and which one of them has a regular boyfriend?’

  ‘Many thanks for that. I’ll do that tomorrow.’

  ‘They’re always in there, and I’m sure they’ll be only too pleased to talk to you.’

  ‘Thanks, once again and goodbye.’

  ‘Goodbye and we look forward to seeing your piece soon.’

  Three Way Play

  by Lynn Lake

  I sat down next to Brandon on the couch and said, ‘Tyler told me that he thinks you’re quite the good-looking guy.’

  Brandon nodded, never taking his eyes off the football game on TV, which was going into a third straight timeout. ‘Dude’s right.’

  I tried again. ‘I mean, he thinks you’ve got a hot body. You’re a hunk in his eyes.’ I looked at Brandon shyly, hopefully.

  ‘He’s got a good eye, babe,’ he responded, after cursing out his team’s coach for opting to punt. ‘Free weights are the way to go. None of that isometric shit.’ He chugged his beer and munched some more pork rinds.

  I shook my head. Brandon’s a great boyfriend, in the physical sense – big and tanned and muscular, with short, blond hair, crystal-clear blue eyes, and an incredible eight-inch cock that can fill my pussy to the g-spot – but he isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, by any means.

  I tucked my hair in behind my ears and leaned closer so he could feel my soft, warm body against his. And just to ensure myself his football-saturated attention, I slid my hot little hand over the top of the ever-ready bulge in his jeans. ‘I think that Tyler’s attracted to you,’ I said, raising my eyebrows to encourage understanding.

  He slowly peeled his eyes off the TV screen and looked at my hand, my face, my eyebrows, and then grabbed me by the shoulders and mashed his mouth up against mine. His thick tongue ploughed through my lips and into my tongue.

  I struggled to push him off. ‘Did you hear what I said?’

  He licked his plush lips. ‘Yeah, babe. Sure I did. You’re attracted to me. Tell me something I don’t know.’ He played with my tits through the thin fabric of my halter top.

  ‘No! I said that Tyler is attracted to you!’

  He softly pinched my aroused nipples, then held onto them, comprehension beginning to dawn slowly on his handsome face. ‘Huh?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes,’ I said quickly. ‘I always thought that Tyler was straight, too. But lately he says that he’s become attracted to men – men like you, Brandon.’

  Brandon shrugged. ‘Dude’s got good taste,’ he said, then unlatched my nipples and turned back to the football game, which was stalled at the two minute warning.

  I rubbed the big guy’s cock. ‘Are you interested in Tyler at all?’ I asked gently.

  He looked at me when the game went into the commercials, and cupped my tits, his cock hardening under my expert stroking. He bent his head and licked at my jutting nipples, quickly soaking the front of my top with his heavy tongue until my buds poked out at the wet material, straining to get free, and the humidity factor in my pussy climbed off the chart. ‘You wanna three-way with this Tyler guy? That it?’ he asked.

  I stared at him, surprised. ‘Uh, yeah. I mean, maybe ... if you want to. How did you know?’

  He sucked my nipples for a while longer, his hot, hungry mouth setting me on fire. Then the football game came back on and he ended his boob game. ‘Babe, c’mon! You told me a three-way was one of your fantasies – ‘bout six months ago,’ he said. ‘Remember? When I was shaving your pussy? Personally, I’d prefer another chick, but it’s your fantasy, so what the fuck. Maybe next time it’ll be my fantasy.’

  I nodded. Like I said, not the sharpest knife, but he could really cut to the point with his razor-sharp memory when he wanted to.

  The next night, Brandon invited Tyler over to our apartment on the pretext that he needed help decorating the place for my 20th birthday party. Our plan – my plan – was that Brandon would seduce the sexually-confused Tyler in our bedroom while I watched the gaiety unfold from a closet door left slightly ajar, and then I’d join in as the icing on the sexual cake.

  Brandon wasn’t bi by nature, but he was the kind of stud who would plug his dick into anything tight, if it would get him off. All the better, he said, if it would please me at the same time, which it would; I’d always had a fantasy about watching two hard-bodied, big-cocked guys go at it. After all, why watch a man and a woman doing the nasty, when you can watch two men, right?

  So, when Brandon and Tyler finally sauntered into the bedroom, I was already wet and wild with desire. My naked body coursed with anticipatory electricity as I watched the two men sit down on the bed. Tyler is smaller and paler than Brandon, but just as strongly-built, with deep, brown eyes, shoulder-length black hair, and an outline in the crotch of his jeans that surely could deliver what it promised.

  ‘Anyways,’ Brandon was saying, ‘Heather told me you’re attracted to me. Gotta say I’m flattered, dude, although I didn’t even know you were gay.’

  Tyler blushed and looked away. ‘I … I’m not sure I am,’ he stammered. ‘I mean, I’ve had lots of girlfriends, you know, but ... well, I’ve been looking at some gay porn on the internet, and ... well, it’s been turning me on, you know?’

  Brandon scrunched up his face in an effort to look sympathetic, reflective even. Then he said, ‘Sure, dude,’ and draped his arm over Tyler’s wide shoulders in a gesture as wooden as his acting.

  ‘You mean you … you’re interested in me ... that way?’ Tyler asked, his face brightening.

  Brandon grinned like a used car salesman meeting an all-day sucker, flashing his strong, even white teeth, sealing the deal. ‘Hey, man, I’m into anything and everything that gets me off, right?’ And with that romantic patter out of the way, he kissed Tyler square on the lips.

  I gasped and cupped my left tit with one hand and squeezed, my other hand already occupied rubbing my swollen clit. This was it. Showtime!

  Brandon placed his hand alongside Tyler’s face and started kissing him more and more urgentl
y, until he was grinding his lips into Tyler’s red, full-bodied mouth. Tyler was initially taken aback by the strength of Brandon’s ardour, but he quickly responded in kind, resting his hand on Brandon’s muscled thigh and sticking his tongue into Brandon’s open mouth. The two super-hunks frenched each other fiercely, as I frigged my pussy faster and faster. What a beautiful, natural sight, I thought – two guys swirling their thick, glistening, pink tongues together – if only they’d get rid of their clothes.

  As if by telepathic projection, the two he-men began shedding their shoes and socks and jeans and shirts, and, finally, their shorts. Their inhibitions were already discarded on the floor somewhere, forgotten. When they were both sans clothing, the two Adonises stood facing each other, nude and lewd and loaded with ‘tude. Tyler’s thick, muscular body was an ivory contrast to Brandon’s rippling bronze physique, and the package that Tyler normally hid in his denim turned out to be a handsome, nine-inch cock. I’d never seen such an awesome specimen – in person, at least.

  Brandon let out a wolf-whistle. ‘Wow! You’re packing some serious wood there, dude.’

  Tyler smiled. ‘It’s all yours, if you want it.’

  ‘Daddy wants,’ Brandon responded, and grabbed Tyler’s monster cock and started stroking. The two well-hung men kissed some more, their tongues slapping against one another, while Brandon eagerly polished Tyler’s rigid pole and Tyler tentatively gripped Brandon’s heavy rod.

  I jammed three of my fingers into my molten pussy and started pumping when Brandon dropped to his knees in front of Tyler’s ultra-long cock. And I vigorously kneaded my tit and rolled my nipple when Brandon grabbed the giant dick at its base and flicked his tongue across its mushroomed head.

  ‘Yeah, Brandon,’ Tyler groaned, ‘suck my cock.’

  ‘You got it, dude,’ Brandon replied matter-of-factly. He slapped his tongue across Tyler’s slit, then balanced the man’s straining, arrow-straight cock on the end of his tongue and bounced it up and down.

  After thoroughly tongue-lashing Tyler’s cockhead with his slimy pleasure tool, Brandon closed his lips over the puffy purple hood and started sucking. Tyler’s knees buckled as he felt a man sucking his cock for presumably the very first time. More than one fantasy was flowering to reality in that bedroom right then. ‘God, that feels good, Brandon,’ Tyler moaned, playing with his thick, pink nipples as Brandon mouthed his cocktop.


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