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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 15

by TL Mayhew

  I swat his hands away as the pit crew guys get closer, relieved when they come into view and I realize they aren’t paying any attention to us.

  Kye leans in. “They can watch the footage on the security cameras later.”

  Slapping my hand over my gaping mouth, I glance up at the ceiling and, sure enough, there’s a camera in every corner. He chuckles, squeezing my shoulder as he passes by. Greeting his guys with strong handshakes and whatever witty words that have them all laughing as they head my way.

  “All right, gentlemen, listen up,” Kye says, raising his tone over theirs.

  “You’re all aware I had a test run in the stock car today…” Celebratory shouts and clapping, interrupt Kye mid-sentence and he raises a hand to tone them down. “Well, there were some issues discovered during that run and it seems some things need to be addressed on the car before the upcoming race.”

  At this admission, the group goes quiet, hanging on Kye’s every word. Just like the students had done at his lecture back in college, so long ago.

  Even I’m finding it hard to drag my attention away, but my reasons are clearly different.

  “I was planning on pairing up someone with Berkleigh so she can assist in and oversee any adjustments made, but I felt that wouldn’t be fair to those of you who’ve been with me the longest when you have other work to do. So, I’ve decided she’ll be doing the adjustments and will be reporting back directly to me.”

  My eyes dart from Kye to the team. I’m just as surprised about this as they must be. But if they are, they don’t show it.

  Robert is the first one to step forward. He closes in and with an outstretched hand and knowing grin, says, “Welcome to the team.”

  I take his hand in mine and give it a firm shake. “Thank you. I’m excited to get started.”

  The rest of the team follows. Shaking my hand and welcoming me. When I steal a glance at Kye he offers warm smile, as though somehow knowing I’d be accepted without issue.

  “Well, what’s everyone standing around for? We’ve got a race to prepare for.” Kye encourages everyone to get moving. “Robert, show Berkleigh where everything is. Eric…”

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Come with me. I need to know what you found on the defective wheel bearings.”

  “Yes, sir,” the younger man says, giving me a quick glance and an eye roll before following behind Kye as they disappear through the door.

  It’s a brazen response to his boss’s orders, but I haven’t been here long enough to pass judgment on anyone, and I just shrug it off as just something they do.

  “Are you ready to get started? Robert asks.

  “As I’ll ever be,” I say, taking one last glance at the door before heading over to the tool chest with the crew chief, where we take inventory of everything I’ll ever need.

  Chapter 20


  It’s been a week since I’d left my three-hundred-thousand-dollar race car in Berkleigh’s capable hands. During my check-ins I would find her either beneath the car or with her head buried under the hood.

  In fact, there were days I wouldn’t even let her know I was there until after my eyes had gotten their fill of watching her work. Being around her so often was beginning to eat away at my self-control. Every minute next to her was like torture. Dick torture that is.

  And fuck me if she didn’t have my men wrapped around the same finger she has a hold on me with.

  I finally decided getting as far away from the temptation that is Berkleigh Shaw and that blue beauty she’s has her hands all over, as soon as possible, was the best solution.

  As I drop in the chair in front of Grady’s desk, I’m thankful his office is a good distance from Kingston Corp.

  I stare at the top of his head waiting, not so patiently, for him to finish typing up an email going who knows where that he started five minutes ago. “Is that an email or a fucking novel you’re writing?” I ask.

  He narrows his eyes over the top of his screen at me then goes back to the monitor. “Why don’t you pour us a glass of that whiskey from the decanter while you wait for me to finish writing my novel?” he asks, then adds, “Maybe it’ll take the edge off whatever has you so…agitated.”

  I drag myself out of the chair, muttering obscenities at the fact he asked me to get my own drink. I’m the celebrity here, which is made clear by the life-size picture hanging behind his couch and the trophies scattered about his shelves.

  After pouring two fingers of the amber liquid in each glass, I set his drink on the edge of the desk, and slide it over to him. He closes his laptop and reaches for the glass, leaning back in his chair.


  “Now, what can I do for you, Mr. Kingston?” he asks, his casual attitude pissing me off for some reason.

  I scrub a hand over my face and pace in front of his desk, wondering what the fuck I’m doing here. I’ve been wound so fucking tight for the past week; my concentration is shit.

  My employees have noticed it too. When they’d ask what my problem was, I’d tell them I should be on the track, getting more hours in on the car, yet knowing in the back of my mind, what I really need is to get Berkleigh Shaw out of my system once and for all.

  This keeping our distance bullshit is for the fucking birds.

  “She drew a line in the sand, didn’t she?”

  “The size of Texas,” I tell him, dropping back in the chair and resting my arms on my legs, twirling the glass in my hands.

  He chuckles, pissing me more the fuck off. “You gotta hand it to her, man. There are few women who can resist the charms of Kye Kingston.”

  “Resist. It’s more like she’s on one side of the world and I’m on another. Do you know how many cold showers I’ve taken since the day I’d bumped into her at Dragoo’s?” I stand and start pacing again.

  Grady holds up his hands. “Nope and I don’t want to.” He finishes up his drink, and the glass drops to the desk with a thud before he comes around front. Throwing an arm over my shoulder, he guides me toward the door. “Wasn’t it you who’d asked that we install a state-of-the-art gym facility at Kingston?”

  I nod.

  “Well then, I suggest you use it to burn off some of that excess energy you have, because you need to get your mind off her and on the upcoming race. I’m not setting up any time on the track until your head is focused solely on that. And with you all wound up like this, that’ll take a miracle.”

  We stop just in front of his office door. “If push comes to shove, I’ll lock both you and Berkleigh in a room until you’ve both agreed to seal the deal.”

  I open my mouth, intent on agreeing to the latter.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he says, opening the door and practically shoving me through it.

  I start down the hall wondering what the fuck just happened.

  “Um, Kye…” he calls after me, and I turn to find him eyeing my left hand.

  When I raise it, I realize I’m still holding his glass. Tossing back its contents, I welcome the burn as it passes down my throat and drops in my gut.

  Grady meets me in the hall, taking his glass back, and patting me on the shoulder. “I’m sure she’ll come around. And when she does, it will have been worth the wait.”

  I furrow my brows at him, hating what he has to say yet agreeing with him wholeheartedly. She will be worth the wait. “Thanks, man,” I tell him, stepping in an elevator and catching his knowing smirk before the doors close.


  Instead of taking Grady’s advice about using the gym at Kingston, I decide on a detour to my grandmother’s house. I need to tell her what Eric found on the faulty parts and get her thoughts on what our next steps are.

  It’s something I could’ve easily done over the phone, but I haven’t seen her for a few days, and I could surely use the change in scenery.

  I turn onto the mile-long gravel drive. It’s lined by palm trees and winds its way up to a two-story Victorian mansion where sh
e lives alone, except for the twenty or so employees who care for her and the home.

  My grandfather passed away ten years ago from a heart attack and she’s never really gotten over it. I think it’s the reason she’s always so bitter, but in her defense, it’s made her one hell of a businesswoman.

  As soon as I pull into the circle drive, the door opens and a valet trots over to my car. Tossing him my keys, I head up the polished concrete steps and find her standing just inside.

  “Grandmother,” I greet, gripping her shoulders lightly as I lean in and place a kiss on her cheek.

  “Kye, come on in. I’ve had Carol make us some coffee,” she says, heading toward the den, not wasting any time on small talk or waiting on me.

  I’m curious on how she knew I was coming but don’t ask, instead I follow behind her obediently just as I had as a child.

  Once in the den we each take a seat in two high-back luxurious leather chairs, angled in such a way we can see one another but we’re not directly facing the other.

  Her proper posture gives the appearance of a queen seated upon her throne and although she’s always been like that, for some reason, today it just seems a bit extravagant. Settling back in my own chair, albeit not quite as elegantly as she does, I push the thought to the back of my mind and just hope it doesn’t slip out.

  “How are things going with Berkleigh?” she asks. “Does she have what she needs and are the others treating her well?”

  I turn my attention to the fireplace, even though there isn’t a fire going. It’s more an attempt to keep her from reading the expression on my face when she brings up Berkleigh. “The guys have been great with her. Even though it’s only been a week, she seems to be fitting in well,” I tell her, raising a brow before glancing back at her.

  “Is there something else?”

  “Not with her…” I reply, fully aware of her change in body language as she leans forward.

  “Then who?” she asks, genuinely interested in what I have to say.

  I shift in my seat nervously. Questioning her on anything can go one of two ways. You can stay and have a normal conversation, or you’ll be asked to leave. I approach the subject with caution. “You, actually.”

  Her eyes light up, “Me, what about me?”

  “I’m curious mostly,” I tell her, hopefully posing my statement as nothing significant. “Why did you set up an interview for Berkleigh? I mean, it’s not like you to get involved in the day-to-day hiring of employees. And the fact you chose her… well, it just seems unlike you.”

  “Thank you, Carol,” Grandmother says to the woman entering from the side door as the coffee is brought in. She pours two cups; I assume using it as a way of not looking at me. “Well, if you must know. As I’m sure you’ve already guessed, I wasn’t very fond of her in the beginning. With her grease-streaked clothing and dirty nails, I just thought she was an unkempt mess that may take advantage.” She scoffs at the memory and I’m about to call her on her high and mighty attitude but decide against it.

  “And what changed your mind?” I ask, taking a cup of coffee from her.

  “I’d never seen anyone rattle out the mechanics of a car the way she had. As much as I love Andre, I don’t think even he could’ve done that. She’s special, that one.” Her eyes meet mine and she shrugs. “What better way to control those talents, while also making amends for my rudeness, than a job interview.”

  “Control her talents?” I ask, furrowing my brows in confusion.

  “Where would you rather have her be? With us or on a competitor’s team?” she asks.

  I’m taken aback by her forwardness and the cold lacing her tone. Using Berkleigh to her advantage, yet somehow making it sound like she’s doing the woman a favor, rubs me the wrong way, yet I still hold my tongue. “Point taken.”

  “Berkleigh’s not the reason you’re here…” Grandmother finally turns her attention to me. “…is she?”

  I choke on a sip of coffee. “No, of course not. I stopped by to fill you in on what Eric found when going through the inventory of our defective wheel bearings.”

  “Well then, let’s get on with it, I have dinner with the mayor this evening,” she says dryly.

  Not pressing her for details, I redirect my thoughts and begin to explain. “We’ve, well I should say Eric, has accounted for all defected wheel bearings both sold and those we had in stock, except for one box. It’s missing.”

  Her face goes straight, and she settles farther into the chair, letting go of her perfect posture.

  “We’ve got people searching the facility in case it was misplaced but so far, no luck. Any thoughts on how you want to proceed if we don’t find it?”

  On a long sigh she says, “There’s not much we can do. This is a place we never want to be in, but it’s not like there’s a tracking device on the box or the individual parts. Have a look at the security footage and if you don’t see anything suspicious, then we’ll just hope someone didn’t take them home and is planning on using them.” She rises to her feet. “Have Alicia send a company-wide email letting everyone know, just to be sure.”

  “Will do,” I say, standing as well.

  “I’ve got to go get ready,” she says, gripping my arm and placing a kiss on my cheek. “Good luck, grandson, keep me posted.”

  I call for the valet as I see myself to the front door. The young man has my car pulled around in seconds and he’s grinning ear to ear when he hands me back the keys.

  Sylvia has that effect on most.

  When I’m back on the road and headed home I call Alicia, giving her specific instructions to have the email written and sent today. Email isn’t the best form of communication when the majority of those who work for Kingston don’t sit at desks, but it’ll have to do for now.

  I make a mental note to get more of the word out tomorrow.

  Chapter 21

  After a week and a half of adjustments and checking every nut and bolt I could get my hands on, short of dismantling the entire engine, I feel confident this baby will run like the well-oiled machine it is.

  My body vibrates with excitement at the thought of not only giving Kye the good news but also seeing his reaction. Watching him take her for a spin around the track a few times will just be the icing on the cake.

  I was done with her yesterday morning and had planned to deliver the news then but when Robert had the grand idea of loading her up and revealing her at the test track today, which is where we are now, I was more than overjoyed at the idea.

  I think I might have even hugged him, after which we laughed about it and agreed it wouldn’t be in our best interest to mention it to Kye.

  A text pings my phone as I’m latching the hood locks. It’s Grady. When I tap the screen to answer I don’t have a chance to say a word.

  “Can’t talk long, just letting you know we’re on our way,” he says before disconnecting.

  My adrenaline kicks up a notch and my heart rate pounds out an erratic beat. Our interaction over the past two weeks has been limited. When Kye would make visits to the garage the team was around, and he’d spent most of the time chatting it up with them. But I didn’t miss his lingering glances that sometimes bordered on staring in my direction.

  The time he spent with me was filled with questions about what I’d done so far and how much was still left to do. When I’d show him, he was genuinely interested in what I had to say.

  I’d be lying if I said the connection between us has dwindled. It hasn’t. In fact, it starting to feel just the opposite. The absence of sexy smirks and his over-the-top advances triggered something in me.

  He was doing as I’d asked, and keeping his distance, but I began missing those things. I wanted him pining for me.

  I absentmindedly touch my lips, realizing I miss the feel of his on mine. “Get it together, Berkleigh!” I mutter. Lost in my own thoughts, I don’t realize someone has approached and I jump when their hand is placed on my shoulder.

  “Are you all r
ight?” Eric asks.

  I chuckle out a shaky laugh. “Fine, you just scared me.”

  “Sorry about that,” he says, taking my arm and looping it around his. “C’mon, they’re almost here.”

  We all get in position, lined up almost shoulder to shoulder on the opposite side of the car from where he’ll be coming in.

  The anticipation of seeing him and the look on his face is killing me.

  Rabbit hole. Josh was right, and I wasn’t careful. I’ve fallen so far down the fucking rabbit hole that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to crawl my way out of the hold Kye Kingston has on me.

  When he rounds the corner my heart stops.

  In full fire suit gear he saunters in like a knight in shining navy blue armor. I don’t miss the subtle puff of his chest as he proudly displays the patches of sponsors taking up the prime advertising space, but that’s not what I’m waiting impatiently to see.

  He’s chatting it up with Grady and doesn’t notice us right away. Not until Grady nods his head in our direction.

  Hazel eyes turn in our way and he stops in his tracks. A hint of surprise flits across his face before it turns into the most glorious megawatt smile.

  Seeing his reaction makes me thankful I wore panties today. Otherwise, the wetness pooling between my legs would be a lot more uncomfortable.

  I could kiss Robert for this idea. I won’t though because the only lips I want on mine are those not more than fifty feet away.

  Kye searches among his crew and he offers them each a nod until he gets to me. His expression turns dark and his steps start again, this time he stalks toward me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see the guys take a step back as Kye closes in. I’m about to do the same but I’m not quick enough, he wraps an arm around my back, pulling me roughly against his hard chest.

  I turn my head slightly, trying to avoid his intense stare, but he carefully angles my head back to face him with a grip of my chin. Our eyes lock, but no words are spoken. Everything and everyone falls away from around us.


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