Train My Heart

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by Marian H. Griffin

  “He’s afraid. His owner says he tucks tail and runs at the slightest noise. Thunderstorms are particularly bad. Come on, Champagne.”

  “With a name like that I’d be afraid of the playground, too.”

  Grinning, Dixie headed for the door.

  Perry clapped his hands. “Come on out and play, Champ!” He was grinning and patting his thighs. Champ, the dog formerly known as Champagne, trotted out and went right up to Perry who praised him. He tossed a ball across the yard and Dixie was pleasantly surprised when Champ chased it and brought it back to him. Perry didn’t appear surprised at all with Champ’s behavior.

  “Will you look at that?” Dixie asked. “You’re amazing, Perry. Are you sure you want to give away the kennel?”

  She had said it with a smile and no thought to offending her benefactor. But he did get annoyed.

  “I am sure.”


  “I bought it hoping it would be the perfect place for you.”

  “It is!”

  He turned away and took the ball from Champ’s mouth.


  “Just let me do this for you, okay?” He turned to her. “I love you like the daughter I don’t have. I love your whole family.”

  Dixie walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him. “We all love you, too. And not because you’re a millionaire.”

  He hesitated a moment then hugged her back. “I know.”

  She pulled back to look him in the face. “Do you really think I can make a go of it?”

  He grinned. “Yes, I do. Or I wouldn’t have bought it for you.”

  “You shouldn’t have—”

  “Of course, I should have. Besides, I wanted to.”

  Dixie was stumped. How many times could she say thank you? How much could he—would he—give her that needed a thank you?

  “Um, thank you?”

  Perry pinched her cheek like he’d been doing as long as she could remember. “You’re welcome, little girl.” He grinned. “I’ll just let you two figure things out.”

  She looked over to the fence where Brand leaned. He held Galli’s leash and wore a welcoming smile.

  Chapter Five

  Brand watched Dixie’s benefactor stroll to his car.

  “Figure what out?” she asked.

  Brand looked back at Dixie. He had already figured “it” out. Dixie was right, Perry had sent him to her because of Galli. But he had a strong feeling he’d sent him to Dixie for another reason entirely. He was mystified and grateful all at the same time. Their talk in the bar that night had covered Brand’s experience with women and Perry’s adopted family. Brand had lost direction in his life due to circumstances in his control and others that were under control of nothing but the capricious winds of fate. Was this fate? Or was this simply the crazy idea of an old man with too much money and a heart bigger than Mimosa Key itself?

  Either way, he knew Dixie wasn’t ready to hear his theory. He wasn’t sure he was liking it too much right now since he was currently faced with the question of the day. A horn toot signaled Perry’s timely departure. Brand and Dixie waved as he turned his truck around and headed off to check in at the Casa Blanca Resort & Spa. Only the best for Perry.

  Brand looked over at the dogs behind Dixie. “What are they doing?”

  Dixie looked behind her then turned back. “They’re playing and you’re trying to change the subject.”

  “Me?” He tried for innocence. “I thought they—”

  “Figure what out?”

  “Oh, that. I don’t know.”

  She glared at him through slitted eyes. The setting sun glinted off the shades of red and gold in her hair. He knew dyed hair and hers wasn’t. Is she a natural redhead? Milk-white skin and blue eyes don’t guarantee it. Time will tell.

  And isn’t that the most arrogant thing you’ve thought?

  “Shouldn’t you be wearing sunscreen?”

  He caught a roll of those blue eyes before she turned her back and whistled for the dogs. “Time to go in, guys.” They bounced around her woofing and barking with one lone howl. “Dinnertime!” The dogs thundered toward the kennels

  Galli perked up his ears. “You already ate,” Brand muttered as he followed the fence and entered the kennel from the front. All the dogs stood in their individual kennel watching every movement Dixie made.

  So did Brand.

  She was nothing like any of his previous girlfriends. She wasn’t anything like his two fiancées. First, she wasn’t pregnant by someone else like Cheryl. Second, Veronique was almost six foot tall and had a teacup poodle.

  And what had him comparing Dixie to past girlfriends? She was just a neighbor, a neighbor who was against his business, thought him clueless about dogs (never mind that he pretty much was) and practically family to his benefactor. Damn you, Perry.

  “What do you think about Perry and what he’s done?”

  He froze but realized he hadn’t spoken out loud. “Are you complaining about owning a kennel and enough money to run it?”

  She stilled over the large, plastic dog food bin and lifted her gaze to him. Her hard-edged, laser-like gaze. He gulped and felt a bead of sweat course down the small of his back.

  “I guess I am. What of it?”

  Desperate to backtrack, he cleared his throat. “Nothing. I think he did a wonderful thing for you. And your family. You should accept it with grace.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I did accept it. And with whatever grace I could find while in shock.”


  She stared for a moment then filled the scoop. The clatter of dry dog food into metal bowls brought forth paw shuffling and whining.

  “Why don’t you finish feeding the dogs and stop teasing them?”

  “Controlling themselves at feeding time teaches them control in other situations.”

  “You’re all about control, aren’t you, Dixie?”

  She turned. “What crawled up your butt?”

  “Do you always need to maintain control, Dix? Is that what troubles you about Perry giving you the kennel?” He swung around to expel some of the sexual frustration driving him. “You’re passionately against my shop but you calmly spout statistics like a mathematician.”

  “I’m not passionately against your shop.”

  He turned to glare at her and was faced by her backside covered in tight denim. Really tight denim. His frustration level increased markedly.

  “You think I’m always in control? Well, I’m not. In fact,” she said standing up straight and facing him. “I’m about to let go of my control right now.”

  He took a deep breath and scoffed. “You don’t look like it. And you don’t sound like it.”

  Dixie put the last dish of food into Baby’s kennel and closed the gate. Dusting off her hands, she approached him with a gleam in her eye.

  Not sure what was happening, he gave her his crooked smile and lifted an eyebrow. He was expecting her to wag her finger in his face or push him back a step or two. Maybe she’d yell at him or call him some gutter name.

  What she did do wasn’t even in sight of the list of things-expected-to-happen.

  She kissed him. Full-on, mouth open, arms around his neck, kissed him. He finally knew what it was to be gobsmacked.

  It took him a full second to dive into her pretty mouth. He adjusted the angle of his head and took the kiss deeper. The feel of her, the taste of her, seeped into his pores. His stomach muscles contracted as her hips pressed against him. His brain emptied as her tongue dueled with his. Small, strong hands fisted in his hair.

  They both came up for a breath. Eyes locked, lungs heaving, they stared at each other. She blinked first.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know—”

  “Me either,” he said and dived back for more. He reveled in her warmth. And her passion.

  She pushed on his chest. “No.”

  The magic word had him dropping his hands and stepping away from her. He didn
’t like “no” but he respected it. He was breathing heavily. His feet shuffled a couple of times before he forced them to still.

  “Why not?” He had to ask because he had to know.

  “Because I don’t wrap myself around any strange man that happens along.”

  He wiped his mouth and put both hands on his hips to keep from grabbing her again. “All evidence to the contrary.”

  “Oh, you—”

  Raising both hands in surrender he said, “Sorry, I’m sorry. That was unconscionable, rude and you don’t deserve that.” Feeling a pinch in the front of his jeans, he turned and walked to the open door. Staring outside, he tried to figure out what had just happened.

  “No, I’m sorry,” Dixie said softly. “I guess you could say I, ahem, lost control.”

  He barked out a laugh. “You are something, Dixie.”

  “Yeah, well, no one’s figured out just what.”

  Brand turned and smiled. “Keep ’em guessing, is my advice.”

  She smiled. “Why don’t we go in and have a beer.”

  He tipped his head trying to gauge her current mood. He figured he could risk it. “Sure. Let’s.”

  They walked up the short drive from the kennel to the house together but far enough apart that they wouldn’t accidentally touch each other.

  Once inside, Dixie waved to the couch. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll get the beer.” She headed down a hall Brand assumed led to the kitchen.

  He looked around before sitting down in the middle of the couch. There was a cheap painting on the wall and one picture on an end table but she was back before he could take a peek.

  “Did you want a glass?” she asked.

  “No. Bottle’s fine.”

  Tipping their beers toward each other, they sipped. Dixie sat on the couch as far away from him as possible.

  “So, why’d you kiss me?”

  * * *

  I should have known he wouldn’t drop it. The question is, why did I kiss him?

  “To prove a point.”

  “What was the point? Wait…you find me irresistible.”

  “Ha. No.”

  “You really sticking with you lost control?”

  “No, I was fully in control.”

  “Wish I’d been,” he muttered into his beer bottle.

  She laughed. “Glad to know I still have it.”

  “Have what? Are you fishing for compliments?”


  “Then what is ‘it’ that you’re glad you still have?”

  “Could we change the subject?”


  She sighed. “Because I’m tired of you asking me uncomfortable questions.”

  “Sorry about that. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Why don’t you ask me some questions?”

  “Okay. Let’s see. I know you’ve never had a dog.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “Really?” Fascinated, she watched him squirm.

  “I had a girlfriend who had a dog.”

  “So it wasn’t actually your dog?”

  “Well, it was our dog.”

  “‘Our’ dog? Were you living together or something?”

  “Or something.”

  “Boy, asking you questions is harder than answering your questions.”

  “We shared an apartment but she wasn’t home much. She traveled for her job. A lot.”

  Dixie could see he was uncomfortable. But she had to press on. After all, the man had fried her brain with a simple kiss.

  “What happened with the dog? If you don’t mind my asking.”

  “We broke up. It had been coming for a long time.” He sat back now and put his arm along the back of the couch. His hand was almost-but-not-quite touching her.

  “Then they died.” He looked at her. “The ex-girlfriend and the dog.”

  Horrified at his revelation, she gasped. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Brand. I had no idea.”

  “Veronique was in Paris on business. She took Esme everywhere.” He lifted his head to look at her. “A teacup poodle who weighed three whole pounds.” He dropped his gaze to the floor.

  “You don’t have to say any more.”

  He shrugged. “It’s better if I do. I’ll brood otherwise,” he said with a self-deprecating grin. It faded quickly as he spoke. “Veronique was killed in a car accident in Paris. She was driving along the Boulevard Voltaire just a few blocks from Place de la Nation. She was probably headed for the ‘Triomphe de la République’ where many of the French nobles were guillotined during the Revolution. Her car was broadsided by an American driving on the wrong side of the road. She was killed instantly along with her—our—dog, Esme.”

  “I’m so sorry, Brandtley. You must have been devastated.

  “It was ironic as she was there putting together a showing of artworks featuring the French Revolution. Little did she know she’d end up…”

  Reacting to his voice breaking, Dixie slid over next to him. In a comforting move, she wound her arms around his neck and pulled him close. He rested his head on her shoulder.

  “We were only together maybe six months. I’ve never known anyone who died in a car wreck.” He settled deeper against her. “And Esme was as innocent as—well, Veronique wasn’t very innocent but no one deserves to die like that so far from home.”

  “No, they don’t. I’m sorry.”

  “She’s buried there since she had no family to bring her body home.”

  “Shh. Don’t think about it anymore.”

  Silence and stillness went together. They shared the comfort of warmth. Brand moved his chin resting it at the very top of her left breast.


  He rubbed his cheek lightly against her.

  The warmth was heating up.

  “Uh, Brand?”


  “I gather you’re not brooding.”

  “No. Just relaxing.” He snuggled in and slid one arm across her stomach.

  Between her stomach muscles quivering and heat building between her legs, she knew exactly what he was doing. And it was working. Damn it. But what the hell. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a man.

  “Brand?” She lifted his head so she could see his face. He focused on her lips.

  They came together softly. He pressed little kisses across her lips and slid his hand up between her shoulder blades. She sighed and kissed him back until he raised up and pressed her down into the couch.

  “Mmm, good.”

  She felt his lips lift in a smile but he took the opportunity to taste her again. She rose and fell at his prodding and gasped when his hand covered her breast. A gentle squeeze had her arching up and pressing herself into his hand.

  She groaned when he removed said hand and sighed when he slid it under her shirt to cup her again. His hips pressed against her as her nipple furled and contracted increasing the longing deep inside her.

  “God, Brand.”

  She pushed up enough to grab the bottom of her shirt and lift it off over her head. It sailed to the floor. He took off her bra. His hands bracketed her ribs and slowly slid up until she was breathing heavy and wishing for more. He gave her more.

  She returned the favor tit for tat, touch for touch, kiss for kiss. He blew lightly on a tight, wet nipple.


  Brand took direction well. He sat up and stripped off his shirt while she opened her jeans. Standing up, he shucked his pants and underwear but stilled as she stared at him. His erection was as impressive as the rest of his body. Sculpted abs, well rounded arms and a light dusting of hair on his chest combined to take her breath away. She lifted her gaze to find him staring at her.

  Deliberately, he reached for his shorts and fished out a condom. He tore it open and smoothed it on.

  “My turn,” he said. He grabbed the hem of her pants and tugged.

  She giggled as he dragged her flat on the couch then helped him peel off the rest of her clothes. With his weight on her once again,
she went for the kiss. He teased nerve endings and made blood pulse hard and fast, his and hers. He took her to the edge. She pushed him over. They fell together and she rejoiced in the man crushing her with every ounce of his glorious being.

  Chapter Six

  Brand lay flat and waited for his heart to finish the 100 yard dash. He could almost breathe but hadn’t tried opening his eyes. His biggest concern was that his armpit wasn’t draped over Dixie’s nose. Nothing says great sex more than suffocating your partner with body odor.

  There was life beneath him. Dixie’s heart pounded like the surf on the east coast of Florida in a tropical storm. Yeah, but is she breathing? Grunting with the effort, he lifted onto his elbows and looked at her face. Her eyes were still closed and she was breathing. She also had her arms wrapped around him like bands of steel. It felt good. She stirred and lifted her eyelids.

  He grinned. “Hey, there.”


  He shifted to one side. “Better?”

  “Nothing could be better than what I just experienced.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I agree.”

  “It’s been a really long time for me.”

  Her eyes whipped completely open. Brand chuckled and smoothed hair off her forehead. “Me too. You are so lovely.”

  She scoffed.

  “What? You don’t believe me? Let me count the ways.”

  She giggled. “Stop it.”

  “I don’t know what I like best. Is it your golden hair? Or your Caribbean blue eyes?” He shifted his body again. “Or your dusky pink nipples?” He licked the one that quivered. “Wait. Maybe it is the warm, wet, welcoming sheath I have penetrated.” He flexed his hips and was gratified to see her surprise that he was ready to go again. “I could make you come again.”

  “I don’t doubt it. I’m very sensitive right now.”

  He flexed again and she made a sweet sound in her throat. He wanted to hear it again. And again.

  “Shall we test my theory?”

  “If you insist,” she whispered.

  He moved slowly and surely, touching every part of her.

  She made that noise again. “But no bets.”

  He chuckled and she squirmed. They watched each other as he seduced her again. She closed her eyes.


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