Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Page 59

by A. L. Kessler

  Lucius kept his thoughts to himself about the soul. He had no desire to draw Zaaren’s attention to Coran and Renee. “But if it is true, we are the first territory he will come after.”

  “Then what do you think will stop him?” Zaaren stood. “Because you are not powerful enough to face him.”

  “No, but you are. If you can act as my second, back me, then it is less likely that they will try and take the territory.” Lucius sighed. “If the Father comes he’ll be looking for revenge on me since I’m the one who took Tegan away.”

  Zaaren shifted his weight. “He’s not awake, I would feel it.”

  “Precautions, Zaaren, we don’t want to be unprepared.” Lucius kept his voice low. He didn’t want to leave Tegan unprotected and at the mercy of the Father and Markus. Even though he knew Zaaren would try to rule the territory with the old rules and laws it was better than surrendering it to Markus. Tegan would hate it, but she’d be safe. Lucius could survive through her and they wouldn’t dare kill him, because it would kill Tegan...but starving him of blood...he didn’t want to think about that.

  “Where is my sister and the demon?” Zaaren asked. “I don’t sense either here.”

  Lucius shook his head. ”They are at her home, probably already fast asleep.”

  “She has her own place; Lucius, this is out of hand. We agreed to keep her close and not to let her wander on her own. That is how she was taken by Markus the first time. Because you indulged that stupid butterfly love of hers, you spoiled her.”

  Lucius laughed. “She is not a child any longer and treating her as such got me nowhere.”

  “So you let her run wild?”

  “I reward and punish her as I would any of my people.” Lucius shrugged.

  Zaaren shook his head and motioned to the screen. “I have yet to see your punishment for her betrayal.”

  “I felt that the torture and losing her memories were enough.” And with that Lucius walked out. He would not waste time trying to convince Zaaren that he had control, not right now.

  Kaden woke up when something rattled the door, within an instant Tegan rolled off the bed and grabbed her shirt. From under the bed she pulled out her sword, unsheathing it in silence. He rolled out of the bed and pulled his pants on. The door rattled again then burst open. A flood of demons came through, filing up the stairs.

  Cursing, Kaden summoned a sword and eyed the group of five demons. All of them wore the general’s mark on their armor. Fuck. They were after him.


  He growled when she ignored him and attacked the closest demon to him. The clanging of their swords meeting echoed through the room. “Call Lucius.” But he knew it wasn’t an option, the sun was already up and they were on their own.

  He had to trust that she could take care of herself. A fist came at him and Kaden grabbed the wrist and twisted the demon’s arm behind its back. Another one caught Kaden across the back of the head, he stumbled away and jumped back as a headless demon fell in front of him.

  He met Tegan’s red eyes, her sword covered in blood and blood splattered on her face. Something was different. It was the first time she’d met his gaze without flinching or reaching for her sunglasses.

  She turned to take on her second demon as he turned to face the remaining two. They both rushed him and he took one’s head off with his sword. The other one slammed him into one of the display cases, causing Tegan’s butterflies to be scattered everywhere.

  A scream caught his attention and he turned to find Tegan being held against a demon, another dead at her feet, a sword through her stomach and a knife to her neck. He froze.

  “Aristides has demanded your return. You come with us, your love lives.”

  Did they know that she couldn’t die? Hell, did he believe she couldn’t? The blood coming from her stomach was convincing him otherwise, but the knife at her neck, with the right strength and blade the demon could kill her easily.

  The other demon grabbed Kaden’s arms and he dropped his sword, anger danced in Tegan’s eyes. He couldn’t think of anything to say as the demon threw her to ground. He pulled the sword out of her stomach and she cried out.

  She rolled her eyes up to meet Kaden’s eyes as he disappeared through a demon portal.

  This was the end, then. Death for him and eternal grief for her. She would forever grieve him.

  Chapter Ten

  Tegan watched in horror as the demon portal closed around Kaden and an entirely new pain filled her injured body. He was gone and he wouldn’t be coming back because of the death warrant on him. Putting her hand to her bleeding stomach, cringing as she reached for her phone. Normally she’d call Orion in this situation, but he resided safe in the Fae world with his new mate. The vampires were asleep for the day. Jaxon wouldn’t leave Kassity, since she was still weak.

  That left Victoria...and Tegan wasn’t even sure if she had the number for the woman. She scrolled through her phone looking for it and breathed a sigh of relief when she found the number. Someone must have updated her contacts when they replaced her phone. Thank gods.

  She hit the call button and put the phone on speaker.

  “Tegan, I never thought I’d see your number on my screen.” The woman purred.

  Something about the immortal bothered her, but she couldn’t put her finger on what. “I’m bleeding all over my floor, Kaden is gone.” She nearly choked on the words, trying to remind herself that he was just in the demon realm, he could still be alive. “I don’t have my car to get home.”

  “Sounds like you’ve had a hell of a night, princess. I’ll be there as fast as I can. Do you think you’ll bleed out by the time I get there?”

  She probably would, but it wouldn’t kill her. “I might be unconscious but I’ll be fine.”

  “Good deal, hate to have you and Lucius die on me. You’re at the Disappearing Act, right? You and Kaden didn’t go anywhere strange? Where’d Kaden go? He’s supposed to protect you with his life.”

  She cringed. “He did, we were attacked by demons. Remind me to talk to a witch about wards for demons. He went with them because they had a knife to my throat and a sword through my stomach.” The physical pain started to join the heartache of Kaden’s disappearance. “Just get here.” Tegan hit the end button and leaned her head back on the bed. Butterflies were scattered everywhere, what she wouldn’t give to actually be in a field of them, watching them flutter around.

  “You are in bad shape.” The voice of the Father snapped her head up and she squeezed her eyes shut. Her body and mind automatically fell into muscle memories of being near him. Do not look at him, do not touch him and do not speak to him unless he provided a direct question or demand.

  Fear gripped her even through the pain. This was it, the demons had orders to get Kaden to give the Father an opportunity to take her. She should have stayed home, she should have stayed with Lucius.

  “Always caught without your master.” His voice slid across her and she shivered. “And now you are bleeding all over your chamber.”

  His fingers ran over her wound and she jerked back. “You’re not real, you’re a dream.”

  “A dream, Tegan?” He brushed a hand over her cheek. “I’m very real, you raised me.” He moaned. “I forgot how delicious your blood is.”

  She imagined him licking her blood off his fingers. Her body slid against the floor and his fangs scrapped against the hole in her stomach from the sword. Screaming, she kicked and shoved at him. Opening her eyes, she grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled his head away. He snarled at her, flashing black eyes and grabbing her by the throat. With a flick of his wrist he threw her against one of her display cases and she and the glass came crashing down. The red butterfly landed by her head and shattered. Tegan pushed herself up on her hands, but a heavy foot came down on her back.

  “You will be back at my feet, Tegan, as my pet. Lucius cannot protect you from me.”

  She snarled and tried to roll from under his foot, but she co
uldn’t move. His weight disappeared and the world faded around her.

  Kaden looked around the room the demons dragged him into. More guards and the General surrounded him. Yeah, this was going to be great. Aristides walked up to him and punched him in the stomach. The air rushed out of Kaden’s body and he hunched over, only to be pulled back up.

  “Not the welcome I expected.” He growled. “I still have my head.”

  Aristides laughed. “There’s been a change in plans. Your death will be postponed. I’ve made a deal with the Circle. They didn’t realize that you’ve been in Lucius’ territory for so long and they want a chance to interrogate you before I kill you for treason.”

  Kaden’s heart sank. Death would be easier on him and on Tegan. If Markus was in charge of the torture, he’d know about Tegan being his mate. Fuck.

  “Don’t like that idea? Too bad, we have an alliance with them now and their first step is to take out Lucius’ territory. You’re our key to that.” He laughed and turned to his guards. “Take this filthy traitor to a cell and wait for Markus to arrive.”

  They dragged him down a hall and into a cell with holy bars. His demon screamed to be let out and he snarled. He hadn’t let it out during the fight at Tegan’s apartment, because he had been in control of the battle...until they threatened Tegan.

  He’d seen what happened to Tegan in the company of demons. He hoped his mate was all right; luckily he had one way he could find out. She’d probably be sleeping by now, safely tucked into her bed at Lucius’ mansion. The vampire would be there to calm her pain and panic at Kaden’s disappearance.

  His heart ached at the thought of someone else easing her pain and he hated the idea. He hadn’t even said good-bye to her as he was dragged away. He’d seen anger in her eyes when he’d surrendered. Sitting against the wall he closed his eyes.

  He was surprised to find Tegan asleep, even more surprised to see the dream surrounding her. Lying naked on the floor, blindfolded and reaching out for her brother. Her blood dripped from the many bites dotting her body. “Brother?”

  Of course she didn’t know it was him standing there, she couldn’t see, but Kaden heard the pain in her voice.

  “Sister of mine.” Zaaren’s voice was cold and calculating as he watched his naked sister squirm in pain.

  “Help me, please? I don’t want to live this life, save me. Please?”

  “I can’t stop him.” Zarren turned his back.

  “I can feel the power in you, brother, please. If you cannot save me. Kill me.”

  “Sister of mine, you know I cannot do that. Be strong.” He walked out the door and it shut behind him.

  The agony in Tegan’s dream was almost tangible as her brother left her bleeding on the floor. The images faded leaving just Tegan. She stood and clothes appeared on her and her fabric around her eyes turned to sunglasses.

  “That wasn’t the first or the last time he left me bleeding on that floor.”

  “You still love your brother though, I saw it in your eyes when we talked about him, before he woke.”

  She nodded. “I do, he’s family and he means well, well...now,” She shook her head. “Back then I have no idea what he was thinking. The demons took you from me. Where are you?”

  “Alive still, let’s be grateful for that.” He touched her cheek. “You need to get back to Lucius’. Stay there until we know what is going on and why the demons are so keen on getting me out of his territory.” There was no need to tell her where he was heading, she’d only do something stupid like come after him and he would not allow that. This would be the last time he ever had the chance to tell her. “There’s something I should have told you Tegan...”

  The dream started to crumble around them and he cursed. “Tegan I—“

  Automatically, Tegan’s hand groped for her sunglasses and she put them on before her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at the worried face of Victoria. “Oh man, Lucius is going to kill you.” She whispered and touched Tegan’s face. “The bruises will fade soon, and your stomach is healing up, but I’m betting you’re still in pain. You were out for the whole car ride.”

  Tegan touched her stomach and winced. “I’ve had worse. Is Lucius awake yet?”

  “No, but your brother has woken already.” Victoria stepped back. “Let’s get you patched up and then you can see him.”

  He wasn’t the person she wanted to see. No, she wanted to go back to her dream with Kaden to hear what he had to say to her. She rubbed her eyes and realized she was still covered in blood. “Shower first, patch up next, and if you let my brother in here I will make sure you are on Lucius’ feeding schedule for a month.” She threatened and stood.

  “Big threats for such a tiny girl, but then again there were two decapitated demons in that room of yours. I should probably heed your threats.”

  Tegan snorted. “I don’t remember how many I took out, but they were in human form which means they were easier. If they were in their demon form...it would have been messier.” Pain laced her body and she cringed. Flashes of the Father crossed her mind and she turned away from Victoria. “Give me just a few minutes to get this blood off.” She took a deep breath and went to the bathroom.

  She took her sunglasses and clothes off while she gave the water a moment to warm up. The Father had been there without a doubt, she could feel it in her skin, her mind, her body. When it came down to it, he created her and she could sense him.

  The hot water turned her skin red as she scrubbed off the blood. The pain in her chest didn’t ease. Kaden...she couldn’t sense him when he was in a different realm and her heart broke. She needed to get to him, needed to save him. The red water disappeared down the drain and she looked at her stomach wound. It was already healing, it wouldn’t be long before it was nothing. A perk of being Lucius’ human and a Blood Human.

  She got out of the shower and put her sunglasses on before drying off. She needed to see Lucius and tell him she’d encountered the Father again. If he’d believe her.

  “Girly, you okay?” Victoria knocked on the door.

  Okay? No, she was starting to feel numb. She needed to see Lucius and not her brother first, but all she could think about was Kaden. Not even mated for a week and it was already causing problems. “I’ll be out in a moment.” She knew what she needed to do, she had to find a way to get Kaden out of the Demon realm, and the only way there was to do that was to figure out why they wanted him out of Lucius’ territory.

  “Sister of mine.” Zaaren’s voice came through the door and she cursed.

  “Victoria! I meant what I said about the feeding schedule. What the hell, woman?”

  “I sent her away.” The doorknob turned and she snarled.

  “Don’t you dare come in here. I am naked and I actually like my privacy now.” She bit out and wrapped a towel around herself.

  True to his nature Zaaren waltzed right in. Tegan tucked the towel into itself to secure the fabric. His gaze scanned her body through her reflection in the mirror. “What happened?”

  “Do I look that bad?” She asked, studying her reflection. The bruise on her face was healing and her back didn’t hurt as much as it did before the shower.

  Zaaren snorted. “Sister of mine, you look like you tried to fight your way out of a gladiatorial match.”

  “Oh come on, I don’t look that bad. And it was only five demons. Give me some credit.” She touched her cheek then walked out of the bathroom to find herself clothes.

  “Demons?” He snarled. “And where was Kaden? He let them get that close to you?”

  She cringed when he mentioned Kaden, a harsh reminder that her demon wasn’t there. “He was taken by them. He went willingly to save my life.”

  “You cannot die, did you not tell him that?” Zaaren’s voice was low.

  “I had a demon cursed knife to my throat, the demon could have taken off my head. We really don’t want to put that one to the test. Now what do you want?”

  Zaaren sighed. “We ne
ed to talk.”

  “I’m not in the mood.” She turned her back to him and dropped the towel.

  “Your back has lacerations all over it.” He traced a hand over her skin. “Glass.”

  She moved away from him and put on a bra before pulling a shirt on. “Yes, display case and probably some butterflies.” She cringed at the thought of those shattering, her brand new one. Her mind flashed on the Father throwing her into the shelf and she shook her head. “The demons played rough.”

  “Had you stayed here last night—“

  “No, I wouldn’t have been safe. The demons took me from here, this room, the night of Renee’s wedding. They would have attacked either way.” She pulled on underwear and a pair of yoga pants. “Now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” She asked, spinning around to face him.

  “The Father.”

  Her heart dropped and her breath disappeared. “What about him?”

  “Lucius said you believed that he might have been raised. You do know that is ludicrous, yes?”

  She took a deep breath and wished she could scream at Lucius for telling her brother, but that reaction wouldn’t get her anywhere. “I have memories of him feeding from me. I would not forget what he feels like. I cannot forget it.”

  “Simply Markus playing with your mind.” Zaaren touched her cheek. “Despite me bringing back your memories, he could have place false ones.”

  “But you would know if he did, wouldn’t you?” At his lack of response her frustration grew. “I don’t have time for this.”

  “Where are you going?” Zaaren grabbed her wrist.

  Anger filled her and she wrenched her arm out of his grasp. “I am going to find a way to save my mate before he gets his head chopped off. Then I’m going to find proof of the Father so that you and Lucius believe me, then if I have time, I’m going to go check on my bar.”

  “Lucius believes you, it is me who does not.”

  The words stopped her and she frowned. “He told me the same thing you did.”

  “He came to me and asked me to be his second in command here, because he is preparing for the Father to try and take over.”


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