Dark War Chronicles Box Set One

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Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Page 70

by A. L. Kessler

  “Do you know them?”

  She shook her head. “Not personally, we ran into a group of vampires in Europe. My mother killed one when I was attacked. I think the head of that group sent these ones after us.”

  Joey pressed his lips together. Now was not the time to ask why she knew about vampires. He needed information first and then he’d focus on her. “Do you know who he was?”

  “I heard one of the vampires call him Markus.” She cringed. “What’s going to happen to me now? I...the cops aren’t going to believe that these men weren’t human. Mom and dad are dead. I have no one left.”

  His heart ached for her. “No out of state relatives?”

  “No.” She started to cry again and Joey wrapped an arm around her.

  “You’re coming to the Hunting Society then. Clearly you already know about the supernatural, and you seem to have a knack for defending yourself.”

  She gave a shaky nod and he squeezed her hand. “We’ll take good care of you. Go ahead and get in the truck while Michael and I finish up.”

  She nodded and went to the cab of the truck and climbed in. Michael walked up. “The sun will deal with the vampires’ bodies, but we still have to worry about her parents.”

  “You were close to this family?” Joey asked and turned back to the gruesome scene.

  “I was. Jack and I joined up as Independent Hunters when I was kicked out of the Society. What I didn’t know then is that Jack comes from a long line of Independent Hunters.”

  Joey sighed. “What do we do?”

  “You take Izzy into the Society and continue her training. We get our people to take care of this mess. She doesn’t have family that I know of, the Society will be good for her.” Michael glanced at her in the car. “She’s got to be devastated, but Jack and Marilyn both knew that this was a possibility.”

  “Did they have a will?”

  Michael snorted. “They did, but I did the research when they wrote it, no one can find a family by the name of DeBeau. And it’s not a name related to her mother or father.”

  “Strange.” Joey shook his head. “Come on, let’s get her back. I’m sure she’s exhausted. Why did you call them anyways?”

  “Because I was supposed to meet with Jack and he didn’t show up.” Michael walked towards the truck

  A meeting in the wee hours of the morning was nothing unusual for Hunters, but Joey didn’t like the feeling Michael gave off.

  “You have a little girl, don’t you? She’d be about Isadora’s age, right?” Joey offered.

  Michael shook his head. “I had a little girl and she would be a few years older. She was killed in a vampire raid, similar to this one.” He got in the truck. “It’s not up for discussion.”

  Joey shrugged and closed the door. He looked back at Isadora curled up on the seat sound asleep.


  Thirteen years later

  Isadora stood outside the door of Joey’s classroom. He’d sent her a summons about her blades test and she had to wonder if she failed. She hated using them and knew her technique needed work. She peeked inside the door and saw him talking with an older Hunter. Judging by the way she held herself while she talked to Joey, Isadora would guess the woman was an Elite. One class above her, probably two to three years older. If Isadora managed to pass her blades test than she would be able to graduate to Elite this month. She opened the door and smiled.

  “You wanted to speak to me about my blades test?”

  Joey nodded. The years had been kind to him. There was no sign of graying in his hair yet, but his eyes always looked tired. “Come in, Isadora. Thank you.”

  The blond Hunter inclined her head and then walked out once Izzy was out of the doorway.

  “You’re nervous and afraid you failed.” Joey stated.

  Izzy growled, “I thought we’d agree that you’d stay out of my head.”

  “I try, but you project so strongly your emotions beat against my shields.” Joey shrugged. “But you worry for nothing, you passed and I’ve submitted your papers for graduation, but you still need to work on your forms. I want you to work with Matthew once a week.”

  “Can’t I meet up with Michael to do it?”

  “No, he’s not allowed on the grounds and until you graduate you are not allowed off grounds without your Elite.” Joey shot back. “Izzy, I know you miss him, but right now it’s not safe for the younger Hunters to wander.”

  “There’ve been more murders.” Izzy stated. “Do we know who is behind them?”

  Joey shrugged. “As far as we know, vampires.” His brows creased and his gaze studied her face. “We don’t know if it’s them, Izzy, don’t even think about it.”

  “Who else would be killing off Hunters? It’s not Lucius’ people, they are always quiet and out of our way. It has to be the Circle.”

  “And even if it is, to go after Markus is not your mission until you are ready to take your Master’s test.”

  Izzy balled her hands into fists. “But if it’s him?”

  “It’s not, the vampires who are doing it are low level scum.”

  “Which is what Markus sent after my family.” She snapped back, anger coursing through her. “If we’re not out there hunting them, who is? Why isn’t the Society taking care of it? They seem to be ignoring the fact that vampires are killing our higher ranked Hunters.”

  Joey rubbed his eyes. “It’s not your concern, Isadora. Go, you’re dismissed. I’m sure you have a couple of assignments to finish up.”

  She did, but silly papers and chapters to be read didn’t measure up to finding out why the Society was letting vampires slaughter their Hunters. “Fine.” Spinning on her heels, she stalked out.

  Four Months Later

  Ayden knew who he had to call. Tegan’s e-mails kept flooding his inbox and the voicemails were starting to get annoying. No one trusted Lucius’ human. She was different, a little odd, and acted as a Keeper to an Original, but had not actually been sanctioned as one. He’d read her emails, telling him that Zaaren had awakened which meant that Nuala should rise soon. Tonight he had found several low level vampires crawling around Nuala’s mausoleum. The activity had increased over the month and now he needed to take action. He pulled out his phone and called the number he had for her.

  The phone picked up and he asked, “Tegan?”

  “Ayden? Why are you calling me? Why haven’t you been answering my e-mails or phone calls?”

  “I’ve been busy,” An understatement and she didn’t know that he’d been avoiding her and Zaaren. “But I have a problem, and I’m hoping you and your master can help.” He kept his voice low. “I know your brother has awakened, maybe he can help us out as well.”

  “What’s up?” She sounded tired and he knew that she had to be working over time trying to reach all the Keepers. They all looked to him instead though and made her job harder

  “We need to move Nuala to America, we need protection. There have been many lesser vampires around her grave and I can’t handle them all.”

  “Have the Circle members been there yet?” Her voice lowered a notch and he wondered where she was that she was worried about being heard. Since it was New Year’s she was probably at a party...no, that couldn’t be, Lucius never let her leave his sight.

  And why would the Circle have been involved? He hadn’t seen any of the Circle’s lackeys, but maybe they didn’t think the location of an Original would be worth anything but a low level vampire job. “No, they haven’t been bothering us, but I can only imagine that is why these vampires are snooping around. What the hell is going on?”

  “The Father has awakened. I think they are trying to take out the Originals so that he can’t be put back in his grave.”

  His heart jumped. No, it couldn’t be. “That’s not possible.”

  “Yes, it is, I’ve seen him with my own eyes. Ayden, you need to be careful. Is there anyone there that can help you protect the crypt until Lucius can make arrangements?”

his changed everything. He needed to get ahold of Michael and see if there were still any Independent Hunters in the UK that could help him and the others. “I think I have some friends who can help. Please call me when Lucius has made arrangements. Make it quick, though, I want her moved as soon as possible.” Certainly Zaaren and Lucius would see the need to move Nuala.

  “Of course. Please tell the others to update me. I know they don’t trust me...”

  “But we have no choice right now. Thank you, Tegan.” He disconnected and cursed. They never expected that monster to be raised. He created all vampires and wanted to rule the human world. Too much death, torture, and hell followed. The Original vampires made the choice to lock the Father away, taking his soul, trapping him in a crypt and leaving him to rot. Ayden couldn’t believe he had awoken, as far as the Keepers knew three things were needed to raise the Father: his soul, a human of his flesh and blood, and a Blood Human to feed his blood lust. Clearly, the Originals’ plan failed somewhere.

  He picked up the phone again and dialed Michael’s number. “I know it’s been a long time,” he started before Michael could speak. “And I am still sorry about what happened with your wife and your daughter, but I need your help.”

  “What could you possibly need our help with? My family died because you refused to come to our aid.”

  Guilt hit Ayden. “I didn’t refuse, I couldn’t. There were complicated rules and situations. Please, Michael. The Father has been woken and I need help protecting Nuala.”

  “The Father is a myth.”

  “No more a myth than the Originals are. I’ve been having hordes of low level vampires attacking Nuala’s resting place.”

  “Not my problem.”

  “Damn it Michael, I need someone out here to help.” Ayden snarled. “I have rules I must follow, you know that’s why I couldn’t come to your aid.”

  “Wouldn’t. Just like you wouldn’t help the Sidels while they were out there and attacked by Markus’ people.”

  Ayden took a deep breath. “Fine.” He hung up and cursed. What the hell was he going to do about this? No help, nothing. Crap.


  Two weeks later

  Lucius had sent two panther shifters to help. It was a disaster but at last Nuala was safe and sound inside a new grave on Lucius’ property. She still showed no signs of waking and the Father was starting to kill vampires who opposed him. Not only vampires were showing up dead, but Hunters, innocent humans, and shifters in every territory. The war was building again and getting out of control. The Originals needed to wake, Nuala included.

  “I have a mission for you.” Zaaren’s voice startled Ayden.

  He sighed. “What do you want, Z?”

  “Don’t give me that tone, you’ve disrespected me and my sister since you’ve gotten here.”

  Ayden snorted. “Do you think that maybe it’s because you two caused all this?” He spun and faced the vampire. His white hair and red eyes were a constant reminder that he was not normal. No vampire or human held those traits naturally, but the reasoning behind it all had been kept secret.

  “We did not cause the war.”

  “You entrusted a fledgling vampire with the stone and let the blood human live when you found her in the Father’s house.” Ayden snapped. “You might not have caused the war but you are why it escalated.”

  “Blood Humans cannot be killed—“

  “Except by fire. Should have burnt the Father’s home with her in it.”

  “That is none of your business. How would you feel if we’d asked you to kill your own sister?” Zaaren growled. “Now, back to your mission. Until Nuala rises you are to listen to me. You’re still acting as an Independent Hunter, yes?”

  Ayden tried not to roll his eyes. He hunted for Nuala, under her orders and the targets that she chose, but since she’d been sleeping he’d been working with the Hunters in the UK, helping them in their missions to clean up the mess of the Father waking. “Yes.”

  “I need you to watch over a human Hunter, there is something not right with her next mission and I want her to have extra hands there.”

  Ayden raised a brow. “And who is going to watch over Nuala?”

  “Lucius’ people have been tasked with helping to ensure Nuala’s protection.”

  Yes, because they had done so well with the soul stone. Ayden shook his head. “I’m not a baby sitter.”

  “Do you know the Hunter family of Sidel?”

  Ayden flinched. “Yes.” He hadn’t been able to come to their aid and they almost lost their child to Markus. “Last I heard they moved to the states.”

  “Thirteen years ago Jack and Marilyn were slaughtered and their daughter taken to the Hunting Society.”

  Grief hit Ayden. He’d known the family for centuries, they were great Hunters. “I had no idea. I know they had a run-in with Markus’ people in Europe, but I had no idea they had trouble here.”

  “Their daughter is being sent to Florida to investigate increased activity there.”

  “She’s barely old enough to be an Elite at this point.” Ayden frowned. “She shouldn’t be sent on out of state missions.”

  “Exactly, they are sending her alone. No Master.”

  “How do you know this and why is she your concern?” Ayden laughed. “You’re not fond of humans.”

  “I’m not fond of vampires either. How is it that Tegan puts it? I don’t discriminate, I hate everyone?”

  Ayden shook his head. “She’s been reading too many bumper stickers.”

  “You need to leave tonight, Isadora’s driving and she left yesterday. You’ll need time to set up. I will make sure Nuala is taken care of.” Zaaren sighed. “If she shows a sign of waking I will call you back here or have my sister feed her.”

  Ayden nodded. “Tegan hates feeding anyone. It’d be best to call me back, not to mention that Nuala will be looking for me. What am I supposed to do while I’m in Florida with Isadora?”

  “Protect her from whatever the society is trying to do to her. She’s under a Master by the name of Isaac. That’s all I know about her life there.” Zaaren shrugged. “I feel like she’s walking into a trap.”

  Ayden wondered if Zaaren was keeping information from him, but protecting a Hunter shouldn’t be a problem. “You think the Society would do such a thing?”

  “I think the Society has many other problems than we want to admit. They have Elites showing up dead left and right and not all of them are new like Isadora.”

  Ayden shook his head. “Sounds like they’ve been pulled into the war. How many dead?”

  “In our local branch? Five.”

  For Hunters it was a pretty high death rate for the Elite Rank. “I’ll catch the first flight to Florida.”

  “Thank you Ayden, this means a lot to me.” For the first time Ayden heard emotion in Zaaren’s voice.

  “Z, you want to tell me what this is all about? Why you are sending me off to protect a Hunter?” No one knew much about the vampire’s past. They knew he was overly attached to his sister and at one point had worked directly with the Father, but he’d been the one to put the plans together to lock the Father away.

  “No, I don’t. I will just tell you that I owe her family a debt.” He spun to leave and Ayden growled. Keeping secrets during a time of war wasn’t going to do anyone any good. “Maybe you should focus on the family you have around you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’ve seen the way Tegan looks at you. How you never call her by her name. You treat her as less than human.” Ayden started walking away from the mausoleum. Zaaren said nothing nor did he follow. Ayden didn’t trust either Tegan or Zaaren, the pair held too many secrets. They had hidden what Tegan was most of the time he’d known her, now she seemed almost normal.

  Now was not the time to focus on her. Ayden needed to get his head on straight and make up for not being able to help the Sidels before. He needed to protect Isadora.

  Izzy sat in he
r hotel room, papers spread all over her bed. She’d made copies of the articles detailing the disappearances. She’d tracked them from Colorado across to Florida. Each one was in the same age group and had disappeared at clubs. Her gut told her there was something about the pattern she saw, so she presented it to Isaac and he told her to follow it. The search led her to a club in Florida. The latest disappearance was a week ago, each city had three disappearances, and Florida had two already.

  She hoped her plan would work. She gathered up her papers and put them back in her laptop bag. It was time to get ready. She dressed in tight black leather pants and a black halter top with a plunging neckline. The waist of the shirt was loose enough to hide the gun at her back. She hid knives in her knee high boots and headed out. The weapons were only a precaution but her plan was to find out if anyone at the club knew about the disappearances.

  Pulling up to the club, she studied the people going in. Most of them dressed in black and went in in pairs; there were a few single stragglers who wandered in. From the outside she couldn’t see anything different, but the hairs rose on the back of her neck. Magic. If her parents had taught her anything before their death it was that most establishments that drew crowds were owned by supernatural creatures, it was why they’d lived in the country.

  She took a deep breath and touched the butt of her gun. She would be safe, she could handle this, but she found herself wishing she’d told Joey or Michael where she was going.

  The crowd flowed with the loud music. The sound of some decent local band blared through the small space. A hand curved over her shoulder, squeezing just enough to get her attention.

  “Nice tattoo. Why don’t you come outside with me without making a scene.” The voice whispered in her ear.

  She’d purposely left the Hunter tattoo exposed, hoping to attract a low level vampire she could get information out of. Every Hunter was taught how to interrogate a vampire. Turning, she put her best smile on. “I’d be happy to go outside. I have some questions to ask.”

  His black eyes met hers and he flashed fangs when he grinned. “I’m sure you do, little Hunter.” He led her through the crowd and into the alleyway behind the club.


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