Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Page 35

by A. L. Kessler

  Lucius growled. "No, your focus is on Tegan. I will have Coran and Jaxon work on hunting the demon down and figuring out who set one loose in my territory."

  "Does it really matter who?"

  "Yes, because it could be an act of war." The pounding moved to behind his eyes and his vision wavered. What the hell was wrong with him? The blood demon wasn’t going to help the current situation of the territory. It would be best if Orion could take care of it, since he’d helped before. "I have another meeting tonight and I will try to move duties around so that you can help with the demon."

  Orion stiffened. "That means whoever you are meeting tonight will take over my spot of searching for Tegan."

  "Possibly, it's a lead I have to follow up on." There was no need for Lucius to give Orion the details.

  "If she's in bad shape she's not going to let a stranger near her."

  "She won't let anyone near her in just plain self-defense. Let's remember that the only reason you got close to her was because she was chained to a table and that was before she knew how to fight." The memories of Tegan’s past tortures pushed the pain to an unbearable level. "Now get out of here. I will make sure everyone knows their duties and assignments, you'll be contacted when I know the results of my next meeting."

  Orion nodded, "Of course." He spun and left. Lucius leaned his head back as the pounding finally started to fade. Orion was going to end up being a loose cannon if he wasn't careful. It seemed everyone in the territory was pushing against him as of late. It was like they sensed his weakness with Tegan’s absence; maybe they were starting to realize that Tegan was the only one who kept him from insanity.

  Chapter Three

  Lucius walked into the foyer and smirked. Kaden stood there with Kass in panther form next to him. "Did my cat have to threaten you?"

  "I don't appreciate you summoning me like a dog, Lucius. I don't even want to be here. If you think I had something to do with Tegan's disappearance, fuck you." The demon's blond hair had been pulled back at his neck, keeping his sharp jaw free and his blue eyes unshaded, allowing Lucius to see the hate there.

  Lucius snorted. "If you had something to do with it, you'd be dead by now. No, I have another problem in the territory, and though I would like your help with Tegan I have a feeling you'll be more helpful with this one."

  Kaden rubbed his eyes and growled. "I would rather help find Tegan, I'm sure that—"

  "She was taken by demons, there's really nothing you can do right now." Lucius didn't like the idea of Kaden even being in the territory in case Tegan came back. The two of them had too much history and it could screw up any chance she had of recovery, but an extra pair of eyes around the city wouldn't hurt. As long as Kaden kept his hands to himself. "Again, that is not why I have called you. Someone set a blood demon loose in my territory."

  Kaden whistled. "Wow, that's a big punch in the gut. How many people has it killed so far?"

  "I don't know, Orion just brought it to my attention. Apparently he has some informant that I don't know about. Stupid Fae is not worth the problems he brings."

  "Right. So unknown amount of victims, do we know who summoned him here?" Kaden paced the room.

  Lucius thought Kaden was being diplomatic about the situation and relaxed a bit. "We don't, I was hoping it was someone after you." He held up his hand before Kaden could snap at him. "Simply because it meant it wasn't an attack on me. Seeing as it hasn't targeted you, I don't know what to think."

  "Do you think it has to do with Tegan's disappearance?"

  Lucius paused and closed his eyes. "I don't think so, my instinct says it's something else." He looked at Kass and patted his leg. The panther came to him and laid at his feet. "Look into it. I need to find out who sent it and why."

  "Understood. Now, about—"

  "No, not about her, nothing about her. Get out and do what I've asked."

  Kaden took a deep breath and bowed his head. "If you need my help, please let me know.” He hesitated and met Lucius’ gaze, something akin to pain passing through his eyes. “You know I would do anything for her."

  And that's why Lucius entertained the idea of sending Kaden after her; the man would walk into a death trap for his human. But Kaden would be stronger going after the blood demon and would be more help alive. "I know. You are dismissed."

  The demon left without another word and Lucius leaned back in his chair. "Kassity, I fear the worst is yet to come. Things are going to get crazy and we may be forced to put our plans on hold."

  She huffed as if agreeing and he laughed.

  The music of LMAFO’s Sexy and I Know It beat against Orion as he thrust his hips on stage. The girls in the crowd screamed, but he never missed a beat, even as some of them tried to climb up on the stage. He gyrated his hips to the music and ripped off his pants; with his chest already bare the women all swooned in the audience. With playful winks and smirks he added to the illusion that they could enjoy and know him, but when the song ended he would disappear off stage and remain a mystery. Always just an illusion, but he felt the sexual energy running off of them, feeding his powers.

  The energy always put him in a mood, playful and horny. Normally he’d take one of the nameless women in the crowd home. He’d have his way with her, the screams of pleasure and the writhing orgasms would take the edge of the magic off. They’d be gone in the morning, giggling and with a story to tell their friends. But since Tegan was gone he didn't feel like it. He needed to be focused on finding her. If he was mated, he could go home to his mate and take care of his urges.

  The music came to an abrupt end and he tore off his black G-string and covered himself with his hands, head held down, and eyes shadowed by his hair. The women cheered and whistled as the curtains closed. He walked off stage and grabbed a robe that was in the wings. Wrapping it around himself, he sighed. Buzzing with energy, he wanted to go out and pick up one of his lucky fans, but something was eating at him. The urge to go to The Disappearing Act ran through him and he couldn't put his finger on why.

  After showering and dressing in the dressing room he stepped out into the chilly air. He'd flashed himself here, so going to the bar wouldn't be an issue. He found a quiet corner and flashed himself to the alley of The Disappearing Act.

  The brick wall was dark, blocked from most streetlights. A chill went down his spine and he almost expected something to be waiting in the shadows, but it didn’t matter, no one would be stupid enough to attack here. The shifting of trashcans brought his gaze to Kassity crouched by them, her panther eyes meeting his. "I'm just here checking in, what the hell are you doing in the city like that, cat?"

  She huffed and put her head on her paws as if she was a common house cat and he shook his head, going inside. Mae looked up from the bar, her brown hair cascading over her shoulders, her tight black clothes clinging to her. Currently her eyes were brown, but he knew the instant someone pissed her off they bled to black. She was Lucius' newest fledgling and current manager of the bar since Tegan's disappearance. "What are you doing here, Orion?"

  The simple question caught him off guard and no matter what he said it’d be bullshit. “I wanted to stop by and make sure the bar was going okay. I can pick up the last shift if you need me to."

  She shook her head. "No, everything is fine here, tonight at least."

  "Why is Kass in the alleyway?"

  "She's guarding the back door from something. Apparently Lucius thinks there is something big and bad in the alley."

  Lucius was crazy if he thought Kass could take on a blood demon. He was going to get the cat killed. A chill went through him as someone walked in. This time of night the only people that came in were vampires looking for a quick meal, but this woman was no vampire.

  She wore a silk red gown that flowed over her every curve and looked beautiful against her pale skin. Her black hair was piled on top of her head with loose curls falling at her neck, her cleavage perfectly framed by the spaghetti straps of the dress. Her breasts threat
ened to spill from the dress as she swayed towards the bar in her stilettos. Her swirling black and red eyes met Orion's.

  He took in a sharp breath. It'd been centuries since he'd seen her, but he would never forget those eyes. "Liara, to what do I owe the pleasure? Better yet, how the fuck did you find me?"

  Mae took a few steps towards the phone behind the bar and Liara held her hand up, freezing the vampire in place. "Now, now, blood sucker, I've got nothing against you or your maker. My business is with the Fae, he and I have something to discuss. I won't be causing any harm here, so there's no need to panic. Understood?"

  "Yes," The word squeezed out of Mae’s throat.

  Liara put her hand down and Mae was able to move again, "Now, be a dear and make me a strawberry daiquiri."

  Swallowing, the vampire went to make the drink. Orion crossed his arms. "And the answer to my questions?"

  "I've always known where you were. Since I'm the one who tore your wings, my magic follows you everywhere. Did you really think you'd escape me forever?"

  He had been hoping. Taking a seat at the bar, he kept his eyes on her. "What do you want?"

  "I have a proposal for you. The Circle has approached me, they want me as an ally. I can't have that because the Fae stand alone in this war, except for you. You have outright stated that you are an ally to Lucius."

  He raised a brow. "Mae, get me a beer, will ya? This could be a long conversation."

  Mae set the daiquiri on the bar, eyeing Liara before reaching for a beer. She grumbled as she handed it to him.

  Liara sat down and wrapped a manicured hand around the stem of the drink. "I want to know why you are allied with him. I've heard the rumors of his cruelty and the tight hold he has over his people. He's not the kind of creature you would follow."

  "You threw me out of my kingdom, tore my wings, and left me to die in the middle of vampire territory." He said dryly. "Lucius saved me and I saved his human. What did you expect me to do? Roll over and play dead?"

  She took a sip and set the glass down, smoothing the napkin underneath it. "Might I remind you that I had good reasons for what I did?"

  "My ass, you did it because you wanted the throne." He snapped. "Now is that all you want? Because my night has sucked, and I really want to get the hell out of here." And maybe find Dani to tease her delicate lips and other areas with his tongue. Where the hell did that come from? His sex drive was out of control tonight and being this close to another Fae of his kind was not helping.

  Her hand reached out and her nails gently scraped against his skin. "If you leave Lucius, sever all ties, I will allow you to come home."

  Home. The word was foreign to him. It had been too long since he'd seen the hills of the Fae world and the beautiful? courts. "You chose a poor time and place to discuss this." He glanced at Mae and then back to Liara. "In his own territory, in front of his own people." He shook his head and moved his hand away from her.

  "I have ways of taking out bystanders." She laughed and took another sip. "Don't you want to return to the courts?"

  He shrugged. "To a place that I'm now an outcast in? The place I haven't seen since...fuck, I don't even recall the year." He took a long pull on his beer and set it down. "Nah, I think I'm good. I'll keep my loyalties where they stand. And you, my Queen, can go to hell."

  "Fine, if that is the way you want it." She slipped off her stool and kissed his cheek. "I hope you like the present I left you. It's a little hard to control, but eventually it'll find its mark." She waved at Mae. "Nice meeting you, dear."

  Mae just stared at her as she walked out. "What the hell, Orion?"

  "You just met the Queen of Blood and Darkness." He sighed. "And survived."

  The snarling of a panther outside the door caught his attention. "For now."

  Both he and Mae rushed to the door, he threw it open to find Kass backed against it and a huge humanoid figure standing before her. Its red leathery skin and giant wings gave it away as a demon. The large eyes and horns on the head were just a bonus and did nothing to distract from the rows of teeth in its mouth.

  "I think I found the blood demon." Orion swallowed. "Holy shit he is ugly."

  Danielle stepped out of her parents’ house after having her usual night there. It made them feel better knowing that she still had time for them, despite her ‘military’ job. They would spend the night watching movies and enjoying dinner together and it was always a nice reminder to her of what normal could feel like. Hopping in the car, she headed back towards her house. She actually owned the house that she and Renee lived in, it was Hunter issued and modified to fit her mission.

  The drive through town at this hour was quiet and let her mind drift off to its new favorite topic. Orion. Dani was well aware that getting involved with someone of the supernatural world was trouble. She had firsthand experience, but there was something about him that she was fascinated by. She was growing to crave his nearness. Something that was dangerous. She shook her head and stopped at a light, not surprised that she ended up down the street from The Disappearing Act. When she passed the bar, she had to slow down. She saw figures inside and could hear the sounds of crashing glass among other things from the street and that never boded well. She parked, drew her gun and approached the door. Surprised to find it unlocked she froze at what she saw, even with all her training.

  The creature that held Orion to the wall towered over eight feet tall with red skin. The horns jutting from its massive head caught her attention until it turned around and she saw the blood coating its teeth. Her first demon, her first blood demon. The world spun for a moment, until she heard the snarl of a panther. The cat jumped up and attacked the demon with teeth and claws, but was flung into the bar, cracking the wood there.

  "Dani, leave!" Orion's voice cracked as the demon squeezed his throat.

  She did the opposite, firing a few shots into the demon's head. The revolting thing turned to her, snarling in response. Flinging out its arm, Orion came flying at her. She dodged and to her relief he managed to flip onto his feet before hitting the ground.

  "Mae went to get Lucius. Kass isn't really in her human mind right now, so don't anger her, or she'll think you are the enemy."

  Dani nodded and took aim again. "So what do we do?"

  "I need to get to the bar, Tegan's sword is behind there and it'll be strong enough to cut this fucker's head off."

  Her gaze flickered to behind the bar where the panther was standing again, shaking her head. Blood flowed from one of her legs, but it didn't seem to faze the cat. "Any chance Kass plays fetch?"

  "I wish, maybe if she was a little more coherent." He snarled when Kass launched herself at the back of the demon.

  The creature turned in time to catch the panther by the scruff and roar at it. Dani shot again, but the demon moved of the way and bent over to sink its teeth into the cat. Kass made a strangled noise of pain as she reverted back to human form under the demon's teeth. Orion took advantage of the distraction and flashed himself to the bar, searching for the sword.

  Kass started to pale and her struggling started to lessen. Dani holstered her gun and threw one of the chairs at the demon. Her plan worked and the creature dropped the woman, stampeding towards Dani in a blind rage. She yelled and started running away. The demon's clawed hand snagged her jacket and drew her up from the ground. Her feet dangling, she jerked and the jacket ripped, letting her drop and roll to the ground.

  A man appeared in the bar, his black hair slicked back and pulled into a tight ponytail at the base of his neck. He held a hand out and the demon went flying to the back of the bar, over Orion's head, liquor bottles shattering at the impact. The demon snarled and disappeared with a pop. Orion stood and inclined his head to the man who had appeared. Dani rushed to Kass. Taking off her half-shredded jacket, Dani pressed it to Kass' neck.

  "Orion, she needs to go to the hospital—"

  "No.” The stranger bent by her and took her hand away from the wound. Dani gasped, seeing t
hat the wound was already started to knit itself back together.

  "She's a shifter." The man stated.

  "I know, but I've never seen one hurt so I didn't know how rapid the healing would be." She threw the jacket to the side and heard the wailing of sirens. "What do we tell the police?"

  The man stood. "I'll deal with them. Orion, get everyone back to the property.” He eyed Dani, the pupils bleeding to black. “Including your new human friend."

  Dani glanced at Orion, who shrugged. Orion went to pick Kass up. "Who moved Tegan's sword?"

  "I did, as soon as she disappeared. I didn't want it lying around." The vampire growled.

  "Lucius, that could have saved us."

  Dani felt her eyes grow wide and her hand started to go to her gun on instinct, but Orion nudged her.

  "I didn't expect that a blood demon would show up in our territory.” The vampire snapped. "Now go."

  Orion's hand wrapped around hers and he pulled her toward the door, carrying Kass in a fireman's hold. She was amazed at the ease with which he carried her. Leading her to an SUV parked on the street, Orion put Kass in the backseat and opened the door for Dani.

  "What made you show up?" he asked, leaning on the door and waiting for her to get in.

  She glanced at the bar. "I prefer I drive my own car."

  "That's not an option now, Dani. You're going to get pulled into this, like it or not. So get in and answer my question." His eyes grew dark as he gripped the door.

  She'd never seen him so on-edge and she swore she could feel his power dancing over her skin. Flickering lights bounced around the street and she knew they were wasting precious time. "Fine." Sliding in, she buckled up and crossed her arms. Never had a Hunter been to Lucius' mansion, and the thought terrified her.

  When Orion got in she spoke. "I was on my way back home when I heard the fight." She glanced at him. "You didn't unlock the car."

  "Mae never locks the car and she leaves an extra key in the center console." He opened the center armrest and picked up the spare key. "She can move fast enough to get out here before anyone pulls away with the vehicle. She's not too worried about theft."


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