Invasion Bundle #3 - Helpless Trilogy: (Monsterous Alien BDSM, Rough, Medical)

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Invasion Bundle #3 - Helpless Trilogy: (Monsterous Alien BDSM, Rough, Medical) Page 3

by Claudia Balvenie

  She heard the soft chime of someone at the brig's door, before it smoothly slid open. Before her stood one of the men, clothed head to toe in a spacesuit, a shotgun in his hands. When he spoke, his voice was tinny, as if he was speaking through an air filter.

  “Captain's ready for you.”

  She nodded once, and let her tense arms fall to the side. She was already healed from her ordeal with the doctor, thanks to whatever sort of medicine these creatures made. Dimly she wondered if there would be side effects, but pushed that to the side in favor of more immediate problems. She reached out to her power, touching it, caressing it. It was her ace in the hole if and when this went poorly.

  She knew that, by the time this was over, she would be Captain of this ship.


  The suited man guided her through what seemed like miles of indistinguishable hallways. She first believed that the ship was simply much larger than she had thought, until she realized he'd been backtracking, deliberately trying to ruin her orientation.

  Finally when he had decided he'd done enough marching her around, they arrived in front of a door, one that was as nondescript as any of the others from the outside.

  Inside was a completely different story. The best she could compare it to was an extremely opulent swamp. She was first assaulted by the humidity, an oppressive wetness that caused her to immediately break into a sweat. The room was huge, but biological. Under her feet was a mixture of mud, plant life, and water.

  And yet it was clearly both a living room and office for the Captain. In the center of the room was a huge desk, taller than she, with moss growing up the sides. A living bed was tucked into the corner, shaded by ferns.

  And sunken into one of the pools lay the Captain.

  He rose from the muddy water as they entered. He was tremendous, close to ten feet tall and she would guess nearing five hundred pounds. His skin was a smooth reptilian, with a color that varied from browns to greens, no doubt for camouflage. But what truly frightened her were the mounds and mounds of fat that lay over every portion of his body, roll after roll. They all moved independently of one another, turning her stomach.

  She'd seen another man who had a body like this. He was far smaller. She swallowed.

  He nonchalantly began to dry himself. He was completely nude, but she could not see his sex, it too was covered in the snake like skin folds. She feared what the doctor said, that he was not considered well-endowed for his people. She once more reached for her power and found it waiting and willing.

  He slipped into a robe, then tied it around his waist. His eyes slowly ran over her body as he did so, from her bare feet to the plain shift they'd given her to clothe herself after her examination. He sighed deeply, then his eyes moved to the soldier behind her.

  “Leave us.” He commanded. His voice was so deep that she could feel it reverberating in the pit of her stomach.


  The two of them were alone. The Captain stood in front of her, leaning against his desk. He folded his massive arms over his chest and chuckled softly.

  “You are going to tell me what I want to know.”

  She knew she'd need to play helpless, but it was not difficult to let the fear trickle into her voice.

  “As you command, Captain.”

  A small smirk touched his reptilian lips. She could make out the impression of fangs there. Why that made her tighten down below, she wasn't certain. He picked up a tablet and began to scroll through it with his taloned fingers.


  “Yuno, Sir.” He tapped on his device.


  “Relic hunter.”

  He harrumphed at that. Either he knew the truth or simply had a disdain for her cover profession.

  “Connection to Eurian Malore?”

  Ah, her paramour. The bastard. “We were engaged, Captain.” OK, that was stretching the truth too.

  “I see.” He set the tablet down on the desk, and once more crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Where is he?” He asked simply.

  She put every ounce of sincerity in her words. After all, these were true. “I have no idea.”

  He laughed then, a dark sound that made the ground below her rumble. “You are lying, human. How would you not know where your future husband has gone?”

  She shook her head again, determination clear on her face. She willed him to see the truth. “I don't know where he went. I woke up and your men were there and his side of the bed was empty.”

  Quicker than she could react, one of his fat rolls uncurled from his body and shot out at her. The slimy tentacle wrapped around her throat twice and constricted, not enough to stop her breathing but enough that she could feel his strength.

  “Let's try that again, shall we?” The rest of his body was still at ease, leaning against the desk. Only the tentacle around her throat and the anger burning in his eyes betrayed what was truly happening.

  “Where is your lover?”

  “I don't kn..” the tentacle squeezed again, constricting her air. This was dangerous, and dammit, why was her body responding to it? She touched her power again, ready to rip out his heart if she had to. Then he released, and she caught her breath.

  “Where is your lover?” He persisted.

  “I don't...” Again he squeezed her neck, even tighter this time. She could feel her face turning red, and her body growing wet. The end of the tentacle began to worm it's way across her countenance, teasing at her closed lips.

  “I know you have a better answer than that, human.” The tension released. The end of the one around her throat slowly began to run along her lips. She could feel a fluid slowly dripping out of the hole at the end of the tentacle. Soon her lips were coated in the foul-smelling slime.

  She shook her head, trying to look the defeated girlfriend. She had ideas of other information she could give him. Still there was a dark part of her that wanted to see how far he'd go. She wanted to know what he would do to her thinking her helpless to his every desire. Or did he truly still think he was torturing her? He had a lot to learn.

  “I'm sorry!” She cried. “It's the truth! I was as surprised as you to find him,” the head of the tentacle shoved into her mouth for a mere moment, and removed itself again to let her speak, “gone. I went to bed with him, and woke up without!”

  He seemed to consider what she was saying for a long moment. Then, once more, a pair of his tentacles unwrapped themselves from his body and shot out towards her These two each grabbed a wrist and jerked it over her head, pinning them together. They easily lifted her off of the ground her bare feet danging.

  He yanked her over to hang directly in front of his face, his eyes pools of rage.

  “Let's try this again, shall we?”


  The two at her wrists tightened, while their slime began to cover her skin. They were constantly moving, though she was still pinned tightly. Each began to force it's way into her closed fists, as if they wanted to be trapped in that tight canal.

  Another pair disentangled themselves from his body. They hovered behind her, she could not see what they were doing. He slowly reached out, his taloned hand cupping her breast almost gently.

  “Tell me everything you know about Malore.”

  “I... everything, Captain?” She asked, pleadingly.

  A sound like a whip came from behind her. A shot of pain ran up her back. Those damn tentacles behind her!

  “That is what I said.”

  “Well, we met back on Triton IV..” She began. Truth was, she could use much of her cover story here and only would need to make up a few things about her own past. That was good, as he was clearly looking for oddities. He believed she was lying and protecting him.

  As she spoke, he would snap the whip of one of the tentacles across her back, buttocks, or upper thighs. With each, a shriek escaped her lips. With each shriek, she could feel the other tentacles get more excited. With an exceptionally
good scream, the one around her neck tightened again, and dipped once more into her mouth. She had to pause in her story when this would happen, but he would calm himself, and listen further.

  “And that's when you woke me up...Captain.”

  He frowned for a long moment, then suddenly smacked her again, this time with both tentacles. She knew she'd be covered in welts after this. She had no idea if he was drawing blood or if it were just the slime from his body that dripped down her back. She knew she should stop him, she should go on and take over the ship, but at this point her body yearned for it, crying out for that alien seed.

  “You are not helping. Now we are back at square one. Tell me how I can catch him, and I promise that the two of you can be together again.”

  Dubiousness crossed her face. What would be the point if this adventure if he going to simply let them both go? Still, her character would not be so untrusting. “You'd really let us be together, Captain? That's all I want, for us to be safe and together, I love him so.”

  He chuckled again darkly. “Of course. We are only after his money. I see no reason I couldn't let the two of you live. That is, if you help me.”

  She frowned and looked away, as if considering. Indeed, this was the very moment that she'd been waiting for. She was going to put them on the trail. She'd have a ship, a crew, and she'd be on the way to getting that bastard and his fat purse.

  “Well, maybe...”

  She felt all three of the tentacles squeeze at once, reminding her of the monstrous creature's power. She had to draw it out though.

  “Tell me.”

  “I just...”

  “Do it, or this will go very badly for you.”

  She hesitated again, then finally began to speak. “Alright, but no more of the whipping, OK?”

  She felt each of the flatter tentacles behind her move to her back. They slowly began to run up and down it, soothing the pain that they had so recently caused. A shame really, she knew she could take more, but the score was too big.


  “Well, you see, my ship was missing. And it's a special class, a B49Z Transport. It's.. rather rare. I don't know if he took it or if the people who kidnapped him took it, but...”

  A spark of hope crossed his reptilian eyes. He reached behind him and began quickly typing into the tablet. Even his tentacles stopped their squeezing as he began to walk away, moving towards a comm unit in the wall. He drug her behind him, an afterthought that he still held bound in the air as he shouted commands.

  Finally, he used her tentacles to pull her back to face him. Once more he reached out, cupping one of her breasts. His sharp claws flicked her nipple, then very gently pinched it.

  “Wait! You said you'd let us go! I did my part.”

  “No, I said the two of you would be together. Never did I say I would let you go. Human females are far too great a prize to just let... leave.”

  She knew what he was talking about, the doctor had explained it. Still, hearing it confirmed was both thrilling and terrifying. She was dripping now.

  “I don't understand... please...”

  “Yes, my slave. You are simply breeding stock.”


  He slowly ran the talon from her nipple to the neckline of her thin shift. With one quick thrust, he had sliced the whole cloth in two.

  “Hmm. I've never seen one of your kind in person. Your skin is so soft and pink. Fleshy. I wonder what you feel like inside... hmm?” His talon moved down further and he used one finger to push her legs apart. His slime mixed with hers as he slowly wiggled that one digit into her slit. Even his finger was bigger than most men she'd been with. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips.

  His cruel laughter caused his tentacles to shake, shaking her as well. He lowered is fanged lips to her breast, easily taking it all into his mouth. “Your skin tastes so sweet.” He began to flick at her nipple with his forked tongue.

  The buildup was too much, and despite her best efforts, she could not contain herself. The simple idea of being helpless to this creature, of having to give in to his every whim, having no way to escape, it sent her over the edge. The touch of the dangerous, sharp claw at her clit was too much to contain. Her explosion caused her own juices to run down her bare legs.

  “My, my human. You seem to enjoy being my slave. Why did you protest so?” He let the robe fall from his body, revealing dozens and dozens of the tentacles. They slowly began to unwrap from around his body.

  “But it is time for you to be seeded. And for my own enjoyment.”

  She felt a thin pair of tentacles wrap around her breasts, pushing them together, and laying their ends in-between the breasts, forming their own canal. Each pushed itself inside, forcefully, working themselves in and out. The one at her mouth was already excited, it kept moving along her lips, distracting her while two others played between her nether lips. She could feel them growing harder below as they played with her clit, causing her to go over again. When she did, the two of them shoved inside her pussy, hard.

  She screamed at the brutal invasion, and that was just the chance that the one at her lips needed. It shoved itself in, suppressing her screams and taking away her breath. She felt it constricting her throat as it shoved itself in, and she began to become lightheaded.

  The two inside of her tight canal began to piston in and out. One would shove itself all the way in, then the second one would as the first one pulled itself out. The two of them fought like that, each shoving in, each using it's own slimy juices and her excitement to lubricate. She felt a third one pushing insistently at her ass.

  The two holding her off the ground were even enjoying themselves, as they used her fists to their own advantage. In and out they went, somehow being able to force her into a hand job.

  And during the whole ordeal, the Captain stood, leaning against the desk, having a drink of some amber liquor. She could see the lust in his eyes, but it was as if he wasn't truly an active participant.

  But she was being fucked in more ways than she'd ever thought she could. She was spread as far as she ever had been by the two locked in a battle inside her pussy. The one at her rear was coating her with it's foul slime, slowly shoving into even that dark hole. She was impressed at what she was able to take.

  The two inside of her began to work together, pushing in at the same time, widening her pussy to unbelievable lengths. Even more stretching was being done in her rear, as that one wormed its way deeper and deeper. A third tentacle began to make its way to the two that were working together.

  “Please, just.. please. I don't think I can take it!” She cried, as she stared into his lust filled eyes.

  “You must, slave.” The third somehow began to widen her, even further. She screamed but somehow she was taking it. She had no idea how, or why, it was unnatural. They must have given her something.

  It was then, though she'd asked for him not to, that the lashes began again at her back. She jerked wildly at the first, a scream torn from her lips.

  That seemed to be what he was waiting for. She felt the first rush of semen as one of the ones inside her pussy exploded, deep inside. She could actually feel the juices coating her canal, warm against the sides. But still the three, working together, did not stop.

  “Oh yes. Writhe and wriggle, my slave.” His eyes were dark and cruel, his voice even deeper than before, full of lust. “I want to hear you scream.”

  She'd never felt more excited or more afraid in her entire life. She truly was scared that she would permanently damage her body by taking so much, but she truly only wanted more. She came again, her own juices mingling with his.

  The one at her throat sputtered and ejaculated, deep inside of her esophagus. When it began to unwind, two more took its place. They both shoved themselves into her mouth, hard.

  She felt a sharp slap of the whipped tentacle at her rear, once more causing her to squirm, this time causing the one inside of her ass to explode. A second whip, and all three that were
buried inside of her sputtered, jerked, and creamed inside of her unprotected canal.

  That's when he set down the liquor and made another movement. All of the tentacles were free, running over and around her body, leaving his true sex standing tall.

  “Time for the main event,” he laughed, as two of his large tentacles pulled themselves from her stretched pussy and yanked her thighs apart as far as they could go.

  She could not believe his actual dick. It was nearly two feet long, but as wide around as her actual thigh. She shook her head, knowing there was no way she could take that, but desperately wanting to try.


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