Horn of the Unicorn

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Horn of the Unicorn Page 20

by Rhyannon Byrd

  Tess all but vibrated with horror, but Zarnak held her with the strength of his hand, knowing that the Goddess would strike Emily down if they made a move for her now. No, the bitch was watching them too closely from the corner of her eye, and was far too aware of how much they wanted the young woman.

  “I don’t believe I will,” the dark soldier replied in a calm, thoughtful tone, almost sounding bored, though the hard lines of his body belied the incredible tension mounting from within.

  The Goddess bristled, clearly at a loss. “Dare you defy me with that wicked tongue, Alyxander?” she demanded, pinning him with her hateful glare. “Need I remind you of what happens to those who disregard my wishes? You are beautiful, yes, but then I am surrounded by beauty. What makes you think you’re so special?”

  The green of his eyes smoldered with chaotic heat, as if lit by an inner flame. “The fact that I don’t give a shit what you want me to do, or what you think of me or expect of me. You, my lady, are nothing but a vicious bitch and I have served my time in your court.”

  For several moments she simply stared at him, then softly, she said, “I will kill you, then, if that is the path you choose. I’ll make your life unbearable, and then you will die. What will it be, Alyx? The honor and blood, the sheer addictive terror of my court, which you’ve come to crave? The sexual depravation you so love? Or will you select to play the white knight, when we both know that is not you?” she laughed snidely, clearly believing she would win. “You are black through and through, Alyx. You are a dragon, and we both know what that means. You use and you bleed your lovers dry. What kind of life would you have without me?”

  “That remains to be seen,” he grated, and he lifted a stunned Emily into his thickly muscled arms, settling her against the breadth of his chest, her petite body engulfed by his massive size. “But I’m done with you.”

  The Goddess sat up straighter, her hateful eyes narrowed as she watched Alyx lower his head to whisper into Emily’s ear, then turned to send one last look back at the woman he’d served, his incisors now long and pointed within that hard slash of a mouth.

  Tess’ shout of fear filled the air at the exact moment that Alyx lowered his face and sank his teeth into the vulnerable, giving flesh of Emily’s throat, her startled, husky cry fading as soon as it began…disappearing in a bright, flashing arc of blood-red light.

  When the hazy, mystical vapors cleared…they were gone.


  Tess lurched forward, screaming, but Zarnak held her back, wrapping his arms around her from behind. Lowering his mouth to her ear, he said quietly, “Shh…she isn’t lost. He has taken her back to The Wood. Listen to me, Tess,” he whispered urgently, lifting her off her feet, “I can feel their presence there and she is alive.”

  “He bit her!” she gasped, still struggling in his hold.

  “I cannot explain everything now, here, but he has saved her, Tess.”

  “What do you mean?” she demanded, going limp in his arms as she turned her ravaged face to his, the expression in her eyes questioning…yet trusting, and his heart warmed. “I don’t understand, Zarn. He’s evil! A monster.”

  “Yes, but now he is Emily’s, Tess. Now he belongs to her.”

  “Oh god,” she gasped, “what has he done?”

  “It will be okay, little one. Whatever happens, we will get through this together.”

  She gifted him with a small, watery smile then, and as they looked back at the still motionless Goddess, she turned her gaze to them, her cold expression dripping with hate and fury. “Get out,” she hissed, softly, her voice but a thin sibilance of sound. “Now. Get out of my kingdom.”

  They turned as one to leave, hands clasped tightly, and as they stepped off the dark, dank stench of the battleground, Tess caught his gaze and in a gentle voice, she said, “Did I tell you that I love you?”

  He smiled down at her, lifting her into his arms for the simple pleasure of holding her against the heart that she had blessed with life…with happiness…and with everlasting, eternal love. “Tell me again, little one,” he rasped huskily. “Tell me again.”


  At the Midnight Hour…

  Tess stood beside the shivering form of her sister, clasping her hand, offering comfort and warmth. Emily’s hand burned cold to the touch, the slim bones too easily felt beneath the fragile silk of her skin. Exhausted from the strange trials of the long, harrowing day, the Laurent sisters stood together as they watched two thick-armed guards bring Alyx before the various leaders of The Wood, the magnificent warriors flanking out into a wide arc within the mystical, mist-filled clearing from whence had begun this magnificent journey. Though her stomach knotted with dread for her sister, Tess watched with pride as Zarnak stood in the arc’s center, the golden Graedor at his right, while an auburn-haired man dressed in buff-colored leathers took the place of prestige on his left.

  “Alyxander Carlyle, we understand that you have sought sanctuary here within The Wicket Wood,” Zarnak called out in a deep rumble, addressing the fierce-looking Alyx when the dark soldier stood before them beneath the haunting light of the moon, his handsome face an emotionless mask, though the long lines of his muscle-honed body vibrated with palpable tension.

  The dark man gave a curt nod, his shuttered gaze never once straying to Emily, whose expression all but pleaded for even a brief glance from those piercingly green eyes. “I seek but a brief stay only, until…it is safe for me to travel to the Dragon Lands.”

  A heavy pause followed the husky sound of his words, and Tess knew that Zarnak was thinking carefully about how to proceed. They had discussed the consequences of this dragon warrior’s actions during their return from the Lower Realms—and neither of them found much comfort in the future that awaited Emily and this enigmatic warrior who had served the devil herself. “And what will you do for the sickness?” Zarnak demanded.

  “Bring someone to tie me,” Alyx grated in a low rasp. “Soldiers—the most powerful you have.” A stiff movement rippled across the wide breadth of his shoulders, and then his head lowered, his face turning the slightest fraction until those dark eyes cut to Emily for a brief moment before moving sharply back to the powerful sidhe warrior watching him with a critical eye. “That is my only choice.”

  “No, that is hardly your only choice, Carlyle,” Zarnak answered quietly, shaking his head. “And, considering your past deeds, I and the other leaders of The Wood are more than surprised you would think so. However, we will not argue with your choosing.”

  Alyx issued a curt nod, his jaw working, then growled, “I have only one request.”

  Zarnak arched his brow at the menacing fury beginning to bleed through the dark man’s words.

  Looking up from beneath eyes that had bled to a deep, rich red, the dragon warrior snarled in a low, harsh rasp, “Make them do it now!”

  About the Author

  Rhyannon Byrd is the wife of a Brit, mother of two amazing children, and maid to a precocious beagle named Misha. A longtime fan of romance, she finally felt at home when she read her first Romantica novel. Her love of this spicy, ever-changing genre has become an unquenchable passion—the hotter they are, the better she enjoys them!

  Writing for Ellora’s Cave is a dream come true for Rhyannon. Now her days (and let’s face it, most nights) are spent giving life to the stories and characters running wild in her head. Whether she’s writing contemporaries, paranormals…or even futuristics, there’s always sure to be a strong Alpha hero featured as well as a fascinating woman to capture his heart, keeping all that wicked wildness for her own!

  Please visit Rhyannon’s website at www.rhyannonbyrd.com, and contact her at [email protected]. She loves to hear from readers.

  Rhyannon welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron, OH 44310-3502.

  Also by Rhyannon Byrd

  A Little Less Conversation

  Against the Wall

  Down and Dirty anthology

  Magick Men: A Bite of Magick

  Magick Men: Shot of Magick

  Sexy Sweet: Triple Play

  Waiting For It

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.





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