Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Sixteen fragments, each one flying in a straight line, completely scattering in an arc.

  The instant Tang San fell to the ground, Xie Yue’s complexion changed. He simultaneously sensed two strong winds arriving from either side of him.

  Without the slightest hesitation, simultaneously raising both Moon Blades, he knocked away the two fragments.

  With two light dingding sounds, the two fragments simultaneously flew away. Equally startled as him was Hu Liena, who was assaulted by especially many fragments, as many as four. However, she was after all a Spirit King. Even though her spirit power was also close to exhausted, with the aid of their side’s support Spirit Master, she was still barely able to use her fingernails to flick away the four fragments.

  At the same time as they loosed a breath, the two of them practically simultaneously felt a tingling. With incredulous gazes, they touched the splinters embedded in their shoulders.

  They hadn’t seen that at the same time as they knocked away the six chips attacking them, they had unexpectedly simultaneously flown towards the other person, and moreover once again in arcs. However without the sound of cutting the air due to their slight size and not being too powerful.

  If the Batwing Rebound technique was that easily broken, it wouldn’t be fit to become Tang Sect’s tenth ranked technique. Even though Tang San didn’t have much spirit power left when he launched it, he had already attained the result he wanted.

  The chips that hit Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s shoulders weren’t few. Xie Yue had the four that previously attacked Hu Liena, and Hu Liena had two. None of the six fragments had failed to hit.

  The power of these chips really wasn’t much, only managing to cut open their clothes and a layer of skin as they hit.

  If it had been Xie Yue and Hu Liena in their peak condition, they could both have blocked Tang San’s Batwing Rebound technique by releasing spirit power with their full strength, but at the moment they basically weren’t able to. And all of this was planned out by the already unconscious Tang San.

  Cutting open the skin was already sufficient. Don’t forget that the Eight Spider Lances contained terrifying toxin that would give even the Poison Douluo a headache.

  In just a moment, Xie Yue and Hu Liena discovered that their shoulders had already gone numb. As they became alarmed, even cutting off their arms to prevent the poison was already too late, because the numbness had already spread to their chests.

  Without the slightest hesitation, the siblings swiftly sat cross-legged on the ground, doing their utmost to urge their little remaining spirit power to resist the spread of the poison. This was all they could do.

  Putong, putong, putong, putong. Four falling sounds rose practically simultaneously. Apart from Yan, the other four Spirit Hall Academy team members sat on the ground practically at the same time as Xie Yue and Hu Liena, the weakest among them, the support Spirit Master, had even directly fallen unconscious.

  Tang San had thrown out sixteen splinters with the Batwing Rebound technique. Besides the six used for Xie Yue and his sister, the other ten all flew at the other five.

  The instant he threw the fragments, to pursue accuracy, Tang San’s mind had worked hurriedly with the judgement of Purple Demon Eye to even estimate the movements of the five targets within the next several seconds. It was also because of overexerting his mind in a state of weakness that he fell unconscious.

  Those other ten fragments were extremely similar, not only did they fly in arcs, but moreover still flew close together. Even though some were promptly blocked by reacting opponents, the chips flew out once again after being blocked, finding other targets.

  Besides the vigilant and most powerful Yan releasing his full spirit power, successively blocking the Eight Spider Lances fragments, the other four were completely infected.

  In anyone’s impression, the battle situation had changed dramatically. The ones previously holding an absolute advantage suddenly lost six people, leaving only Yan.

  The scales of victory shifted once again, and moreover this time they leaned so heavily.

  Xiao Wu and Oscar ran directly towards Tang San. There was no longer any need for them in this battle. Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was unleashed, boosting the Hell White Tiger. Ma Hongjun used all his remaining spirit power, attacking from the flank with his full strength using Phoenix Firewire under the effect of Phoenix Ascension and Bathing Fire Phoenix.

  It had to be said that Yan’s strength really was formidable. Under such unfavorable conditions, he still stubbornly endured. Even though his resistance grew weaker and weaker, and each attack from the Hell White Tiger would leave him with several wounds, he still persisted.

  No matter how staunch Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s willpower was, even she couldn’t keep her expression from changing when confronted with the situation before her.

  Tang San hadn’t violated the rules of the tournament, what he had thrown were the splinters of his own Eight Spider Lances, a part of his own body. It really wasn’t a weapon. Who could have anticipated that victory or defeat would actually be settled with a light toss like that?

  A voice suddenly echoed by the Supreme Pontiff’s ear,

  “Your Revered Holiness Supreme Pontiff, I must warn you.”


  Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan was just about to shout ‘audacious’ before he saw who dared suddenly speak to the Supreme Pontiff. He discovered that this person was equally a Title Douluo, but part of the Shrek Academy group, Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

  Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong coldly shot Dugu Bo a glance,

  “What does Poison Douluo want to warn us about?”

  Dugu Bo smiled faintly. Anyone could see how fake his smiling expression was, but he did after all have his position. Among Spirit Masters, Title Douluo were forever sublime.

  “Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff, the poison contained in Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances, I couldn’t dissolve either. Only he is able to detoxify it. Moreover, the three cold and hot as well as the Man Faced Demon Spider poisons the Eight Spider Lances have, as mixed poisons, will flare up extremely quickly. Even though spirit power can slow down the flare up, it has a limited effect. If you delay further, I’m afraid you will have only one left of your Golden Generation.”

  Dugu Bo’s words no doubt had a mocking intention, but nobody would distrust what he said. With a Title Douluo’s dignity, it was impossible to lie. He was a loner, and even though Spirit Hall’s authority reached the sky, he still didn’t particularly care. To be precise, Dugu Bo was backed by the Heaven Dou imperial family.

  The Supreme Pontiff’s expression flickered between gloomy and clear. In the ring, the faces of the six people sitting cross legged grew increasingly more purple and black, and Yan would also soon be unable to endure under the combined assault of the Hell White Tiger and Ma Hongjun.

  The originally certain victory unexpectedly devolved into such a scene, Bibi Dong really couldn’t quite accept it. But she was after all the most outstanding Supreme Pontiff of Spirit Hall’s recent generations. Weighing the alternatives, she promptly stood,

  “Spirit Hall Academy team, concedes.”

  The Supreme Pontiff’s words had just fallen when, next to her, Ning Fengzhi stood. Raising his hand, the lustrous gem light of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda appeared in front of him. Ning Fengzhi lightly shouted,


  The pagoda in his hand spun three turns and floated out, instantly growing larger in midair. In that instant, the entire front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace erupted with the light of gems. As Ning Fengzhi’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda floated forward, its volume rapidly expanded. In just the blink of an eye it had unexpectedly already become a more than ten meter tall pagoda, floating unsupported in midair. A faint hazy light shot out from between Ning Fengzhi’s eyebrows, directly fusing into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and his body and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda flickered with equal radian

  This was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s Tool Spirit Avatar, also known as Seven Treasure Avatar.

  Sword Douluo Chen Xin also stood simultaneously, quietly standing at Ning Fengzhi’s side. Even though he didn’t release his spirit, he still exuded an extremely sharp aura, secretly protecting Ning Fengzhi.

  A magnificent light surged out from the pagoda’s fifth floor, directly shining on Tang San. And next to Tang San with anxious faces, Oscar and Xiao Wu were flung out tumbling by this radiance.

  In her fall, a blooming fresh flower quietly slid out from Xiao Wu’s chest. Xiao Wu’s complexion abruptly changed, and she swiftly stretched out a hand for the Yearning Heartbroken Red, once again tucking it into her chest.

  In just this brief time, in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace, four pairs of eyes immediately focused on her. Revealing astonished expressions one after the other, these four gazes came from Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan, Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, as well as Sword Douluo Chen Xin.

  The four faces all revealed shocked expressions, and simultaneously still unsuppressable emotional waves. Showing the same kind of expression as them was also the not distant Poison Douluo Dugu Bo. The gazes of five great powers focused on Xiao Wu in practically an instant.

  Xiao Wu clearly felt the pressure from them. Face instantly paling, lowering her head, she resisted with great difficulty a poisonous light from entering her eyes.

  * * *

  [1] 500斤 = 250 kg

  [2] (圆月)

  Chapter 129: Xiao Wu Isn’t Human

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  The Supreme Pontiff looked eye to eye with Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo next to her, their eyes revealing a difficult to suppress joy.

  Right now, it even seemed as if she’d forgotten the matter of Spirit Hall Academy’s defeat.

  The healing light of the sixth floor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda completely enveloped Tang San, glittering with a peculiar radiance.

  Tang San’s wounds were closing with extremely astonishing speed, and not only that, the injuries to his internal energy channels caused by the shock from Xie Yue’s created spirit ability Full Moon also swiftly healed.

  The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s fourth floor also released a stream of light, the light of spirit power amplification.

  With Ning Fengzhi’s strength, as the school master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the amplification capability he was capable of with the Seven Treasure Avatar far exceeded what Ning Rongrong could compare to.

  Under the dual effect of the healing light and the spirit power amplifying light, the wounds on Tang San’s back from the fracturing Eight Spider Lances closed little by little, the broken stubs of the Eight Spider Lances withdrawing into Tang San’s body. Tang San’s complexion also started to grow rosy.

  At this moment, another six rays of spirit power amplifying light sprinkled out. This time they were for the six Spirit Hall Academy team members sitting cross legged on the ground.

  Ning Fengzhi wouldn’t cure them, but relying on the formidable spirit power boost, he could give a bit more time to resist the poison to these close to crumbling Spirit Masters.

  Flender, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong rushed into the ring one after another, reaching Tang San’s side.

  The light Ning Fengzhi gave Tang San gradually faded, and Flender hastily raised him, extending a hand to push on his back and slowly infusing his own spirit power into Tang San. Tang San groaned, and slowly opened his eyes.

  The aches all over his body had already faded away, but the hollow feeling within him couldn’t be patched.

  Especially on his back, it seemed as if half his ribs were gone. His whole body was half limp. The rupturing of the Eight Spider Lances caused enormous injuries to his body, and even though the Eight Spider Lances would heal on their own and regrow anew, that would still take some time. For the moment, Tang San wasn’t able to fight further.

  His vision gradually cleared. The other Shrek Seven Devils were already crowded around him, and Tang San looked at everyone by his side,

  “We won?”

  Dai Mubai forcefully nodded, the excited light in his evil eyes couldn’t be concealed,

  “Yes, we won, we defeated the Spirit Hall Academy team. We’re the champions. The champions of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament.”

  Tang San’s face revealed a satisfied smile. Having finally taken the championship, even though they’d invested much, getting this championship was also enough.

  “Congratulations on obtaining the final victory, but now please first detoxify them.”

  Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s voice arrived, rousing the soaked in joy Shrek Seven Devils.

  Supported by Xiao Wu and Oscar, Tang San slowly stood. Even though his steps were still somewhat weak, under the effects of Ning Fengzhi’s healing and spirit power amplifying light, his body had already recovered a lot.

  After swallowing one of Oscar’s recovery sausages, it was already enough to be able to move around to some extent.

  Without saying anything else, Tang San picked up a long Eight Spider Lance fragment from the ground in passing, and walked over in front of Xie Yue. Stretching out his hand, he pricked Xie Yue’s shoulder.

  A purple black radiance lit from the fragment, and rings after ring of light slowly flowed into Tang San via the fragment.

  Xie Yue’s agonized expression gradually calmed, and the purple black color on his body swiftly retreated.

  Tang San had another kind of feeling. He wasn’t only withdrawing the poison, but under the effect of the Eight Spider Lance fragment, he was still absorbing some of Xie Yue’s vitality in the process.

  Very soon, the poison in Xie Yue’s body had faded, and he managed to open his eyes with some difficulty. But he was already so tired that he couldn’t get up, and with only a glance for Tang San, immediately started to cultivate where he sat.

  Tang San sneered inwardly. Even though the poison was removed, the other side would inevitably be seriously ill from the aftereffects. As for whether it would influence his future cultivation, even he didn’t know.

  Following the same pattern, Tang San helped the other five break the poison. With each person he removed the poison for, Ning Fengzhi withdrew the spirit power amplification light. His level of control wasn’t just that of Three Aperture Governing Heart, but rather Ning Fengzhi’s Seven Aperture Wishful Heart, far superior to the Three Aperture Governing Heart.

  As Tang San finished detoxifying the six people, his mind on the contrary became better. At the same time as he withdrew the poison, he unavoidably absorbed a part of their vitality. Right now he didn’t only feel that his spirit power recovered a bit, but he also started to have an itchy sensation on his back, the Eight Spider Lances starting to recover under the support of the vitality.

  By now, the Supreme Pontiff’s expression had already calmed. Having once again taken her seat, she smiled at Ning Fengzhi withdrawing the Seven Treasure Avatar next to her:

  “Many thanks, school master Ning.”

  Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly,

  “As easy as lifting a hand. Not worth mentioning.”

  Sword Douluo Chen Xin’s lips buzzed, saying something to Ning Fengzhi that made his complexion immediately change, his gaze immediately falling on Xiao Wu amidst the Shrek Academy group. The expression in his eyes immediately turned strange.

  By now, having recovered somewhat, Tang San also felt something strange in the mood in the ring. Even though those powers concealed it, relying on the incisive vision of Purple Demon Eye, he discovered that the gazes of the most powerful people present all seemed to be directed at Xiao Wu next to him.

  What was going on?

  Right now, the others of the Shrek Seven Devils hadn’t noticed this detail, they were completely soaked in the joy of victory.

  After the Spirit Hall Academy team’s seven members had recovered for a bit, they were
helped down by Spirit Hall’s people, leaving only Shrek Academy in the plaza.

  Each of their faces was brimming with pride. They were the champions, yes, they were the ultimate champions.

  The Supreme Pontiff and the gaggle of Title Douluo all stood, Bibi Dong declaring with a calm expression,

  “The final champions of this year’s Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, are Shrek Academy. Congratulations, talented young Spirit Masters.”

  The Shrek Seven Devils stood in a row, and behind them were Grandmaster, Flender, Liu Erlong as well as Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

  Right now, among the Shrek Seven Devils, apart from Xiao Wu, the gazes of the others all fell on that brocaded plate with the three spirit bones.

  At this time, the Supreme Pontiff displayed her proper ease, taking he brocade tray from the hands of the Spirit Hall staff member, her somewhat reluctant gaze sweeping across the three spirit bones.

  The referee cardinal loudly declared:

  “Representative of Shrek Academy, please step forward to receive the champions’ reward.”

  The Shrek Seven Devils looked at each other. Tang San bumped Dai Mubai forward, indicating he accept the prize.

  But Dai Mubai shook his head, his evil eyes looking at Tang San,

  “Little San, this should be your honor. Even if I’m the captain, anyone with eyes can see that you paid the most for this final victory. You’ve always been the soul of us seven devils.”

  “Go, third brother, don’t dodge it.”

  Ma Hongjun stated his approval.

  Turning his head to look at Grandmaster, again looking at the earnest expressions of the companions next to him, Tang San drew a deep breath and stepped forward with a steady pace, step by step walking towards Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong.

  When he truly stood in front of Bibi Dong, he discovered that the Supreme Pontiff seemed astonishingly beautiful, noble, elegant, indifferent to fame or gain, all sorts of beautiful words seemed to apply to this woman. Even though she was no longer young, the years didn’t seem to leave any mark on her.


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