Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 19

by TL Mayhew

  The trees in the video move from a light breeze but that’s about it for the first few minutes. I shift on my feet from the creepy vibe it’s giving off, yet fully focused wondering what they’ve found.

  After a beat a woman appears and she’s carrying something beneath her arm.

  Kye lets out a long breath and I know instantly from his reaction who it is. Maybe there’s a logical explanation why Alicia is at the building so late at night.

  I’m hopeful it’s just something like she may be forgot her purse or something, but all logic goes out the window when after stepping out of the building, she holds the door open and a man comes in to view.

  “Pause it, yeah, right there.” He leans forward in his chair. “Can you zoom in?”

  Emmanuel does as he asks and once the image of the man is expanded, all the breath leaves my lungs. I grip the back of Kye’s office chair until my knuckles turn white.

  “Son of a bitch. Turn that shit off,” Kye orders, rising and offering me his seat.

  “You know who that is?” his grandmother asks, but Kye ignores her question, focusing his attention solely on me.

  Squatting next to me, he takes my hand in his. “Do you need some water or something?”

  I shake my head no. “I just need a moment.” He squeezes my hand and waits with me until my breathing has returned to some sense of normal. Even if I’m finding as of late there is no normal.

  “What are they doing together?” I whisper so only he can hear.

  He squeezes my hand, and his expression softens. “I don’t know, baby, but you can be damn sure I’ll find out. Are you going to be okay?”

  “Yeah,” I tell him and after a long stare, he kisses me on the forehead then stands to his full height, speaking directly to the security guy. “The woman in the video is Alicia Shockley and the man is…” He glances down at me, watching my reaction. “William Donnelly.”

  I cringe as he says his name. Hoping somehow, some way, it wasn’t who I’d thought.

  “Turn off her key card and send the image to the police. You can tell them they accessed our building without permission,” Kye orders.

  Just as Emmanuel reaches the door, Kye gives him one last piece of information, “You can also inform them we have reason to believe William has been stalking Berkleigh.” Nodding, he steps through the door.

  There’s a gasp from the other side of the room as Kye’s grandmother takes in all the information at once. I’d feel bad for her if I weren’t living this daily.

  All this time I’d been pushing Kye away for the sake of my reputation, and my career, only to have it come crashing down around me in one fell swoop. Now I only wish I’d followed through with what my heart was telling me. Consequences be damned.

  I look up at the man I desperately need in my life, and he offers a sympathetic smile, absentmindedly smoothing the back of my hair while his grandmother looks on.

  Stepping up to me, she takes one of my hands in hers. “They’ll find him, my dear. And if he was doing what my grandson said, then I hope he gets put away for a very long time.”

  I offer her a weary smile and she pats my hand before turning her attention on Kye, giving him a light hug and a kiss on the cheek then stepping through the door.

  Once we’re alone, he switches places with me in the chair and pulls me onto his lap where we sit in silence until his question cuts through the thick air like a knife. “Tell me what we’re dealing with here, Berkleigh. Did he force himself on you?” he asks, pulling me closer.

  On a long sigh, I relax against him. Knowing he’d ask—eventually, although I’d hoped it wouldn’t be so soon. My brother’s words ring in my mind about not telling him anything, but I feel he should know. “Yes.”

  He growls under his breath, “Did he…”

  “No!” I shout, pulling free from his grip. Angry at the reminder of that day and what could’ve happened. “He would have if I hadn’t…”

  Strong arms wrap around my waist and he rests his chin on my shoulder. “Punched him in the balls. I remember. You were quite upset yet so beautiful.”

  I let out a long sigh. If anything good came out of that day, it was stumbling into him.

  Would I have ended up here if the professor wouldn’t have happened? Maybe. There was still the lecture. I don’t ask, because really, I don’t want to know, and I doubt he’d tell me. Twisting in his arms, I lift my eyes to his. “I was a mess but thank you anyway.”

  He drops a quick kiss to my lips, and without dwelling on the past reminds me there’s work to do. “Let’s get to the conference room and go over those stats. We still have a race to win.”

  By the time five o’clock rolls around so many numbers are rolling around in my head. If I never see another number in my life, I’d be happy.

  Taking my hand, Kye pulls me from the distracting thoughts. “Are you ready, baby?” he asks, his warm breath heating the shell of my ear.

  I nod and he chuckles. “That’s my girl.”

  Since we’re both done for the day, I ride with him while a black SUV we know Lawrence is driving tails us to my home. Kye sent his guys a copy of the video, so they know who to watch out for as they watch over the parking garage.

  Except for the placement of his hand on my leg, when he’s not shifting gears, the drive back home is uneventful.

  We pull into the parking garage at my apartment and I stay in my seat, waiting for him to round the car, open my door, and extend out a hand. I take it and as soon as my foot touches the ground, he pulls me to him, claiming my mouth.

  Our lips move in sync with the other, and at first, I’m lost in his taste and the scent of him. Need builds with each groan and movement of his hands, but everything stops when the lights from a car coming into the garage shine across my face.

  My body goes still, and I cling tighter to Kye as I watch the car pass. It pulls into a space at the far end and I wonder if it could be him. Would he be so brazen as to try something with Kye here and Lawrence in the next spot over?

  Kye must realize at the same time because he leads me swiftly to the elevator, with Lawrence on our heels. If it is the man from my past, Kye’s extra security will deal with him. Silence fills the small space as it rises upward, and we wait for the all clear.

  Just as the doors open, both of their phones ding at the same time and Kye lets out a long breath when he checks the screen and shows it to me. False alarm.

  I’ll be glad when they find him, until then we’ll all be on edge.

  Lawrence walks us to the door and waits with us until we’re inside.

  I go through the routine of locking the deadbolts, which has become a habit that I don’t take lightly, and that earns me an approving nod from the man leaning against the wall.

  There’s something about having him here. Not only because I feel safer but also because of the pull he has on me. As many times as I’ve tried pushing him away, he’s always right back there by my side.

  Maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe I’m the magnet.

  I take the few steps between us, then grab his hand, leading him toward my bedroom. It’s a risky move, considering we’re still in a state of unknown with everything going on, but one I’m willing to take.

  Even if nothing happens, just having him here offers me some comfort.

  We stand just inside my room; the bed appears larger than life as I turn to him. “Stay.”

  He runs a hand through his hair before pulling me against his chest. “Berkleigh…” he starts, and I can tell by his tone the rejection is coming. My heart aches as does the rest of my body.

  I look up at him, and when our eyes meet, he must see the hurt in mine because his expression turns soft. “Fuck it,” he mutters, lifting me up and carrying me to my bed.

  Chapter 28

  Unsure what to expect, I scoot over, leaving enough room for him. He eyes the living room couch briefly, and I think for a moment he’s changed his mind, instead he pulls a blanket over me and stretches out on t
op of the covers—fully dressed.

  It’s not the reaction I’d expected, but it’s something.

  I cuddle up next to him and he wraps me in his arm, we lie in silence. The air surrounding us thick with unrest from everything going on to what we do next.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” I say quietly, running my finger over his chest.

  When I drag it toward his waist, his muscles flutter beneath, and he takes my hand, holding it in his. “This isn’t a good idea.”

  Stretching my neck, I muster my most innocent expression and meet his eyes. “What isn’t a good idea? Asking you what you’re thinking, or wanting you to fuck me until I forget my own name?”

  “Berkleigh…” he growls.

  On a long sigh, I lower my head and watch his chest rise and fall while thinking back to the track. The way he took control, knowing exactly what I needed, and how good it felt before I ruined it.

  What if he decides I’m too broken?

  Would he find someone else?

  “Godammit, Berkleigh. I can almost feel the wheels turning in your mind.” I take in a breath as he forces my hand over an impressive erection beneath his pants. “Do you feel that? That’s how much I fucking want you right now.”

  He turns on his side, rising on an elbow. “I’ll never want anyone else. I’m just…” Letting out an exasperated breath, he cups my cheek and searches my eyes. “…trying to be a better man.”

  They’re the last words he says before his fingers tangle in my hair and his lips claim mine. His tongue aggressively sweeps my mouth as his other hand roams over my body, stopping at my nipple long enough to pinch it before moving on.

  I cling onto his shirt fearing if I don’t, he’ll stop. And there’s no way I’m letting him stop, not until we’ve both had our fill.

  When he grips my ass, I toss my head back on a low moan, which he takes advantage of and places his lips on the curve of my neck. It’s the one spot I never tire of. He more than likely knows it too.

  But in this moment, I want more.

  Gripping the hem of his shirt, I gather the material and pull it up and over his head, desperate to feel his skin against mine. My fingertips dig into his back. He groans.

  Unfortunately, he’s not as quick with my shirt. It’s like torture as he trails his finger over the exposed skin around my bra after he unfastens each button, one at a slow fucking time. “Whatever happened to I fuck like I drive?” I mumble and his hand goes still.

  In fact, everything has stopped. I open my eyes, peering into his hooded ones, and that’s when I realize the mistake I’ve made.

  With a mischievous smirk he yanks my shirt open, popping the last two buttons before his hands firmly grip my breasts. “Baby, you better hope that’s not some empty threat you threw out because unlike last time, I’m not stopping.”

  I sit up, removing the rest of my shirt, unfastening my bra, and letting the heaviness of my breasts entice him a little more.

  He takes in a sharp breath and I smile at his reaction, knowing slow is no longer an option in this race.

  Repositioning himself on the bed, he slides a knee between my legs, forcing them open until he’s resting his body on my lower half and I drop back to the bed. Clothes still separate us from making the connection we both so desperately need.

  “So perfect,” he says kneading my breasts before squeezing one and taking a nipple in his mouth.

  I arch my back and grip the sheets as he nips and sucks, driving me closer to an edge I’m already teetering on. “Kye… this is torture.”

  It’s easy to tell when his lips curve into that stupid smirk but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, his hands move down to the waistband of my shorts, where he makes quick work of the button and zipper before shimmying them down my legs, taking my underwear too.

  My confidence drops a couple of notches as I lie bare before him. I’m nothing like the women he’s used to dating. With their voluptuous breasts, blonde hair, and legs that go on forever, I can’t compete. But when his appreciative stare takes me in, I realize I don’t have to.

  “Beautiful,” he says, freeing himself from his clothes before working his way between my legs, but not yet making the final connection. His weight rests on his forearms as he lowers his lips to mine.

  After a beat he drags his lips from my mouth, “You can still tell me no. I’ll stop…”

  “Like hell you will,” I counter, sliding my hand between us, gripping his cock, and stroking it a couple of times. Air hisses through his teeth and I swear in that moment his eyes roll back in his head.

  He reaches for my hand. “If you keep that up, we’ll both end up disappointed.” I giggle at his seriousness, but it quickly turns into a moan when he swipes his fingers between my slit, making sure I’m ready.

  Those same fingers are replaced with the head of his cock where it takes the same path, and once slick enough, he positions himself at my opening. After our first attempt, we both know it will take some maneuvering before he can make it all the way in. And when he does. It’s my eyes that roll back in my head.

  Filling me to the hilt, he pauses, dropping a kiss to my lips before he takes a nipple in his mouth, at the same time he pulls almost all the way out and sliding back in.

  After a few strokes my walls begin to accept his size and in no time, he’s pounding out a steady rhythm. The head of his cock hitting my G-spot with every thrust.

  Air becomes a precious commodity in our current state. Both of us taking it in on heavy breaths that increase the closer we get to crossing the finish line.

  “Kye…I’m close,” I warn, gripping the sheets and arching my back once again. The change in position forces my already sensitive clit against his pelvic bone and I come undone. Crying out as shock waves roll through my body.

  He rides out my orgasm, his thrusts faster and faster until his body stills and he’s grunting out his release, shooting his seed into my still throbbing channel.

  It was irresponsible, not using a condom. And if I weren’t on the pill, I’d probably be freaking out right about now, instead I enjoy the weight of the man stretched out over me with his face buried in my neck.

  After a beat, and with a considerable amount of protest from me, he pulls out and climbs off the bed. His still semi-hard cock bouncing as he makes his way toward the bathroom.

  I hear the water run and he’s back with a cool wet washcloth cleaning the both of us up before crawling back in bed, were we position ourselves the same way we were when this first started, but with a lot less clothing.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head. “For what, baby?”

  “Making me forget,” I sigh, wrapping my arm around his waist.

  Chapter 29

  Today’s the day we head to Kansas. It’s been a week since we saw the video, and any trace of what I’m calling the fugitives. But it doesn’t mean we’ve let up on security. Kye always has his guys with him and Lawrence is with me when Kye isn’t. Which, ever since our night together, is turning into all the time.

  I’ve yet to see his home, and it’s been a while for him as well. He spends most of his nights at the apartment with me and we ride in to the office together. But not today.

  In several hours I’ll be back in my home state, preparing not only to cheer on my brother, but also the sexy naked man asleep beside me.

  If only the race could end in a tie, I’d be happy. Either way there will be a celebration after because I know there’s no one on that list of drivers who can outdrive the two men in my life.

  Most everything has been done. The stock car is loaded and being driven to a secure location, our plane tickets have been bought and they’re set to return two days after the race, because I’d wanted some time with my family after.

  Kye was very accommodating and seemed genuinely interested in meeting the legend who is my father, Nolan Shaw. I’m nervous as fuck though.

  I’ve kept up my nightly
check-ins with them, albeit with shorter calls. I’ve been able to get away with not telling Dad anything about the professor since he knows we’re also prepping for the race.

  And absolutely none of my family knows what’s going on between Kye and me. Elliot has a suspicion because he was here and had seen it firsthand, but I haven’t told him anything more. And he still hasn’t improved his mood toward Dad since I’ve talked with him.

  It’s something I’ll be dragging out of him as soon as I’m there.

  “Kye… it’s time to get up.” I nudge his sleepy form beside me. He groans and then turns over flashing me perfectly round ass cheek. I’m tempted to smack it but refrain and head for the shower. Knowing once I touched the soft flesh I’d end up on top, or bottom, of him and we’d miss our flight.

  Lawrence helps us with shoving our bags in the rear compartment of the SUV and we all pile in as Lawrence merges onto the interstate headed toward the airport. Once there, we drop our luggage to its wheels and scramble inside, looking for our flight.

  With precheck-in and Kye’s bazillion frequent flyer miles account we’re through security, finding our gate, and boarding our plane in no time.

  Matching our tickets to the seats, I’m thankful when I realize we’re sitting in first class.

  “You okay, baby, you want something to drink?” Kye asks once we get comfortable.

  I yawn and decide against anything that would keep me awake. Laying my head on his shoulder, he smooths my hair and places a kiss on top my head before trying to get comfortable in his own seat.

  Both of us are out almost instantly.

  Something’s pressing against my back, immobilizing my movements. I’m having trouble taking in breaths and squirm beneath the force holding me. Whatever it is presses harder but it’s not until something touches the back of my bare leg that my breathing stops altogether.

  It feels like calloused fingers as they glide their way up from behind my knee and to my mid-thigh, where they stop and squeeze. Hairs raise on the back of my neck, because in this moment I don’t recognize it as Kye’s touch.


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