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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

Page 13

by A. L. Kessler

  “What’s it to you?”

  “I can calm her beast.”

  “Lies.” Garret snapped. “We have tried all kind of males from clans overseas and none of them even touched her beast, I doubt a rogue could.”

  Jax uncrossed his arms, flexing his hands. “You want to see? Let me visit her.”

  “Fine. Come.” Garret opened the door and Jax caught a brief glimpse of Sarah as she ran down a flight of stairs. Jax traced his fingers over the claw marks in the drywall. He followed Garret, being careful not to stumble over the shredded carpet on the floor. Garret led Jax down the same stairs Sarah had disappeared down. He tried not to shiver as the cool air caressed his body. His arm brushed against a wall and he hissed. “Silver in the walls? Really?”

  “It keeps an enraged cat from pouncing on the walls. Trust me, it’s saved our hides from Kass many times. Stupid wench.” Garret snapped. “And it helps with Sarah’s inability to learn control. Doesn’t it?”

  Sarah stood at the far side of the room, eyes wide as she nodded. “Kassity is sleeping, I think. It’d be safe for you to go in.”

  “Kassity doesn’t sleep. She’s waiting, Sarah. She’s smarter than that.” Garret shooed the woman away from the door. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. The moment the heavy steel door groaned, Kass jumped to her feet and grabbed Garret’s throat.

  She threw Garrett to the ground and headed towards the stairs. Her speed was almost too much for Jax to get in the way of, but he grabbed her wrist at the last second while Garret recovered. He hated the idea of stopping her, but he needed Garrett to believe his reasoning for being here. Her other brother and her dad appeared at the top of the stairs. She whipped around and snarled at Jax. Kass ripped her wrist away from him and crouched, ready to take them all on.

  “You can’t fight us all Kass, not with that collar on.” Her dad came down the stairs. Jax looked between him and Kass. “Thank you, Jax, for stopping her. Even weak she moves like an immortal.” He grabbed Kass’ arm and threw her back in the room.

  Jax watched from behind as Kass stumbled and fell to her knees. His panther stirred inside at the sight of her pale flesh and red hair. The need to protect filled him and Jax moved towards the door. “I wanted to speak to her.”

  “This is your chance then. We’ll leave you for a little while.”

  Jax walked in the room and took a deep breath when the door was shut and the lock clicked into place.

  Kass jumped to her feet and slammed him against the wall with a hand at his throat. “This is your fault.”

  “What?” He asked, trying to pry her hand lose but having no luck and hissing at the contact of silver from the walls.

  Searching his face, she found the genuine surprise there and let him go. “You were working for them. You are the reason they found me.” The anger flowed through her as she paced the room.

  “Who told you that?”

  “Lucius hinted at it, but then my father confirmed it. I can’t believe you would do that to me.”

  He shook his head and sat on the floor, careful of the wall. “I was working for them, but I didn’t know what they wanted with you. I was told a completely different story than what is true. The pay was good and I didn’t expect to... well-“

  “Well what?” She crossed her arms under her naked chest.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I didn’t expect to fall in love with you. The attractions our panthers have, that’s one thing, but our human selves just click too.”

  She blinked at him and backed away a few steps. She sat on her blankets and pulled her knees up to her chest. Her eyes followed every movement he made while she tried to digest his words. “You love me?”

  “Yes. Had I known what your family wanted from the start I wouldn’t have taken the job. I know I fucked up, but I came to make it right. To get you out of here.”

  “You led them straight to me.” She whispered and glanced up at him. Trying to keep the anger out of her voice, she continued. “After five years of not seeing them, not being traced by them, you led them right to me.”

  “Your family found you through the news article about your death. They told me what territory you were in; I took a job from Lucius to find out more about you. I started hanging around the area, asking questions about the Black Moon Clan, and when I asked about panthers, your name kept coming up. With a warning to stay away from you because only Lucius could control you. ”

  Kass raised a brow. “You’ve been killing for him?”

  “No, he wanted me to track down a stone for him. Something that was sent away and that’s all he knew.”

  “You could have at least warned me, or let me run out of the damn house instead of catching my wrist.” She growled and gathered her hair in her hand, exposing her silver collar.

  “Kass, hold still.” His eyes burned into hers as he approached her. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. She hated herself as she parted her lips, letting him in and their tongues entwine. Her beast rose inside her, but it was a calm, testing the waters kind of motion. Kass pulled back and looked up at him, blinking a couple of times. She moved away, but her panther snarled inside her at the loss of contact. “Trust me.” He whispered.

  Quinn paced the room as he held the phone to his ear; waiting to talk to the vampire he needed to speak with about Kassity’s mark. Things were not going according to plan, but he hoped putting Jaxon in the room would give her mark a chance to appear. A click on the other end told him someone picked up.


  Even over the phone the vampire’s voice sent shivers down his back and caused his own beast to approach with cautiousness. “We captured Kassity, but the mark has yet to appear.”

  “She’s no use to us without the mark.” The voice snarled.

  “She still moves and fights like an immortal. That is what you need, is it not?”

  A beat of silence and Quinn thought his logic sunk into the vampire. “What are you doing with her now?”

  “Trying one more thing to see if the mark appears. If it does not, we will work on breaking her until she works for us. I know her past. I know the key to turning her into a mindless killer now.” Thanks to his little chat with her all he needed to do was for her beast to take control. If Lucius could do it, so could Quinn.

  “And you think that will work?” The vampire asked.

  “I have no doubt. Lucius already did most the work for us. I just need to continue it. You will have your panther killer. Mark or no mark.”

  A dark laugh came across the phone. “For your sake you better hope that mark appears. If it doesn’t it will be your life that I take.”

  Quinn swallowed when the phone disconnected. Closing his eyes, he wondered how else to get the mark to appear. Kassity’s mother promised him it would. It’s a shame he had ordered her beheading. His kind was dwindling down thanks to the old ways of the Black Moon Clan. Only the strong were allowed to survive, which made the clan weak. He needed this alliance to work out with the Circle, and his youngest daughter was the only way.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jax watched as she eyed him, his panther pacing within him as he waited for some type of answer. He had known this job would go bad, but surprise filled him when she had let him kiss her. She pulled him close and gave him another chaste kiss.

  “Get me out of here and I’ll forgive you.” She promised when she met his eyes.

  He gazed into her blue eyes and nodded. “That’s what I’m here for. Since you know Lucius is an ass and wouldn’t come get you.”

  “Couldn’t.” She corrected.

  Jax raised a brow. “Couldn’t? I found you easily enough, he could have just popped in here and gotten you.” He knew the anger sounded in his voice. Never would he understand the loyalty Kass felt for the vampire.

  “We’re in a different vampire’s territory. If Lucius were to come here it would increase problems in the war.” She met his eyes. “That’s why he
sent you here. You are his way of coming to get me.”

  He shook his head. “How did you know that he sent me?”

  “Simple, you wouldn’t have known otherwise. Lucius would have acted on the knowledge that you led my family to me and killed you.”

  He heard the anger in her voice, but knew apologizing wouldn’t help it. Not right now. Fixing this would.

  When he didn’t respond Kass pulled her hair to the side and exposed the collar. “We need to get this off.”

  He motioned for her to turn around and then examined the mechanism that was holding it shut. It was the same type of latch as a dog collar. “Why couldn’t you take it off?”

  “Too much pain.” She grumbled. “High concentration of silver on the latch itself, and nothing to cut the silver threaded leather with.”

  The thought hadn’t crossed his mind, and here he was planning on just taking it off. He called claws to his hands and hooked one under the leather. “This might hurt a bit.” He jerked his hand so that the claw cut through the leather. She hissed, but the collar fell from her neck as planned.

  He kissed the back of her neck over the red burn mark from the collar. “Think it’ll heal?”

  “It always does. Must be my immortal blood.” She said.

  Jax searched her eyes and face to see if she was joking. A ghost of a smile tried to cross her face but it disappeared. “Immortal blood?”

  “Don’t ask.” She grumbled and moved to the door. “The question is, best way to get out of here, panther or human?”

  Jax shrugged. “Which form is the strongest right now?”

  “The panther wants blood.” She looked at him, her eyes flashing yellow. He tried to keep the concern off his face and his panther paused at the idea of her panther craving blood. He nodded. “Then we shift and run. If we get separated we meet at the edge of the property?”

  She nodded and shifted. Before he could step in front of her she pounced, tearing down the door. He shifted right behind her and ran out after her.

  Kass sniffed the air and snarled, running up the stairs. Jax followed her, struggling to keep up with her, even with his long strides. Moving as a black blur though the house, she paused in the living room and sniffed at all the torn furniture. He nudged her, trying to get her going, thinking they shouldn’t trust their luck and just get out of the house. After a playful snap at his paw she took a couple steps towards the door. Out of nowhere a panther leapt over Jax and tumbled with Kass, breaking down the front door and taking the two of them outside.

  Jax moved to go after Kass, but Quinn appeared in his way. “Down, kitty. She fights her brothers and wins, she gains her freedom.”

  Jax snarled at him as Sarah appeared behind him. Her eyes locked with his and she tried to go towards him. Her father stopped her. Her yellow eyes flashed in fear and panic as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Change back.” Her father demanded.

  Jax shook his head and crouched. Crawling towards Quinn as his tail swished from side to side, he realized that his panther also wanted blood. He pounced on the still human male, only to be thrown off and into the wall. He shook his head and lunged at the now shifted male. Their legs and paws locked in a struggle as Jax tried to swipe at the other man’s jaw. Behind Quinn, Sarah stood frozen as her body rippled while she fought the change.

  Jax took note and prayed that she wouldn’t join the fight. He turned back to the male in front of him and forced him backwards. Jax swiped at his stomach as the other cat pushed him away.

  Both of them turned at the sound of Sarah’s cries as she shifted. Jax felt for her as her bones cracked and skin melted and reformed in an uncontrolled shift. She ran off and her father tried to follow, but Jax locked his jaw around the panther’s leg. He pulled back with a snarl, his panther pushing against his human mind as he tasted blood. Jax tried to push him down as Quinn came after him.

  Jax launched himself at the bigger cat, and let his panther in control as he heard Kass’ roar. The instinct to protect her crashed over him as he tore out the other male’s throat and then sprinted off to the woods.

  Kass snarled when she landed on her side in the weeds that made up the front yard. Jumping to her feet, she crouched and faced her brother. His taller and sleeker form told her that it was Garret, but where one was the other was never far. Sniffing the air, she knew that Steven wasn’t close and she could only assume that he was waiting to ambush her in the woods that overran the property. Garret snarled at her, bringing her attention back to him.

  Her tail twitched as she waited for him to approach. She knew that he weighed more than her and a straight on attack wouldn’t help. She needed to be patient as she watched him starting to circle around her, but she mirrored his movements to keep him in her view. She and her panther wanted the same thing. Him dead. Lunging forward he went at her with his front paws, balancing on his hind legs. She rose to meet him, their paws clashing with each other. Backing away from the useless locking blows, Kass changed her attack. Her claws caught him across the face, knocking him down on all fours and away from her.

  Kass crouched low, waiting for him to try again. She just needed a couple good shots and then she could tear his throat out. The animal in her pushed against her human mind. It wanted the kill now. Snorting at her brother she lunged at him, only to be tackled from the side. Kass rolled towards the forest and jumped back to her paws. She didn’t look back as she took off into the forest, needing to separate the boys again. She bounded through her old pathway, breaking through the bushes and fallen branches covering it. Her animal instinct said stay and fight, but she knew she couldn’t win two on one. Garret caught up to her. He came up next to her and snapped his jaw at her paws. She lost her footing a little and slid to the side. He grabbed her neck, pulling at the tuft of skin, trying to get her to submit. Rolling, she took out his legs and they tumbled down a hill together. She landed on top and pinned him to the ground. Blood trickled from him as her claws bit into his skin. His teeth snapping at her throat, Kass reared backwards to avoid his teeth, causing her to lose her grip on him. She let out a roar as his claws swiped across her jaw. Red in her vision told her his attack did damage. She pounced at him and they locked in the air again. Batting fruitlessly at each other until she struck downwards, her claws catching one of his eyes. He stumbled backwards with a roar, scrubbing at his wound with the back of a paw.

  Kass took a deep breath and let her animal instinct take over. Her panther gladly took control as she lunged forward and her teeth locked on Garrett’s exposed neck, with a jerk of her head a chunk tore out of his throat, blood staining the ground and his massive body falling.

  She licked her lips to clear the blood off her muzzle. With a sniff of the air she knew that Stephan was close. Crunching of branches told her it was time to move. She could still survive if she could take him out. She climbed a tree and lay on a branch. The wind brought his scent closer to her and she reminded herself to wait. Steadying her breathing, she watched as her half brother padded under the branch. He sniffed the ground and looked around. She launched herself off the branch and fell on top of him. They tumbled with their paws flying in a poor attempt to push the other off.

  His claws caught her across the stomach, tearing her flesh and fur. She roared at the pain, but caught his paw in her mouth. With a jerk of her head she tore into it. He shoved her away and they both landed on their feet. Taking advantage of his unbalance she tackled him. He shoved her face away with his good paw, but she swiped at his throat with her claws and struggled to keep him pinned. Teeth poised to bite, her brother snarled up at her and went for her throat.

  Kass met him so their jaws clashed together and she kept him at bay. He flipped her over and his weight slammed her against the ground. Panic started to fill her as his bigger form held her. He snarled, baring teeth. As he went to strike he was taken out from the side.

  Kass flipped back over to see Jax in panther form tearing out Stephan’s throat. She lay low as he
approached her. Her panther was hesitant with the understanding that Jax was the reason they were here. Instinct said to attack him, but the mating said to submit. Jax lowered himself onto his belly and kept his head low as he crawled to her. When she didn’t run he rose and nuzzled her neck. His tongue lapped at the wound on her face to clean it. Her human mind came to the surface and she rubbed against him.

  Jax’s human form took over his panther form almost like liquid. Kass envied the ease and control he had over his panther. He looked her over, examining her wounds. “Shift back.”

  Kass tried to shake the fuzziness from her mind at his words. She still sensed danger and knew there were two panthers still out there. He had betrayed her, smelt of both of them. Her snarling stopped when he touched her head. “I killed your father.”

  Her beast calmed and she was able to pull it back in. She groaned in pain as her body shifted and she fell in a heap to the ground.

  “Smell like him and Sarah.” She whispered and pushed herself up with her arms. She studied the ground for a moment, waiting for it to stop spinning and for the blurriness to go away. “Feel like I had a forced shift.”

  He touched her chin, urging her to look up. “That’s normally how a new shifter feels. Why are you reacting this way?”

  “Lack of control. I just want to go...home.” She frowned at how foreign but right the word sounded. “What happened with Sarah, did you see her?”

  He nodded and tried to steady her by pulling her to his chest. She placed her head against him. “She shifted and ran. She was more...animal than human.”

  “She won’t shift back.”

  “Is there any reason to? She knew that I could take your father, and knew that you’d kill your brothers. She’ll be happier that way.” He kissed her head and picked her up. “I have clothes for us in my truck. I’ll take you back to my place for the night.”

  “Lucius. Need to get back to him.” She could feel her eyes closing and she jolted to keep them open.

  He looked down at her. “Lucius knows that I came for you. He would expect you to stay.”


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