Don't Rush Me (Nora Jacobs Book One)

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Don't Rush Me (Nora Jacobs Book One) Page 14

by Jackie May

  Terrance’s laughter shakes the whole place.

  The coffee is in mugs when I come out of my bedroom. I follow the smell to the kitchen, where Terrance is at the counter and Nick and Oliver sit at the table. Terrance looks over his shoulder when I enter the room. “How do you like your coffee?”

  “Straight black, thanks.”

  “Is that how you like your men, too?” Nick asks, grinning roguishly at me. “Straight and black?”

  I can’t help it; I laugh. I laugh because I can tell he’s teasing me more than hitting on me. Oh, I have no doubt he’d have a good romp in the sheets with me if I were down, but I’m not, and I can tell he knows that. He’s teasing but not pressing. “Oh, Gorgeous.” I sigh. “You do live up to your name, I’ll give you that. But the only way I like my men is as friends. I don’t date. Ever. Too much past drama for me.”

  I pretend not to see the crestfallen look on Oliver’s face and sit down at the table next to Terrance. “Okay.” I blow on my coffee and take a sip. It’s not sludge. Terrance really knows his way around the kitchen. “So…here’s what I got from the vision. I think—this is an educated guess, mind you—but I believe they’re going to attempt to acquire the power from all the underworlders they’ve collected. Like they’re going to siphon out the underworlders’ life forces and keep it for themselves in some sort of sacrificial ritual.” This earns me a round of gasps and growls. “Can that be done?”

  After the outraged shouting and swearing from Nick and Terrance ends, Oliver answers my question. “It would be very difficult, and could only be done through dark magic. Regular magic—good magic—comes from within. That’s why only sorcerers can do magic. We are born with it inside us. We don’t have to steal it to use it. Dark magic is power stolen by killing magical beings. It’s extremely powerful, but also highly unstable, and becomes evil. It’s hard to use. In order to perform the kind of thing you’re talking about, you’d need…”

  “Twelve guys?” I guess. “They said they needed twelve.”

  All three men at the table groan. Nick curses again and throws his head back, staring at the ceiling. “We’re dealing with an entire coven?”

  “I don’t think so.” All eyes come back to me. “I think we’re dealing with wannabes. I think they’re all humans pretending to be sorcerers. They don’t have magic of their own, they get it from their leader—a mid-level sorcerer, he said. I think they’re using his magic to perform the ritual so that they can gain underworld power. I don’t think it’s their first time, either. He said that their power is starting to fade, but that they’d do the ritual before it was all gone.”

  Oliver nods as if this makes perfect sense. “Yeah, that seems more like it. No way would there ever be an entire coven dumb enough to get mixed up in dark magic. One idiot mid-level sorcerer looking to gain more power by getting humans to do his dirty work? That’s much more realistic.”

  I meet his eyes and smirk. “You know, he said mid-level like it was the most badass thing ever.”

  A ghost of a smile crosses Oliver’s face. It’s almost cocky, but not quite. “It’s not bad if he really is one,” he says with a modest shrug. “He can probably do some damage. He’ll be tough to defeat if he’s using dark magic. We’ll have to get backup when we’re ready to invade their sanctuary. Two or three sorcerers, at least.”

  “Or maybe,” Nick says, tapping his chin with his finger, as if thinking very hard. “If only the Agency had someone like a high sorcerer to help them out. Dark magic or not, a mid-level sorcerer would be a walk in the park for a guy like that.”

  When Oliver glares at Nick, I join him, feeling both protective and possessive all of a sudden. How dare he give my best friend a hard time about that. “You shut up about that, Nick,” I growl. “You don’t know anything about it.”

  Nick blinks at me a couple times, but when he gets over his shock, he gives me a hard smirk. “Your boy toy here is wasting his God-given talent.”

  “So what? You get off his case about it.”

  Nick matches my anger, leaning forward in his chair, both hands in fists on the table. His eyes lock on mine, and I stare him down right back. It’s as if we’ve both forgotten Oliver is in the room. This fight has somehow become between Nick and me. “Someone has to get on his case about it,” Nick growls. “Director West is too soft on him. He needs to step up and become the man he’s supposed to be.”

  “You weren’t there that night!” I scream, angry tears misting my eyes. “You don’t know what it was like for either of us!”

  Nick is relentless. “I know it was worse for you, but you don’t let that night rule your life.”

  “The hell I don’t!” I slam to my feet, banging the table with both hands, and my chair goes flying out behind me. “Why the hell do you think I don’t date, or even have any friends? I get sick to my stomach every time someone touches me! Every damn time someone gets too friendly, I relive that night. It’s called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, asshole, and it’s real! And just because Oliver suffers from it differently than me, doesn’t mean he’s not suffering. If you want him to use his magic again, then get him help. Don’t sit around making him feel like less of a man for a problem he probably doesn’t even realize he has. He wasn’t like me. He wasn’t sent to years of therapy. He never told anyone what happened. Nobody knew what he went through. He needs compassion and support, not a kick in the ass, and if you can’t leave him alone, then you can get the hell out of here. I’ll find Shandra without you.”

  My chest is heaving, and my tears are streaming down my cheeks, but I don’t care. I’m so angry. And maybe my anger isn’t for Oliver. Well, not only for Oliver. Maybe I have anger issues after my sad story of a life. But just because I lost it doesn’t make what I said untrue. I’m not going to back down.

  Neither is Nick, apparently. Or maybe he’s just reacting to my display of dominance. I don’t know what kind of underworlder he is. Maybe he can’t back down. He rises slowly to his feet and does that freaky eye thing where his pupils turn into slits and he emits power. When he gets like this, the room gets hotter, as if he’s radiating heat. “You,” he says, shaking with fury, “will not do anything else regarding this case unless I say so and am there to supervise you, or so help me I’ll throw you in jail for hindering my investigation!”

  And that is just enough to send Terrance over the edge. “ARE YOU THREATENING HER?” he roars.

  His eyes are now all black, which has previously scared the piss out of everyone around him, no matter how badass they are. Not now, though. Apparently, Nick Gorgeous is the Agency’s go-to guy, because he’s even more badass than a raging troll. His gaze snaps from me to Terrance, and he stands up straight, seeming to grow taller and broader as he does. And something happens to his skin that I’m not sure how to describe. I’m not close enough to him to get a good look at it, but I’d swear it’s shiny now, as if it turned to armor. What the hell is that guy?

  “I’m doing my job,” he says, his voice echoing with power. “After Oliver called about the black magic, Madison told me to babysit these two idiots”—he waves his hand at Oliver and me—“the unsolved human puzzle, and the Agency’s golden boy because they know Nora won’t stop meddling until she gets herself killed, and Oliver will go along for the ride because he’s infatuated with her.”

  What? How rude.

  “I don’t mind letting Nora do her thing,” Nick continues. “I want to find our missing underworlders, too, and she seems to be our best bet for that so far. But make no mistake, Terrance, I will protect her from herself if I have to, whether it pisses you off or not.”

  Terrance calms down, seeming pleased with Nick’s explanation. I groan, and suddenly both Nick and Terrance are looking at me. I went from no one in the world caring about me to having two extremely overprotective big brother types in one night. I would tell Nick where he can shove his babysitting, except the man has a point. I’m just reckless and stubborn enough to get myself into serious trouble.
And I honestly wouldn’t mind having whatever the hell he is at my side tonight when I go serve myself up as bait in order to find Shandra. “Well,” I grumble, because they’re both staring at me as if waiting for me to say something. I give Nick a flat look. “At least you can recognize my skills for how useful they are and aren’t trying to ground me.”

  Nick surprises me with a chuckle. “You are pretty badass, little human. You’ve proven to be more than resourceful. I’ve got no problems letting you put that arsenal of unique abilities to use. But if you insist on doing this, then I’m coming with you.”

  “Fair enough.” I shrug. “Just respect Oliver, and we won’t have any more problems.”

  “Fine.” Nick matches my shrug. “I can do that. I guess I didn’t look at it from that perspective before. I’ll try not to be too big of an ass from now on.”

  I snort, and turn to wink at Oliver. Only he’s not standing next to Nick anymore; he’s come around the table and is right beside me. When I meet his eyes, I notice they’re shining with unshed tears. Then, without warning, he throws his arms around me. The hug is so tight, and so desperate, that I let him hang on to me. “Thank you,” he whispers in a shaky voice.

  His thoughts flood me, only they’re so jumbled I pick up emotions more than individual thoughts. The main theme is gratitude. I’m the first person who’s ever defended him about his refusal to use magic. I’m the first person who’s ever understood him. He’s so grateful to have me in his life now. He loves that I call him Ollie and refer to him as my best friend. He’s never had a best friend before.

  He’s always been misunderstood. He’s been ostracized in the sorcerer community, and he’s a disappointment and an embarrassment to his parents. He’s so glad that I seem to genuinely care. He wishes I wanted more than friendship from him, but he understands my aversion to dating and is determined to ignore his feelings for me and just be the best friend I could ever ask for.

  For once, hearing someone’s thoughts doesn’t upset me. I smile as I return his hug. “Of course I understand you,” I whisper, not hiding the fact that I know what he’s thinking. There’s no point when he knows what I can do. “I’m just as screwed up as you are. And I do care. Maybe I can’t date you, but I do care. It’s you and me, Ollie. Against the whole damn world, if we have to.”

  “Aww, misfit love. How adorable.”

  Oliver rips himself away from me, his face flaming. I lift my middle finger to Nick. “Thought you said you’d stop being an ass.”

  He grins at me. “I said I’d try. You’re making it too difficult.”

  I roll my eyes again. I feel like he makes me do that a lot. And yet…I kind of like the cheeky bastard. “Okay, are we done with the drama now? Ready to hear my plan?”

  We all sit back down, and Nick waves a hand toward me. “Take it away, Spitfire.”

  “Well, Gorgeous…” Okay, I have to use the ridiculous name this once to butter him up. It works, too, because he grins and winks at me. It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes again. Or smile. “We’re going to rush them.”

  He leans forward, his smile transforming into a confused frown. “Beg your pardon?”

  I shrug. “It’s Rush Week. They’re going to a sorority mixer tonight at Alpha Gamma Delta, and they need one more guy and one more underworlder. So, since you insist on going with me, you’re going to be my date tonight, and we’re going to rush—me a sorority and you…an evil cult with an affinity for dark magic and sacrifice.”

  Nick purses his lips as if he’s doing everything he can to not laugh at my antics. When he can speak without grinning, he simply says, “Explain.”

  I take a deep breath, unnerved a little to have the attention of everyone in the room. They’re ready to listen to my plan and take me seriously. As if I’ve ever been a leader or made a plan in my life. But I’m the one with the knowledge this time, and I vowed I’d do everything I can to get Shandra back.

  “They need twelve,” I say. “Muscle Head and Shandra were only eleven. They said the ceremony has to be done on the blood moon—which is Tuesday—but they’re still a guy and an underworlder short. Xavier was supposed to be their twelfth, but I botched that plan when I fed him to Cecile.”

  Both Terrance and Nick snort at my wording, and Oliver grins, but come on. How else would you say it? I mean, succubi feed off of lust. I literally fed my neighbor to her.

  “Anyway…” I roll my eyes. Again. I need to stop doing that so much. “They sounded desperate. They want Xavier, but he ended up in the hospital, and the cops were on him about what ‘drugs’ he OD’d on. The guys were pissed that he made such a stupid mistake and had all that baggage with cops watching him now, but they said they’d give him one last chance. They’re supposed to meet him at the party tonight, and he’s supposedly going to bring his vamp—I’m pretty sure they mean Parker.”

  This earns me another round of snorts. From all three men this time. “As if Parker would let himself get taken,” Terrance says, his voice rumbling with laughter.

  “I can get Parker to take care of Xavier. Then Nick and I show up under the guise of me rushing Alpha Gamma Delta, but we let it slip that I’m an underworlder and Nick’s a human that knows the truth of the underworld. We’ll give them something too good to pass up.”

  “Hang on.” Nick laughs. “I’m the human in this situation, and you’re the underworlder?”

  “Hello. They’re a fraternity. They need a dude. And look at yourself—tall, dark, and dangerous looking. You’re exactly the kind of guy they want.”

  Nick smirks, preening at my description of him. “Aw, shucks, Nora, I knew you thought I was gorgeous, but damn.”

  “Whatever, like you don’t know what you are.”

  “True, I’m irresistible, but you’re still human. They’ll probably be able to tell.”

  “Not necessarily,” Oliver chimes in. “If they’re human, they probably won’t. And if they need confirmation, Nora’s not without her own tricks.”

  “True!” I clap my hands, feeling the excitement of a plan coming together. “If their point is to steal the power of the underworlders they take, there’s no way they’ll be able to resist a mind-reading ability.”

  Nick and Terrance pass a look so long between them that one might think they had the mind-reading ability. When it’s over, Terrance sighs and Nick weighs me down with a heavy stare. “This will be dangerous, Nora. You’re talking about offering yourself up as bait to find their sanctuary.”

  I nod, and for once I’m completely serious with Nick. “I know. That’s why you’re going with me. Are you saying you can’t protect me?”

  Nick’s eyes narrow. “I’m not infallible.”

  I hadn’t expected him to admit it. I respect that he did, and so I give him a straight-up answer in return. “No one is. I know the risks, but there are eleven missing people out there that I can help rescue before they’re killed. It’s worth the risk, even if there’s only a possibility of success.”

  “So brave,” Terrance murmurs.

  A long pause descends on us until Nick flashes a small smirk. “Or foolhardy.” He sighs. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m a little rash, too.” He leans back in his chair and raises his arms above his head in a big stretch. “All right, Spitfire. You’ve got yourself a date. Let’s go rush.”

  “I go, too,” Terrance demands, crossing his huge arms over his barrel of a chest.

  “Me too,” Oliver agrees.

  Bless their hearts. My new friends are the best. Unfortunately, neither of them can come. “Sorry, guys.” I meet Terrance’s glare with an equally stern gaze. “As much as I’d love to have you there, you’d scare them off in an instant. They know you, Terrance,” I say when he starts to argue. “They stole your friend from under your nose. They’d recognize you and panic.”

  “And you…” I shoot Oliver an apologetic smile. “They might not be able to tell you’re an underworlder, but they might, too. At the very least, if they all have a bit of
dark magic, they might be able to feel yours. They’re after powerful underworlders. You’re one of the most powerful people in the city, and as much as I don’t care that you don’t use your magic, the fact that you don’t makes you extremely vulnerable. I’m weak enough as it is. If you came with me, that would leave two people Nick would have to protect instead of just one.”

  Oliver grimaces. “You’re right,” he says. “You should be Gorgeous’s only priority. I have to work anyway. But I’ll be standing by and ready to send the whole Agency to you at a moment’s notice.”

  I grin at him. “Awesome. That makes you Watchtower.”

  He can’t help smiling. I knew the comic book reference would cheer him up.

  “I’ll wait in the car down the street,” Terrance says stubbornly.

  I can’t argue with that, and I can’t blame him for wanting to be there if we figure out where Shandra is. Honestly, I’ll be glad for the backup. “All right. I can live with that. Every team has a guy in the van. You’re the backup muscle and the getaway driver.”

  “Backup muscle?” Nick asks, that begrudging smile back in place. “Does that mean I’m the muscle?”

  I flash him a killer smile. “Yep. And I’m the brains of this operation.”

  Nick snorts and shakes his head. “Whatever you say, 007. But you know, team lead or not, this operation is going to require you to wear a sexy dress.”

  Shit! He has me there.

  I’ve only got a few hours to go shopping for a dress for the party tonight, so Nick takes Oliver home. As soon as they’re gone, Terrance hands me a wad of cash. “What—Terrance! No.”

  He shoves the money at me again. “For your dress. Get something nice.”


  I give him my best no-nonsense stare, and all it does is cause him to retaliate with a much more serious I-mean-business scowl. I’m not ready to back down. “Oh,” I say, throwing a bit of sarcasm into my voice, “and while we’re having this conversation—”


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