Exile of Lucifer

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Exile of Lucifer Page 12

by D. Brian Shafer

  mouthed and quite faithful. He often teaches at the Academy."

  "How about Dracus?" asked Michael. "Talk about faithful!

  He's a terrific commander."

  "He talks too much," said Sangius. Michael frowned.

  "Look, we all have our favorites, I'm sure," said an amused

  Gabriel, who could see Michael's patience wearing thin. "I suggest

  we put it to a private vote. We'll write down names and whom-

  ever we can all agree upon, no matter how long it takes, will be our

  contact. Now, I suggest that none of the names that have been men-

  tioned thus far should be candidates so we may be in complete


  Everyone agreed to Gabriel's suggestion, albeit somewhat

  reluctantly. Michael retrieved a scroll and a writing instrument and

  handed them to Gabriel.

  "Now," said Gabriel, "first let's write down the character

  traits of the person we want involved with us. I suggest we narrow

  the list to seven traits." Everyone agreed and Gabriel continued,

  "All of the Elders are tremendous, but at this point we must select

  only one. What qualities do we want in the angel who will be work-

  ing with us on this? Let me have your suggestions."

  One by one Gabriel wrote down the desired character

  strengths that the group gave. As the list grew, a portrait of an

  angel was coming together. In Gabriel's mind the angel who would

  be privileged to such information must be completely above

  reproach, possess an impeccable reputation and most importantly,

  be an angel of utter integrity. He must be widely respected as well,

  because should this become a public issue there would be need for

  such credibility and authority. As he thought about these things he

  already knew for whom he would vote.

  The group went over the list, deleting repetitions or other sug-

  gestions that were either vague or otherwise unsuitable for the task.

  When they were finished Gabriel spoke. "These are the characteris-

  tics that the elder must have in whom we will confide: Trustworthy,

  Confidential, Levelheaded, Patient, Faithful, Proven, and Objec-

  tive. These are certainly qualities that we need in this angel. But to

  92 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  these I would like to add one other: He must demonstrate tremen-

  dous devotion to the Most High. He must love God passionately.

  All of the other things we want in whomever we bring in are mean-

  ingless if this angel does not love the Lord God with complete

  abandon--as I know all of you do. Brothers, it is for our King we

  are making this choice. Choose well."

  Gabriel handed out the golden tablets for the angels to write

  down their selections. The mood of the room had changed dramat-

  ically since Gabriel spoke. They all took their time, deliberating

  mentally the names and faces of the Twenty-four Elders. Michael

  finished first and handed his tablet to Gabriel. Next Crispin fin-

  ished and finally Sangius. Gabriel then added his own tablet to the

  stack. He looked at everyone and then began reading.

  Everyone noticed a smile on Gabriel's face, at first barely per-

  ceptible, but then turning into a grin. The decision was unanimous.

  It seemed to everyone in the room that only one angel who sat on

  the Council of Elders fulfilled every character trait they were

  searching for--especially in unquestioned devotion to God. Gabriel

  read the name of Kara four times.


  Chronicles of the Host


  The Host of Heaven watched on in joyous celebration, with

  Lucifer's wonderful music playing and the voices of thousands

  of angels singing in great harmony, as the Lord began unfold-

  ing the design of the ages. Father, Son and Spirit in perfect

  Oneness had devised a plan of utter brilliance yet pure sim-

  plicity; of violent action yet subtle change; of the invisible and

  eternal giving way to visible and material.

  Thus it was that the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the King-

  dom of Heaven in all its majesty, brought forth the Heavens

  and the earth in all their mystery.

  "All I need is a show of strength--something impressive!" 93

  And mystery it was. Not only was this to be a completely different

  world, but an altogether different sphere of existence, a dimen-

  sion of material reality! No angel had conceived such a thing--

  even the wisest angels were astonished when the Lord made the

  Heavens and earth out of physical substance--something many

  angels considered to be so beneath His dignity. Who can know

  the mind of God?


  Chapter 7

  "We know that you are an angel

  who can be trusted."

  All of Heaven turned out for this marvelous event. A rumor

  started that there were only certain places from which the spectacle

  could be seen, but the Elders assured everyone that the Creation

  would be visible from any point in Heaven. Just to make sure, how-

  ever, some angels crowded rooftops, others were seated on the

  higher hills, and still others traveled to the very border of the King-

  dom. Every angel in Heaven would remember this day!

  Even Lucifer was dazzled by this historical occasion, though

  he was a bit dismayed that his music wasn't playing as central a

  role in the event as he had hoped. Still, it was glorious music for a

  glorious day! He attended the early proceedings, spoke to a few

  Elders, and then departed, disappointed that Kara was nowhere to

  be found. After making final adjustments to the program, he satis-

  fied himself and departed, leaving Octrion in charge of the choir.

  Lucifer decided to watch the event from his balcony. When he

  arrived he met Serus, who was just coming out the front door.

  "And where are you going?" asked Lucifer.

  Serus winced when he heard the voice. "I was just...I mean...I

  wanted to see the Lord make the new world like the others."

  96 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Like the others! I sometimes wonder, Serus, why it is that I

  keep you in my service," Lucifer said. "But if you want to be like

  the others..."

  Serus thanked Lucifer and rushed out the door and down the

  street, never looking back. Lucifer went inside and walked up the

  grand staircase, humming some of his music, which he could hear

  from outside. That should please the Elders, Lucifer thought to him-

  self. He walked over to the glass-paned doors that opened onto his

  balcony. As he opened them his music became much louder. Octri-

  on is taking that a little too fast, he thought.

  He walked over to the side of the balcony and looked down.

  Angels were rushing here and there, discussing the best vantage for

  watching the event. All of them were making their way toward the

  northern edge of the Kingdom. Looking over the roofs of Heaven,

  Lucifer saw angels all around the City, some seated, others stand-

  ing, all waiting for the Lord to begin.

  "Lucifer! Down here!"

  Lucifer looked down into the crowded street.

  "Here! By the gate!"

  Next to the la
rge gate that stood in front of Lucifer's house

  was a figure waving at him. It was Kara. Lucifer motioned for him

  to join him on the balcony. Kara glided up over the lawn and land-

  ed next to Lucifer, who looked disturbed.

  "What is wrong, my friend?" asked Kara, whose embrace was

  not reciprocated.

  "What are you doing here? You should be with the other

  Elders bearing our cause to them. Especially today!" Lucifer paced

  around the balcony, quite annoyed.

  "I saw Serus and he told me you were here," Kara said sheep-

  ishly. "I wanted to give you the good news personally!"

  Lucifer's demeanor changed. "Really?"

  "The Council of Elders have all but decided that they shall make

  a formal request to the Most High that you be made the steward of

  the new world!" Kara had tears in his eyes. "It's surely yours!"

  "It certainly sounds encouraging," said Lucifer, motioning

  that they should be seated at a beautiful table nearby. "But it's not

  "We know that you are an angel who can be trusted." 97

  mine, my friend. It's ours. Yours, and mine and others who have

  been loyal during these trying times." Lucifer thought a moment

  and added, "And the Lord's, of course. Though I doubt He shall

  take any real interest in it after He has turned it over to me." He

  smiled at Kara and poured him a drink from a purplish crystal and

  gold decanter on the table.

  "So when do they make the request?" asked Lucifer.

  "Well, it isn't official," said Kara, taking the drink. "But it

  will be soon. After the Creation is near completion. To do so

  beforehand would be imprudent. It will have to be taken up offi-

  cially, of course. But with my guidance I think we should have no


  A thunderous sound rocked Heaven. The balcony trembled

  with the noise and a great cheer could be heard in the distance.

  Kara quickly finished his drink and prepared to leave. "Will you

  join me with the Elders?" he asked Lucifer. "It might serve you

  well to be seen with us."

  "No, not yet. Perhaps later."

  "Well then, blessings upon you, governor." Kara's wings

  unfurled and carried him upwards. "This is certainly a time of his-

  tory making! The creation of a new kingdom...or should I say two

  new kingdoms? Farewell!" He disappeared into the blue Heavenly

  sky, filled with angels awaiting the spectacle.

  "Yes, my friend, this is an unique occasion," Lucifer said to

  himself. He set his glass down and went inside the house, closing

  the balcony doors behind him. Walking over to his writing desk, he

  unlocked a cabinet drawer and took out a gold-bound book that

  was entitled Prophecies of the Morning Star. The book had a golden

  lock built onto it. He took a crystal key from the desk and turned

  the lock. Opening the book, he began to write.

  The Prophecies was the book of Lucifer's own recorded wis-

  dom, personal prophecies and significant revelations he believed

  held special meaning for him in the future. He had been encouraged

  by Pellecus to record all these important thoughts for the archives

  as well as to lay a foundation of future spiritual authority--just as

  98 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  the Lord had recorded His own wisdom and used His writings for

  purposes of authority in Heaven.

  A second thunderous noise, this time of trumpets, shook the

  room as he set the book down. This was followed by the voice of

  the Lord:

  "Glory to the Lamb of God who was slain

  before the foundation of the world!"

  Lucifer recalled these words, which had greeted all of the

  angels when they were first created, and wondered what they

  meant. "The Lamb of God?" he muttered to himself. "Again?" He

  stepped back out onto the balcony in time to see a dazzling light

  going forth from the north and penetrating deeply into the Heav-

  enly sky. He watched as the single shaft shot forth, disappearing

  into the blackness of the deep. I didn't expect it would begin so soon,

  he thought.

  He watched as a magnificent chandelier of crystal and light

  swayed gently back and forth, still moving from the tremors caused

  by the tumult. Such immense power, he thought to himself, feeling a

  surge of respect for the awesome nature of the Almighty. Still he

  wondered if such power is truly inherent or may be somehow


  Another general cheer went up from outside. Lucifer decided

  that he had better join the Elders. He quickly put on one of his offi-

  cial cloaks and looked at himself in the long mirror. Behind him in

  the reflection lay the book he had written in, still open. He smiled

  as he read what he had just written:

  Two kingdoms are born today;

  two thrones shall rise;

  one to greater glory,

  the other to despise;

  The Old Throne births the New;

  The Greater births the Least.

  To One a day of famine,

  To one a glorious feast

  So it is, O Morning Star

  "We know that you are an angel who can be trusted." 99

  This prophecy foretold;

  The Greater now gives way to thee,

  Thy wonders to behold.


  The Chronicles of the Host


  The Lord Almighty had designed a vast, inky canvas called the

  universe onto which he was going to paint the Heavens and

  the earth. The excited angels sat on the very edges of this new

  physical realm, engaging for the first time a dimension about

  which they previously had only been able to speculate. They

  touched this multidimensional world timidly, ran their hands

  through it, and some of the bolder angels actually penetrated

  it, moving in and out of it with ease.

  All eyes, however, were cast to the north from which came the

  thunderous voice of the Lord. Suddenly, the shroud of darkness

  was pulled back by the Spirit, whose presence enveloped a

  black, watery lump, the shape of which was imperfect and

  changing. Above and around the formless mass, the Spirit of

  God seemed restless and brooding, waiting upon the word to

  be spoken by the Father, in accord with the Son. He need only

  give the word...

  Then God said:


  As quickly as the Lord spoke the word all of Heaven shook to

  its very core. The angels were buffeted violently by the mighty

  resonance of the spoken word. Light streamed forth from the

  very presence of the Most High, bursting into the darkness

  and scattering it. (This was the light that Lucifer had wit-

  nessed from his house.) Angels who had situated themselves

  100 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  within the newly formed physical universe were blinded by the

  brilliance and tossed about like so many leaves in the wind.

  The newly formed light was a type and form of illuminance

  that they had never before witnessed. Some of the angels actu-

  ally touched the light streaming forth from Heaven and found

  it warm, and consisting of tiny particles which they coul

  sense moving through them, completely unlike the pure,

  immaterial glory that radiated from the Lord's Person.

  They observed as the light coursed through the universe, cre-

  ating what many angels described as a tunnel, until its beam

  collided with the earth, allowing the angels for the first time to

  fully see the new world in its unformed state. The Spirit

  remained vigilant, hovering over the ball of water which was

  now lit up for all of Heaven to see. The angels shouted for joy

  that day as the Lord decreed that henceforth the darkness in

  the universe shall be known as "night" and the light in the

  universe shall be called "day." And suddenly the first creative

  act was over...

  And there was evening and morning,

  the first day.


  Most of the angels stood around in complete awe of the event,

  talking excitedly about what they had seen. Scribes sought to record

  every detail, interviewing witnesses and compiling notes that

  would later be entered into the Chronicles of the Kingdom. Scholar-

  ly angels such as Crispin explored the new dimension and found

  that they could move in and out of this physical universe with great

  ease, traveling from the Kingdom to the outer edges of the

  immense, dark expanse as quickly as they thought about doing so.

  Other angels approached the earth itself, the obvious future

  focus of God's intentions, which was bathed in the light of Heaven.

  They wondered what the Lord would achieve with this misshapen

  piece of physical matter. What were the angels to do in such a

  "We know that you are an angel who can be trusted." 101

  world? The Host anxiously debated questions that would be

  answered in the Lord's timing as the Creation progressed.


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