Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 5

by TL Mayhew

  Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I press on the clutch and grip the steering wheel tighter.

  The green flag waves.

  The roar of engines is deafening as all the other cars leave the starting line. I do as well but I’m hesitant to floor it like he instructed. The steering is stiff and getting used to the way it handles is not as easy as I thought.

  At first, I don’t get up to any more than seventy miles per hour and when I see the other cars barreling around the track on a smaller screen to the left, I panic. Steering way left toward the grass in the center.

  “Stay on the track, Berkleigh. You’re doing fine.” Kye’s calm and collected voice permeates my ears.

  I move back into the center.

  “Good girl. Now give it some gas.”

  I do as he says, but only a little, before glancing at the smaller screen and seeing the other cars closing in before they whiz past me.

  “Don’t worry about them. Stay focused on the road ahead. Concentrate on the last car that passed by….” He goes quiet for a moment. “...car thirty. Concentrate on car thirty. We’ll take these bastards one at a time.”

  I laugh nervously into the mic.

  “A little more gas. That’s it. Now check your speed. Kick it up some more. Yes, right there, that’ll be a good place to stay. It’s a little faster than them but not too much to where you’ll lose control.”

  Car thirty is in my sights, and I gun it a bit more, finally getting the feel of this car, and the virtual track. We turn into the straightaway and I give it even more gas, passing him on the right.

  “Kye! I did it! I passed thirty.”

  “Yes, you did, sweetheart, now take car fifteen. He’s been weaving, waiting for a place to pass, don’t let him. You get in there and take another one.”

  I come up fast on the tail of fifteen. When I try and move around him, he moves into the same position. Toying with me. It’s a dance of rubber and metal where one wrong step could leave me in a crumbled pile, while the right step will lead me that much closer to a victory.

  Fifteen swerves right and car five slows, leaving a hole up the middle. It’s small but I think I can take it.

  “You won’t make it, let off the gas and let fifteen merge left, and then you can take him on the outside.” His voice hums in my ears and I know he has the experience, but I disagree with his decision.

  I can make it, I’m sure of it.

  In a split-second decision I gun it and squeeze up through the middle. I’m almost past five. His front tire is aligned with my rear. There’s a car in front of me and fifteen is flanking me on the right.

  The car ahead of me surges forward.

  There’s an opening on the inside.

  “Don’t do it. You haven’t cleared five,” he warns, his tone stern, just like my dad’s.

  I give my car more gas, raising my speed to one hundred and eighty. I’m on a mission to prove him wrong. Prove them both wrong.

  The simulator reacts to the faster speed just like the car would, my weight is forced back against the seat as the car surges forward. But just as I’m about to make my move, the squeal of rubber against pavement has my heart dropping straight into my stomach.

  “Relax, don’t stiffen. Take your hands off the wheel!” he shouts into the earpiece.

  I try my best not to tense up but it’s a natural reaction. My breaths come quick and my heartbeat pounds in my ears as the simulator car jerks hard to the left when fifteen swerves into me.

  I’ve been in a few minor car accidents before, but this is nothing like that.

  Once the monitor shows my vehicle, with me in it, spiraling through the air, I close my eyes. My lungs burn from the breath I sucked in as soon as it went airborne. Luckily, the simulator doesn’t launch up and start spinning too, otherwise I would’ve lost my breakfast.

  Opening my eyes, just enough to look through my lashes, I see the monitors go black just before I’m about to collide with the pavement.

  I let out the breath I was holding and just sit for a moment, letting the pounding in my chest subside before lifting the helmet from my head with shaky hands.

  Kye is quick to grab it from me and he sets it to the side. “Are you all right? You didn’t get too shaken up, did you?”

  I think about his question. Even though adrenaline still courses through my veins, I can feel a slight ache settling in my arms. I hadn’t done as he’d asked. My death grip on the steering wheel when the car jolted to the side had me stiffening up and I’m feeling the result of it now, but otherwise looking myself over, I don’t notice anything else. “Yeah, I think I’m fine.”

  “Well, aren’t you just a little racing trooper,” he says, chuckling as he helps me with the belt. This time he’s more careful with his hands. It’s not like there’s a ton of space between my crotch and the buckle. Because of that I can still feel the heat from his skin.

  Once I’m free from the car, my reason for being here, at Kingston’s, is momentarily blurred with excitement.

  “This was amazing. Thank you,” I tell him, closing in and linking my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. It’s a spontaneous reaction, one that catches him off guard at first. But he recovers quickly, wrapping his arms around my waist, and setting his chin on my shoulder.

  Warm breath tickles the shell of my ear. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. You’re welcome here any time, sweetheart,” he says, as our embrace lingers. Neither of us seemingly want to break the connection.

  After a beat he pulls back slightly. His eyes search mine, seeking an answer to an unasked question. When words escape me, he leans in. His scent enveloping me in the same security blanket from my past and his lips hover over mine.

  Is this what I want? Am I ready?


  There’s nothing I want more right now than realizing how his mouth would feel against mine. Touching, tasting, exploring with his tongue.

  But we don’t get the chance.

  “Mr. Kingston?” a feminine voice asks, cutting through the passion-fed air around us. It’s like a cold bucket of water has just been dumped on us and sobers me from my adrenaline high. I try to pull away, but Kye isn’t letting go, not yet.

  “Kye?” she asks, using his first name again.

  On a frustrated breath, he stiffens and pulls away from me. “What is it, Alicia?”

  “Well, sir, it’s a… private matter… something with your grandmother.”

  His head snaps in her direction. “She can wait.”

  “Um… she said it was an emergency,” Alicia says, shifting on her feet.

  “Fuck,” Kye mutters beneath his breath and turns his focus back on me.

  Placing my palm on his cheek, I let the stubble poke into my hand. It’s how I know this is real. That the man in front of me is real. If I don’t, later when reality sinks in, I may not believe what almost just happened here. “It’s okay. You go talk with your grandmother, if I don’t get those pads back to Josh soon, he’ll probably send out a search party.” I laugh halfheartedly.

  He leans in and whispers so only I can hear, “This isn’t over,” before placing a hand on my lower back and leading me toward Alicia.

  To think, I was only prepared to give him five minutes. Five minutes to prove to me he’s just like any other guy. Just like the professor. But the more I crash into Kye’s life, the more I’m starting to understand he’s not like the others.

  I’m speechless. Awestruck at the fact that Kye Kingston, the hottest guy in racing, is interested in me. It’s not until I hear her clear her throat that I’m reminded I’m now standing here alone with Alicia.

  The semi-scowl on her face tells me she’s not entirely happy about what she’d seen, but she maintains a level of professionalism as she guides me out. “Come on, I’ll show you the way to the parts department.” she says, heading through the door with me close on her heels.

  Chapter 7

  On the drive back to the shop, his lingering scent has my mind

  He has no idea how just being around him erases the memories of my past. And when he touches me it’s as though the world never existed before him. The flutters in my belly, the heat that flushes my skin, and the desire that teases my most intimate parts are all because of him.

  No one has ever made me feel that before.

  I think back to the day we first met and wonder how our lives might’ve been different had I called. Maybe it wouldn’t have gone any further than just that phone call. I was a mess back then and in no way ready for a man in my life, but the notion still lingers in the back of my mind.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts of Mr. Hazel Eyes that I almost miss my exit and swerve across two lanes to reach the off-ramp. Tires squeal and a few horns blare but I ignore them.

  By the time I’ve backed into a service bay and unloaded the pads the mid-afternoon heat has made its way in the garage and I’m sweating profusely. I’m thankful for the air-conditioning that hits me like an arctic blast when I enter the customer waiting area.

  It feels so good, I walk over to one of the vents blasting air from the ceiling and stand under it. Letting my hair blow around my face until I’m cool enough to head down the short hall to the locker room and change my clothes for work.

  “Berkleigh, can you come in here, please?”

  Although the door is open, I glance at it and can’t help but smile at the thought of diving headfirst into Kye’s chest.

  “This morning’s drive must’ve done you some good,” Josh says, mistaking my smile as a good mood instead of the reminder of Kye standing in this very spot.

  “It was good. Exceptionally good, actually.” A mischievous smile tips my lips.

  He holds up his hands. “No need for details.”

  “Very funny. What’s up?”

  “Well, it seems you’ve made quite the impression on Mrs. Kincaid.”

  I scoff at his words. “Yeah, and I saw a pig fly today. What is this world coming to?” I plop down in the chair in front of his desk. “Josh, that woman grabbed her purse when we first met. And not like it was a falling off her shoulder type of grab. This was a more of a watch her she’ll steal your things kind of grab. If I made any kind of impression it wasn’t a good one. And there’s no way you can convince me otherwise.”

  “Maybe this will,” he says proudly, sliding a business card across the desk.

  It has the same unique incredibly detailed image of a watercolor tire with a crown sitting on top in the corner of the card, just like the one Kye had given me so long ago. The only difference is the name in the middle, it still says Kingston Racing but the name on the front is Grady Anderson.

  “What, a business card with someone’s name on it I don’t recognize?”

  He leans back in his chair, putting his arms behind his head. “Turn it over.”

  On the opposite side it says: Berkleigh Shaw interview, 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. DON’T BE LATE! “What is this? What would she possibly be interviewing me for? And who is this Grady person?”

  “Your interview is with Grady and it’s for an opening on one of their team’s pit crews. As I said, she was impressed,” he says leaning forward. “Something you don’t know about her; she owns ninety percent of Kingston Corp. ever since her husband died. And she’s a big believer of women having all the opportunities men do.”

  I grip the arms of the chair before pushing myself up and walking toward the small window. This is an amazing opportunity. But was it really her idea? Or is this Kye’s way of using his power and his own grandmother to get closer.

  I let out a long breath and watch as the traffic passes by. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for an offer like this, Josh, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving while Andre is gone.” I turn and face him again. “And I certainly don’t want any favors.”

  “He doesn’t know.”

  I raise a brow. “Who doesn’t know?”

  “Kye doesn’t know. Elizabeth said this would be just between the three of us. Even Grady doesn’t know who his interview is with,” he says, rising from his chair.

  “But it’s his team. How could he not have a say in who is on it?”

  Josh comes around his desk, taking a seat on the edge. “She doesn’t have the final say, she’s just helping you get your foot in the door. Grady will decide if you’re hired and whose team you’re on.” He glances out the window. “Personally, it shocked me too. Especially after seeing the discussion you and Kye were having in the hallway.”

  My thoughts drift back to the simulation room and soon I’m not only lost in thought about Kye’s hand brushing against me, but also the adrenaline rush I’d felt while driving. Hell, I’d practically leaped into his arms afterward.

  “Berkleigh?” Josh asks, drawing me back to the present.

  I catch his worrisome stare out of the corner of my eye and continue the conversation as though I wasn’t just daydreaming about the hottest guy in racing. “What have I got to lose? I still have this place if I don’t get the job there.”

  Josh shrugs. “I don’t know, I do have plenty of others waiting in the wings. Others who would give anything to work here because… well, we do have good coffee.”

  I swat him on the arm.

  “Of course, you still have a job here. You’re one of my best mechanics, when you’re not being such a pain in the ass that is.”

  This time it’s my turn to shrug. He chuckles and heads back behind his desk. “So, are you going to do some actual work today?

  I follow him around and lean against the file cabinet, thinking about her offer. I mean how can she go from protecting her purse to offering me a chance at my dream job, all in just a couple of days. It seems a little fishy to me, but hey, I’m not one to toss away an opportunity. If I were then I’d still be at home, probably married with ten kids or some shit.

  I shake that thought right out of my head then turn my attention to my boss. “What do we have on the books for today?” I ask, looking over his shoulder and watching as he thumbs through the appointment book. Something he prefers to use over glitchy computers. His words not mine.

  “You didn’t think I got those brake pads just to refill my stock, did you?”

  I zip my mouth shut because I thought there was an entirely different reason for his sending me, and it didn’t have anything to do with brake pads. “That’s not what I thought at all.”

  “Well good, because you’ll be installing them all. We have some vans coming in from a local florist. And they all need brakes. Andre will be in for a few hours today and can help you out.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I can’t wait to see pics of his new baby.” My face softens at the thought of getting the chance to hold his little one in my arms one day soon.

  Josh looks at me like I’ve grown two heads. “I never pictured you for the… someone who likes babies type.”

  Babies are adorable if they’re someone else’s. The thought of having my own is just something I’m not ready to consider. “I guess I’m just full of surprises for you today then. You’ll know where to find me if you need me.”

  On my way down the hall, I consider the offer for the interview. Am I ready for something that fast paced? I mean, it’s basically just an extension of what I’ve been doing my entire life. My only concern is getting someone else to recognize it.

  I’m going to do it.

  I don’t expect it to be a walk in the park, but if ever there was a time I needed to make a good impression, it’ll be tomorrow.

  The rest of the day goes smoothly. All the vans were done except for one, where an additional part had to be ordered.

  I’m home by seven and texting Dad as soon as I make it through the door. It’s a shame a twenty-three-year-old woman must check in with her father every day. One of these days, I’m going to stand up to him and let him know I’m not his baby anymore—tonight I just don’t have the energy.

  I grab a quick bite from the kitchen, shower, climb into bed, and set my laptop
on my legs. Some last-minute research on Kingston Racing wouldn’t hurt with my interview tomorrow.

  My cursor flashes in the search box. But instead of searching on his racing team, I type in Kye Kingston. Am I prepared for what I’m going to find? Probably not, but I can’t resist seeing that smirk and those hazel eyes any longer. I let out a breath when his picture fills my screen.

  It’s one I’ve seen before, a headshot that extends down just past his shoulders showing a bit of his fire suit, but every bit of those eyes staring directly in the camera and that smile.

  The still image sends goosebumps over my skin, even though he’s only peering up from the laptop balancing unevenly across my lap.

  Somehow, I force myself to scroll past where I find others I hadn’t seen before, all of which highlight his eyes and megawatt smile. Can this man take a bad picture?

  No sooner does the thought fill my head than images of him and two women, one on each arm fill my screen, I swiftly shut my laptop. The answer is… yes.

  “Come on, Berk, you should’ve known. Him and two very lanky, top-heavy blondes, it’s a rite of passage or some shit, right?” I ask myself aloud. He’s hot, single, and a man. I can’t really blame him. But it doesn’t mean I want to see it.

  Unfortunately, I only have one laptop. And if I don’t at least find out some details of Kingston Corp then there’s essentially no reason I should even show up tomorrow.

  On a sigh, I pull the laptop open and quickly close my browser. Opening a new one, I begin my search. I’m prepared to know everything there is to know about his racing team.

  I read until my eyes grow heavy and I begin nodding off. It’s only then I give it up for the night.

  I’m prepared as much as I’ll ever be for tomorrow.

  Chapter 8

  My hand shakes nervously as I lift it to tap my knuckles against the door.

  I’ve had other interviews before and although they all ended with the same, “We’re looking for someone with… a little more experience,” I’ve never been this nervous.


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