Finding Jaime

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Finding Jaime Page 13

by Dawn, P.

  She laughs this time, darker than I’ve heard coming from her in the past. “Definitely, Jai.”

  We say our goodbye’s and end the call. I like this new Joss more and more, even though it’s confusing me about my feelings towards Butterfly, but I’m now confident that Joss and I can be good friends despite my attraction to her.

  Hang on, is this because the girls have boyfriends now? And just like that, my mood has deflated once more.

  “Fuck this,” I spit and then kick my suitcase beside my desk.

  I open my closet and pick out my white, zipped corset—a new addition showing my ample cleavage—and my tiny ruffle skirt that matches the black ribbons on the heels of my new white shoes. I’m not staying in tonight, not that I was going to, but now my mindset isn’t something I would wish upon anybody, and I need to get out more than ever.

  Chapter 15

  I can’t believe how busy House is tonight. I can hardly squeeze into the main room with the amount of barely clothed bodies all taking part in each other’s guilty pleasures right there in the center.

  “Bunny!” Madame holds her black elbow-length gloved arms out, and pulls me into her embrace. “You’re just in time. Come this way.”

  People make room for Madame to pass, and I follow her with ease, holding her hand as she leads me in a winding pathway. We reach the outer edge of the circle, and she urges me forward.

  “What’s going on?” I look around at the four men in the middle of a huge piece of apparatus.

  “Would you like to try out some rope techniques?” she asks with a lop-sided smile. “You’re becoming quite the regular, Bunny, so I thought maybe you’d like to participate? It’s not required”—she leans closer to me—“but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun.” She pulls back and winks with her impossibly long lashes.

  “I don’t know, Madame. I’m not comfortable with everybody watching.” I couldn’t prove it anymore even if I tried. Just the color of my flushed face is a dead giveaway.

  A pair of small hands land on my waist and warm breath blows into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

  “I will if you will.” Butterfly’s sensual voice caresses me, and I close my eyes, savoring the rush of arousal that bursts from my core.

  I turn to face her, and I’m almost floored at the simple, yet sexy pinstripe outfit she’s wearing. A white, deep V-neck shirt, and strapless, under-bust, front-zipped corset, with a matching skirt that’s a lot shorter than I’ve seen on her before. Her long legs go on for miles, and I can’t wait to touch them.

  “That outfit is hot,” I say and let my eyes roam over her. I’m past caring now. “I like how it looks on you.”

  She moves closer to me, her lips dangerously close to mine. “You’re a vision,” she says, and her nose grazes the tip of mine.

  “You have a choice to make, Bunny,” Madame speaks up, interrupting my trance. “Would you like to try it?”

  Butterfly nods her head and bites on her lower lip. I can see how her chest is heaving as she breathes.

  “Um… I don’t know.”

  “I’ve never done this before, either,” she says and takes my hand. “Well, not on a person anyway.”

  “Fuck it!” I give in when her dazzling grin begs me to accept. “Somebody get me a rope, I’m about to be tied down.”

  “Here you go.” Madame pulls a rope from God-knows-where and hands it to me. “Have fun, my darlings. Let’s see what you got.”

  Butterfly leads me to the center, and the room falls into silence. The music coming from the next room is louder in the stillness.

  Fuchsia stands beside Madame, her red hair in a beehive and single curls at the sides that hook upwards onto her face. She claps once to gain the attention of the members.

  “Show your support for Butterfly and Bunny. They’re performing their first rope restraint!”

  The room erupts into applause and raucous cheer, chanting our names. We’re on the spot, but the supportive expressions on their faces put me at ease.

  “I hope I don’t make an ass of myself,” I say to Butterfly, and she cups my face in her hands.

  “It’s going to be okay,” she assures me. “If you don’t want to tie me, I can just tie you.”

  “If that’s okay?” I can’t see her eyes, but I sense the emotion behind them. I relax, and my knees stop shaking long enough to stand in the center of the wooden X.

  “I’m going to use a prusik shackle.” She speaks loud enough for everybody to hear. “It’s a simple, but effective restraint.”

  I can’t help the laughter bubbling up. “I know that one,” I whisper as she takes my wrist.

  “It’s a beginner’s favorite,” she replies.

  Excitement ignites inside me, and my hot spot wakes up when she ties me to the thick post. Butterfly’s fingers gently caress my skin as she works her hands expertly. In less than five minutes, I’m tied up with my arms and legs out like I’m in the middle of doing the Time Warp. I just hope nobody can see up my skirt.

  She stands in front of me; her skin flushed, and she places her hands on my waist. “How does that feel?” she whispers into my ear.

  I take a breath through my nose and smell the same perfume as last night. “It’s okay,” I reply and pull my head back when I begin reaching for her. My lips are searching for hers, and I have to control my urge to kiss her in the crowded room.

  She steps back and walks around behind me, and I feel exposed as all eyes are on me. I feel her hands touch my shoulders before smoothing down my back and around my waist. Her light touch has me clenching my fists.

  “Are you okay?” Butterfly’s sultry voice has me closing my eyes; tiny tickles flowing over my heated skin.

  “Yeah, I feel a bit on show, though,” I reply. She moves my loose hair back over my shoulder and softly kisses my cheek. “I can’t move.”

  “I know.” She continues to hug me from behind, her unrestricted ladies pushing into me and I find that I like this more than I thought. “I’ll let you go now.”

  She walks back round to the front, and when I see her, I also see Madame and Fuchsia watching us with interest. Fuchsia gives me a thumbs up from her folded arms, and Madame has her hands clasped in front of her like a proud mama.

  It takes seconds for Butterfly to release me. I rub my wrists when I’m free, and I look down at Butterfly as she unties the ropes from my ankles. I can see down her shirt, and my pussy tightens at the view of her cleavage.

  We’re given another round of applause and Butterfly hugs me tight to her chest. I wrap my arms around her small waist and bury my face into her long hair.

  “That was hotter than I expected.”

  I pull back sharply. “You got off on tying me up?” And just thinking that has me slick between my legs.

  She nods. “I never thought it would, but yeah. Seeing you bound like that turned me on.”

  She leads me away from the center and towards her mother and Fuchsia. We’re hugged and congratulated on our first performance.

  “First? I don’t think I’ll make a habit of that,” I say, and glance at Butterfly. “I think I’d prefer a more private setting for that sort of thing.”

  “Excuse us,” Butterfly says and grips my hand tightly. She leads me into the bar area. “We need drinks.”

  We stop at the bar, and Blue comes over to us, her skimpy blue latex shorts have braces that run over her bare tits, just covering her nipples. “What can I get for you two stunning ladies?” she asks and pouts her bright red lips.

  “Cherry Rum,” I say, and Butterfly holds two fingers up. Blue goes over to the optics to make our drinks. “I don’t think I’d ever get the courage to wear something like that.”

  “You couldn’t anyway,” Butterfly chuckles and points to my chest. “Those straps wouldn’t contain you, Bunny.” She moves closer, and my breath hitches as her lips graze the outer shell of my ear. “Not that I would complain.”

  Damn, this girl has me so fucking turned on!

  She reminds me so much of Joss, and how such a simple thing she does makes me stop what I’m doing and pay attention to just her.

  Blue comes back with our drinks and we down them immediately. “Let’s go.” Butterfly grabs my hand and rushes me out of the back, through the archway.

  The closer we get to the rooms, the more my pulse throbs and my nub tingles, remembering last night and how she felt in my hands.

  We reach our room, and as soon as the door closes, Butterfly walks over to the large armoire and opens the doors. She pulls out some pieces of black rope and the swirling in my stomach increases as she works them through her hands.

  “How many knots do you know?” she asks on her way to the bed.

  “Just the one.” I follow her and sit next to her.

  She kicks off her shoes, and I see the purple nail polish on her elegant toes. I copy and sit further back.

  “I’d like to show you another if that’s okay?” I assume she’s staring at me, waiting for my answer, but the lace covering her eyes is getting annoying. I want to look into them; see what color they are… “Bunny? It’s okay if you don’t want to.”

  “No, sorry, I was just thinking about something. I’d like that.”

  She takes a single length of the thin rope and pinches two points in the center. “What were you thinking?”

  “About you.” Her lips pull up in the corners. “And how I want to see your eyes.”

  “Soon,” she says and leaves it at that. “Now, I’m going to show you the Cat’s Paw.”

  She flips her hair over her shoulder and the flowery scent wafts in my face. She then loops the rope around her fingers, making a twist on either side. I watch carefully when she brings the loops together, the twisted lengths hanging down with her other hand grasping the straight parts.

  “Now, I’m going to turn this into flogging cuffs.”


  “Don’t worry. You’ll be able to get out of this whenever you want.” Butterfly takes my hand and places the double loop over my fingers until they reach my wrist. Once there, she ratchets the end, making it tighter but not enough that I can’t escape. “You don’t want to slip the knot upwards,” she says. “It’ll ruin the slide resistance of the knot.”

  “Okay.” I look at her, expecting her to say something else, but she closes my hand around the twists.

  She quickly makes another and slips it over my other hand. “See? Now you can hold onto the twists in the rope without it tightening. It’s so easy to do. Now, lie back.”

  I do as she says, and I rest my head on the thick pillows, then Butterfly straddles my legs. Adrenaline explodes in my chest, and the rush of blood through my veins has me in a panic, yet I’m throbbing between my legs at the way this woman is taking control over me. I’ve never felt so fucking wanton in my life, and Butterfly has been the one to take me there. My libido is off the charts, but my thoughts begin to drag me down. I can’t help thinking about Joss, and our plans for the beach on Sunday evening.

  “What’s wrong? Do you want me to stop?” Butterfly’s holding my hands together as she looks down on me.

  “No, it’s just that I’ve been thinking about my friend, the one I told you about.”

  She wavers. “Oh?”

  “We’re going to the beach on Sunday after I get back from my parent’s house. I think she wants to hang out because our other friends have boyfriends now.”

  “Bunny, I have to tell you something. This friend of yours… I—”

  “You know what? It doesn’t matter,” I cut in. “We’re friends, and I should be thankful that we get along better than we used to.”

  Butterfly strokes my face. “Bunny,” she whispers. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. It’s not your fault, Butterfly. I’m here, and I’m with you, and right now that’s all I need.” She opens her mouth to speak again, but I shake my head. I’m done talking.

  She wipes her cheek underneath her mask and holds onto the ropes that bind my wrists. She lifts them up, and I watch where she’s taking them. A metal ring fixed in the center of the headboard has another one looped inside, and she grasps it before passing both sets of rope through it. As she pulls, my arms raise up, and the swells of my boobs lift higher under my chin.

  “Does this feel too tight?” She checks the tension as she ties a knot with a loop sticking out the side.

  “No.” I wriggle my wrists, and if I were to let go of the rope, my hands would slide free.

  “Do I need to ask permission, Bunny?”

  I breathe out sharply and the fire in my belly roars to life. “No, you don’t.”

  “Just tell me to stop at any time.”

  Butterfly takes my wrists and slides her hands down my arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. She continues to my chest, and I try not to cry out when her fingertips lightly brush over my breasts. My back arches involuntarily and warm moisture seeps out between my thighs. She continues down my body and my legs bend a little. I squeeze my legs together for some relief, but instead the burning intensifies.

  Her hands touch my quivering thighs, and she works back up, taking my skirt with her, continuing until my black lace panties are revealed. Her head drops, she’s staring at them, and I see her swallow. Touch me, please, just fucking touch me!

  My nipples pinch tight, and perspiration breaks out over my flesh. Butterfly’s hands move up again until they reach under my tits. She licks her lips as she cups them.

  I moan in pleasure, the feeling of her palms encasing me making me shudder. She squeezes and massages, but the over bust fabric doesn’t give under the pressure.

  “Can I?” she asks and holds the zipper between the finger and thumb of her manicured hand.

  “Yes.” The word barely leaves my mouth when I hear the sounds of the zipper and the constriction disappearing from my tits.

  Butterfly gasps then pulls her lower lips into her mouth. I want to taste it again, and I lift my head off of the pillow, but I can’t reach. It flies back when her small hands take my large orbs and her thumbs run across my stiff peaks.

  “Bunny, these are magnificent,” she whispers. “Fuck, I want to do so much.”

  I haven’t heard her speak like that, and the surprise excites me. “Then do it,” I urge, wishing that she does something soon to take away my pain.

  She leans forwards, and her tongue scorches my right nipple. I cry out when her soft lips close around it, sucking into her mouth. She shows the same attention to the other side, and I can’t hold on. I let go of the ropes and slip my hands through the loops. I grip her hair and hold her to my chest as she works her mouth back and forth between them.

  Her mask tickles me, and I’m tempted to pull it from her face. I desperately want to see what she looks like, to see if she’s everything I imagined her to be. A pang attacks my gut when the image of Joss invades my head; the same black hair but completely different personalities.

  Butterfly comes up for air, her lips reddened. “Bunny, I’m—”

  I cut her off by pulling her mouth to mine, kissing her hard and seeking entrance with my tongue. She opens and I taste the cherries and alcohol inside. Her hands work down my body, and I release her hair. My frantic movements don’t stop until I reach her shirt, and I feel for buttons, but only her own zipper is present.

  “Please,” she says, and I carefully pull down as our breaths mingle together.

  She sits back, and I pull open her combined top. A wave of climactic pulses flood my core when I see her perfect tits; dusty pink nipples, hard and tight. Her sun-kissed skin has faint white marks left over from a bikini. I cup them both and the softness of her heavy globes leave no doubt as to how I feel.

  Butterfly runs her fingers through my hair at the same time I dip my head. I press my lips to her collarbone, and she sighs. I’m trembling so much my breaths are shaking. I kiss down to her chest, to her swells, and further. I push her tits together and flick my tongue over her left bud. Butterfly groa
ns and takes a sharp breath when I repeat it.

  They taste creamy and my mouth waters. I never expected the sensations running through me at tasting a woman’s nipples, let alone the hunger for more.

  “Bunny,” she says and gently tugs on me, pulling me away from her delicious breasts. “We should discuss some things before we go any further.” She sits back into the gap between my legs.

  My clit is aching so much and without a thought, I reach between my legs and palm myself. Butterfly’s mouth hangs open, and her teeth tease her lip. “I’m so turned on right now,” I confess. “God, I’m aching.”

  “I…I,” she stutters and sucks her lower lip into her mouth.

  I remove my hand and shift forwards. “The way you do that is so hot.” Butterfly doesn’t make any move to get away, and I move closer until our faces are inches apart. “It’s my turn now.” I part my lips, take hers, and pull them into my mouth.

  She sighs at the same time her shoulders relax, and I lick across her full flesh as I suck. Butterfly moans, and I release her, only to kiss her deeply. I take her head in my hands and run my fingers through her silky hair. She does the same to me and kisses me back with fervor.

  We fall back to the bed and our tits press together, the hot damp skin sliding over each other. Butterfly’s hand works up my thigh and without stopping, reaches my pulsing nub.

  “Can I move them?” she asks.

  “Yeah,” I whisper my reply and pull her mouth back to mine.

  She slides her finger inside the seam of my panties and touches my hot flesh. She takes in a sharp breath, and I hold mine as she strokes up and down my slick pussy. I feel her fingertip at my hole, and my toes curl as she eases inside of me. She shivers, then pushes her finger all the way in until her knuckles press against me; stroking in and out of my pussy at the same time she’s devouring my mouth. Another finger finds its way inside me and my walls clench so hard the buildup of all of my frustrations are hovering at the tip of the precipice.

  Her hands leave me, and she pulls back. I watch with fascination as she puts her fingers into her mouth, sucking my juices off of them. I’m so in awe of her that I don’t react as she leans over me, lifting my skirt higher with hers. She nudges my legs apart with her knee, and I spread wide to allow her to lie between my thighs.


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