Happy Hour

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Happy Hour Page 22

by Piper Rayne

  Laughs ring out from the crowd.

  “But I hope after I’m done with this speech, my little firecracker will let me guide her out onto that balcony and hold her while we watch real fireworks light up the sky. Because my arms are empty without you and my heart is hollow without your love. I miss you, Hannah. I know what we have is complicated and isn’t easy. Trust is hard in any relationship. But you took the chance and got to know the real me. That took courage, but I like to think you got something of a reward by taking that leap.”

  He winks and smiles that charming one with all white teeth and bright eyes that wins everyone over. The room laughs again while I feel my face grow hotter.

  “Our road may have started out bent in the wrong direction. We straightened it together and if it bends again at some point, I have faith in us that we’ll straighten it back out—together. I made you a promise that if we’re in this relationship, we walk side-by-side. I know you doubt that you’ll ever trust me because of your past. Well, I’m here with my hand out because we will walk that journey together, one day and one step at a time. Any branch that lays in our path, we’ll step over together. Do you get the common theme here?”

  The room echoes with laughter again.

  Chelsea has made her way over to us with a big smile.

  “Isn’t he the cutest?” Lennon says to her.

  “Who the hell is this guy?” Jagger Kale, an old friend, comes up on the other side of me. “He belong to you?” The disgust in his voice has me wanting to punch him in the gut.

  “You get away from her,” Victoria tells him in her mom voice.

  “Yeah, Jagger, don’t ruin the romantic moment,” his wife Quinn says. “Let’s remember you were the asshole at one point, too.”

  “That was when I was clueless and you hadn’t cast your spell over me yet.”

  Quinn and Victoria pull him away and their conversation drifts away while I study Roarke.

  He tucks his hands back in his pockets before he continues talking. “I’m making another promise to you, Hannah, and you know I don’t break my promises.”

  My heart hammers in my chest as everyone’s gazes shift from him to me and back.

  “I promise to be one hundred percent invested in our relationship. I promise to love you unconditionally. I promise to be patient with you when your past experiences creep up on you and make you think crazy things.” That one pulls a small smile out of me. “I promise to be the support you need by your side, but never cast a shadow over you. I promise that we will stand united, always.”

  The room is silent except for the blood rushing to my head and the loud thumping of my heart. Roarke steps down from the podium, stalking over in my direction.

  My throat dries as all eyes follow him until he stands in front of me.

  “What do you say, Hannah? Can we give this thing between us a true shot and leave all the bullshit behind us?”

  “Kiss him!” someone in the crowd screams and Roarke smiles back at them before turning to me.

  “I’d make a promise that I’ll never disappoint you, but I don’t break promises. I can say I’d never do it deliberately. I mean if I bring home the wrong kind of milk or—”

  I step forward and press my finger to his lips.

  “You love me?” I whisper.

  He nods.

  “Are you going to make me sign a contract?” My lips tip up and so do his.

  “I do like the thought of you being bound to me forever by ink, but I only want you with me if you want to be there. So, do you?”

  My heart skips a beat. “I do.”

  His hand cradles my cheek, and he steps into my personal space.

  “Never push me away again.” He bends his neck to kiss me, but I pull back.

  “You don't tell me what to do.”

  He chuckles and without saying anything, his lips descend on mine.

  “Fireworks!” someone announces.

  “I’ve got my own right here,” Roarke murmurs against my lips before dipping his tongue into my mouth.

  The footsteps and whispers can be heard heading outside until we’re the only ones left in the room.

  Once our kiss draws to a close, Roarke steps back to lead me outside, too.

  “You owe me one more favor,” he says, raising one eyebrow.

  “What?” I’m almost afraid to ask.

  “Will you move in with me?” His thumb rests on my lips before I can respond. “Your name will be added to the title. We’ll own it together. It won’t be mine any longer, it’ll be ours. If you’d rather me move in with you, I’m good with that, too. The decision is yours. I just can’t stand the thought of not being with you night and day.”

  A big boom sounds off outside from the fireworks.

  “I’m a woman who learns from her mistakes. Yes, I’ll move in with you.”

  His reaction is to give me the kiss I’ve been waiting on all evening. The one where everything else fades away and the only thing left is him.

  Always him.


  “A new bed?” Roarke asks, walking down the hall to the kitchen.

  “A new bed for a new start.” I clasp my earring on in front of the dresser mirror, watching him head for a drink.

  It’s a habit I never realized he had until we moved in together. He always has one drink before we leave to go to a function.

  “I like the memories I have of you in that bed. How I tricked you into sleeping in it while you hated me.” He turns around, winking.

  My hands rest on either side of my ear, so I glare at him rather than give him the finger.

  He chuckles, turning back around to head to the kitchen. “You could only be pissed if you didn’t fall in love with me,” he hollers back from the hallway.

  I stare into the reflection of our bedroom from the mirror. The book I’m reading is on the nightstand, along with my charger. On the opposite side, his glasses rest on the book he’s reading. Not that there’s been a lot of reading going on these days. We’re like two horny teenagers since the movers packed up my stuff and hauled it across town. My cousin has moved into my condo now since it’s owned by the family.

  My eyes water. God do I love him. So much that I’m still surprised myself.

  When I’ve finished getting ready, I grab my heels from the floor and walk down the hallway hearing ice cubes clink in a glass.

  “And you promised to give me anything I want, so a new bed it is.”

  Since he’s busy making my drink, I grab the scotch bottle and pour him a glass.

  “I don’t remember that being part of the speech.” He raises his eyebrows and I’d strip him down and have sex with him right here if we had time. Screw the charity event.

  “I knew I should have recorded it.” I giggle and he kisses me then hands me my drink.

  I hand him his in exchange.

  “So I have to watch a bunch of bachelors get auctioned off tonight?” he asks.

  I nod while sipping my drink. “Are you dodging the bed topic?”

  He leans his hip against the counter. “You knew when you brought it up, it was a done deal, right? Like I’d fight you about a bed.”

  I smile, not because he’s going to let me buy us a new bed, but because I knew what his reaction would be and that makes me feel like I truly know him.

  “I suppose.”

  He holds up his drink. “What should we drink to?”

  “To all the women who will snag a bachelor tonight?” I joke.

  “As long as one of them isn’t you.”

  I slide up to him so we’re chest to chest. Without my heels, I only come up to his pecs, but I love the way he can wrap me in a bear hug.

  “I found my bachelor.” I kiss his chin and then rise to my tiptoes to meet his mouth.

  His hands glide down my back until they cup my ass and our kiss deepens.

  “I have my own proposition for you,” he murmurs.

  I fall down off my tiptoes, sipping from my glass. “Your
tone scares me.”

  He chuckles, taking a bigger gulp than usual of his scotch.

  My mind runs wild thinking of what his proposition is.

  “My tone? It’s the same as it always is. You get a new bed and I get…” He reaches into his pocket and my breath seizes in my chest.

  “NO!” I scream.

  He smiles, pulling out the box that strikes fear into my heart because it will change everything and what we have is good.

  Please tell me that box holds earrings or God I’ll even take a brooch. Just not a …

  “Roarke.” My voice wheezes out when he lifts the lid and I see a ring. There’s no big center diamond, but it’s still a ring—a thick band with more diamonds than my last wedding ring.

  “Stop.” He holds his hand out in front of him. “I should’ve prepared you better. This is not an engagement ring.”

  I finally take a full breath.

  Thank God.

  “Okay then, what is it?” I ask.

  “Are you disappointed? It can be an engagement ring if you want it to be, but I thought we, you…”

  Just like that night at the Gala, I place my finger over his lips. “I’m not disappointed.”

  The tension wrapped around his body evaporates. “This isn’t a symbol to tell the world I own you either.”

  “It’s not?”

  He smirks and takes the ring out of the box. “Well, if it was, you couldn’t blame me, Firecracker. I don’t want anyone and everyone hitting on you.”

  “So is that what this is? Like pepper spray for any creeps that come sniffing around?”

  He chuckles, reaching for my hand. “Not at all. I know marriage isn’t in the cards for us. That a piece of paper isn’t what either of us wants or needs to prove our love to each other. But I still want you to look down at your hand and think of me. Think of our home at the end of a long day and the man who loves you completely and faithfully and will be waiting for you when you return to it.”

  My hand shakes as I bring it to my mouth and drag in a ragged breath.

  “I’d get on bended knee, but I know you don’t want that. The only thing I want is to seal my promise to you with this ring. That you are mine and I am yours. That’s it. Will you accept it?”

  “Does this mean I can get you a ring?” I quirk one eyebrow up.

  He chuckles. “We’ll stop on the way to the charity event if you want. I’d love nothing more than to wear a ring that represents what we mean to each other.”

  I stare down at the ring again and everything Roarke is saying are things we’ve discussed but usually after post-climax bliss. He’s right that I don’t feel a need to be married again. What I need is a man who always chooses me and no piece of paper can ever guarantee that.

  “I’m asking one more time. Will you wear my ring?”

  “That sounds so high schoolish.” I giggle and his face grows slightly annoyed. “Yes! I’d be honored to wear your ring.”

  He slips the silver on my finger and I stare at it with awe and excitement, not with dread and resentment as I eventually did with Todd’s ring.

  “Platinum?” I ask.

  A wicked smile overtakes his face. “Only the best.”

  I step into him once more and his arm winds around my waist, pulling me flush against him. “I love you.”

  He kisses me until I’m breathless and then pulls away. “I love you more.”

  “Have I mentioned that I’m not really into this bachelor auction thing?” Roarke reminds me yet again as we climb out of the Uber to walk into the hotel ballroom.

  “It’ll be fun. It’s a fundraiser for the First Responders Fallen Heroes. Besides, what was I supposed to say when my parents insisted we take their table after I sent them on that getaway for my mom’s birthday? Head over to the silent auction table and bid an absurd amount on a weekend trip and I’ll make sure you get a blow job each and every day we’re there.”

  “Done.” He kisses my cheek and disappears to the tables of baskets.

  “Where’s Roarke going?” Victoria and Reed walk up to me.

  “I don’t know, but I’m following. Nice to see you, Hannah.” Reed kisses my cheek. “If I hear one more ohh out of my girlfriend’s mouth I might lose my cool.” He heads after Roarke to the table and we watch the two men in our lives shake hands and then peruse the baskets together.

  “What’s up, ladies?” Chelsea approaches, her small belly swelling out of her dress.

  “Pregnancy looks good on you,” I remark.

  Dean swarms her in a hug from behind, his hands rubbing her stomach. “I completely agree.” He kisses her neck. “I better not find you with a paddle in your hand.” He raises one eyebrow.

  “I thought you were into kinky stuff?” Victoria jokes.

  “I’m not into sharing.” His brooding eyes stay on Chelsea’s as he starts to walk off in Reed and Roarke’s direction.

  “You know you’re the only man who can satisfy me!” Chelsea calls out after him.

  Someone coughs from behind us and when we look, we see it’s a middle-aged lady dressed in tweed.

  “We’re too far away to have this conversation,” Chelsea adds with a giggle.

  “Just make sure. No paddle!” He points to her with a smile on his face.

  “We’ll keep her in check,” I promise him.

  “Oh, Hannah, you and I both know there’s no keeping Chelsea in check.” He smirks.

  Chelsea blows him a kiss and he too disappears into the crowd.

  “I guess it’s good the men in our lives like each other, huh?” Victoria’s gaze stays on the auction table.

  “We all ended up with lawyers. Who would have thought?” Chelsea says, her hands massaging her stomach.

  “Should we reprimand them for not getting our drinks?” I ask.

  “Nah, we’re independent strong women, right?” Chelsea says.

  “Totally.” Victoria leads the way to the bar on the opposite side of the room.

  Once Victoria and I each have a glass of wine and Chelsea has her water with lemon that she’s pretending is an actual drink, we sit down at a table near the stage which is all decorated with hearts and arrows. It’s corny and cliché but still cute and festive.

  “Look at all these men in uniforms.” Chelsea’s head is turning in each and every direction. “It’s not the same, but back in the day Dean could really fill out a pair of baseball pants. His ass is—”

  “We got it, Chels,” Victoria interrupts her. “How many weeks are you again?”

  They laugh because the running joke in the office is that Chelsea’s heading into the hormone crazed time of pregnancy and she’s going to be mounting Dean every chance she gets, according to Victoria.

  “I don’t know, she’s always been a horn dog.” I laugh.

  Chelsea throws a piece of confetti off the table at me.

  “Not that I’m denying it.” She sips her lemon-infused water. “But none of these men hold an ounce of sex appeal compared to Dean.”

  We all notice a group of three girls walk into the room, laughing and joking with one another and take a seat at the table next to ours.

  “Looks like they could be a younger version of us,” Victoria says a little wistfully.

  “Maybe not younger, but the more single version for sure,” Chelsea says.

  “Speak for yourselves,” I say in a lighthearted way since I’m the senior citizen of our group.

  Chelsea eyes the taller of the three, with blonde hair. “I like the blonde, she seems fun.”

  Now it’s me throwing confetti at her.

  “Whoa!” Victoria points, wine sputtering out of her mouth to the black tablecloths.

  “Holy shit!” Chelsea grabs my hand. “You got engaged?” The disbelief in her tone is similar to the rumbling in my stomach when Roarke first opened the box.

  “No.” I hold my hand out as the two of them take turns yanking it closer to inspect the ring. “You know I’ll never get married again.”

>   “And Roarke thinks what of this?” Victoria asks.

  “We’re in agreement. Neither of us believes a piece of paper will make us any happier. Don’t get me wrong, I get it, I did it once. But I love Roarke and he loves me and neither of us needs the State of Illinois to say we’re bound to one another.”

  “Sweet,” Chelsea says. “But I want the paper.”

  Victoria says nothing and I assume she does, too, but she’s too polite to say anything. Afraid it would come off the wrong way.

  “To each their own, but for us, this works.” I smile, content that Roarke and I understand what it means, even if no one else does.

  “So, it’s like a promise ring?” Chelsea asks, letting my hand go.

  I glance at the diamonds sparkling under the chandelier’s light. “I’m not fifteen, but according to Roarke it’s a reminder that I have someone who’s always thinking of me, who will always have my back.”

  Victoria sips her wine, her grin growing more and more.

  “So that’s it. We all have our happily ever afters. Our love stories are over.” Chelsea looks like her hormones are about to kick in.

  I reach over and place my hand on her stomach. “They’re just beginning.”

  She grins as a tear slips down her cheek.

  “Oh. My. God. Why didn’t I think he might be here? Of course he is.” The girl at the next table flops her forehead to the table.

  “What? Who?” The blonde looks around the room, her eyes scouring over the gorgeous bachelors.

  The girl with her head on the table mumbles something.

  “I’ll take that one.” The auburn haired woman says pointing at a cop who walks by. “And here I thought we’d all be watching a bunch of first responders who have their bellies straining their shirts. These guys look like they belong on the runway. They can cuff me anytime.” She leans back, sipping her fruity drink and winks at one of the guys.

  I’m enthralled in the conversation, so much so that I lose track of the fact that Chelsea’s actually picked up her drink and sat at the table with them.

  “Focus, Lauren. Maddie needs us.”

  “Cool your jets, Vanessa. She’s not going to pull the trigger. She’s just going to obsess over him. She’s loved him since forever. Isn’t that right, Maddie?” Lauren sits up in her seat and gives her friend a knowing look.


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