Whirlwind Romance

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Whirlwind Romance Page 18

by Kris Bryant

  “We will talk about it tomorrow at work, okay? Let me have these last few hours with Kate. I promise I will tell you everything.” Hunter grunts something and then hangs up. I don’t blame her for being mad at me. I would have done the same thing if I was in her shoes.

  I look at Doppler and walk into the kitchen. “What time is your first class tomorrow?”

  “At nine. Why?” Kate asks.

  “Well, it’s going to start raining again within the next hour and end about eleven tonight. You could stay and just leave early in the morning. I have to be at school by seven thirty so I have to get up early.” I look up at her. I think for a minute I’m being too pushy, but she agrees.

  “No, that’s a great idea. If you don’t mind.”

  I smile at her. “I can help you with your homework if you want.”

  “I do need to work on that for a bit. I’d love your help. It’s about global warming and the effect it has, if at all, on natural disasters.” I roll my eyes at her and fake yawn. She laughs.

  “Yeah, I know it sounds awful and overdone, but I have a different twist on it.” Kate’s very smart and I’m excited because I know she will challenge me. I’m sure her research will blow me away. There’s nothing sexier than a smart woman.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  “Drink this on the road. It’s loaded with yummy caffeine and will keep you awake. Text me when you get home safely. I’ll be in class, but I’ll have my phone out on my desk, okay?” I’ve walked Kate to her car and I’m trying to let her go, but I’m having a hard time. I pull her close to me for another kiss.

  “I’m never going to get to class on time if you keep kissing me.” She leans into me for another kiss.

  “Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s enjoying this,” I say. I kiss her one last time and take a step back. She finally slips inside her SUV. It’s very nice, the newest model. “I didn’t pay attention to your car before. This is gorgeous.” It’s the perfect model for chasing.

  “Since my accident, my dad has been pretty insistent on my safety. He junked my Honda when I was in the hospital and got this for me instead. It’s one of the safest,” she says.

  “It’s one of the nicest,” I say. “I need to think about this for an upgrade. Oh, did I tell you that we received an anonymous donation a few days ago? Dr. Williams is asking me to budget it.” I keep my tone light so she won’t fixate on it.

  “That’s great. All of your hard work paid off.” She frowns and I stop her.

  “Don’t think about it. Go. Get on the road. I’ll talk to you tonight,” I say. I tap the top of the car and she slowly pulls away. I stand in the driveway and watch until her car disappears over the hill. Best weekend ever.


  “I forgive you, but I want all the details right now,” Hunter says. She shuts the door and plops down in my guest chair. I look up from grading quizzes and smile at her. “Ah-ha! That good, huh?”

  “It was fantastic. She stayed the whole weekend and it was really nice. We talked, we cried, we had incredible sex, we slept, we ate, we had incredible sex. It was perfect.”

  “That’s great. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Me, too. I think it’s going to work. So, have you thought about the funds?” I try to change the subject, but Hunter’s smart.

  “No, you aren’t getting off that easy. Details,” she says. I sigh and give her a play by play account of the entire weekend, minus the sex. I brush over that because she doesn’t need to know everything.

  “So when she crawled into bed with you half naked you didn’t do anything?”

  “She was genuinely scared. She was shaking. You were there when she got hurt. You saw what happened. I’d be scared if that happened to me, too.”

  She nods in understanding. “Do you think she’ll chase again?”

  “She graduates in December so if she does, it won’t be with OSU,” I say.

  “Maybe she’ll want to come out with us,” Hunter says. Interesting point.

  “Maybe. Okay, now can we talk about the money?” I know that the funds are legit because Dr. Williams left a message for me first thing this morning. We have a meeting scheduled for Wednesday.

  Hunter and I decide to split the money into funds for the next two seasons. The equipment upgrades won’t be too much. The insurance already covered the SUV so we have that money to buy another vehicle. We decide to stick with the same model. After seeing OSU’s vehicle get slaughtered, it doesn’t make sense to plug a lot of money into a car that is no match for Mother Nature. After about an hour and several lists later, we have our final decision and I’m excited to share it with Dr. Williams.

  “And this will at least keep you here for the next couple of years,” I say.

  “Thank God because I don’t want to work for the news,” Hunter says.

  “Hey, why don’t you work on your graduate degree? You know you have a job for at least the next two years here. After you’re done, you can teach here during off season, or somewhere close by.” I’m excited. Hunter would be a great teacher. She chews on the inside of her cheek so I know she is mulling over the idea.

  “That’s not a bad idea. As a matter of fact, that’s a great idea. And if OU doesn’t have a place for me, then somebody else will,” she says. I’m not keen on the idea of losing Hunter, but I wouldn’t want to hold her back either.

  “Go talk to Nadine and she’ll help you plan classes and stuff,” I say. Nadine is the staff counselor. She helped me with my schedule several years ago. “She’s great and she’ll tell you if it’s doable or not.” Hunter stands and scoops me up in a bear hug.

  “You’re awesome. Thanks. Now, get back to work.” I laugh at her enthusiasm and focus my attention back on grading quizzes when she leaves. My phone beeps.

  Thanks again for an incredible weekend.

  I smile and notice the time.

  Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in class? Why are you texting?

  It’s all stuff I already know.

  Trust me your teacher knows what you’re doing. We know everything.

  Maybe that will scare her into paying attention. My phone doesn’t beep for a while and I think we are done.

  I liked waking up with you.

  That melts my heart.

  I liked you touching me. I liked touching you.

  I sit up straight and look around. I don’t know why because I’m alone in my office with the door shut. Nobody can see me or read my texts.

  I liked it too. I already miss you.

  I try to keep it somewhat light. We’re too fresh for me to bare my soul to her. All in good time.

  When will I see you again?

  This weekend for sure. I can come down or you can come up.

  Your house is bigger. More space for Maddox. Can I come up there?

  And I melt some more. She’s worried about Maddox’s comfort. I don’t know of another single person who would care except Hunter.

  Sounds great. Now go focus so I can too.

  She sends me a smiley face. It makes me smile the rest of the day. I’m falling for Kate. This time I’m going to keep falling until I see where I land.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “I want you to meet my family,” Kate says. It’s a cold Saturday night and we’re snuggled on my couch, enjoying the warmth of the fire and each other’s company. We’ve been together officially a month now. It’s been perfect.

  “Okay.” I’m slow to answer her and she seems concerned.

  “Do you not want to?” she asks.

  “Oh, I do. I just want to make sure they are okay with us. That they know we’re girlfriends. Is that going to freak them out or anything?”

  “They’ll be fine. They’re getting better with everything. Even my dad asked about you,” she says. Begrudgingly, I’m sure. She threads her fingers through mine and tugs on my hand trying to get me to make a decision.

  “When?” I ask. She smiles at me.

  “How about next weekend? I
can cook dinner at my dad’s house and we can all sit down to a nice meal and good conversation.” I’m skeptical only because I know her little sister still isn’t completely on board about Kate being a lesbian. Teenagers aren’t afraid of being vocal and, apparently, she’s got a great set of lungs.

  “Can I bring Maddox?”

  “Of course. I was planning on you bringing him anyway. My sister is a complete dog lover and he will only help us out.”

  “Okay, we can do it, but at the first sign of trouble, Maddox and I are gone. I’m not going to screw your family life up. You’ve done so much to repair the relationship and I’ll hate myself if it goes bad.”

  She kisses my hand softly. “It will be fine. They will love you, I promise.” I’m not convinced, but I nod. There’s no sense in getting upset over something that hasn’t happened yet. I know her relationship with them is still tender, but getting stronger by the day.

  “So let’s go over everybody. I know Gary, he’s nineteen and a freshman at OSU. He’s on the football team and really into science and gaming. Basically, he’s a typical guy. Annabeth is sixteen, popular, likes sports, plans to be a veterinarian, and hates all adults. Your father is a business man. He likes rock climbing, cooking shows, and buying his kids expensive cars.” Kate tickles me until I yelp. “It’s true. He got you a Mercedes, your brother got a Jeep Cherokee, and your sister is getting a Ford Escape. All great cars, all expensive.”

  “He’s just making sure his children are safe. I got the nicer car because I’m older and I haven’t been a financial burden on him for the last six years.”

  “My first car was a piece of shit. We called her P.I.T.A. She was always breaking down. My parents would get calls from my friends saying they saw me pushing it on this or that highway. I walked more than I drove in high school,” I say.

  “Why P.I.T.A.? Was she a hatchback and shaped funny?” Kate asks.

  I bust out laughing. “P.I.T.A. stands for Pain In The Ass. Rightfully so, I promise. Now, I’m very sensitive about my cars and cycle them every two years. The only time I need Triple A is when Hunter and I are chasing.”

  Kate tells me about her first car and I sit there and just stare at her.

  “Why are you smiling at me?” she asks.

  “This is great. I’m getting to know you better. It’s nice that you’re opening up to me. This is what I was missing before with you,” I say.

  “New beginnings. The old me isn’t around anymore.” I nod my head. That Kate is gone.

  “I like this Kate. I really do.” Kate and I have been together every weekend for the last four weeks and we have yet to watch TV except for the Weather Channel. That’s background music for us. We’ve worked on school work together. We’ve cooked meals, sanded and painted the basement, taken long drives into the country with Maddox, and worked on us as a couple. It’s never boring with her. A part of me is worried that the long distance thing will weigh on us eventually. We haven’t talked about what happens after she graduates. I know that she’s been working on her resume. I don’t know if she’s going to try to get a job with OSU or what. I’m almost afraid to open that door.

  “Agreed. I never knew it could be like this, you know? Not that I want to bring up other relationships, but this is my first real, mature relationship where we talk things out and do more than just…” She stops short before she incriminates herself. I lift my eyebrow at her. “Well, you know what I mean.” Knowing how sexual Kate is, I can only imagine how she was with other, younger lovers. I try to not think about it. I kiss her temple instead.

  “It’s getting late. Let me put out this fire and let’s go to bed.” I’m sleepy so sex might have to wait until morning. Kate and Maddox head upstairs while I lock up and clear away our wineglasses and snacks.

  Kate is in the bathroom when I head upstairs. Maddox is down on his bed, curled up, snoring softly. I head to the closet for boxers and a T-shirt and almost fall asleep putting them on. I’m crawling into bed when Kate comes out of the bathroom. She is wearing a pale blue lingerie set with strategically placed lace and sheer fabric. Suddenly sleep isn’t important. I reach out, anxious to feel her soft skin under my fingertips and taste her sweetness again.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  I look at the address that Kate texted me earlier and look at the house in front of me. I do that a few times before it dawns on me that I’m at the right place and this mansion in front of me is her family’s house. I whistle low and Maddox perks up. Suddenly, I wish I was wearing something a little bit nicer than slacks and a scoop neck sweater. Kate and I would have driven together, but I had to stay in Norman and teach a cluster course today. The instructor has the flu and they asked me to step in. Great opportunity, crappy timing. I send Kate a text that we’re here. I don’t get out of the car until I see the front door open and Kate’s head pop out, looking for us. I’m in disbelief that this is her place. She waves us in and Maddox and I get out of the car.

  “You made it. Perfect timing.” She gives me a hug and a brief kiss on the lips. I have a bottle of wine for the adults and sparkling cider for the teens. That’s either going to be a hit or they are going to think I’m a total loser.

  “You never told me you’re rich. Like million dollar house, rich.”

  She looks startled and confused. “Why does it matter?”

  “It doesn’t, but I would have dressed nicer.”

  She kisses me again. “You look fantastic. Come on in and meet everybody.” I make Maddox heel until the proper introductions are made. I wring my hands together until Kate reaches out and locks my fingers with hers, stopping my nervous habit. We reach the kitchen where I can see three heads watching a football game on television in the hearth room. “Tris and Maddox are here everybody.” I’m greeted with relatively friendly hellos. Gary is the first to approach us.

  “Tristan, it’s good to see you again. Thank you for coming.” He gives me a brief hug. Maybe this won’t be terrible.

  “It’s good to see you again, Gary.”

  I watch Maddox walk into the hearth room and find Annabeth immediately. He nudges her and within a few moments, he has fallen in her lap and she is rubbing his chest as if they have been best friends forever.

  “And that attention hog is Maddox,” I say, introducing Maddox who has no interest in anybody but Annabeth.

  “Kate told us about him. Come here, boy,” Gary says. He pats his leg and Maddox looks at him like he’s crazy. That gets Annabeth to giggle.

  “Your charms aren’t working on him. He wants to be with me,” Annabeth says. She waves hi to me. Not super friendly, but I’ll take it. Kate lifts her eyebrows at me. Apparently, that’s better than she expected, too. Ben is hanging back watching us. I’m trying not to notice, but I’m keeping my distance from Kate in case I reach for her out of habit. Their relationship is too fresh for me to ruin with a simple touch. I stay focused on Maddox because it’s easy and he’s the tension breaker in the room.

  “Once he’s found his soul mate in the room, it’s hard to drag him away.” That makes Annabeth smile even wider. So far so good. I leave Maddox with the teens and head back into the kitchen. Kate smiles at me. She looks great and relaxed.

  “Would you like a drink, Tristan?” Ben asks. He has finally found his way into the kitchen with us.

  “A glass of ice water would be great.” He hands me a glass and I try hard not to shake when I take it from him. I nod my thanks and he leaves the room.

  “What are you cooking, Kate?” I walk over to her, happy to see her and be near her again.

  “Vegetable lasagna, dinner salad, and bread. Simple, easy, good,” she says. I almost kiss her, but freeze suddenly remembering that I’m in her family home and under close scrutiny. I look around, but I don’t think anybody noticed.

  “Sorry,” I say, almost whispering.

  “Don’t worry about it. Everything is fine. You’re in my life now and they’re just going to have to accept it. I don’t get upset when I see th
eir partners fawning all over them. Well, except Annabeth’s boyfriend. He’s an ass,” she says.

  “To be expected, though,” I say. She nods reluctantly. I’m glad it’s just the family. I couldn’t imagine a dinner party with any more people. “Is your dad seeing anyone?” I’m surprised that I don’t know the answer.

  “If he is, he’s not sharing. I haven’t seen anybody around. I know he’s very busy with work.” I look around the house at all of the beautiful décor and top of the line furniture. Even the silverware and cookware is stuff I’ve only ever dreamed of having. He must work a ton to afford all of these luxuries.

  “Do you need help with anything?” I ask even though I know the answer.

  “No. Just go sit with the family and get to know them. Dinner is almost ready.”

  I head to the hearth room and, before I get a chance to worry about where I should sit, Gary stands up and offers me his spot on the couch. He scoots over, giving me enough room.

  “Best seat in the house,” he says. His smile is very genuine and very much like Kate’s. “Kate said you are a teacher at OU. Do you like it?”

  “It’s challenging. I’m just getting started there, really. I teach only one semester during the fall. I storm chase during the spring semester and I process the data during the summer. It’s a full time job, but I really enjoy it.”

  “I’m thinking about studying Education. I’d like to teach elementary or grade school kids. And coach them. Ideally, I’d love to play for the NFL, but that probably won’t happen. I love kids and I think that’s something I would like to do. My dad wants me to get into business, but I just don’t care for it, really.”

  “Teaching is rewarding, but so is business. The good news about college is that the first two years you have to take a ton of classes that might steer you one way or the other. Who knows, you might end up in the NFL. What position do you play?” I ask.

  “Quarterback. Second string. I love it,” he says.

  “How old is Maddox?” Annabeth asks.


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