“You’re not even a Guardian.”
“Not yet. But I will be soon. I’ve already requested to join.”
“Why not, Alex? Because you don’t like it?!”
I slammed my balled fists onto my legs. “Because I don’t want you getting hurt!”
“Newsflash! It’s too late to look out for me as the younger brother! As much as you refuse to admit it, everything has changed. It’s time to start looking after me as a brother in arms. I am joining the Alliance, and I am coming through the Veil to help keep you safe so that you can find your father and bring him home. You can whinge about it as much as you like, but it’s still happening.” He walked to the door.
“Mikey, please wait.”
He shook his head. “Find a way to shake that thing from inside you and get your head straight. When you are ready to go through, I’m going to be standing right next to you.”
He pressed a button on the wall and then left the room.
Yeth came to me that evening.
The only way I could keep track of time was by the meals that I had. When one came through I’d inspect it and judging by what was on the tray, count the next hours down. By my calculations, I was being fed at 8:00AM, 1:00PM, and 6:00PM like clockwork.
It was nine when he appeared.
I was laying on the bed, staring at the tiles on the ceiling and picturing Gabriella’s smiling face. I missed her so much it hurt. She hadn’t been to see me since she’d bought me here over four days ago. I prayed she had forgiven me for attacking her at the feast – and that she hadn’t visited because she had been forbidden. But it didn’t make it any less painful to be without her.
The lights flickered and went out. I was plunged into darkness.
“Hey! Hey Simon, there’s something wrong with the lights!”
“The agent is taking a little nap, Dark Vessel.” The voice was gruff and sharp at the same time, like glass bottles grinding against stone.
“Who’s there?”
“My name is Yeth.”
I jerked upright. A figure was standing outside the room; I could just make out their outline through the mirrored glass.
“It is an honour to finally meet you face to face.”
“I can’t see yours. Why don’t you come in and show it to me?”
He gave a dark chuckle. “Ah yes, the Alexander wit. Of course I’d love to, but that would make my position here quite vulnerable. You’ll have to wait just a tiny while longer, I’m afraid.”
“What the hell do you want with me?”
“We simply want you to be what you are destined to be. While the Alliance keeps you caged up like a zoo animal, we wish to set you free. We will stand behind you as you leave a trail of death in your wake. We will fight at your side as you take your place as the right arm of Hades.”
“I will never do that!”
“Of course you will. In time, you will become something entirely new. Something entirely better. And your ideals will shift.” He tapped a finger against the glass.
“Don’t worry, boy. We are coming to get you.”
He slid his hand across the glass as he walked away. The lights flickered and came back on.
I was alone again.
It was over an hour before someone finally answered my yells. There was a click and Simon’s voice entered the room. He sounded groggy.
“Finally! Simon, are you okay?”
He groaned. “Someone hit me over the head. I was knocked out cold. Damn, there’s a massive lump.”
“I need you to get a message to Sage Faru immediately. Tell him Yeth came here. He’s the new head of the SOS. They are coming to get me. Simon, I think there’s going to be another attack on the base.”
“Oh Christ! Okay, I’ll go now.”
I couldn’t contain the adrenaline that was rushing through my system. My leg jigged up and down on the floor as I waited. There was a click and then the lights went red. The siren began to blare.
It’s started.
The bars slid down and Sage Faru entered the room. Four Golems took position on either side of him. He called over his shoulder to agent Noble, who stood behind him and the wall of clay guards. “Please deactivate that alarm in here.”
The agent ran out, and a few seconds later the siren stopped. The room stayed red, making it look like a massacre had taken place.
“Thank you for warning us about Yeth. The base is preparing for full lockdown. If they try and get to you, they will know true defeat.”
He cast his white eyes over my shackles and I felt pure shame. My actions had been horrific over the last week, and now I was chained up in a cell like a Rogue, accused of treason. I felt utter disgust at myself. But Sage Faru didn’t display an ounce of judgement on his face. He simply smiled his mysterious, knowing smile and clasped his hands around his cane.
“I am sorry that you have had to remain here. You are a dedicated Guardian, Alexander, and a friend. You do not deserve to be locked away in the same place as the traitorous Rogues who murder innocents and attack our cause. But the simple truth is that you have through the evil that resides within you, orchestrated devastating attacks—”
“You mind merged with me. You must have known.”
He shook his head. “No. Your mind was a very different place this time. Full of shadows and blurred lines. What holds you was able to hide the information from me.”
I nodded. “How do others feel about me now that they know?”
“I cannot lie to you, Alexander. Many of the Guardians were understandably shocked by your behaviour at the joining ceremony. Rumours have begun to circulate, and quite simply, the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Many of the Guardians are terrified of you. Some even want you deported.”
I lowered my head. Faru placed a hand on my shoulder.
“I must also apologise that I have not been to see you since we bought you here. Sage Etorre called a grand meeting, questioning my decision to protect you. I was duty bound as Sage to attend and state my case. But they have conceded, and now I am here to make things right. We are ready to begin.”
“Ready for what?”
“I believe I have the answer to how to control the darkness that possesses you.”
My heart smashed against my ribcage. “Really?”
Instead of answering, the Sage pulled what looked like a modified booster from his robes. In place of blue Fae blood, the substance inside was the shimmering silver colour of the elixir. He placed it down with great care on top of one of the books at the foot of the bed. Then he re-clasped his hands and smiled at me.
“What is that, sir?” I asked.
“This, Alexander, is the most potent dispossession elixir that has ever been created.”
I felt my heart sink. “Sage Faru, I have to pretty much drink cups of the stuff now. Gabriella had to use a whole bottle to subdue the darkness last time it took full control. It’s growing stronger, and I’m getting weaker. I don’t think it will do much good now, regardless of how potent it is. It definitely won’t get rid of it.”
Sage Faru did something I didn’t expect. He smiled.
“You have pointed out the issue perfectly.”
“I have?”
“Do you know what the definition of insanity is, Alexander?”
I frowned. “Uh…doing the same thing a load of times and expecting different results?”
The Seelian’s smile widened. “Exactly. We know that trying to deal with the threat on your own didn’t work and now we know that simply trying to subdue it, whilst effective to a certain degree, is not the solution. To keep repeating the same process over and over again would be madness. And as much as you are worried Alexander, you are not mad yet, and neither am I.” He chuckled. “Not quite yet anyway.”
“So what do we do?”
“We introduce a third action.”
“Like what?
He leaned forward and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Attack.”
I could feel my eyes widen. “Attack? You want to attack me?”
“Not you, Alexander.” He aimed a finger against my chest. “It.”
He took a long breath. “You are no doubt aware that I traversed the Veil recently.
“I am, but why? You vowed never to go back.”
“I went for you, my dear boy. Desperate times call for desperate methods. Whilst there, I sought the advice of the Elder Council in the Water City. They have a far greater knowledge of the ancient workings of Pandemonia than me. As my kin, we enhance each other’s ability to reflect. Together we put our minds to your situation. Doing so takes much time, and in addition the city was attacked whilst we were convening, and we were forced to seek shelter. However, after several days of reflection we believe we now understand what Lafelei meant when it said that the battle for control must be fought inside.”
“But how? How can we do it?”
“We believe the only way for you to be able to fight the darkness on even terms is for you to travel into your own mind. To battle it at the source.”
The battle for control must be fought inside! Of course.
“You mean a mind merge.”
“I do. It is our belief that the darkness is draining your soul as it takes you over. You must fight it and take the reins back. We believe that if you can achieve this, then you might be able to halt the progression or even reverse it.”
“So you mean that I can take over? Stop it from possessing me?”
“I simply do not know for sure. But I do know that this is the best opportunity we have. And even if it only subdues it for a finite period, it should give you enough time to travel through the Veil and discover a way of ridding yourself of the curse once and for all.”
“What about in the meantime? What will happen if I do take control of it?”
He shook his head. “I simply do not know, and that is a risk we must take. I can only imagine it will be better than what is currently happening to you.”
“Will you be there with me?”
The Seelian shook his head. “This is a journey I cannot take with you. I do not know what dangers my interference could cause. The mind is a delicate thing, and right now, yours is more delicate than most. Also if the darkness were to be made aware of my connection, there is no telling what it might do. We do not understand its machinations. It could well transfer to me. Of course I am not concerned for my own wellbeing, but the power I possess could create an even more dangerous threat if unleashed against the Alliance, and I cannot allow that to happen.”
“I understand. I don’t want anything to happen to anyone else. Besides, this is something I need to deal with myself.”
The Sage nodded. “I admire your courage, Alexander. The task before you is no light one. However, I should add that I will silently oversee you. I will be here, in this reality.”
I glanced at the elixir on the bed. “So I don’t understand what that’s for then.”
Sage Faru raised a finger. “I will administer this if and when you need it. Simply call out for it in your mind, and I will hear you. Elixir at this level of concentration will deliver a critical blow. How that will translate within your mind I do not know, but it is all we have. However, I cannot intervene beyond this, and you must only ask if it is absolutely crucial. The darkness will assuredly be made aware of my presence at that point, and I will be forced to sever the connection shortly afterwards. If you are not able to escape quickly…” He trailed off.
“I understand, sir. But I have to ask, why are you going to such great lengths for me?”
“Because I believe that you are destined for great things in this war. It cannot be coincidence that you were the first new Awakening in years and that after you defeated The Sorrow it unleashed droves of new Awakenings. Plus you are your father’s son. He meant a lot to me, and so do you.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“But please understand that this is a long shot. There will be a time limit. As you remember, I can only hold a link for so long before it becomes dangerous. When I last merged with you, I was able to understand some of the logic that the evil inside you possesses. I am confident that it would take methods to prevent us from attempting something similar more than once. You still appear to be under the effects of your last elixir. I believe this is our only opportunity.” He paused for a long beat. “I cannot guarantee your success. I do not even know if this will work. There is even a possibility you may become lost in your own mind.”
“But we have to try.”
The Seelian gave a slow nod. “I do not think there is any other choice.”
I swallowed hard. “I’ll do it.”
“You are a brave boy, Alexander.”
“Sir, I have two requests before I do this.”
“Of course.”
“I want to see Gabriella first.”
“Are you sure that’s wise? It could emotionally affect you.”
“I don’t care if it’s wise or not. I have to see her one final time.” I swallowed hard. “Just in case.”
He nodded. “And the other request?”
I took a step closer to my leader, the adamantine chains reaching their limit with a dull clank. “If it doesn’t work, you have to kill me.”
“I am a danger to myself and everyone around me. You said so yourself. I can’t let the people I care about get hurt by my hand. Not anymore. If this doesn’t work, your priority has to be with them, not me.”
Faru said nothing for a moment. “And of your father?”
“If people are still willing to go through and find him, then please allow it to go ahead. He deserves to come home where he belongs.” I swallowed down some emotion. “Even if I can’t be there to welcome him.”
The Sage clasped his hands on my shoulders, gripping them with his frail-looking hands. “I promise.”
“Thank you.”
The Sage walked over to the intercom. He pressed a finger to it and the room filled with the cackle of static as the speakers were activated. “Agent Noble, I need you to tell everyone to prepare for our departure to Black Dawn immediately. Then bring several Guardians unconnected to Orion here. Have them armed with the most powerful weapons we have. And find Gabriella De Luca.”
Gabriella entered the holding cell. She was dressed for combat, her hair tied back and belt loaded with weapons. But she looked anything but ready. Her face was drawn, and she seemed unnerved. Through the glass at the end of the room, I could see Sage Faru. He gave a smile and turned away. I watched her enter, rubbing my wrists where the shackles had been temporarily removed.
Gabriella ran to me, and I held her in my arms, not ever wanting to let her go. “Mia bambino, I’m sorry I haven’t been to see you. I wasn’t allowed,” she said tearily. “I missed you.”
“It’s okay,” I soothed. “I missed you too.”
“They’re coming, Alex. The SOS…there are so many. The perimeter sensors are going haywire. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“I know. Yeth told me.”
“He was here. They’re coming to finish the job. To take me.”
“We won’t let them.”
“I know you won’t.”
I held her at arm’s length and stared into her blue eyes, praying it wouldn’t be for the last time. She stared back at me, confusion appearing on her face.
“Something is going on. What is it?”
I took a deep breath. “Sage Faru thinks he has a way for me to control the darkness inside me.”
Her eyes widened. “How?”
I told her. With every word I spoke, I could see her growing more and more horrified. When I finished, her fingers were digging into my arms, and she was shaking her head. “No...no. There has to be another way. There has to be.”
“There is no other way.”
“It’s too dangerous.” Her voice cracked. “I won’t let you do it.”
“Gabriella, I have to do this.”
She gripped with such tightness and desperation it was as if letting go would mean my death. Which it might.
“Please don’t do this. That thing could kill you in there.”
I stroked a thumb across her damp cheek. “We both know this is the only way. I can’t let this thing take over.”
The doors opened and a cluster of armed Guardians entered the room. They stood in a line, guns held at the ready. Gabriella stared at them and then at me. She looked panic stricken.
“What are they doing here? What is going on?” she demanded.
“It’s a failsafe, Gabriella. In case this doesn’t work.”
She gasped and covered her mouth in horror. “No. I will not let them kill you!”
I shook my head. “This was my decision.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks. “No. I won’t let them.”
I gathered her into my arms, stroking a hand down her hair as she pressed her face into my chest. “Ella, this isn’t your decision to make. If it comes down to it, you have to let them do what they need to. For me.” I pulled away and stared right into her eyes. My throat was tight with emotion. “I’ve already caused far too much damage and pain. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.”
Her chin trembled. When she spoke, her voice cracked. “Please don’t. I couldn’t bear to lose you. It’s too much.”
“I have to. This thing is going to take me over. I have to fight back. It’s the only way. You know that.” I kissed her lips. They tasted of salt from her tears.
She nodded as more tears slipped down her face. “Just promise me you’ll come back to me. Promise.”
“I promise I am going to do everything in my power to get back to you.” My chest heaved. “Gabriella, I love you.”
Gabriella burst into tears, pressing her forehead against mine. “I love you too. Always.” She pulled me into a final hug, stroking the back of my hair. “I’ll keep you safe.”
The Veil: Corruption (HASEA CHRONICLES BOOK 2) Page 40