Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 4 Hard Wired

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Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 4 Hard Wired Page 7

by Ben Winston

  Vance nodded. "Bring the base to yellow alert, and see if you can contact First Admiral Hearlis. Send an alert to the defense network I will want to see the advisory council after I speak to the Admiral," he replied. "Good work, Sarah. I'm sorry for the loss of your sister."

  Sarah smiled. "We didn't lose her, Sir. The data she sent was the same data packet that would be reintegrated back into Susan prime if time and circumstances had allowed. Susan is still functioning, and assisting the First Admiral at the Command Complex."

  "I suppose she is," Vance smiled. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'd like to have you here for the meeting as well."

  Sarah nodded. "Of course Sir, First Admiral Hearlis is on the comm for you, Sir," she added as she began to fade out.

  "We got the same message, Vance. It sounds like you have some playmates coming," Hearlis said by way of greeting.

  "Yes, I've already put the base and defense network on alert. What do you make of the news that the Grand Hive was actually on Veranor?" Vance replied.

  "Considering everything else we've been learning about the Synod, I'm actually not that surprised. Although it is good to have a primary target after so many years, I don't see how this information helps us right now. We have enough problems just dealing with the core worlds at this point. The betrayal by the Veranorians is not being very well received by the people. Anti-Veranorian sentiment has skyrocketed, and I've had to commit troops to the planets to quell the rioting. Troops I could use someplace else. Half the fleet is still coming out of the programming, and the other half are begging for orders to vaporize Veranor. Even though I issued orders to the contrary, most Veranorian officers have been at least arrested. I'm sad to say a few of them have been beaten to death," Hearlis reported.

  Vance nodded his understanding. "I was afraid of that. Dr. Cowan did try to give Susan the tools she'd need to help counter that, but we had no idea how effective they’d be."

  "Oh, they've been very effective, she has managed to help quell a lot of the riots we simply couldn't get too. That AI has been very effective despite the fact that she's not entirely trusted, yet." Hearlis replied. "That's not to be unexpected, after all it was the computer systems designed by the Veranorians that got everyone in this mess to begin with. It's going to take time for people to learn to trust a new system, no matter what part she played in freeing them."

  Just as Vance was about to ask another question, Hearlis continued.

  "Saarmia is sending you another fleet, it's not much. They have just been rotated off the front and are still damaged and tired. I know it's not much, but it's what we can do for the time being.

  "Susan just reported that she is losing contact with her clones that remained in Veranorian space. She confirms that the Synod has caught on to the ruse, and is now trying to capture some intact code." He nodded to someone off screen. "I just gave approval for her to issue a general self-destruct to all of her clones that are in enemy hands.

  "Now, back to what I was telling you, that fleet is all we can send you for the time being, right now is a very fragile time here. We have arrested the existing Council. The Simonians are sending new councilors, and the freed Veranorians have been asked to nominate 'local' individuals to take seats on the reconstituted Council. We would like to ask the Shallans to as well, but they are still under Synod control. Could you find out from the Clan Therinate Matriarch if she would be willing to undertake this station or have her people nominate individuals for two seats until we can free their core worlds?" Hearlis finished.

  Vance nodded and made a note speak to the Matriarch. "I can do that in a few minutes, Sir. I asked for an advisory council meeting after I finished speaking to you. She is a member of that group."

  "Excellent, then you can inform Logical Engineer Corhen Nori that she has been appointed to the Council. I know you're going to need every ship you have, but as soon as you can, she needs to be given transport back here. Of course, there is a good chance that we may be coming to her if the Synod attacks this system. When you do send her back, be sure to tell the ship to dock here. It was decided that the new Council be formed on the station so it can be protected during this emergency. It’’s not an ideal situation, but it is what it is."

  "I understand, Sir. Do you have an ETA on the fleet's arrival here? Perhaps we'll be able to send her out once they arrive," Vance said.

  "Not a clue, Vance. Rear Admiral H'sten was told that getting there was a priority, but he wasn't to risk any damaged ships. I imagine he'll be contacting you soon to see where you want him and his people. By the by, please stand Vance, and call your AI. She is needed to record this."

  Vance immediately did as he was ordered and stood at attention. Sarah appeared next to him, also at attention. For a moment, Hearlis was amazed at the resemblance to his own AI.

  "Attention to Orders! On this day, and at this time, Commodore Vance Ip Belariphon, by the order of the Council of the Alliance acting on the unanimous recommendations of the Non-Veranorian elements of the Alliance military High Command, is hereby promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral and charged with the administration and defense of the Solarian Sector of Alliance space, and all the beings therein. Further, you are hereby granted the Order of the Alliance for your actions in defense of said Alliance. These declarations are effective upon bestowal. Signed, Horwath Jhree, acting High Council, Alliance of Free Worlds." Hearlis smiled. "Congratulations, Lord Admiral Vance."

  Vance was stunned; he had been promoted three grades! That had never happened before as far as he knew. The addition of the knighthood was another surprise. "Uh, th..." He cleared his throat, and tried again. "Thank you, Sir. I don't know what to say, it's so unexpected... But Sir, the knighting is too much, I don't deserve any of this, others have done for more than I..."

  Hearlis held up a hand to stop Vance. "Look, you DO deserve it. If not for you and your actions, we would never know we had been subjugated until it was far too late to do anything about it. Also, in order to do the job you're going to be doing, you need the rank you now have. I have no doubt you will exceed even those duties. Just so you know, the knighting isn't actually official until the High Council actually preforms the ritual, but since this is wartime, we're making an exception. Also, you were not the only one knighted. I'll let you have the honor of letting him know. Dr. Eric Cowan is now Sir Eric Cowan. Susan is sending you the file for the rest of the awards your people have been given. I just wish it could be more, but there is no way to express that kind of gratitude.

  "These orders automatically make you my successor in the event I am killed or chose to retire. You are the highest ranking of the Alliance Knights. So don't argue, just accept it and move on!" Hearlis winked at him.

  Vance grinned. "Yes Sir! Thank you!"

  Hearlis waved it off. "Like I said, you deserved it. Now, I imagine we both need to get back to work. I'll try to keep in touch, but at the very least Susan will keep in touch with Sarah who can keep you up to speed on events here. Please make sure you have a hyperspace landing area large enough for the Command Complex, as well as one of the Guardian fleets. I'm sure you'll know if we have to jump, but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

  "Will do Sir. We already have a place set aside for you, and the defense network has already been programmed with your codes. If you need to make a dark jump, you have a safe landing spot." Vance turned to Sarah, "Make sure Susan and only Susan has those coordinates."

  Sarah nodded. "Yes Sir."

  Hearlis nodded. "Smart. Keep up the good work, Admiral." He said as he disconnected the channel.

  Dark Shroud Mountains Complex

  Aracnise Grand Hive, Chamber of the Queen

  Outside Cerbilax City (Planetary Capitol)

  Planet Veranor, Astralix System

  When Susan 12 destroyed her core program, she tried to take the cybernetic Queen with her. Unfortunately, the Queen had been in a system isolated from the AI. However, none of the Veranorian computer specialists could see a re
ason to isolate the AI from the computers controlling the Queen.

  As a result, the Queen, with no Veranorians left inside the complex to keep her drugged and under control, gained access to all the systems that Susan had. As the minutes passed, and with the assistance of her broods, she became more aware of her surroundings, the old being took complete control over the broods through her thousands of junior queens.

  Now with full access to all the notes and equipment of their creators, the Queen began a few experiments of her own. Several former drones as well as ten queens reported to the cybernetics lab that had been used to implant the control computers in her. She had begun making plans, and she would need these augmented drones and queens to implement them.

  The Queen discovered a profound feeling of hate deep in her being that fed her purpose and gave her strength.

  The old Queen found the commands that had been given the complex guard drones, and altered them slightly. Now the armored automatons would hunt and kill all Veranorians. For over a century, the Alliance defended itself from her broods and she fought at the behest of her Veranorian Masters. Now, the Alliance had a new enemy, and she vowed that the Alliance would burn... Starting with the Veranorians that had dared to control her.

  She felt out through her multitudes of queens, to the massive fleets filled with her progeny. The Veranorians were calling in their fleet? It was time they learned a lesson about how the Aracs felt about being controlled. Very carefully, she gave her orders, and smiled inwardly when she felt her broods acting on them.

  She reached out, through the queens and felt the exhilaration of her broods as they burst forth from the caves and crevasses discovered over the centuries. She felt their surge of triumph as they broke over the crest of the mountains surrounding a city filled with the unwitting Veranorians. The feeling was almost orgasmic in its strength at the anticipation of the slaughter that would soon be theirs. In the vision of one of her brood, relayed through its queen, she turned and could see the endless tide of her hordes, pouring into the sheltered valley like the black tide of an angry ocean.

  Cerbilax City (Planetary Capitol)

  Planet Veranor, Astralix System

  The Aracnise Hordes fell on the sleeping city without warning. The first areas destroyed were the suburbs and outlying areas away from the center of the sprawling city. However, progress of the Aracs could easily be tracked by the fires, explosions and the screams of the dying.

  For the first half an hour, city officials had no idea what was happening. By the time the first alarms were given, the death toll had exceeded five thousand. Equipped only to deal with the small amounts of civil disobedience that occurred, the local constabulary responded to try to assist the fleeing civilians. It soon became very apparent that they could do no more against this threat than the civilians could.

  By and large, the Veranorian government had never formed a large military capable of ground combat. The few troops that they did have were equipped only for the defense of small facilities and to escort dignitaries from place to place. The remainder of what could be called 'military' was comprised of armored drones.

  With the installation of the new AI implemented by the Synod, control of these mobile weapons platforms had been assigned to the AI. When the issues with the AI had surfaced, the AI had all destroyed themselves taking control of the defense drones with them. The only ones that had remained were the hundred drones assigned to the Synod more for ostentation than out of any real need.

  Once it was known what was happening, they sealed their chambers, and activated all of the drones with orders to destroy anything that approached. Several hundred civilians were killed instantly by particle weapons when they attempted to take shelter in the Synod facility.

  Inside, the members of the Synod watched the destruction of their city with detached revulsion. The civilians had no chance at defeating the Arac soldiers attacking them. The hive literally mowed through the inhabitants, hardly slowing down to look for hidden survivors.

  Civilians fleeing the city fared little better, Cerbilax was completely surrounded by the Dark Shroud Mountains, and the Aracnise owned those.

  "Proconsul, what do we do? Our fleet has all but been destroyed, there is little we can do to free ourselves from this nightmare," one of the other members asked.

  "Indeed, there is little we can do. Computer, issue a planetary distress call to all Alliance Ships and Bases. Perhaps we can still save some of our people," the leader replied, calmly.

  "Proconsul, four other cities are now under attack by the Hive. Our ships in orbit are doing all they can, and will attempt to send a shuttle for us as soon as our drones clean an area large enough for them to land. However, ships are now reporting inbound hyperspace traces."

  "Move twenty-five drones to the roof. Clear out the Aracnise, shuttles to land there for us to board. Quickly! Drones will not continue to function for the duration of this battle." The leader looked to his brethren. "To the roof, our shuttle will extract us there."

  "Proconsul, some of the other cities are attempting to evacuate. A destination they are asking for," a messenger said.

  "To Novalus they must go, no other place is safe for them anymore," the Proconsul replied.

  "Certain are you that Novalus is safe? Aware of our plans they are, detain us they will," another member of the Council replied.

  "Detained is not dead, simpleton, escape is possible when not dead. Need time we do, time we do not have here," the leader said. "To Novalus our people must go, no other destination is available to them. Our own people very soon will awaken to our manipulations; order will no longer be possible then. To Novalus they must go." He nodded as if to himself. "For us; a different destination is required."

  Office of the Base Commander

  Alliance Apollo Base

  Selene, Earth’s moon

  Sol System

  When Corhen and I arrived at Vance's office, the first thing I noticed was Vance's new uniform and rank. "Wow! Congratulations Admiral!" I said and shook his hand. "But, what's with the sash? I don't know what that means."

  "You will shortly, M'Lord," Vance replied cryptically, and winked. "I'll tell you in a minute."

  Corhen actually bowed to him. "Congratulations Lord Admiral, Recognized you and your contributions to the Alliance, they have. It has been long overdue for some time."

  "Thank you Councilor. First Admiral Hearlis has given me much information I need to impart to all of you. We also have a situation that we need to prepare for," Vance replied.

  "Indeed, it would appear so," Corhen replied, giving him a look of query, but took her normal seat.

  Master Halflan was attending via holographic telepresence, however, Matriarch Alyessa was present in person and seemed in good spirits, as did the rest of the informal council.

  "Okay, now that we are all here; welcome, and thank you for coming. We have much to discuss, and much to consider,' Vance began. "I have a list of requests and other things given me by the First Admiral, some of which has been relayed by him from the newly forming High Council of the Alliance."

  "Forgive me, Lord Admiral, I knew there was an issue with the old Council, but I had not heard that they had been replaced as yet," Matriarch Alyessa replied.

  "After speaking to the available Ambassadors, High Command placed the old High Council into protective custody. During consultation with the available diplomats no longer under the Synod programming, it was decided to reconstitute the Council from non-affected beings. Logical Engineer Corhen Nori has been appointed by her brethren to one of the Veranorian seats." Vance bowed to the newly made Councilor Corhen Nori before continuing. "Since there were no Shallans available it has been requested of Matriarch Alyessa to consider taking one of the seats now reserved for the Shallan race, as well as asking the free Shallans here, to appoint the other Councilor, or both if the Matriarch declines the appointment. Included in this missive was the announcement that two more chairs have been made available for Terrans.
" Vance paused so the others could comment.

  "This sounds very different from the way the old Council conducted themselves, Lord Admiral," Alyessa replied.

  Vance nodded. "It is. One of the tenets of the new council seems to be that no Council may have the ability to speak for any represented race that is not their own. While the Novan people and the Terran people are of the same race, we are different peoples. The new configuration is to acknowledge that fact. It has also been decided that for the duration of this emergency, the New High Council will reside on the Command Complex station in a specially protected area of the station. First Admiral Hearlis made it very clear to me that it was the people of the core worlds that decided that, not the diplomats or the new Council."

  "How did they do that? We have to be talking about billions of people, how could their will be directly known?" Ced asked.

  "Core worlds info net has become two way. Now more than any other time in our history, our people have a direct line to those that are making the decisions," Vance reported. "The First Admiral cited the fact that Susan has been essential to this project."

  "I'm not certain I'm comfortable with that," I said. "If not for the ethical programming, an AI could use this method to influence governmental policy. I'll give some thought to ensure transparency for this function, perhaps I will also find a way to make sure it is also externally tamper proof."

  Vance bobbed his head to me. "That would be greatly appreciated, Lord Cowan. Especially when it becomes time to create the Planetary AI."

  "Okay, what's with the 'Lord' stuff? Did I get promoted to or something?" I asked.

  "Obviously you did, M'Lord," Corhen replied, keeping a carefully straight face. "We are now social peers, if indeed I too have been named as Councilor. In my opinion, this is another situation that has been corrected to satisfaction."


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