Eleven Graves

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Eleven Graves Page 2

by Aman Gupta

“Thank you, it’s mine since 4 years,” said Emma.

  Vik looked at Emma, who didn’t look back, as she was embarrassed by that statement, and knew that he would be able to read her face.

  “So I guess we could rule you out as a suspect for killing the person washed up at the shore.. you know..for his car,” said Vik.

  He wanted to make a joke, as he could sense how nervous Emma was, which befuddled him, more than anything else.

  “Haha, you’re funny,” said Emma. Vik smiled back, still looking out the window, soaking in all the air blowing his dark hair.

  They didn’t talk again till they reached their destination, where Emma mustered up the courage.

  “Do you like coffee?” asked Emma.

  “Yes,” said Vik, while getting out of the car. He took out his suitcase from the back and went downhill through the sand towards the shore.

  “Do you like coffee?! Seriously, you have to get a grip, Walker!” muttered Emma.

  “Well, well, well.. Look who’s here. The man, the myth, the almost legend,” said Joey, as he shook Vik’s hand. “You been working out or something? What are you, 180 lbs now?”

  “175 lbs. You might want to wipe the lipstick on your neck, or you might face Kate’s wrath,” said Vik.

  “Who’s to say, it’s not hers, am I right?!” said Joey, hoping to get a high-five.

  Vik looked at him for few seconds.

  “Alright, alright.. so it’s not hers,” said Joey. “She doesn’t even want to be in a relationship, you know. She is crazy.”

  “I wonder why anyone would not want to be in a relationship with you,” said Vik, without making any attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

  “Says the guy who’s probably not gotten laid in the last decade. How’s the lab, geek?” joked Joey.

  “I’m still doing better than you,” said Vik, as he looked at Emma before turning away towards the body.

  “Oh yeah… Go science!” said Joey.

  Emma came from behind and asked Joey, “What was that?”

  “Nothing. He was telling me how much he’s into you,” said Joey.

  “What!” shouted Emma. “He said he’s into me?”

  “No, but thank you for saving me the time to ask you about whether you’re into him,” said Joey, as he laughed.

  Emma punched him in the chest, as they looked at all the people who had gathered around, staring at the crime scene.

  “So what do we have here?” asked Vik.

  “And here I was hoping that you could read this guy’s face and tell us all about who killed him,” joked Kate.

  “Always pleasure meeting you, detective,” said Vik.

  “I would say same here, but you know how I feel, don’t you?” said Kate.

  “Too bad your boss would rather have me by his side than you,” said Vik. “You should stop looking for acceptance. See if that works.”

  Kate got up and left, to stop the bickering.

  After a few minutes, she came back and asked, “So what did you find?”

  “Victim is male. In his thirty’s. Looks like he died by drowning, though I suspect the wounds on his body played a part,” said Vik, as he walked towards the river, trying to figure out where the body came from.

  “The river is the result of 5 smaller streams, so there’s no way to tell where it came from,” said Kate, as she walked up to Vik.

  “Not yet, but maybe we can examine the clothes and run some soil tests to find the last place where this guy could’ve been,” said Vik.

  “That sounds like a good idea. And meanwhile we’ll canvas the local area to see if anyone saw something,” said Kate.

  Vik looked around at that spectators with Kate following the movement of his eyes.

  “Saw something?” asked Kate.

  “Maybe, maybe not. Too soon to tell,” said Vik.

  “You know, if you could assist us a bit more, our cases could go a lot smoother. You obviously see things which no one else can, especially on time,” said Kate.

  “I am always available, detective. Maybe once in a while, if you could pick up your phone and call me yourself, without playing games,” said Vik.

  “What’s the fun in that?” said Kate.

  “And you’re all about the fun, aren’t you!” smirked Vik.

  They both trusted each other’s skills. In a fair competition of their skillset, there would be a closer fight than the local betting mafia would care to admit.

  “What did he say?” asked Joey.

  “Nothing new. Meanwhile, I think we should canvas the area, shake things up a bit,” said Kate.

  “Yeah, good idea,” said Joey, looking at Kate.

  “You looking at me, trying to read my face like Vik, isn’t going to work well for you,” said Kate.

  “What’s wrong with you and him?” asked Joey. “I mean, ideally I shouldn’t push for you two to be friends, you know. For my sake.”

  “I’ll tell you what’s wrong,” said Kate.

  “What?” asked Joey.

  “We’re too much alike,” said Kate. “And surrounded by idiots. Let’s go.”

  Vik ran into Emma while walking towards the road.

  “Do you want me to give you a ride back to Nucleus?” asked Emma.

  “No, I probably should stay here. You know, till the van comes. So that we could take the body to the lab. Which is why I came here,” said Vik, pausing too many times.

  “Oh right, silly me,” said Emma.

  “So, listen regarding earlier. When you said, you liked coffee,” said Emma.

  “Yeah, I still like it,” said Vik.

  “Haha, you’re killing me, Vik,” said Emma. “Anyways, would you like to have it, sometime?”

  “Yeah, sure,” said Vik.

  “With me,” interrupted Emma.

  “Oh. Yeah, I know. I mean, sure. A group coffee sounds interesting,” said Vik.

  “No, I mean only me. Like me, me,” said Emma.

  “Oh, sure. That could be fun. What about tomorrow night?” said Vik.

  “I was thinking tonight, but yeah tomorrow works. Tomorrow works,” blushed Emma, laughing.

  “Okay, cool,” said Vik, still confused why would someone like her, be interested in a loner like him. “Oh, and by the way..”

  Emma turned around, still smiling.

  “Still a crime scene,” said Vik.

  “Yeah, I know,” said Emma, smiling. It took her a few seconds to register what he meant, before she walked forward with a straight face.

  Vik went into the crowd and tapped on the shoulder of a teenager who was staring nervously at the body.

  “Hi. What’s your name?” asked Vik.

  “John,” said Brian.

  “Nope, try again,” said Vik.

  Brian looked at Vik, and realized Vik knew he was lying.

  “Fine. Brian,” said Brian.

  “Okay, Brian. How do you know the victim?” asked Vik.

  “I don’t know who he is,” said Brian.

  “Are you sure?” asked Vik.

  “Yes, I don’t know him,” said Brian.

  “Okay, thank you for your time,” said Vik.

  “That’s it?” asked Brian.

  “Yes. I just figured you wouldn’t know him at all,” said Vik.

  “Why is that?” asked Brian.

  “If you knew who is, you’ll probably be dead,” said Vik.

  “What? Why?” asked Brian.

  “He has a tattoo on his left arm. That identifies him working for a local gang. So whoever knows him, might not make it alive till the weekend in 2 days,” said Vik.

  Vik turned around and started to leave.

  “Wait, wait,” said Brian. Vik took him out of the crowd into a corner food stall which was closed.

  “I don’t know him. I just know his name,” said Brian.

  “And what’s that?” said Vik.

  “He said his name was Jacob. He’s from 19. I saw him at the bridge two-three days ago, before dawn. I
swear, that’s all I know,” said Brian.

  “Okay, I believe you,” said Vik.

  “What about the gang? You have to protect me, please,” said Brian.

  “The best thing was you to do is forget everything about this man. If you believe you never met him, everyone else will too.” Said Vik.

  Brian nodded.

  “Are you sure he didn’t say why he was on this side of the bridge?” asked Vik.

  Brian started to say something but decided to stay reticent. Vik noticed that, but didn’t think much of it.

  “If the cops ask you, don’t say anything, and keep your head down, okay?” said Vik.

  “Why?” asked Brian.

  “They might take you to the station, an area which is very conspicuous to gang members. You could be seen, maybe by the people who had something to do with this murder, you get what I am saying?” said Vik. “So if they ask, you don’t say anything and get out of there.”

  “Why would they ask me again? You work for the cops right?” asked Brian.

  “I am more of a consultant,” said Vik, before leaving.

  Vik took out a wet paper he had found in the victim’s pocket and put it in his forensics case.

  He headed back to the lab in the van with the body, and informed Anthony of the same.

  “Alright, I’ll do the tests,” said Anthony. “Meanwhile, can you look at the secure line? It’s catching a lot of interference. I don’t know how you do it, but your touch solves the problem instantly, almost as if it is waiting for you to come.”

  “Sure,” said Vik.

  “Take proper rest today. Town thinks you’ll be 75 tomorrow. Big milestone, huh?!” said Vik.

  “Yeah, I have big plans tomorrow,” said Anthony.

  “Maybe you should tell them that you turned 75 two weeks ago,” said Vik.

  “I don’t even know how you figured that out. Only me and a girl I used to work with, knew about it. And what does it matter? All I can think about is how important tomorrow is,” said Anthony.

  “Anything I should know?” asked Vik.

  “No, I’ll just leave tomorrow early morning for some work. Hope to be back by night,” said Anthony.

  “You better be back. If you believe the winds, the town is throwing you a party at the square,” said Vik.

  “Oh yeah? Couldn’t care less,” said Anthony.

  “I know that. But they don’t,” said Vik. “Why ruin a good thing you got going for you!”

  Anthony acknowledged what Vik was trying to tell him and nodded in agreement.

  “I guess good things did happen here. I created Celaret Larvam here,” said Anthony.

  “I see we’re still going with the official name,” smiled Vik.

  Anthony smiled back.


  Back at the station, Sheriff Eric Daymond returned in the evening.

  “What took you so long?” asked Emma.

  “Just doing the investigation, detective. Did Anthony look at the body?” asked Eric.

  “No, he was busy. Vik took the body to the lab,” replied Emma.

  “Okay, Vik, good. Maybe he can get us somewhere,” said Eric.

  Eric entered his room and Emma followed him behind.

  “Hey, can I ask you something?” asked Emma.

  “Yeah, what?” said Eric.

  “It’s about Vik,” said Emma.

  “What about him?” asked Eric.

  “You know him better than anyone else. And longer than anyone else. And I know like everyone else, you know how I feel about him. So am I doing the right thing pursuing this thing with him?” asked Emma.

  “If you have to ask, you probably shouldn’t,” replied Eric.

  “No, what I mean is..” said Emma, before getting interrupted.

  “I know what you mean. All I can say to you is he’s someone who has suffered a lot. He could fall tomorrow and the world can’t judge him for it. But he hasn’t. He’s holding onto something that you might not like. Someday, I will tell you his life before this current persona that he has created for himself, but just not today,” said Eric.

  “Okay,” said Emma.

  As soon as Emma left, Joey sneaked into the room.

  “I don’t think we can keep it hidden anymore,” said Joey.

  “For now, we must. I don’t want to ruin Anthony’s celebration tomorrow. The next day, we’ll set things right,” said Eric.

  “This directly affects him too,” said Joey.

  “I’ll handle it. Just keep your eyes open, and don’t tell anyone about this,” said Eric.

  “Alright,” said Joey.

  The next day, Emma crossed the square, glancing at numerous sculptures, paintings and decorations being put up to thank Anthony Arnold for his services towards the community.

  “Oh no, what if Vik cancels the coffee date today,” thought Emma.

  Emma typed a text message for Vik, but decided against it. She thought of calling him once she reached the precinct.

  As she entered the station and put her bags down on her desk, she saw Vik having a conversation with Eric in the hall.

  “What are they talking about?” whispered Emma to Kate, who had the desk across from her.

  “Don’t know. He showed up about an hour ago, and they have been talking ever since,” said Kate.

  “Where’s Joey?” asked Emma.

  “How would I know!” said Kate.

  “Relax, I’m not teasing you. Just asking,” said Emma.

  “He’s at the square, working on security arrangements with the recruits,” said Kate.

  “I thought you didn’t know,” smirked Emma, while sitting down.

  Eric and Vik left the main hallway and went to Eric’s office.

  “I know what you are thinking, but it isn’t like that,” said Eric.

  “Damn it, Eric. How could you hide this from me?” said Vik.

  “I know. I know. I’m sorry,” said Eric. “I should’ve trusted you. What should we do now?”

  “Nothing. We wait,” said Vik.

  “Okay,” said Eric.

  “And don’t say anything to Joey, till we figure this out,” said Vik.

  “Yeah, I have told him that we’ll take care of it tomorrow,” said Eric.

  “Now, I have to go back and figure out some stuff. See you tonight,” said Vik.

  Vik left Eric’s office and ran into Adam Ramsay, a Junior Officer and one of the youngest cop in the town. Vik considered him as a younger brother, and always felt compelled to protect him.

  “Hey Adam, how are you?” said Vik.

  “I’m good. You know I got to interview people yesterday regarding that body,” said Adam. His eyes lit up like a child’s after he had just gotten off their favorite amusement park ride.

  “That’s cool. How’s everything else? Any fellow cops messing up with you?” asked Vik.

  “Nothing that I can’t handle. I’m not callow,” said Adam.

  Vik looked concerned, and asked, “Who?”

  “No one,” said Adam.

  “You know you can tell me everything right,” said Vik.

  “I know. It’s no big deal, trust me,” said Adam.

  “Okay. If anything happens that you don’t like, you let me know,” said Vik.

  “I will,” said Adam.

  “No, you won’t,” said Vik.

  “Ye, of little faith,” said Adam. Vik smiled.

  He was heading out of the station, when Emma caught up with him.

  “Hey, I was meaning to call you,” said Emma.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” said Vik, as he turned around.

  “Nothing,” said Emma. “Just wanted to confirm about our date.”

  “What date?” asked Vik.

  “Tonight. We are going out tonight, right?” asked Emma.

  “Yes, for a coffee. Is it a date?” asked Vik.

  “Yes. No. Maybe. What’s the difference?” said Emma.

  “About $500,” said Vik.

“What do you mean?” said Emma, looking slightly offended.

  “If it’s a date, I need to buy some clothes, maybe a gift too. Otherwise not,” said Vik.

  “Oh. You look fine. I mean, you look good. Why did I say fine! You look awesome. I mean, not awesome. I mean fine. No!”

  Vik interrupted Emma, “Okay, I look good. Don’t sweat so much. See you tonight at our non-date today.”

  “What time and where?” asked Emma.

  “You meet me at Emily’s at 6 PM,” said Vik.

  “Okay. Wonderful,” said Emma.

  Vik hopped in his convertible and drove off.

  As Vik drove out of the parking lot, a guy walked up to Emma, who was standing at the entrance below the stairs, looking at the sky.

  “Is Kate around?” asked the guy.

  “Yes, who are you?” said Emma.

  “She’s expecting me. Could you tell her to come outside?” said the guy.

  “Who should I say is calling her outside?” asked Emma.

  “Name’s Morgan,” said the guy.

  “Okay,” said Emma.

  “You know, on second thought, just give her this package,” said the guy.

  Emma grabbed the small box from the guy. She went inside and approached Kate.

  “Some tall guy was asking for you outside. Said that you were expecting him,” said Emma.

  “Who?” said Kate.

  “Don’t know. Morgan something. Then he just left, and told me to give this package” said Emma.

  “Okay,” said Kate.

  Kate opened the package when Emma wasn’t looking and freaked out while checking the contents of the package. She ran out, hoping to catch the guy but he wasn’t there.

  “There she is,” said Morgan, to his co-passenger.

  “How do you know?” asked the woman.

  “I asked this redhead to give the package to Kate, and now that brunette is holding the package, looking all freaked out,” explained Morgan.

  The woman clicked a photograph of Kate, zoomed in almost 100 yards, through the bushes.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “Now we wait for new developments. Before that, we have some instructions to follow,” said Morgan.

  “Who’s the client?” asked the woman.

  “Don’t know. Payment got confirmed in 5 minutes, so must be serious about the job,” said Morgan.

  “How will they know if we finished the job? We could just take the money and run. I’m tired of sitting in front of computers all day,” said the woman.


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