Whirlwind Romance

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Whirlwind Romance Page 16

by Kris Bryant

  “Not even a tiny tornado swirling around our school logo?” I ask.

  “New subject.” She’s serious. I might just have to create something for myself. I hold my hands up signaling my surrender.

  “Okay, okay. You win. No matching T-shirts. I might get Maddox a collar though.” He perks up when he hears his name. “Yes, we get to go out next year, are you excited?” His tail thumps.

  “I need to get going. James is anxious to celebrate tonight,” Hunter says. “Come on, I’ll help you clean.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I have a lot of nervous energy to expel. Cleaning is next on my list. I’ll be doing it all day tomorrow.” I hope Kate likes the house. I’ve poured a lot of my heart and soul into it. “I’ll call you Sunday at high noon.” Hunter hugs me and heads home. Maddox and I hang around the fire a little bit longer and enjoy the chilly night air and the bright stars. What a crazy week this has been.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  I’m pacing and looking out the window every minute. Maddox is starting to follow me. He thinks it’s a game. I’ve been watching the clock all day. Kate is due in ten minutes and I’ve worked myself into a bundle of nervous energy waiting for her. The second I sit down, I see headlights pull into the drive. I wait until I hear a car door close before I open the door. Maddox bolts outside via the doggy door and is dancing around Kate.

  “Four paws down, Maddox,” I say, pointing at the floor. He immediately settles down and stops jumping. Kate is holding a light jacket and a bottle of wine high up in the air to avoid Maddox’s onslaught of attention. “I’m sorry. He’s very excited to see you.” She smiles and heads toward the stairs. I’m mesmerized by her. She’s wearing a fitted wool dress and knee high leather boots. Her hair is pulled up and back, tendrils hanging down. I look like I’m headed to the grocery store in my jeans and black sweater.

  “Can I come in?” She asks. I’ve been so busy staring at her, I’ve completely forgotten my manners.

  “Oh, my God, yes. Come on in.” I retreat back inside with Kate right behind me. She’s tall in those boots and I’m trying hard not to think about her legs or how badly I want to touch them again.

  “This is an incredible house, Tristan,” she says. I watch her as she looks around, appreciating all of my hard work. I can’t help but smile.

  “Now you know what I do when I’m not working or chasing.” We smile at one another. I reach out to take the wine and her jacket. “I’ll give you a quick tour of the place. We have a few minutes before dinner is ready.” I cheated and ordered food from a very nice restaurant in town, but I did make the bread and it still has a few minutes to bake.

  She loves the ornate woodwork and I watch as she touches everything. “Did you carve all of this?” she asks. There is surprise in her voice and as much as I want to take the credit, I don’t.

  “No. A lot of the woodwork is from a torn down theatre from the university. I just repurposed it. I cleaned, sanded and stained the handrails, chair rails, and moldings. Some of it is rather fancy, but I think it works.” She laughs and nods.

  “Definitely. I think it’s great.” She follows me around, truly appreciating my house. I’m bursting with pride. I’m a little hesitant to go upstairs because the bedrooms are all up there, but she continues the tour without me and I’m forced to follow. The view is definitely nice as we climb the stairs. I’m itching to touch her curves again, but I keep my hand on the railings. At the top of the stairs, I tell her to turn left and we peek into the three bedrooms and one bathroom on that side. “What’s behind this door?” I stop her before she opens it. She smiles at me. “What is it, Tris?”

  “I’m saving this for last. You’ll see.” I steer her to the right and show her my office and the master suite.

  “Your bedroom is beautiful,” she says. I watch her run her hands over the bedposts and across my bedspread as she heads toward the windows. “I can understand why you spend all of your spare time at home. It’s fantastic.”

  “I appreciate it more and more the longer I’m on the road, trust me.” I love that Kate gets to see this side of me. Not too many people do. My phone beeps and I look down. It’s the timer. “I have to get the bread out. Let me run downstairs real quick and get it out of the oven.” I slip past her and head down the stairs. I’m a little nervous about leaving her in my bedroom. That’s my personal space and Kate and I are just starting to get used to one another again. Not that I think she is going through my panty drawer or that I will find her naked on my bed, but again, she’s learning a lot about me and I have yet to break through all of her walls.

  The food is ready, but I want to show Kate what’s behind the secret door before we come back downstairs. I take the steps two at a time, anxious to get back to her. I watch as she holds up my silver necklace, gently holding it as she tries to read the inscription on the flower pendant.

  “My grandmother gave me that when I was a little girl. It means blossom in Cherokee,” I say. She hands it to me.

  “It’s beautiful. You should wear it.”

  I laugh. “She gave it to me on my tenth birthday. It hasn’t matched anything in my wardrobe in fifteen years.”

  “Well, I like it.” She watches as I put it into the jewelry box. “You have quite a bit of jewelry.” She sounds surprised.

  “I told you I’m not a Neanderthal the rest of the year. You actually got to know me at my worst. Or best, depending on how you look at it.” She’s very close to me. Her eyes drop to my mouth. I find myself leaning toward her and pull gently back. Now is not the time. “Are you ready to see the best part of the house?” She nods and I take her hand to guide her back out to the mysterious door. I don’t know why I reached out for her hand, but I’m glad that I did because I like her warmth against me. I’ve missed her. She’s even closer to me because we’re holding hands. I don’t want to let go. We reach the door and I turn around to face her. She is so close to me. I can see her pupils dilate. I don’t think I’m going to be able to keep my hands off of her tonight. I can feel my resolve slipping and the need for her to be naked in my arms growing. I know that if we start kissing, we will end up a pile of hot sex right here on the floor and I don’t want that. Or so I keep telling myself.

  “I’m not done with this yet, but I’m sure you will understand where I’m going with it.” I reluctantly drop her hand and open the door. There are a dozen steps leading up and I motion for Kate to enter. I flip on the light switch and follow her up.

  “This is amazing.” She stands in the middle of the loft and slowly turns. I’ve created a solitude room with comfy chaise lounges and old bookcases full of all types of books. The ceiling is slanted and the room isn’t symmetrical, but it’s a great private room with windows that let in a ton of light during the day. “This is the attic?”

  “No. The attic is next door.” I point to the wall to our north. “This was part of it at one time, but the previous owner did most of the work. I just finalized it all. I found these incredible bookshelves and decided this would be my sanctuary. I’m not a reader, but I’m a napper and this is a great place to be when it’s raining.”

  “It’s fantastic. I would be up here every day. You know how much I like to read. And I would write in my journal up here.”

  “Is that what your notebook is? A journal? I didn’t know if you were writing or drawing or just taking notes in it.”

  She looks shyly at me. “It’s a great way for me to get my feelings out when I can’t say them. I’m trying to do better. Now that I’m with my family more, I’m better at communicating. I don’t need my journal as much.” I’m happy for her, but sad that she needed a journal in order to communicate.

  “Well, I can see a difference.” I realize I really do notice a big change in her. She’s friendlier, talks more, and seems happier. “Let’s get down to the kitchen. I’m getting hungry. I know, I know, no surprise there.” She laughs and we head back downstairs. She helps me bring the food to the table and raises her eyebrow at
me when she notices the take out boxes.

  “I’m not a good cook. I can grill but since the weather is iffy tonight, I decided dry inside is better than cold and wet out there. You’ll like it. It’s healthy, except for the bread. I did bake that from scratch though.” I can bake. I actually love to bake.

  “It smells great. I’ll even have some bread since you made it yourself,” she says. I pour the wine as she settles into the chair. “I’ll skip the butter though.” I look at her like she’s crazy. Who skips butter on fresh, hot homemade bread? I shake my head at her. She laughs.

  “So do you cook every night at home?” I ask.

  “No. It’s hard to just cook for myself. I might bake chicken and have it twenty different ways throughout the week. That’s usually how I spend my Sundays.”

  “You should be watching football on Sundays. And Saturdays, too. I’m a complete loaf during the winter. At least this winter I’ll work on the basement. I need to hang more sheetrock before I do the finishing touches.”

  “Do you have a separate storm shelter or just the basement?” Kate asks.

  “I have a five by eight storm shelter under the front porch. It’s made of concrete and is perfect for bad weather. The rest of the basement is kind of a playground. I have a pool table, dart board, big television, and a small bar. By spring, it will be done and ready for guests. Right now, it’s pretty rough.”

  “I’m glad you have a storm shelter. It has to be scary being far away from neighbors,” she says.

  “It’s not too bad. My neighbors are friendly and we always help out when there’s a problem. Plus, I have Maddox and a few shotguns around here. I’m not worried about people. I’m more worried about wild animals,” I say.

  “I was thinking that when I saw Maddox’s doggy door. Do you ever have unwanted guests?”

  I laugh. “One time, when Maddox was still a puppy, a raccoon crawled in and Maddox thought it was for him to play with. He couldn’t understand why I was screaming and why the raccoon was hissing. It took forever to get the raccoon out of here.”

  “I can’t wait until I get my own place and I can have pets. I did have a kitty growing up, but she ran away. You have the perfect set up here. The house is back away from the road and you have land where Maddox can run around and be a dog,” she says.

  “You can always get another kitty. They are pretty easy and don’t mind the indoors,” I say. Our conversation changes smoothly from topic to topic and I find Kate absolutely charming. She’s very quick witted and I admire her intelligence. I grab another bottle of wine from the rack.

  “I should stop. I need to drive home tonight,” Kate says.

  “Well, it’s raining harder so I don’t think you are going anywhere tonight,” I say. The look she gives me makes me almost drop the bottle. “I mean, I have so many extra bedrooms and you’re more than welcome to one.” I don’t tell her that I ran out and bought an extra toothbrush, razor, and new towels just in case she did decide to stay. I grab my phone and show her Doppler. “See? It’s not letting up anytime soon. I’d rather you stay put.” I’m leaning over her as we look at the screen. She smells like flowers and vanilla and it’s so hard not to touch her.

  “Okay, if you don’t mind,” she says.

  “Not at all. So, hand me your glass and let’s go sit in the living room.” I allow her to sit where she wants and I put my glass on the table beside hers. I head over to the fireplace and start a fire. I know she is watching me and I’m nervous, but I want her to look at me. I want her to talk about us, bring up our past and talk about a future. She’s being so patient with me and sometimes I think maybe we’re just going to be friends, but then she gives me a look that shakes me to my core. I’m so confused.

  “I love fires. Thank you. This is a nice night,” she says. I smile as she hands me my wine. I leave a gap between us and Maddox takes the opportunity to jump on the couch between us.

  “Get down, boy.” He’s already fallen out on the couch with his paws in the air. Kate’s rubbing his chest and whispering to him. I’m jealous of him right now. I have a nice fire going, had a great meal, and that should be my head in Kate’s lap, not his. I sigh. Lucky dog.

  “I can get him down if you want,” Kate says. She looks sad so I let him stay on the couch. I’ll just sulk for a bit. I have all night to figure out if I’m going to make a move or not.

  “We can watch a movie if you want,” I say.

  “Or we can just sit here and talk,” she says.

  I smile at her. “That’s a better idea.” We slip into a conversation about movies. I’m surprised to find out that she hasn’t seen a movie in the theatre in years.

  “I’m glad you’re working on your relationship with your family. It seems like you’ve had it rough without them. I told Hunter I thought you had an old soul, but now I think you were just lost for a bit.” She smiles at me and I panic when I see tears in her eyes. “Oh, Kate. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, really. It’s just that I’m figuring things out about you and it’s nice getting to know you. Please don’t cry.” She laughs, her way of alleviating the tension she’s feeling.

  “I’m sorry I’m emotional right now. I’m overwhelmed with good feelings. My family, you, Maddox. It’s nice and it’s just been so long since I’ve reciprocated any feelings. I sometimes just don’t know what to do but cry.” I want to hug her right now, but I can’t because the beast is between us. Instead, I hold my glass up to give her a toast. “To you and new beginnings.”

  “Here’s to second chances,” she says and clinks my glass. We fall into a comfortable silence. “So, does Maddox go outside when it’s raining like this?”

  “He has no choice. I know he’s prolonging it because he knows he has to stay in the mud room until he’s dry. He’s got it too good right now. I wouldn’t want to leave either.” Kate looks at me in surprise and I freeze. I can’t believe I just said that. I begin back peddling. “I mean, he’s pretty comfortable and happy.” I decide to shut up. I can’t get out of this one so I just ride it out. “So, what are your plans for the rest of the weekend?” Thankfully, she allows the change of topic.

  “Well, it won’t be watching football.” I laugh at that. “I have some school work to do and then I’m not sure what else. What about you?”

  “I’m going to work on the basement while football is on. We’re kind of rained in this weekend and I need to get away from everybody. This has been a rough, but exciting week.” I suddenly remember about the anonymous donation, but I’m a little hesitant to bring up school funds. This is such a nice night so I skip over it.

  “I can still go if you want to be alone,” she says. I watch her lean over Maddox’s head and put her glass on the table. She pulls a clip out of her hair. I watch as the pile of beautiful hair falls softly down her back. “I was starting to get a headache with it pulled up.”

  “You have such beautiful, soft hair.” Crap. I think the wine has dissolved my filter. I, too, put my glass down. “I’ve always wanted long hair, but I get so impatient. This is the longest I’ve had it and it’s not that long.” At least my ponytail is longer than it was during the summer. My hair is just past my shoulders now. Kate’s is halfway down her back.

  “You have thick hair and it looks nice straight. I have to curl my hair if I leave it down. That’s why during the summer you always saw me with it pulled back somehow.” She looks completely relaxed right now. Her arm is on the back of the couch, her body angled toward me with her beautiful legs crossed. I can’t help but look at her. She’s beautiful. I need Maddox to get off of the couch. I play it off by looking at my watch.

  “It’s getting late. Come on, Maddox. Time to go outside one last time.” He’s not happy with me. He ignores me until I snap my fingers. He slowly slides off the couch and I march him to the mud room and point to his doggy door. “The sooner you go, the sooner you can be back.” He slowly slips through the door and I hit the kitchen to clean up.

  “Do you want
my help?” Kate stands in front of me and I almost reach out to her, momentarily forgetting we aren’t there yet.

  “Thanks, but no. It will only take a few minutes. I have to dry Maddox off so I didn’t want to sit back down. Go enjoy the fire. I’ll be there in a minute.” I watch her walk back over to the couch, enjoying the slight sway of her hips and the tightness of her dress. This is going to be a tough night for me.


  “What is it about midnight and us?” I say. The clock above the mantel softly chimes twelve times. “Come on. Let’s go upstairs before we both fall asleep very uncomfortably on this couch. Find a bedroom upstairs you want while I lock up and turn off lights. Maddox, go with Kate.” He happily obliges and trots off with her. This is the awkward part of the night. Good nights are tough. I find Kate in the bedroom closest to the master bedroom. “Let me find you something to wear.” I head to my closet and dig around for pajamas.

  “It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. I’ll take a T-shirt.” I jump and turn around, surprised that she’s in my closet.

  “You scared me.” My heart is pounding because I was startled, but now it’s because she’s so close to me. She is barefoot, but still wearing her dress.

  “I didn’t mean to. I wanted to let you know that I’ll be fine in just a T-shirt.” She’s close enough that I can see the flecks of brown in her blue eyes. I slowly back away and grab the first T-shirt I find. I also give her a pair of boxers and warm socks.

  “Just in case you get cold.” I put the stack of clothes between us. She has no choice but to take it. “I also put out a toothbrush and fresh towels in the bathroom. Just let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Can Maddox sleep with me?” Really? Maddox?

  “Sure, but know he’s a bed hog,” I say.

  She smiles and her eyes drop down to my mouth. I automatically lick my lips. “Thanks for a very nice evening,” she says. She doesn’t move. I’m trapped in my closet. This is about to get uncomfortable unless I push past her or cave into my desire and kiss her. Just when I’m ready to make my move, she walks out of the closet. I shake my head at my own indecisiveness. She was right in front of me, in my personal space, and I just stood there like an idiot. I sigh and walk out of the closet. She’s not in my room anymore. I fall on my bed. This is so hard.


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