Invasion Bundle #3 - Helpless Trilogy: (Monsterous Alien BDSM, Rough, Medical)

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Invasion Bundle #3 - Helpless Trilogy: (Monsterous Alien BDSM, Rough, Medical) Page 1

by Claudia Balvenie


  Invasion #7


  Claudia Balvenie

  Cover Art by



  Copyright 2014.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.

  All characters are above the age of 18


  Yuno was startled out of a deep sleep by a thick glove clamping down over her mouth.

  Wide eyed, she shrieked, as any human would do in the situation. Her cries were muffled by the hand, which gripped her jaw tightly.

  Above her stood a helmeted form, completely encased in an atmospheric suit. The form was humanoid, but beyond that she could make out no distinguishing marks. It slowly pulled the finger of it's free hand to it's helmet, and lay one finger across it's lips, mimicking the human expression to keep quiet.

  Yuno had never liked authority. She immediately began to claw at the hand with her own, prying it away enough to let out a blood curdling scream. The terror that had so briefly coursed through her body was replaced with rage. What the Hell did these men think they were doing? How dare they come into her paramour's house and...

  The thought of her lover finally brought her eyes to the other side of the bed. Empty. When did he awaken? When did he leave? Where was he?

  She began to fight back against the intruder then in earnest. He slammed her back to the bed, knocking the wind out of her lungs, then quickly straddled her before she could recover. His hands immediately shot out to two places, one clamping over her mouth and the other jerking both arms over her head. He did not seem to notice the jars that fell to the ground nearby, though none of his movements had caused their shattering.

  She found herself pinned under the form and some reptilian part of her brain responded to his power. A dark part of her wanted to see exactly how far he might go. The logical part of her mind urged her to stop him now, before things got any worse.

  He did not know what she was, else he would have used different bindings to keep her from accessing her telekinesis. She knew she was safe, even if he did not. He was the one in danger.

  “Where is he?” the helmeted creature asked, slamming her hands into the bed for emphasis. His voice was strangely accented. She couldn't place his origins.

  She made a pointed glance at his hand across her mouth, then back at him, raising an eyebrow. He sighed. “Fine, but do not scream,” he warned, as he slowly pulled his hand away.

  Past her initial terror, she still had to act the part. She screamed again, louder, and he clamped his hand even tighter against her mouth, sighing.

  “Look, we have no quarrel with you.” The “we” was new, but not unexpected. Bounty hunters, assassins, whatever these were, they rarely worked alone. “If you help us out, we won't hurt you, we'll even maybe keep you around, eh?”

  She nodded once in affirmation. He slowly loosened his hand from her mouth again, and she didn't scream this time. She wanted him to think she'd acquiesced to his plan. After all, how else would she determine what was truly going on in this scenario? Right? No, of course she was doing this all for her lover, not because of some depraved lust of her own.

  He slowly ran his hand from her mouth, trailing his fingers down her long neck, pausing at the hollow, then lower still, to the thin nightgown she wore to bed that evening. He ran down the side of her body, slowing at the curve of her breasts. Then, roughly, he grabbed one and squeezed.

  “Young human girl like you? Would be nice to keep on the ship after all. I've heard stories...” he trailed off, distracted by her body. She knew she had a part to play. She rose slightly upwards, as if responding to his touch. Then she smashed her knee between his legs as hard as she could.

  Now it was his turn to shriek. Both hands instinctively left her body, moving to touch his own. It would have been more effective if he hadn't been wearing such a thick suit, but it was enough for her to jerk out from under him and race towards the hallway, yelling for help.

  She was fast, it was something she'd been bred towards. She raced through the station, searching for someone, anyone. Empty. As she ran through the hall, she used her powers to fling open each door that she passed, pausing only long enough to determine if they were occupied. Finally she slowed from her run and let the realization wash over her.

  She'd been abandoned.

  Not for the first time she wished her genes had manifested towards telepathy instead of telekinesis. She could have been just as deadly without the aggravation of not being able to read minds, aliens included. Had she been blessed that way, then none of this would have happened.

  Another thought struck her and she changed course, racing towards the docking bay. When she finally shot into the long hallway with windows on either side, she saw the truth.

  There was only one ship docked. It was not hers.

  She let loose a string of curses from multiple different planets. Suddenly the suited man tore into the room, barreling into her and knocking her to the floor.

  “You'll pay dearly for this,” he promised, mounting her again to pin her down, pressing her head to the cold floor. She could hear the docking bay door slide open in front of them.

  “You scanned for lifeforms,” she choked out, and he pressed even harder. “Why were you so insistent I didn't scream?”

  She could feel the change in the air as others filed out of the ship to surround her. Still, it was the one on top of her who spoke.

  “Hurt my ears. Suit amplifies sounds you know.”

  He jerked her wrists together behind her, releasing her head. Someone handed him a type of binding, and she felt one wrist being pinned to the opposite elbow behind her back. He pressed his crotch against her back once, almost imperceptibly, before rising to his feet.

  “You will pay for this, I will make certain of it.”


  She felt the bindings themselves urge her to her feet. She had to bury the urge to smile. If they had been using the proper restraints for someone like herself, the magnetic auto-movement would not have been in place. Still she'd never been in this sort of bondage before and decided to enjoy it, at least until it was time to make her move.

  She counted four men around her now, all wearing the same type of environmental suit, though none seemed to be the same size or shape. All were still humanoid but there was a two hundred pound difference from smallest to largest, and nearly two feet of height differential. The one who'd come for her was the smallest of them all, thin and only a bit taller than her.

  This kept the bounty hunter theory alive. She might have thought they were working a military contract, but there were no cross-planetary militaries and she knew of no alien lifeforms that could allow for such a large difference in weight and height while still being at top form. The matching environmental suits could simply mean they were successful.

  The men stood around her, guiding her into the ship itself. She was lead through myriad hallways before finally being brought to a basic room containing a reclining table that, naturally, had restraints. Clearly she was not the first person that needed to be interrogated here. That boded well for her, it meant that they truly did intend to keep her alive, if even simply to get information out of her.

  The thin one who'd spoken to her earlier, guided her to the table. He unhooked her magnetic restraints before pushing each hand into the buil
t in manacles of the device. Each closed with a soft whooshing sound, adjusting for a tight fit against her narrow wrists. Kneeling, he secured each of her ankles in the same fashion. Finally, a long belt was pulled across her waist attaching with a buckle. This one he delighted in pulling just a little too tight and watching the pain cross her face.

  “Just a hint of what I'll do to you for that little stunt of yours,” he grinned maliciously. His thickly gloved hand moved to her face, clinching it tightly at the jaw. He turned her eyes to stare into his mask, where she could see nothing but her reflection staring back at her. His fingers dug into the skin of her cheek. Behind him, a scalpel rose from the table, making it's slow process towards his suit.

  “The things I'm going to do to you...” he promised, darkly.

  The door opened in a rush, and a creature entered. The scalpel clattered to the ground, as she turned her attention to the creature. He cleared his throat, a very human action on such a monstrous looking alien. “You will wait until I have completed my examination.”

  He was a horror. At nearly seven feet tall, roll after roll of fat covered his entire body. His slimy skin glistened in the bright white light of the room, but the fatty rolls seemed to actually move as he walked, bouncing and knocking into each other. Despite all of that, he still wore an immaculately clean white coat. She could only assume he was the ship's doctor.

  The thin one released her jaw in a huff. “Listen Doc, I need time-sensitive information.”

  “I understand that, but you are well aware these things take time.”

  The suited man crossed his hands over his chest. The doctor busied himself at the preparation table. “Fine. You do your examination. But she better be ready to answer some questions when I return.”

  The doctor turned to the both of them and sprayed liquid out of a hypodermic needle. A grin crossed his reptilian face. “That and scream. That is all she will be able to do. She will be utterly helpless.”

  They shared a chuckle as the suited man headed out of the room.


  Yuno, for her part, didn't need to feign fear. The doctor expertly stabbed the long needle directly into her vein.

  “What are you giving me?” she cried, her voice carrying the terror that she could not help but feel.

  He finally pulled the needle out, and lay a small cotton swab on top of it, pressing down.

  “Nothing too terrible, young lady. Simply a little concoction I came up with. It's really great for getting answers out of people we do not want to maim.” He pressed a bandage over the injection point.

  Her head was already beginning to swim. Quickly she reached out with her power. It was still there, still safe, even if she was starting to feel woozy. The feeling slowly moved from her arm to her other extremities, making them feel heavier and heavier.

  “But what does it do?” she persisted.

  He turned again, and she could swear the rolls of fat were beginning to move on their own again, almost like snakes around his body. It was so alien it began to churn her stomach.

  “Well, it simply makes your mind unable to control any part of your body below your neck.”

  She shook her head, trying to keep the cobwebs away. “Wait, why would you want that?”

  He finally turned back to her from his table. He frowned, truly confused. “Do you not know? Truly? Oh this is really going to be fascinating.”

  She felt a bit of a jump between her legs at his words. Surely the doctor was not also going to do this to her? Surely it was only the suited thugs, this man was supposed to be a man of science!

  A man of science who suddenly had placed his strange, fat hand upon her thigh and began to slowly draw her nightgown upward. His thick slimy hand left a strange residue behind on her skin, as he revealed her lower extremities.

  “I've never been able to study a human female before. I'm sure you don't mind if I record this experiment for later consultation?” Without waiting for her reply, he reached above him and flipped on a small hovering camera-bot.

  “Subject is a human female,” he began, as he spread her legs further apart. “She appears to have reached her early thirties, still prime breeding age.” She felt his clawed fingertips move to her hairless slit, pulling it apart. The camera moved to get a better picture. “As you can see, her pleasure center is located here,” thankfully he did only pointed out her clit with the sharp claw, instead only using them to keep her spread open.

  “Now, as time passes, the drug will be filtering through her human systems. She will no longer have control of any of her extremities, from the neck down. However, she will maintain fill feeling in all areas.” Still speaking to the camera, the alien doctor hit the button that pushed her table to a horizontal position. She was still pinned, but he was not lying. She was only barely able to move her fingers.

  “That will allow us to explore all of her reactions, yet still be able to communicate with her. The benefit to this is that we will get the answers that my Captain needs, while still being able to use whatever means are necessary. That includes pleasure,” she felt his large, clawed hands reach down to cup her ample breast, tenderly caressing it and causing her nipple to rise to his ministrations.

  “Or pain,” he continued, quickly using his sharp claws to rip down the front of her nightgown, leaving a thin line of blood where he'd broken the skin. He grabbed her other breast savagely and pinched the nipple hard.

  The moan that had once escaped her throat turned into a shriek of pain just as quickly. She tried to move away from the savage pain, but could not. All she could do was turn her head to look away.

  “Excellent. The drug is working. You are completely helpless now.” A low chuckle escaped his throat.

  “Why are you doing this?” She asked, playing the part.

  “This? The drug?” he asked, to which she nodded. “Is it not obvious?” He held out his hands and slowly two of the fat rolls began to unravel from them, becoming tentacles. Her eyes widened at that. He laughed cruelly. “Have you never seen an Ohren before?”

  “No.” She stated simply, as a second fat roll began to unravel from his form. “What do you intend to do with those?”

  “Ah well, my people have breeding issues you understand.” He lowered one arm, and the tentacles shot out towards her slit, slowly running along her narrow opening, up and down, each in it's own pattern, trying to open it up on it's own. His other hand once more began to kneed her breast, a dangerous proposition with his claws. One of his tentacles moved to her face, dancing around like a snake in front of her eyes, giving her a good look at it.

  It wasn't shaped like a human's penis, instead it was long and tubular. It had a small slit at the end that held her attention while the second arm tentacle wrapped twice around her throat.

  Realization struck her, “Wait, surely you don't mean to..” her words were cut off as the tentacle began to squeeze around her throat. It wasn't enough to cut off her oxygen, but it was enough to get her attention. The dancing one took advantage of her surprise and stuffed itself between her lips.

  “You talk too much,” the doctor said, before turning his attention back to the camera.

  “As you can see, the human females are full of erogenous zones, which makes stimulation far more interesting than a typical Ohren female.” The tentacle at her lips slowly pulled itself out a bit, then pushed back in, while the one around her neck slid back and forth, squeezing then letting go. The two between her legs kept up their dance, stimulating her clit.

  “The oral cavity can be penetrated, though this will not aid in conception. It does, however, increase the production of the female's vaginal lubrication.” He turned his attention back between her legs and pulled her lips apart for the camera's view. He slowly pushed one of his claws into her canal, then pulled it out, demonstrating her juices for the full view.

  “When considering the extreme size difference between human males and the Ohren, precautions will need to be taken.” She looked up to him
, realizing that he was absolutely correct. He had almost a two foot height difference, and he must weigh two hundred pounds more than she. No doubt his people would develop much larger genitalia. With that one of the lower tentacles began to worm it's way into her slit, leaving it's slimy trail in its wake.

  She closed her eyes from the violation and turned her head. This only appeared to egg him on more. She felt the one around her neck begin to throb, tightening and loosening around her neck while the one inside her mouth became more furious in it's menstruations. Below, she felt herself tightening around the one that was invading her tight hole.

  Unwilling to be left alone, the second free tentacle began to push it's way into her narrow canal, stretching her further than she believed possible. She suddenly began to understand why his skin was covered in that slime, as it added to the lubrication down below. Inch after hard-won inch, the two tentacles buried themselves inside of her, until she could feel them at the opening of her womb, deeper than anything she'd ever felt.


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