Exile of Lucifer

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Exile of Lucifer Page 3

by D. Brian Shafer

  that Gabriel was to become the Messenger of the Kingdom, for who

  better to serve as messenger than the one angel everyone called a

  friend, and in whom everyone trusted?

  "Michael! Over here!" called a voice from the garden in front

  of the house. Michael turned to see Gabriel standing under a mag-

  nificent tree, motioning Michael over and eating a piece of fruit.

  "Hello, Gabriel," answered Michael. "Or is it Lord Gabriel

  now?" he added, borrowing from Lucifer's greeting to him earlier.

  "Lord Gabriel," said Gabriel, embracing Michael. "I've got

  to admit it sounds strange putting those two words together,

  doesn't it?"

  "Yes, like lord and Lucifer," Michael answered. "Now there is

  a disturbing combination to say the least."

  Gabriel immediately drew the conclusion. "I suppose you've

  been to see our friend?"

  Michael nodded. "Here, let's sit down," Gabriel said, tossing

  Michael a large yellowish green piece of fruit and motioning for

  them to settle themselves under the lush branches of the tree.

  As they sat down, their attention was suddenly drawn to a

  fast moving figure walking in front of the house. It was Serus, car-

  rying the newly created music for Gabriel's service. He saw the two

  angels seated under the tree, gave a quick nod of acknowledgment

  to them and went on his way. They watched him disappear down

  the street.

  "That poor angel," said Michael, remembering Serus' curt dis-

  missal by Lucifer earlier. He shook his head.

  "Who, Serus?" remarked Gabriel. "I should be so poor, living

  in the finest place in Heaven." He looked for a reaction from

  Michael and went on. "I know a few angels who would like to have

  20 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  his position. I mean, serving Lucifer is quite an honor." Michael

  remained impassive. Gabriel casually bit into the fruit and contin-

  ued, "Of course, I suppose there is a price to pay for serving some-

  one as temperamental as..."

  "Temperamental!" Michael finally exploded to Gabriel's

  amusement. "Lucifer is more than temperamental. What I saw

  today was simply unreasonable."

  Gabriel's interest was awakened as Michael recounted the

  events of the meeting with Lucifer, the mocking of Serus as a poten-

  tial archangel followed by his curt dismissal, the uneasy atmo-

  sphere when they were discussing Gabriel's promotion, and the

  uncomfortable feeling that accompanied him as he left the house.

  Gabriel listened intently to Michael's story. Then an amused look

  came over his face, as if he were imagining a scene far away in his


  "Wouldn't it be something if Serus ever was made an

  archangel?" he said. "I would not want to be around Lucifer on that


  "Is that all you can say?" said an exasperated Michael.

  "You've missed the whole point." He stood up, facing the Moun-

  tain in the North, squinting at its brilliance.

  "All right, Michael," said Gabriel, looking at his good friend.

  "What exactly are you trying to tell me? That Lucifer is bizarre and

  difficult to be around sometimes?" Michael turned around to look

  at Gabriel. "Everyone in Heaven knows that. If Serus ever wants to

  leave Lucifer's service he can do so anytime. He doesn't have to

  stay. He chooses to stay."

  Michael's face softened. "I don't know, my brother," he said.

  "Except that he is so unlike the way he once was. We were all such

  good friends. Now I hardly ever see him unless it is in official ser-

  vice to the Most High." He looked at Gabriel, his eyes teary, and

  went on. "I miss the old Lucifer...our friend Lucifer...the Lucifer

  who roamed the Kingdom with us from one end to the other...the

  Lucifer who laughed harder than any of us...the Lucifer who

  brought us joy and set our hearts to dancing...our brother the

  Morning Star."

  "Truly the Lord had marked him for great things." 21

  Gabriel put his hand on Michael's shoulder. "I miss him too,

  Michael." He looked into Michael's eyes, filled with compassion.

  "Perhaps you're right. Maybe we can talk to him together and find

  out if something is wrong."

  As he finished saying this Gabriel spotted Serus on his way

  back to Lucifer's house. Once again the little angel nodded a quick

  greeting and scurried off. "But one thing is certain," said Gabriel as

  they both watched Serus move down the street. "There is definite-

  ly a price to pay for serving Lucifer!" They both laughed and head-

  ed into Gabriel's house.


  Serus continued down the street, having delivered Lucifer's

  program of music. He wondered about Michael and Gabriel as he

  walked in front of Gabriel's house and saw the two of them talking.

  As far as Serus was concerned, all of Heaven could think whatever

  they wanted about his serving in Lucifer's house. Naturally, being

  connected to such an immense personality had its challenging

  moments, but it certainly had its rewards. Serus was convinced that

  most angels would love to be in his position; some on occasion had

  even expressed as much. For all his quirks (which Serus figured

  went with the territory of creative genius) Lucifer was the most

  energetic and capable angel in Heaven. His star was rising and

  Serus intended to rise with it.

  Serus turned down the street leading to the enormous house,

  nodding to some angels who were talking. He enjoyed a sense of

  satisfaction as he walked by them, feeling their gaze upon him as

  he passed. He alone really had Lucifer's ear, or so he felt, and

  secretly thought it wouldn't be long before Lucifer would be pro-

  claimed an archangel himself. Then there truly would be no greater

  house to serve in all of Heaven...apart from the Most High's, of



  "Serus! Serus!" the voice boomed from within the house.

  22 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Yes, I'm coming," Serus called back, scrambling to shut the

  massive door and trying to remember if there was anything else he

  was to have done while he was out.

  "Come out to the garden at once," came the voice.

  "Right away, my lord," answered Serus, relieved that all was

  well and that he had not forgotten anything after all.

  Lucifer's gardens in the rear of the house were a magnificent

  display of beautiful flowers, lush fruit trees, small idyllic ponds

  and scenic paths--the best in Heaven. The trails throughout the

  estate provided a favorite recreation for Lucifer, who enjoyed walk-

  ing in the garden for his meditations. Filling the air was the ever-

  present odor of lilacs, the featured flower of the garden. Also filling

  the air was music.

  Wherever one went on the trails, the sounds of lovely praises

  to the Most High were heard. This was designed to allow Lucifer to

  rest, meditate or stroll in a worshipful attitude. It was Lucifer's

  contention that one should surround oneself with that which he

  hopes to attain--in his case, he intended to create the most com-<
br />
  pelling worship experiences possible. Lately, however, Lucifer

  hadn't been outside as much. In fact, it surprised Serus that Lucifer

  was in the garden now.

  "Did you deliver the manuscript?" asked Lucifer, who was

  gazing vacantly into one of the ponds.

  "Yes, my lord," answered Serus. "They thought it would be

  spectacular, as always."

  "Excellent," Lucifer said. He looked up and plucked a large

  berry from one of the vines and tossed it in his mouth. "Now,

  regarding the other task. It concerns the Council of Worship. I want

  to see all of them here immediately after Gabriel's installation. I

  especially want Rugio and Pellecus here. Tell them this is of utmost

  priority. Kingdom business, you know."

  "I'll convey exactly what you mean," Serus answered.


  Chapter 2

  "Let's make an

  archangel, shall we?"

  The Great Hall of Ceremony was charged with excitement.

  Great numbers of angels poured into the entryway outside of the

  holy parameter to watch another of their own, Gabriel, become an

  archangel. A few were fortunate enough to be in close proximity to

  where the ceremony would actually take place. Many others

  crowded the halls and the outer courts, unable to enter the

  immense room that was filled to capacity.

  From the choir loft, beautifully adorned with vines of gold

  and silver, Lucifer watched the activity occurring below. He was

  robed in an immaculate blue cloak with crimson belt, his custom-

  ary attire for special occasions. Octrion, Lucifer's chief assistant in

  matters of worship, stood by his side, organizing last-minute

  details with the choir.

  "Look at them down there," Lucifer sneered. "You would

  think they were all going to be made archangel today!"

  He smiled and nodded to an angel who had caught his roving

  eye in the sea of angels below. An official whispered something to

  Lucifer indicating that it was time for the ceremony to begin. Lucifer

  took his place on the dais and the choir snapped to attention.

  24 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Well," he said, looking over the magnificent collection of

  worship angels who made up the heavenly choir, "let's make an

  archangel, shall we?"

  A hush swept over the room as the excitement of the moment

  gave way to the holiness of the occasion. Lucifer looked around the

  room to make sure everything was ready. He then turned to the

  choir, and with a motion of his hand, the music began.

  The sound of thousands of angels in perfect harmony filled

  the room with majestic, holy praise. Hundreds of instruments

  added to the magnificence as choir and orchestra blended together

  in the handiwork that only Lucifer knew how to create. Lucifer was

  pleased with the music. He glanced here and there around the

  room to see the looks on the faces of the crowd, who were

  entranced by the fruit of his genius.

  After a few moments, a large golden door to the side opened

  slowly, and the Twenty-four Elders entered the room solemnly, tak-

  ing their places at the front of the room. The Elders were arrayed in

  white cloaks with golden belts. The Chief Elder's belt was embed-

  ded with 12 large stones, each a different color. He carried with him

  a golden belt and a sword identical to the sword Michael had been

  presented with at his installation.

  A trumpet flourished a majestic fanfare, signaling the begin-

  ning of the processional. All eyes fell upon the rear of the room,

  where Michael the archangel appeared in full regalia, wearing the

  sword which was his badge of office, and cloaked in a brilliant

  white robe. Behind him came Gabriel, wearing the same robe, but

  without the golden belt and sword. Their magnificent wings, usu-

  ally unseen, were folded behind them in splendid dignity.

  They approached the Great Throne with both honor and

  humility, their heads bowed and their hands folded in front of

  them. After walking the length of the hall, Michael stood aside, his

  head still bowed, while Gabriel continued on, stopping directly in

  front of the Great Throne where he was to receive his office. Sud-

  denly a thunderous declaration sounded through the room:

  "Holy, Holy, Holy

  is the Lord God Almighty,

  "Let's make an archangel, shall we?" 25

  who was,

  and is,

  and is to come!"

  The choir shouted the words in one voice. The rest of the

  angels in the room joined together in praise to the Most High God,

  whose presence suddenly filled the room in glorious light and love.

  Lucifer tried to steal a glance of the Lord but found the sight too

  awesome to endure. He saw smoke pouring from the Throne and

  enveloping first Gabriel, then Michael and the Elders, and finally

  most of the angels in the front half of the room. Eventually the

  entire room was filled with this holy fog. A voice issued from the

  smoke as Gabriel was bowed low before the Lord:

  "Beloved, from this time forth, the Lord your God con-

  fers upon Gabriel full authority among you and all My

  creation in the commission of archangel, with the priv-

  ilege of attending this Throne. He shall henceforth be

  known as a ruling angel and will bear the golden belt

  of majesty and the Sword of Truth as his insignia of

  commendation. This is a most holy ordinance to the


  The ranking elder brought forward a golden belt and put it

  around Gabriel. He then presented Gabriel with the Sword of

  Truth. Gabriel took the sword, kissed it, and placed it in his waist-

  band. The elder placed his hands upon Gabriel and prayed: "From

  this time forward, you shall be anointed of the Lord to serve Him;

  to keep His holy truth; to walk in humility and holiness; to hold as

  sacred all things dear to Him. Yours is a station of service, not of

  greatness, for the greatest station is that of a servant. So be it unto

  the Lord." The crowd then repeated the words, "So be it unto the


  The choir began singing again and led the Host of Heaven in

  chorus after chorus of spectacular music. Gabriel took his place next

  to Michael and the two worshiped God together. As the ceremony

  drew to a close, the Lord's voice thundered above everything:

  26 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Let him who has been created to serve, serve with all his heart.

  This is the will of the Lord!"

  The entire room responded, "So be it!"


  Outside the Throne Room many angels pressed forward to

  congratulate Gabriel. Michael watched his friend humbly accept

  the polite affirmations. Angels of every rank and station gave

  hearty words of encouragement to their new archangel, who

  seemed a little dazed by it all.

  In the haze of white cloaks and the noise of many conversa-

  tions a figure in a dark blue coat discreetly made his way out of the

  Great Temple. Lucifer decided not to stay around for the customary

  fellowship. Instead, he walked to a
door saying as little as possible

  to anyone. Just as he reached for the golden handle on the door, he

  looked back into the mob of angels pressing around Gabriel. His

  eyes met those of Michael, who was watching him from the midst

  of the crowd. Lucifer nodded courteously to Michael, who

  acknowledged Lucifer and nodded back as Lucifer exited.


  Serus had informed the Council of Worship that Lucifer

  intended to meet with them immediately following the ceremony.

  The Council had been developed by Lucifer as a means of support-

  ing the ministry throughout the Kingdom by authorizing these

  angels to enact certain provisions regarding ceremonies, special

  services and worship at large. They acted in an advisory capacity--

  although lately they had been taking much more advice than they

  had been dispensing.

  Because the worship before the Lord was an ongoing ministry,

  one Council member was always present in the Temple to ensure

  that worship was being carried out with the proper attitude and

  decorum. Lucifer referred to this person as his "Temple ears" and

  often called upon him for the latest information from the Throne.

  The angels selected for the Council considered it a great honor to

  "Let's make an archangel, shall we?" 27

  have been chosen and served with unbridled enthusiasm. They

  represented all the different functioning classes of the Host. Lucifer

  purposely designed the group to be a balanced team of warring,

  worshiping and wisdom angels. They were divided this way:

  Warring Angels:

  Rugio--Captain of the Fiery Host

  Vel--Commander of the Legion of the Son

  Nathan--Captain of the Legion of the Lord's Holiness

  Prian--Chief Angel of the Watch

  Worshiping Angels:

  Sangius--Minister of the Holy Flame

  Fineo--Minister of the Incense


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