Douluo Dalu - Volume 17 - Arrival Of The Phoenix

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 17 - Arrival Of The Phoenix Page 8

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Chapter 117: Clear Sky Hammer, Disorder Splitting Wind

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  The two people didn’t walk quickly, both following a certain rhythm, their gazes all along fixed on their opponent. Even though the match still hadn’t started, they were already looking for weaknesses in the opponent. Even though they were only forty something ranked, at such a young age they already revealed the demeanor of grandmasters.

  Four eyes, met two hearts trembling simultaneously. As outstanding young Spirit Masters, they could both see something of their opponent’s element. They both understood that this match inevitably wouldn’t be simple.

  The referee indicated that both sides could release their spirits.

  Raising his right hand, the familiar blue light issued from Tang San’s palm. His appearance still didn’t hint at his talent, his expression calm.

  Feng Xiaotian issued a shrill howl, a layer of faint cyan light rushing out of his body. Along with the appearance of the cyan light, his body clearly changed. With the sound of cracking bones, his muscles and bones swelled simultaneously, his body clearly growing larger. His long hair was also rendered cyan, and most peculiarly, a wolf’s head protruded from his left shoulder.

  The cyan wolf’s head had a cold gaze, staring fixedly at Tang San, traces of cold air constantly being released.

  Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf, a variation of Stormwind Demon Wolf. The Stormwind Demon Wolf was a kind of high level spirit, but it’s variation also became a two-headed wolf, already turning it into a kind of close to top level spirit.

  It was precisely by relying on this variant spirit that Feng Xiaotian had attained the record he had today. Forty fourth rank at twenty four made him a genius among geniuses. If not for Tang San’s many turns of fortune, and also the growth assistance of the immortal herbs, as well as the boost of the orthodox school internal strength method Mysterious Heaven Skill, his talent also might not come out any stronger.

  Feng Xiaotian’s already wasn’t as impulsive as yesterday, his appearance as calm as Tang San’s.

  “Tang San.”

  “Feng Xiaotian.”

  The two addressed each other.

  Feng Xiaotian gazed at Tang San,

  “This year I’m twenty four, at my spirit awakening when I was six, I had innate full spirit power. My achievements today are all what I have put aside, bit by bit. I admire your strength. But today I must beat you. Whether for my Godwind Academy team, or for Huo Wu, I cannot lose.”

  Tang San smiled calmly, looking at his opponent without comment. But the staunch light in his eyes still told Feng Xiaotian that he also wouldn’t renounce the match. He clearly carried the glory of Shrek Academy.

  “Match start.”

  The referee declared. The two people in the center of the ring moved practically simultaneously.

  Feng Xiaotian accelerated in practically an instant, charging directly at Tang San, cyan light and shadow playing behind his back, his speed strangely incomparable.

  Tang San was alarmed. According to what he knew, Feng Xiaotian should be a power attack system Spirit Master. But right now, the speed Feng Xiaotian boasted wasn’t inferior to a fortieth ranked agility attack system Spirit Master.

  How come?

  Tang San didn’t spend much time thinking about it. The instant Feng Xiaotian launched himself at him, his first spirit ring was already brightening, sharp wolf claws ejecting from his palm, a sharp pitiless gaze locking on Tang San. Before he even arrived, his wolf claws were already swinging, ten half crescent wind blades splitting the air, sealing all Tang San’s routes of escape.

  Stormwind Demon Wolf’s first spirit ability was Wind Blade, but Feng Xiaotian with the Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf spirit’s spirit ability was Wind Blade Burst[1]. With ten times the quantity, it could clearly be seen how much more powerful his first spirit ability was compared to ordinary Stormwind Demon Wolves. This was the innate advantage of high level spirits.

  Did the burst truly seal all directions? Tang San’s movements gave the answer.

  Feet moving lightly, dashing forward simultaneously, his figure moving in swift flashes. Nobody could clearly see Tang San’s footwork as he instantly transformed into a flash. Feng Xiaotian was startled to discover that he was actually unable to lock down Tang San’s aura.

  Leaning east, turning west. The originally seemingly undodgeable ten wind blades were unexpectedly penetrated by Tang San, without the slightest injury.

  Feng Xiaotian’s gaze focused. Right now there was less than five meters until they clashed. At this range, there was only enough time for one move.

  Tang San didn’t release his Blue Silver Grass, but rather simultaneously cut out with both hands, directly grabbing for Feng Xiaotian’s body. But Feng Xiaotian also didn’t use his spirit abilities again, and his wolf claws rose to meet Tang San’s swatting hands. They both unexpectedly chose to depend on their spirit power to fight without spirit abilities.

  From this alone, Tang San saw Feng Xiaotian’s confidence and strength. Spirit Masters had limited spirit power, and no matter what level spirit ability, all would consume some spirit power. But in a purely physical fight, the spirit consumption would be a lot less. In attacking without clearly understanding the opponent, the one to attack first would be at a disadvantage. That they didn’t use spirit abilities right now didn’t mean that they weren’t prepared to use them. If the opponent’s spirit ability launched, they could also certainly instantly launch their own spirit abilities to counter.

  Tang San’s right hand cut at Feng Xiaotian’s right hand. Feng Xiaotian’s wrist turned, sharp wolf claws already scratching Tang San’s palms. He possessed a Beast Spirit, so his physical boost would clearly be more powerful than Tang San with a Tool Spirit. As his wolf claws scratched Tang San’s right hand, even Feng Xiaotian was somewhat astonished. He believed that in circumstances where their levels didn’t differ much, if Tang San’s hand was injured by him, then he wouldn’t have any chance.

  However, as the two hands directly touched, Feng Xiaotian discovered his mistake.

  Tang San’s hand was lustrous like jade, even the most beautiful girl couldn’t possess hands like these. But this lustrous like white jade palm was even harder than steel, and the wolf claws only struck a series of sparks on Tang San’s palm, without leaving even a mark.

  The pain from the rebound of the wolf claws made Feng Xiaotian’s heart shiver, and with plentiful combat experience, he immediately launched his first spirit ability once again.

  Facts proved that Feng Xiaotian’s choice was correct. Tang San’s Mysterious Jade Hand could already feel his pulse, and if Feng Xiaotian had reacted a beat slower, allowing his hand to fall into Tang San’s Mysterious Jade Hand’s grasp, this fight would immediately have lost all suspense.

  Five wind blades burst out. The distance between the two was really too close. The wind blades impacting in Tang San’s Mysterious Jade Hand suddenly resounded with a series of brittle sounds.

  Separating in a flash, Tang San and Feng Xiaotian retreated simultaneously. But at this moment, a strand of Blue Silver Grass also quietly stretched up after Feng Xiaotian’s feet.

  Tang San’s feet hit the ground, already shooting up once again, he basically didn’t plan on giving Feng Xiaotian any time. Relying on the incomparably solid Mysterious Jade Hand, under the assistance of Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step, he approached once again. This time, he was completely striking at Feng Xiaotian’s chest.

  Feng Xiaotian was currently indescribably shocked. He hadn’t expected that Tang San’s physical fighting strength would actually be at this level. He had the intense premonition that if Tang San launched an attack close to his body, then he would be chanceless.

  In this crisis, Feng Xiaotian reacted with matchless speed, fiercely leaping back, pulling open the distance between the two of them in an instant. Not only did he escape Tang San’s attack, but also the Blue Silver Grass Binding coming at him from below in the key moment. />
  ‘Such speed’, the expression in Tang San’s eyes grew serious. He already understood a lot from Feng Xiaotian’s speed. As Grandmaster’s disciple, regarding variant spirits, Tang San also knew a lot. What Feng Xiaotian revealed right now seemed to be the capability of an agility attack system Spirit Master. Was his title as power attack system Spirit Master bogus? No, of course not.

  From Feng Xiaotian’s speed, Tang San had already vaguely estimated that with the Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf, the benefits produced by both heads perhaps lay in both power attack and agility attack. The attack and defense of a power attack system Spirit Master, further adding the speed of an agility attack system Spirit Master, could it be he was that powerful?

  Since understanding the true essence of the spirit, and after figuring out those questions in his heart, Tang San’s attack method had a great change compared to before. As a control system Spirit Master, his spirit abilities were almost all used for controlling enemies. However, he was also a Tang Sect disciple. Was there any difference between Tang Sect’s martial abilities and those spirit abilities? No, of course not. Even though right now the inability to use hidden weapons and poison enormously weakened the strength of Tang San’s Tang Sect martial skills, Tang Sect’s capabilities were even more practical than that. As for those control spirit abilities, they would be better to steel the edge at the crucial moment. No need to use normally, as long as they were used, they would have to be released like an arrow, to cause the opponent the biggest attack.

  At the same time as Feng Xiaotian retreated, he no longer hesitated again. After a brief probe, he had already discovered that even as a power attack system Battle Spirit Master, it would be very difficult for him to get an advantage over Tang San in a physical battle. Right now wasn’t the time to wonder why Tang San’s hands were so solid, but rather how to obtain the victory in this match.

  Therefore, when Feng Xiaotian retreated, his second and third spirit rings brightened simultaneously.

  A pair of enormous cyan wings extended from Feng Xiaotian’s back. And at this moment, cyan light and shadow condensed behind his back, the appearance of the Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf. Set off under that enormous dazzling image, Feng Xiaotian soared into the air, the wings on his back beating only once, using the wind, his body already shot straight up, rising more than fifty meters in the air. That was a distance Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass couldn’t even hope to reach.

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  Looking at this scene, all the Shrek Academy members’ faces couldn’t help changing. In the previous matches, even though Godwind Academy had a lot of members that could fly, as the captain as well as a power attack system Spirit Master, Feng Xiaotian had never done so. Right now, suddenly soaring into the air, with enough spirit power, he had clearly already placed himself in an invincible position. Without using hidden weapons, it seemed very difficult for Tang San’s attacks to influence him.

  Seeing Feng Xiaotian’s sudden flight, Tang San didn’t panic. While staring fixedly at his opponent, he unhurriedly walked into the center of the ring.

  Feng Xiaotian’s wings spread easily in the sky, gazing at Tang San below him,

  “Tang San, you’re even more formidable than I had imagined. However, even if you were more formidable, today I’ll still definitely beat you. Next, I’ll use attack you with my own created spirit ability. Careful. The spirit ability is named: Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops.”

  Listening to his opponent, Tang San took a firm stance with half angled feet, replying to his opponent with one word,


  The words ‘created spirit ability’ no doubt shocked everyone present. In fact, even though created spirit abilities couldn’t form naturally the way spirit abilities from spirit rings did, any Spirit Master that could create their own spirit ability would be alarmingly outstanding of their generation. Created spirit abilities appeared as a combination of all one’s circumstances, and consequently, they were even more practical.

  The doubleheaded wolf image behind him gradually merged with Feng Xiaotian, that was his second spirit ability, Double Wolf Body Enhancement. Under circumstances like these, his attack, defense, and speed would all increase by fifty percent. Further adding his third spirit ability, Stormwing Wings, his condition was boosted to its peak. It was also only under the assistance of these two spirit abilities that his created spirit ability could be revealed. In some sense, his created spirit ability wasn’t much different from his fourth spirit ability, and moreover it consumed a bit less spirit power.

  With a long howl, Feng Xiaotian moved. His body dropped from the sky like a meteor from the heavens. Strangely, those enormous unfolded wings didn’t make a sound as he descended. The cyan light filling the air was completely withdrawn. Right now his wings were perfectly angled.

  A lack of wind sound meant that the drag resistance was even smaller. Only a wind element Spirit Master like him could find the best angle in the wind like this. The knife sharp edges of the wings glittered with a deep cyan light in the sunshine. Those so called Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops would clearly issue from the edges of these wings.

  Blue Silver Grass soared up, forming countless vines, directly twisting at the descending Feng Xiaotian.

  Feng Xiaotian’s seemingly courageous advance through the air deflected slightly, changing direction the instant he was on the verge of coming into contact with the Blue Silver Grass.

  Light appeared over the wings, Blue Silver Grass snapped. Those twisting Blue Silver Grass were unexpectedly completely unable to stop him for even a moment. Cutting one after another, he went straight for Tang San.

  Tang San made an extremely brazen act. Both fists swinging, he simultaneously struck at Feng Xiaotian’s wings, at the shoulder.

  The instant before the attack, Feng Xiaotian’s wings had completely merged with his arms, this was also a significant reason why his wings had such tremendous attack power.

  Feng Xiaotian couldn’t spare his fuel, seeing Tang San’s fists attack, he also wanted to see just how solid Tang San’s hands actually were. Adjusting his body slightly, his shoulders bizarrely pulled back, making the knife sharp edges of his wings meet the lustrous white fists of Tang San.

  With an explosive sound, Feng Xiaotian soared up. Tang San’s hands weren’t the slightest bit injured, and under the boost of the second spirit ability, Double Wolf Body Enhancement, Feng Xiaotian also didn’t suffer any injuries.

  An ache reaching the marrow of his bones made Feng Xiaotian’s gaze turn monstrous. Were those really hands? He clearly knew that when he fully used thirty six successive chops to attack with his wings, he had once cut open a one meter thick block of granite.

  Feng Xiaotian was struck flying, and Tang San didn’t feel any better. His feet had completely sunk into the ground, and his face had a faintly reddish tint, his qi and blood bubbling up.

  Their trains of thought flashed through their minds like lightning. Feng Xiaotian’s attack wouldn’t stop, and Tang San’s defense continued.

  Feng Xiaotian with the ability to fly didn’t return to a high altitude like Tang San had imagined, he only made a large turn in the air, then his right wing once again chopped down. This time it was in a batch. Feng Xiaotian’s single wing flashed successively, constantly changing trajectory in order to dodge Tang San’s fists. That his fist was solid didn’t mean that his body was. If that powerful guillotine like blade hit his body, perhaps…...

  A purple gold light appeared in Tang San’s eyes. He only quietly watched that brandishing wing. When the wing was less than a meter away from him, both his hands rose once again, blasting out simultaneously once more.

  With a peng sound, Feng Xiaotian was inconceivably sent flying once again. He couldn’t understand how, under his utmost control, Tang San could still find the trajectory of his wing. This was practically impossible.

  How could he know that Tang San, born of Tang Sect, had eyesight th
at someone of this world basically couldn’t compare to. Let alone the edge of his wing, even if it was countless hidden weapons coming from all directions, Tang San could still shoot down each and every one.

  Feng Xiaotian was shocked, but Tang San was also equally shocked. Because he discovered that under Feng Xiaotian’s second chop, even though it was only one wing, in fact, the force of this attack was even greater than before. This discovery immediately made Tang San inwardly somewhat suspicious.

  Their astonishment didn’t have the slightest effect on their battle. Feng Xiaotian flew another turn in the air, his wings alternating to attack, starting the third and fourth chops.

  Tang San also simultaneously used his Mysterious Jade Hand to receive the two attacks.

  The facts proved that Tang San’s judgement was correct. These two attacks of Feng Xiaotian’s, one was stronger than the other. Even though the increase in strength wasn’t much, Tang San’s arms were already stinging. His Mysterious Jade Hand had, after all, still not been cultivated to its peak, and the opponent’s successive attacks made Tang San’s hands ache.

  Tang San suddenly smiled. Who could have thought that he would actually still smile at a moment like this. In four attacks his calves had already sunk into the ground, and previously Feng Xiaotian had said that this Stormwind Demon Wolf chop would strike altogether thirty six times. At present, not only did Feng Xiaotian’s attacks grow stronger and stronger, but the attack speed was also increasing. Speed and power were directly proportional, his created spirit ability’s foremost feature was that it exploited speed and gravity to constantly boost his attack power.

  Tang San understood that even though Feng Xiaotian could complete thirty six chops, at the end, if he could truly continue to stiffly take the attacks, perhaps Feng Xiaotian’s wings would directly snap under the force.

  Feng Xiaotian’s spirit power was two ranks higher than Tang San’s, and further adding this growth, how could Tang San continue to take his attacks? Right now, an extremely sharp spirit power was already breaking out in Feng Xiaotian’s surroundings, and even if Tang San wanted to launch his second spirit ability, Parasite, it still wouldn’t have any effect. Even his third spirit ability, Spiderweb Restraint, might be cut under the constantly growing sharp blades. What could Tang San do now? Release Eight Spider Lances and fight back?


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