Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Page 45

by A. L. Kessler

  He recalled her eyes when she learned that he'd willingly kill for Lucius. She didn't know how his life worked or what things he had done in the past to survive. As a Hunter, she killed creatures without remorse; it was no different than what he did. It was time to face his past and create a new start for both of them.

  He closed his eyes and recalled the place he grew up in and knew so well. The Unseelie Court of the Fae. The black and silver of his family's rooms, the crystal hanging from the ceiling, tinted red as if dipped in blood. The throne made up of skulls and bones, the one he’d inherited when his father was killed. Home. As dark and disturbing as it was, he missed it. Mirrors would be all around the meeting room, allowing nothing to be hidden from whoever sat on the throne. He willed his magic to take him so that he would stand on the black tiled floor in front of the throne.

  When he opened his eyes he looked around at the shattered mirrors and the black dipped crystals. The black and silver were gone, replaced by different tones of reds, and the only lighting was little floating balls of fire. The throne had remained the same, but was now on a raised platform. He pursed his lips and looked around. Letting down his glamour, he allowed his power to flow from him and called to the Queen of Blood and Darkness.

  He pressed his wings together to keep them out of the way as his eyes scanned the room, each ball of fire disappearing one by one. He smiled and called on his own powers, letting his lightning flash in the room, not leaving a corner untouched. The magic flowing through him gave him a joy he’d missed. Now that his powers wore awake and his wings whole, it all felt natural.

  Even the flashing light was better than complete darkness, but it seemed to highlight the evil look on Liara's face as she swayed towards him.

  Her red dress clung to her body and circled at her feet. She made no noise as she moved, but one hand ran down her hips in a sensual gesture. "I didn't expect you to be here. I thought we specified when the duel would be. Did you come to make a deal?"

  "I came to claim my throne." He stated and met her gaze. "I will give you a choice, you can either give it to me, or I will kill you."

  She chuckled and it ran over his skin. "You can't kill me, I'm much stronger than you. Don't you remember what happened at the vampire’s?"

  "Where you used his cat to put an end to the fight? Yeah, I remember, but now it's just you and I." He smirked and gathered the electricity in his hand and threw it towards her.

  She moved and dodged, a silver blade flashed in her hand as she swiped at him. The blade cut through the air over him as he bent away from her, swiping her feet out from underneath her. The sound of her dainty feet on the ground seemed to echo as she landed from jumping.

  He couldn't fathom how she could move in that dress and then he realized it was part of her glamour. It moved with her instead of hindering her, leaving no sound of rustling fabric. He summoned a sword and watched her through the continuous flashing of lights.

  "You are brave. This time I'll make sure to kill you and then send your body back to your mate." She sneered, her eyes flashing in the light.

  He felt like he'd been punched in the chest, but tried to keep his face blank as they circled each other.

  "Oh, didn't think I knew about little Danielle? She's a bound human to a very bad vampire who was locked away. I could have killed her easily because I know where he lays, or I could make her life a living hell, and I might do that after I watch her weep over your body."

  He tried to keep any images of Dani out of his mind. He wouldn't let that happen and yet he had foolishly come here without letting anyone know where he was going and that left her without protection. He tightened his grip on his sword and rushed her. Her image shivered and disappeared as he sliced through it. Snarling, he spun around, searching the shadows for her.

  "That hit a nerve, didn't it? And after all these years I thought Tegan was going to be your weakness. Poor Lucius has more enemies than he can count, he should be wary of the company he keeps." Her slithering voice came from behind.

  Orion spun and dropped to a defensive stance, but she wasn't there. He wouldn't rise to her bait, he needed to focus. His heart pounded against his chest as he tried to keep his mind focused. The lightening started to dim and a sharp pain went through him. He looked down and saw the point of a sword coming through his stomach. His only thought was that he had failed.

  With a sickening noise the sword pulled out of him and he fell to the ground.

  "I told you, you can't win this fight, Orion. You are too weak, it's what cost you the throne and now your life and your mate." Liara knelt by him and put her hand on his wound, letting the blood coat her long, thin fingers.

  He could feel her power course through him and the blood rushing to her call. This was it, he was going to die without telling Dani goodbye. Closing his eyes, he saw her bright smile and heard her laughter. No. This could not be the end. He was doing this for her, to create a future with her. One without Lucius’ control, one without insane Fae Queens.

  Struggling, he pulled the dagger from his side and rolled to his side, slamming the dagger into her wrist. "Yeah, that's what you think, bitch."

  Her scream echoed through the room, shattering the crystals and what was left of the mirrors. Wind whipped around them and tore through her. Orion let himself fall back to the ground as he saw a ghostly figure separate from the queen and disappear. The body fell next to him with a thud. He'd done it. He'd taken his throne back. Now if only he could move.

  Dainty footsteps made him move his head to the side and he saw a young Fae, her long silver hair nearly reached the floor and her light blue eyes seemed to shine as she met his gaze. "Do you need help, my King?"

  "Who..." he sat up and cringed, putting a hand to his still bleeding wound.

  "I am...well I was Liara's handmaiden, now I guess I'm your servant." She came to his side and guided him back to the floor, running her hand through his hair. "Relax, I'll heal you."

  He chuckled. "A handmaiden, where are her guards?" He cried out as she put a hand over the wound.

  "She dismissed them all because she was arrogant." She closed her eyes and a white haze surrounded her.

  Orion tensed as coldness spread from his wound through the rest of his body. The pain faded and then warmth spread through him. "What’s your name?" He sat up and inspected where the wound was, now nothing but a scar.

  "Isolda, my King." She bowed her head. "It will be an honor to serve you. I will prepare things for your return."

  Smiling, he stood and called on his glamour. "Prepare for two, please. My mate will be joining us." So he hoped. Not to mention he might not return if Lucius decided to kill him for this. No, he had a feeling the vampire was planning this. "Thank you for your help, Isolda." He bowed his head and took himself back to the townhouse.

  He appeared in the living room and blinked when he saw Danielle standing there. "Um, hi?"

  Her eyes widened as she spotted the blood on his clothes. "Oh my God, you're hurt."

  "No, I'm just fine." He promised and then pulled her in for a deep kiss.

  Dani let his tongue part her lips, but then pulled back and hit him in the chest. "Where the hell were you? What happened?"

  Orion rubbed his chest and sighed. "I went to kill the queen."

  "She's dead? It looks like you were the one who was gravely injured." She lifted up his shirt and inspected the wound. There was nothing but a strange pink scar that reminded her of a snowflake. "Who healed it?"

  "A handmaiden. I'm fine, I promise. I let her get close enough so I could stab her. The queen is dead and we're safe."

  She was still upset with him about the assignment from Lucius, but right now she needed him. She needed to make sure that he wasn't hurt. She pulled his bloody shirt off and then leaned up to kiss him. Their tongues tangled as they explored each other's mouths. She ran her hands over his chest, her fingers exploring every fine line of his exposed flesh.

  Her hand trailed down to his pants and ripp
ed them open. When she slid the zipper down, his hard member sprung out and she wrapped her hand around it. She couldn't explain why she needed to touch him so much when he'd just gotten back from killing the queen.

  He pulled her shirt over her head and shoved her back against the wall, next to the TV. His lips captured her left nipple while his hand assaulted her right. She arched her back at his touch, moaning as she grew wet for him. His hands brushed down her sides and hooked into her pants, and she quickly undid her belt so he could slide the pants off her. In a swift movement she stood naked in front of him, still pressed against the wall.

  She tried to catch her breath, but he slipped his hand between her legs and his finger teased her delicate bud between her wet folds. Moaning, she leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes, trying to lose herself in the feelings Orion was giving her. He slipped a finger into her and stroked her.

  Desire overtook her and she wrapped her legs around him. Orion caught her wrist and pinned her arm above her head against the wall again, letting her know he was in control. With her pressed against the wall he thrust into her and she cried out, her back arching to meet him.

  They found a rhythm and pleasure overtook her. Her body shook as he took her to the edge. Her orgasm exploded as he gave a final thrust and his seed shot deep into her. They slouched down against the wall and held each other. In this moment she was just happy he was alive. They could deal with everything else later, but right now they were mates. Content in each other's arms and safe.

  Lucius paced the throne room waiting for another call from Kaden, but he knew Tegan hadn't woken yet. His human was sleeping to heal herself; he'd seen it before. He looked up when Mae walked in. "What?"

  "I've closed the bar for the night and our guests should be here within the hour." She crossed her arms. "You sure you want to call in extra people at this point?"

  He clenched his hands to keep from running his hands through his hair. "Yes, we'll be losing Orion soon and I need to start filling in some gaps. It's time that I stop hiding things from those who are a part of my territory."

  "It keeps you strong." She stated. "Are you planning on telling them about how Kass is the killer?"

  Kassity was still recovering from the queen's attack and that worried him. Jaxon was refusing to come out of the room except to fetch food for his mate. How did this happen? Lucius locked his jaw. "No, I will let them know about Tegan, the Circle, and the demons. They have a right to know about that, not my plans. Not yet."

  "You push people away with how much you hide. What's to keep the Circle from going to them and convincing them you are actually trying to rise against them?"

  He shook his head. "You don't know how politics work, Mae."

  "Then teach me." She snapped. "I've only ever been on the other side. Not from your point of view. You brought me over to this side of things for a reason, now teach me."

  He closed his eyes; she'd grown bolder since he'd changed her. Part of it was to get revenge on Josh, yes, but Lucius had his own plans for Mae. "Now is not the time. You’ll learn something tonight about what it's like for me to rule the territory. As for my reasoning, you'll learn eventually, but now is not the right time."

  "So you say." She dropped her arms. "If you don't need me, I'll let you be."

  He needed to be alone right now, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. "Thank you, Mae, I'll see you in thirty minutes." Lucius sat in his throne and looked at the door expectantly. He wanted it to be Tegan who walked through the door, but he knew it wasn't possible.

  And he couldn't help the small amount of disappointment that climbed through him as Orion walked through with Danielle on his arm.

  "You know the rules about mates and my territory." Lucius started, but he already knew what the deal would be. He'd wanted Orion to defeat the queen and take the throne.

  Danielle raised a brow and looked at Orion. He shook his head. "I came tonight for the meeting, it'll be my last night in your territory. Liara is dead and I have to take the throne back."

  "And you're going to take Danielle there." Lucius leaned back. "A human in a Fae world." Chuckling, he shook his head. "I appreciate you giving me a bit more of your time."

  "I'm not doing it for you." Orion stepped away from Dani. "I'm doing it because I owe it to Tegan. If you don't take care of your territory she'll lose everything she fought for when she was with the demons."

  Lucius gripped the chair. "I can refuse to let you leave my service." His eyes flickered to Danielle. "Or demand that you leave someone in your place." If Orion wasn't careful, Lucius would do it. The Fae seemed to like to push buttons. "Do not pretend you know what Tegan went through nor what the outcome was. We don't know what the demons wanted with her."

  Orion bowed his head and held his hand out to Danielle. She took it and he wrapped an arm around her waist. Orion met Lucius' gaze. "You're a strong leader Lucius, and you've changed over the years. You will find an alliance with the Fae."

  Lucius nearly choked, but he kept his face blank. He hadn't hoped for an alliance, but it worked in his favor. "It's been an honor to have you in my territory and among my people. Thank you for the alliance, the Fae will be a perfect ally."

  Orion led Danielle over to his usual spot for meetings and they chatted idly while people started to fill the room. Though many of Lucius' people showed up, mostly the leaders of smaller groups of different supernatural creatures, the room felt empty. Without Tegan at his feet, Coran at his back, and Kassity and Jaxon at his side he was missing those who showed his power and held him up. It felt wrong.

  His eyes scanned over the familiar faces. "I have called you all here to inform you of threats against the territory. Different factions and many of those I keep close have been cut down. The war is growing in intensity and the strongest powers in it seem intent on tearing down territories.”

  "Who have you been attacked by?" One of the vampires stepped forward. Lucius remembered him; he'd rescued the man from the sun. Charles was just a young vampire then. Now he'd grown into one of the more powerful ones there.

  "The Circle visited us two months ago by way of Markus. He attacked Coran's mate. The Queen of Blood and Darkness attacked here and nearly killed one of my cats. Orion has since terminated her. Then there are the demons...they took my human." He reminded himself that Tegan was in safe hands right now, but they didn't need to know that, not until he knew what the damage was.

  Murmurs spread through the room and Lucius waited for the outrage. Derrik stepped up. "All of those are brave attacks. The wolves will stand with you, but until we figure out our pack issues I cannot loan you people."

  "No, but I can." A woman stepped up, an immortal shifter. Her red hair tumbled down to her thin waist, a stark contrast to the black leather encasing her body. "I'm willing to be at your side. I have no commitments like packs, Kisses, or humans."

  "Victoria." Lucius let the name slide off his lips. "Thank you." He could sense her beast below, something strange and ancient. He'd never pushed to find out what beast she held, nor had he ever pulled it out. Her strength and control rivaled his own power.

  A few others stepped up, mostly lowly vampires being volunteered by others they owed a debt to, but in the end Lucius had more than enough to fill the gaps in his security.

  "We must be wary about the Circle. We have no idea what they are planning, except I have reasons to believe they want to raise the Father. As for the demons, I will deal with them in my own time and with caution." He bowed his head. "Thank you all for coming, I am glad to see such loyalty in my territory."

  Whispers and returned thanks greeted him and the people filed out of the room. Victoria stayed behind and approached him. Her hips held a sway that was seductive and yet dangerous. "It's been a century since you've called a meeting such as this. You must be frightened."

  "You make me sound like a weak kitten that needs to be soothed." He narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't need—"

  "No, you don't, but w
hat you do need, Lucius, is to worry about what is going on around you. Take a look at the weakness in your territory, the Circle will know it and act on it if they can." She crossed her arms. "What the hell happened?" Her eyes flickered to Orion behind him. "You used to have so much more than a Fae at your back and I expect you to be honest."

  He would expect no less from someone he wanted to protect him and his. "Come, I will catch you up on recent events." He turned to Orion. "I wish you luck and thank you once more for the alliance you have offered."

  Orion bowed his head. "We'll be seeing you around then." He took Danielle's hand and disappeared. Lucius led Victoria to one of the sitting rooms and began to fill her in on everything that had happened.

  Chapter Twelve

  Markus looked up from his list of names when the Father walked in. "Had a good visit with all the members?"

  "I spoke to each one alone, I felt that they each had their own idea of how things are going to work. I was correct, and made sure to tell them that we have our own plans and they will follow me."

  Markus expected as much, the meeting that had been arranged with everyone had been filled with arguing and disbelief about the Father being back. It wasn’t until he showed up that they settled. The oldest vampire was quick to set them straight. "I've devised a list of names, there are connections that need to be severed and I believe some of them might have links to the Originals, though none of them are Keepers as far as I can tell."

  "We are looking for seven humans out of millions, how did you come up with this list?" The Father asked and sat in a chair across from the desk.

  Markus leaned back and ran his hand over the paper. "I have my ways and contacts with vampires who came overseas around the same time as the rest of us. This list will allow us to start taking out the Hunting Society from behind the scenes without them suspecting vampires."


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