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Bred by the Bushmen

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  She snuck her hands under his padded jacket, running them up against his warm, bare skin. “I needed time to think, to reflect.”

  “If you want to talk, you can always talk to either of us.”

  “I know.” She brought her hands back down, dragging her nails against his firm flesh. He growled, staring at her like a wild man, a bushman.

  “We just took a break from work, and I needed you, but you were nowhere to be found.” He leaned over and kissed behind her ear. “I had to track you.”

  “You’ve found me now,” she whispered.

  “I have.” He tugged her pants over the curve of her ass, then down her legs. Her pants and boots dropped heavily to the wooden floor. She braced her hands against the edges of the table to avoid falling off. “I need you. Open those legs for me, baby.”

  She still felt a bit shy being so exposed, even if the brothers had explored every inch of her body, over and over again. Opal positioned her heels on the ends of the table and let her knees drop open, leaving her slick pussy exposed to him. She still had on her coat and toque, the cool air giving her legs goosebumps.

  He unbuttoned his jacket and she watched as each button opened. She loved his body, every hard-earned muscle. He turned her on so effortlessly.

  The sound of a zipper lowering caught her attention. Damon released his thick, hard cock. God, he was impressive, and all she could think about was him filling her. But he toyed with her, rubbing the mushroom head up and down her moist slit, teasing her until she was panting.

  “Give it to me,” she demanded.

  “Hush now, little one. You’re lucky you’re getting anything after worrying me like you did.” He pressed in an inch as he licked his lower lip. His lips were thick and this stubble coarse—all man. When he pulled back out, she was dizzy with need.


  Then the door opened and Caleb stepped in.


  “Getting started without me?” Caleb asked.

  What a sight he walked in on. Opal was braced on her elbows on the table, her legs spread wide. The entire shack smelled like sex and his cock was already hard.

  “Don’t worry. We were waiting,” said Damon.

  “You found our fort,” he said. “We used to play here for hours. Not like this, though.” He ran his finger along her inner thigh, making her shiver.

  “Please, Caleb. I’m horny.”

  He smirked, giving Damon a sideways glance. His brother was punishing her, getting her hotter than hell before they shared her. She deserved a bit of sweet torture for hiking so far from home. He liked her close by so he could protect her from anything. At this distance, he wouldn’t have been able to hear her scream.

  “Damon’s here,” he said.

  She shook her head. “He won’t give me his cock. Give me yours.”

  He smirked. Fuck, he wanted to give it to her. It took all his resolve not to plunge inside of her heat to take away her ache.

  “Patience, sweet thing.” Caleb braced both arms on the table at either side of her waist and kissed her hard on the mouth. She was completely wanton, her tongue tracing the inside of his mouth as they kissed. “Go on, touch yourself.”

  She reached down to rub circles over her clit, but quickly pulled her hand away. “No, I want the real thing.”

  “What do you want?” asked Damon.

  “I told you I wanted your cock.” She scowled. “You’re being mean.”

  Damon leaned down and lapped his tongue along her folds, just one. She cried out, trying to grab his head. “Say please.”


  “Okay, baby, you’ve been punished long enough,” said Damon. He positioned himself between her legs before sinking in deep. She sighed, tossing her head back. Damon growled and began to fuck her, holding her hips as he pistoned in and out. The small table creaked and groaned, the sounds of sex growing louder by the second.

  “I want more. I want both of you,” she said, writhing on the table. Her body arched up, needed more, needing to be double-fucked. Of course, Caleb was ready for anything. He’d hoped that after following Damon he’d find just this scenario. After working with his hands all day, he wanted to drown in Opal’s curves. He felt for the lube in his pocket, his hard cock ready to blow off his zipper.

  “Pick her up,” said Caleb. There wasn’t much room in the small shack. The bunk beds were burned long ago after the mattresses went moldy. It had been hard when they’d had to live and sleep there when their parents were building their homestead. But it had been full of love, and they were mostly outside working or playing, regardless. He couldn’t wait to make those same sweet memories with Damon, Opal, and their children.

  Damon hoisted her up, his cock still deep in her pussy. She wrapped her legs snuggly around him and held his neck.

  “You’ll drop me,” she said with a squeal.

  “Oh no, I’ve got you, baby,” said Damon. Compared to their massive size, Opal was a lightweight.

  Caleb lubed his cock and pressed a finger full of the sticky substance slowly into her asshole. She tensed, then sighed, knowing what was to come. “Caleb, oh God.”

  He aimed his cock at her cute little rosette and pushed in with a slow, firm motion. She panted, holding Damon tighter as he forced his dick in to the hilt. “Fuck, you’re tighter than a fist with Damon inside you.”

  “I feel so full,” she said.

  “You are, Opal. Full of our cocks,” said Damon. “Soon you’ll be full of my seed.”

  It had been almost six months since her arrival, and Caleb wondered if their constant breeding would ever pay off. He knew he’d love his woman the same, but his desire for a family was strong.

  Once she’d adjusted to their combined size, they worked her body, taking turns to fuck and pull out. They moved like a well-oiled, synchronized machine. In their current position, both of them standing and supporting her weight, he was able to sink in even deeper. It was pure heaven.

  “I love your little cunt,” said Damon before growling. It was a herculean effort to hold back, but they always waited for Opal to orgasm first. Her pleasure was their number one concern.

  “It feels so good. I’m going to come,” she said between gasps. “Yes. Yes. Yes!”

  When she came, she screamed, but no one would hear. Her ass clamped down impossibly tight on his dick, bringing him to his own release in seconds. After the minutes faded away, only the sounds of their heavy breathing could be heard in the small room.

  Caleb slipped out of her ass, and Damon set her gently back on the table, his cum leaking out of her pussy. He used one of his clean work rags from his back pocket to clean her up, then he helped her back into her pants.

  “You’re amazing,” Caleb said.

  “I’m so tired, I don’t know how I’ll make it home,” she said with a smile.

  “We can wait it out for a while. I haven’t been back to the shack in ages,” said Damon.

  “I saw your growth charts carved into the wall,” she said. “You were big boys.”

  “Still are.” Damon winked.

  “Yes, very big boys.” Opal kissed his brother before he sat in one of the chairs, pulling her down onto his lap.

  Caleb walked to the window, tracing his finger along the jagged marks in the wood. So many memories. Their parents were taken too soon.

  “I like to imagine I’d be a good dad like my father,” said Caleb, reflectively. “He taught us a lot, but what I remember most was his patience and how much he loved his family.”

  “You’ll both make excellent fathers,” said Opal.

  Damon kissed her temple. “And you’d make the sweetest little mother.”

  She smiled and her eyes filled with tears.

  Caleb got down to one knee in front of her. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  “They’re not sad tears.”


  Damon cupped her cheek, using his thumb to whisk away a tear. “What’s going on?”

already been suspicious when she went wandering off by herself, hiking miles farther than she usually did. For the past few days, she’d been off, something just not right. Damon wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but she’d been more quiet and reflective lately. He hoped to God she wasn’t reconsidering her decision to stay in the wilderness with them.

  “I have something to tell both of you. I feel bad for not saying anything sooner, but I wanted to be sure.”

  Caleb’s eyes darkened, and Damon could only imagine how broken his older brother would be if she left them now. There would be no replacing her. She was perfect.

  Damon held her hand, fiddling with the ring they’d given her, their mother’s ring.

  “Go on,” he said.

  She took his hand and brought it round to her stomach, making him cup the rounded bulge.

  “Are you sick?” asked Caleb.

  “Not exactly. I’m pregnant.”

  Opal always had a little tummy. Her entire body was curvy, so he hadn’t noticed anything different. Now, he circled her stomach with his hand, imagining there was actually a little White baby growing and developing inside her. It was surreal.

  “Are you sure?” asked Caleb.

  “I wanted to be sure before I told either of you because I know how much you want this. I’m only a couple months along, but so far so good.”

  “I just, I can’t believe it. We’re going to have a little family out here,” said Caleb.

  “We’ll be daddies,” said Damon.

  The reality was starting to trickle in. They had a million things to do in preparation. Having the responsibility for a new life was not to be taken lightly. They had to finish their pens, work on the barn, and build a crib. Damon loved working with wood and the plans were already taking shape in his head.

  “I’m a bit scared though,” she whispered.

  Damon cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. “Why? We’ll take care of everything.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I’m worried I won’t be a good mother. My own family was so cruel, and I’ve been on my own for a long time. What if I screw up?”

  Damon smiled. “You’re not like them. If anything, you’re the opposite. You’re kind, sweet, caring, and you’ll be perfect. I know it.”

  “It’s a chance for us all to make things right. We’ll have a family of our own,” said Caleb. “And I’ll do everything in my power to take care of every one of you.”

  Money would never be an issue. They received a massive private settlement from the logging company, thanks to their eager lawyer. Now that the company was on the radar, they wouldn’t be bothering or threatening them again. But money was only an insurance policy. They preferred to live simple, to be close to nature without relying heavily on modern conveniences. It gave them the ability to appreciate the little things, to love harder, and live healthier.

  “I wonder if it’ll be a boy or a girl,” said Damon.

  “Doesn’t matter,” said Caleb. “That’s in God’s hands.”

  “If it’s a girl, I want her to look just like her mother.” Damon held her close, a new level of protectiveness filling him to the marrow.

  “If it’s a boy, we can teach him to track and fish and build,” said Caleb.

  “Hey, I know you never had sisters, but you can teach all those things to a girl, too,” said Opal.

  “Then we win either way.” Caleb dropped to both knees and hugged her around the waist, resting his head on her lap. “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you for rescuing us, giving us hope, a baby, a family. I can never thank you enough.”

  Damon felt his own emotions bubbling to the surface, but he fought to stay strong. It was difficult to see his stoic brother break down, but he was finally happy and at peace.

  “Is that why you’ve been quiet lately?” asked Damon.

  She nodded. “It’s a lot to think about, but I know this is the perfect place to raise our children. Fresh air, simplicity, and lots of love.”

  Children. Maybe they’d have another in the future. He’d love to have a big family, but right now he’d focus on baby number one.

  They began to button up for the trek back to their home. It wasn’t bone chilling outside, but the wind still carried a sharp bite in the shadows of the trees.

  “Are you okay to walk?” asked Caleb as they walked hand in hand, Opal in the middle.

  “I won’t break. Promise,” she said. “But I am glad we have hot water for my baths.”

  “Don’t be surprised if we’re a bit protective of you now,” said Caleb.

  “More than you already are?”

  “Hell yes,” said Damon. “You’ve got precious cargo, so we’ll be doing lots of pampering.”

  Opal giggled, the sweet sound mingling perfectly with the song of the wild birds. He wished his parents could meet her and their grandchild, but at least they were keeping the family traditions alive and well.

  The house came into view after their long hike along the muddy path. A slow plume of smoke coming from the stone chimney.

  “There it is,” said Caleb.

  “Yep,” Damon agreed.

  Opal stopped, looking fondly at their little cabin in the woods. “Home.”

  The End

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  Killer of Kings, 1

  Sam Crescent & Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “You think you can handle it?” Boss asked.

  Viper stared out across the parking lot. A lot of shoppers were milling around today, going about their own pathetic lives, believing they were the most important thing in the world.

  None of them had any idea that one of the world’s deadliest killers was amongst them. He was part of an elite group of mercenaries. He killed for the money. Whoever offered the highest bounty, he took it. He never asked questions, and he never cared about the people he killed. This was a job to him, something he was good at.

  “Why can’t I handle it? Send me a picture of the girl. I’ll do the rest.”

  “She has to die of natural causes.”

  Viper snorted. “No problem.”

  He had one month to find a woman, and to end her life. Piece of cake. He had lots of ways of killing a woman, and this would be no different.

  “Deposit the money, and I’ll call you if I need more.” Viper whistled as he made his way toward the car. He put the groceries in the trunk, got behind the wheel, and waited.

  Her picture came through his cell phone, and he stared at the girl in question. She couldn’t have been older than fifteen, but from what Boss had told him, she was nearly twenty-one years old, and had been on the run for nearly six months. Curious.

  The picture showed her cuddled up next to her mother, and she looked happy. Pepper was chubby, her cheeks looking like the kind you could pinch, and grandmothers cooed over. Boss had given him all the details over the phone. Viper didn’t do paperwork, reading, or worrying about something being tracked.

  He memorized everything. All the little details were up in his head, and that was where they would stay until the job was gone.

  Viper didn’t know why the woman in question, Pepper, was running, and he really didn’t care. The moment Boss called him and gave him an assignment, he did it. Now he just needed to figure out where she was staying.

  Good news for him, he had a special guy who owned equipment that could find him this woman. Leaving the grocery store, Viper made his way across the city toward the guy who he knew would hoo
k him up.

  Whenever he was in between jobs, he would always stick around where his people were so that he didn’t have to worry about endless traveling. Working for Killer of Kings was rather lucrative. They were a company known for getting the job done. Nothing was too much, no job too hard. He had traveled all over the world to do what needed to be done, from killing people, to fucking women, to even rescuing people. If the price was right, he would do anything.

  From a young age, younger than any child should ever have to deal, he had been taught to hunt, to kill, and to do it without feeling a damn thing. There were scars on his back that all bled together that reminded him a past he wished he could forget. When he saw children with their parents, for a split second he felt envious, jealous that they could be having a wonderful life, a better one than he ever had. Of course they were having a better life than he had. None of them had ever gone through the hours of pain or the training that had made him one of the deadliest men on earth.

  Parking his car outside of one of the shittiest apartments in the city, he made his way toward his contact, Maurice. The guy was thirty years old, a slob, but damn good when it came to computers. He was the only one who gave Viper the facts without giving him files thick with writing and shit. Viper didn’t want to be studying. Cold, hard facts were what he was after, and he didn’t need paperwork that could be traced.

  Maurice lived on the top floor. He was a tall, skinny man who wore big, thick glasses. Banging on the door, Viper waited, and when Maurice opened the door his shirt was covered in ketchup and mustard stains.

  “I’ve told you to change,” Viper said, entering the room.

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t think I’d see you for a couple more weeks. You usually take time off. Why are you back after just a week?” Maurice asked.

  The apartment was littered with debris. Only the sitting room, the place where all the computers and equipment were set up was spotless.


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