Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light Page 12

by Tang Jia San Shao

  One year, in one brief year, he had gone from forty second to fiftieth rank. Tang San still wasn’t sixteen, this was something unprecedented in the history of the Spirit Master world.

  Even though Tang San also felt he had made enormous breakthroughs, if Tang Hao didn’t tell him, he would still have been unable that the degree of his progress would actually be so terrifying. Eight ranks in one year, even a genius like him wouldn’t dare think of it. In fact, the higher the spirit power, the more difficult the cultivation.

  Simply washing himself clean, Tang San once again climbed onto the shore. His first words were unavoidably a question for his father:

  “Dad, am I really already fiftieth rank?”

  He knew about the six meridians connecting, but his spirit power progressing this tremendously, the feeling of that kind of leap still had him brimming with excitement.

  Tang Hao nodded,

  “My senses wouldn’t be wrong. You’re already fiftieth ranked. However, don’t be complacent. The later it is, the more troublesome the cultivation. Fiftieth rank to sixtieth rank is a watershed that I originally used five years to cross. I hope you can break through the sixtieth rank boundary before you’re twenty. Your road will be easier after that.”

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)


  This time, even Tang San saw the change in his father’s mood, Even though he was still instructing him, he still caught that faintly discernable smile on his father’s face.

  Fiftieth ranked at sixteen, and possessing two spirit bones. Right now, even sixtieth ranked Spirit Masters could never defeat Tang San.

  “Little San, the technique for throwing the Eight Spider Lances fragments you used in the final moment of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, was it your created spirit ability?”

  Tang Hao suddenly asked.

  Tang San looked distracted a moment, scratching his head, and said:

  “More or less.”

  He could never say that it wasn’t a technique of this world. In some sense, after reaching this world, Tang Sect’s secret lore could all be considered his created spirit ability.

  Tang Hao nodded, saying:

  “Those techniques of yours are very good, don’t abandon them. From now on, you will train with the Clear Sky Hammer under the waterfall at night, and make your own plans for the daytime.”

  Tang San’s couldn’t help saying:

  “Dad, I’m already fiftieth rank, won’t we go look for a fitting spirit ring?”

  Tang Hao indifferently said:

  “Have you forgotten what Grandmaster taught you? One of his ten great core competitive forces, didn’t it propose that even if a Spirit Master doesn’t obtain a spirit ring after reaching the bottleneck, his spirit power will still constantly be stored, to appear after obtaining the spirit ring. There’s no need for you to fight right now, why rush to obtain a spirit ring?”

  Tang San nodded, saying:

  “I understand.”

  Spirit power reaching the fiftieth rank was also equivalent to Mysterious Heaven Skill reaching the brink of the fifth tier. With stronger internal strength, some hidden weapon techniques that couldn’t be used before could be cultivated. Tang San had never forgotten the hidden weapons he had paid his previous life for. From this day on, like Tang Hao said, he began to cultivate Mysterious Heaven Skill and hidden weapons in the daytime, and train with the Clear Sky Hammer at night. The process of cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skill was his rest.

  Right now Tang San was like a spring powered mechanism, seemingly never resting.


  Supreme Pontiff Palace.

  “Are you really thinking clearly?”

  The Supreme Pontiff quietly looked at Hu Liena kneeling in front of her.

  Hu Liena nodded firmly,

  “Your Holiness. If I can’t break through to some extent somehow, I’m afraid Tang San will catch up to me sooner or later. For Spirit Hall, I’m ready to take the risk.”

  Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s face grew a lot gentler,

  “Actually, you don’t need to do it. You’re already extremely outstanding. Going there to train, there’s a large chance even you won’t return. Wouldn’t it be much better to go cultivate at Death Canyon like Xie Yue and Yan?”

  Hu Liena shook her head,

  “No. Your Holiness, even though Death Canyon is dangerous, it won’t be able to truly give me the sensation of death. I know you’ve always had Lord Chrysanthemum Douluo protect me in secret. Without truly experiencing the feeling of death, with my talent, I’m afraid I’ll be unable to compare to Tang San later.”

  Bibi Dong smiled calmly,

  “Even though it’s been two years, you still can’t forget that defeat.”

  Hu Liena attentively watched the Supreme Pontiff’s eyes,

  “Teacher. Didn’t you say that defeat is the mother of success? If I forgot the defeat, forgot the humiliation, how could I be worthy of your guidance? I hope that when I go there this time, you won’t dispatch anyone to protect me. I will definitely return alive.”

  Right now her face didn’t have the slightest hint of seduction, only incomparable resolve.

  Bibi Dong reached out to pull Hu Liena from the floor,

  “Child. In you, I see the hope for Spirit Hall’s future. Fine, I’ll approve it. But you must remember, you have to return alive. Whether as the Supreme Pontiff of Spirit Hall, or as your teacher, this is my mission for you, as well as my request. Understand?”

  Watching Bibi Dong’s exceptionally beautiful eyes, Hu Liena felt something in hers, and nodded forcefully,

  “Teacher. I will.”

  Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong raised her hand. On her hand was a ring glittering with light, and as she turned her palm, in her hand lay a white skull.

  “Absorb it before you leave.”

  Hu Liena was suddenly shocked,

  “Teacher, this is too precious.”

  Bibi Dong’s face dropped,

  “Even the most precious things must be used to have value. Originally, that mind condensing wisdom skull suited you even better, but it went with Tang San and the others. The loss of three spirit bones was a great blow to Spirit Hall. However, in my heart, the three of you are more important than spirit bones. This skull is equally one that suits you. No worse than that wisdom skull. Take it.”

  Hu Liena didn’t object again, gravely accepting what the Supreme Pontiff bestowed, her eyes were already moist.

  The Supreme Pontiff lowered her voice:

  “There’s still one matter I must remind you of. If you alone encounter Tang San, avoid a fight by any means. Even though your strength is above his, I don’t know what techniques he uses to counter your capabilities. You don’t stand any chance against him. There’s also no need for you to treat him as an opponent. I will deal with this person sooner or later. Just like his father. Without dealing with Tang Hao, that stomach ache, our plans will inevitably run into trouble.”

  “Yes, teacher.”

  Hu Liena lowered her head, agreeing deferentially. But her seductive big eyes revealed an unwilling expression.

  She would never be able to forget the smile on Tang San’s face in the last moment, the scene of him tossing out the fragmented Eight Spider Lances before fainting. Just that attack had made them lose the spirit bones, and lose the championship. Becoming the sinners of Spirit Hall.

  ‘Tang San, just you wait. The humiliation you caused me, I will definitely repay you in blood.’


  The broad waterfall fell from the sky, flourishing with water vapor.

  Violent explosive sounds constantly echoed below the waterfall. If someone stood at the side to watch this bizarre scene, they would definitely be unable to conceal their shock.

  The entire two hundred meter tall waterfall revealed an extremely bizarre scene right now. The waterfall was unexpectedly completely split fifty meters from the bottom. The falling water scattered in waves
in all directions at that point, becoming a vast curtain of water that poured down in torrents in the distance, making the entire pool below the waterfall constantly ripple from the battering drops.

  Within that water screen, one could just vaguely see a figure like a rain dragon. Standing underneath the waterfall, body constantly whirling, a small black hammer flying up and down in his hands.

  With each swing of the hammer, the falling water would rise somewhat in the air, the fifty meter distance constantly climbing.

  Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters. Within that water curtain, one could vaguely see that frightening black light climb towards the top of the waterfall like a rising black dragon.

  The frightening scene still continued. When the waterfall was struck back a hundred meters, suddenly, the silhouette below the waterfall suddenly stopped. All motions turned into one final point, then forcibly stopped there.

  All the condensed light erupted in this instant.


  The ‘black dragon’ dashed towards the sky, and the torrential enormous waterfall was unexpectedly scattered in all directions in that instant, no longer able to gather, the two hundred meter tall waterfall, in that instant, completely disappeared from view. The giant black dragon issued a violent howl, as if roaring, as if displaying its terrifying might.

  Tang Hao stood quietly by the side of the pool, watching the overwhelming scene in front of him, his face revealing a satisfied expression. Making the waterfall disappear completely, he asked himself if he could have done that even at twenty five.

  But his son had done it.

  That sky shaking ‘black dragon’ was caused by Tang San.

  After two years, a whole two years of time, Tang Hao had never brought Tang San to obtain his fifth spirit ring in the second year of cultivation. And Tang San himself also discovered that his spirit power growth rate had clearly slowed.

  It might be said that the spirit power required to rise one rank became greater later on. Because he hadn’t obtained the fifth spirit ring, he also didn’t know what rank his spirit power could reach. But he was certain it wouldn’t surpass fifty three at the most.

  After reaching the fiftieth rank, gaining two ranks every year was already an exceptionally fast pace.

  After reaching the seventieth rank, a Spirit Master might not rise one rank in several years. It clearly showed the trouble of later stage cultivation.

  Despite his spirit power promotion speed dropping greatly in the second year, Tang San had still thoroughly familiarized himself with his Clear Sky Hammer. Even though it didn’t have a single spirit ring, with the control of his fiftieth rank spirit power, the Clear Sky Hammer could already produce an extremely terrifying attack power. The present scene was the eruption of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method’s nine by ninth, eighty first swing.

  For spirits with support capability, it was undoubtedly the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. In attack power, no other spirits could reach Sword Douluo Chen Xin’s Sacred Sword. But in tyranny, in force, in burst strength, the Clear Sky Hammer held the throne at the summit without submitting to anything.

  Otherwise, how could the Clear Sky School be called something like the number one sect of the Spirit Master world?

  Despite not having any abilities from spirit rings, the Clear Sky Hammer could still be infused with spirit power. It was still a divine tool-like existence.

  Two years ago, before the special training started, Tang Hao had once asked Tang San what his biggest flaw was.

  At that time, Tang San had replied with burst strength, a lack of instantly erupting attack power.

  But now, this issue was resolved as easily as a knife splits bamboo.

  Even though Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer was still the same size, in Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, or perhaps it should be said with the boost of Tang San infusing spirit power, the erupting attack it could produce right now had already reached an extremely terrifying degree.

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  Even more dreadful, after the Clear Sky Hammer was combined with Tang San’s Tang Sect hidden weapons, as long as Tang San’s spiritual force locked onto the opponent, unless the opponent had spiritual force far greater than his, and moreover was proficient in teleportation type capabilities, he would only be able to stiffly block it. Basically without the chance to dodge.


  The halted waterfall fell, ferociously smashing Tang San standing on the round rock. But Tang San stood there without moving a single jot, like a nail hammered into the rock. His face even displayed a somewhat pleasurable expression. Immersed in the enormous waterfall, spitting out a breath, profound Mysterious Heaven Skill covered his body in a layer of faint white Big Dipper Qi.

  Figure flashing, Tang San had leapt from the round stone. The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand quietly disappeared, replaced by several dozen strands of Blue Silver Grass striking downwards, lashing the surface of the water. Tang San used the momentum to soar out, landing directly next to Tang Hao on the shore.

  When Tang San soared over, Tang Hao’s facial expression had already returned to solemnity. As he looked at his son smoothly landing next to him, he said indifferently:

  “Think you’re very powerful, yes?”

  Tang San scratched his dripping wet hair,

  “Dad, I understand, I won’t be conceited, I will definitely continue working hard. Only, most recently I’ve felt that progressing in the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method with more practice is very hard.”

  Listening to his son, Tang Hao couldn’t hold back a burst of helplessness in his heart. He still hadn’t said anything about his special training, but was already stumped by this astute brat. Still thinking to progress with the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method? How can one progress after already reaching the peak? Besides the Clear Sky Hammer not having the influence of spirit rings. Tang Hao asked himself, with this hammer method alone, would he be able to do any better than his son?

  “The Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method training ends today. Little San, let me ask you, how do you feel about your fighting strength?”

  Tang Hao asked.

  Tang San thought it over. He first wanted to say he was confident, but recalling his father’s formidable strength, he still changed his words,

  “Still lacking by far.”

  “Then do you know where you are lacking?”

  Tang Hao continued asking.

  Tang San looked blank a moment. Saying he was lacking by far was somewhat modest, now hearing his father ask this kind of question, no immediate answer appeared.

  Tang Hao apparently also wasn’t looking to hear Tang San’s answer, and went on:

  “In theory, Grandmaster is unparallelled. His instruction methods for you were exceptionally proper, letting you build a solid foundation. Since you took him as teacher, your growth rate has been extremely fast, and you’ve also undergone a great many battles. You still have some real combat experience. No need to undervalue yourself. However, you still lack the essence of real combat.”

  “Essence? What’s the essence of real combat?”

  Tang San hurriedly asked. His father should be a character reckoned among the best even among Title Douluo. Even though he didn’t say much, Tang San benefited from each word of guidance. He now hurriedly focused his attention to listen.

  Tang Hao spoke in a low voice:

  “What is real combat? A true battle with life and death in the balance is real combat. But the real combat you’ve experienced has for the most part been in the format of competitions. You haven’t encountered many life crises. People, only in a test of life and death, will their potential be completely roused. By constantly struggling at the edge of death can one be said to truly possess the capability of battle. Your mind and battle control strength are both pretty good. But you lack one thing. The purest murderous spirit. Sense my aura.”

  His words falling, the pupils of Tang Hao’s eyes a
bruptly disappeared. In that instant, he suddenly emitted an extremely ice cold aura. This aura didn’t seem to have any burst power, but as it earnestly enveloped Tang San, he immediately felt as if he had fallen into an ice house. Every single hair on his body stood up.

  Ice cold, awe inspiring, evil, terrifying, the formidable murderous spirit making people tremble was like confronting a pouncing giant beast. Tang San clearly felt everything he did become slower within this incomparably tremendous murderous spirit. Even having the Purple Demon Eye with that Purple God Light, he didn’t dare look face to face with Tang Hao.

  Even more shocking to Tang San was that the droplets flowing down his body had apparently slowed, the gradually dripping water condensing into strings of ice beads, hanging from his body.

  Murderous spirit turned substantial? This was one description Tang San’s mind put out. Grandmaster once told him that, as his own strength reached a particularly terrifying level, his killing intent could even reach the level of substance, going from intangible to material. But this kind of level was as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns even among Title Douluo.

  The ice cold killing intent retreated like a tide, and Tang Hao’s voice shocked Tang San awake,

  “What you felt, that was murderous spirit. Don’t you want to ask how to use murderous spirit? Murderous spirit actually doesn’t mainly influence the opponent, but rather yourself. It can let you disregard life and death, let you display your own strength to the greatest degree, even surpass your level. It can even let you act faster. Possessing intense killing intent proves that you have once crawled from massive heaps of corpses. That you have experienced the edge of far too many life and death struggles. Even when confronting opponents far more formidable than yourself, you can still not be the slightest bit timid. Killing intent is a kind of imposing manner. In some areas it can even be equalled to courage. Perhaps it could be said that killing intent is the sublimation of courage.”

  Tang Hao’s explanation of killing intent was undoubtedly somewhat extreme, but he made Tang San clearly understand his meaning.

  “Dad, please teach me how I should obtain murderous spirit.”


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