Exile of Lucifer

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Exile of Lucifer Page 14

by D. Brian Shafer

benign task of waiting for his signal...which of course will never

  come. A brilliant move on his part. I knew that his public character

  and reputation for integrity would serve us one day."

  "What do we do?" asked Pellecus, looking around, a bit nerv-

  ous at this latest turn of events.

  "I can tell that the news is overwhelming." 111

  "For now we continue on as before...but with extreme cau-

  tion," advised Lucifer. "Kara will continue to brief them with use-

  less information which will give us the time to build our support.

  I'm much more concerned with the Elders' recommendation to the

  Most High that I be made lord of this planet than by the carryings

  on of Michael and his curious angels. By the time they get any-

  where near the real story I will have been vested in this planet as

  its legal ruler and the issue will be moot. You know how sentimen-

  tal the Most High is about such things; forgive and so forth."

  "You make it sound so easy...so sure," Pellecus answered.

  "But let me remind you that Michael is no fool. A bit of an alarmist

  to be sure, but not a fool. Kara must be terribly cautious."

  "So I have reminded Kara," said Lucifer. "Remember, he has a

  stake in my being made governor as much as you or anyone else."

  He nodded at a group of angels who were strolling by. After they

  passed on he continued. "Some of these angels are so completely

  loyal to the Lord that they will not see an opportunity with me on

  this planet. I cannot imagine why they should continue to serve

  with heads bowed in Heaven when they could live with heads held

  high on earth. And in a material world! Look at the tremendous pos-

  sibilities that exist here. We can actually manipulate creation itself!"

  As he said this a large rock nearby began to quiver and then

  slowly rise above the ground. It stayed aloft, floating about three

  feet off the ground. "If nothing else earth will at least be a diversion

  from the monotony of Heaven. Think of the power we will hold

  over whatever creatures the Lord uses to populate this planet! I

  shall be glad to lay down my office of worship to govern a world

  over which we have such control."

  "And if you're not named governor?" Pellecus asked gingerly.

  The rock crashed to the earth, breaking into two similarly

  sized pieces. Lucifer picked up one of the pieces and looked at it.

  "In that case we'll have to take other measures in hand," he said,

  tossing the rock into the stream.


  Serus paced Lucifer's balcony. Inside he could hear the low

  murmuring of a meeting. This was not just any meeting, Serus had

  112 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  been assured. This was, in Lucifer's words, a "pivotal assembly of

  the key players" who would be involved in whatever it was that

  Lucifer was planning. Serus peeked in the window and could see

  just a corner of the large table around which the representatives of

  the angelic factions aligned with Lucifer were seated. From time to

  time Lucifer's voice was heard above all--sometimes followed by

  laughter, usually followed by silence.

  As he gazed at the newly created lights that God had made to

  sprinkle the heavens--stars they were called--Serus wondered

  what his position truly was. Would he always be Lucifer's servant?

  The one to whom Lucifer turned for wine rather than wisdom? Was

  he destined to ride with Lucifer on this great crusade that he was

  planning, or would he simply limp behind picking up the debris

  left in its wake? He looked at the stars and saw that some shone

  more brightly than others--most, however, looked similar to the

  next. Would he be like one of these stars--a small speck of light in

  a large universe--nothing more, nothing less? he wondered.

  "Serus!" came a cry from the house.

  Serus entered the room in which the conference was being

  held. Several of the angels looked at him as he entered. Most

  ignored him and continued in private discourses with the angels to

  their left or right. Serus made his way to Lucifer, who was seated at

  the head of the table. He saw that Lucifer had opened his "Prophe-

  cies of the Morning Star" and that it was on the table. Lucifer

  motioned to him.

  "Refresh yourselves, my friends," said Lucifer to the assem-

  bly. "We shall break momentarily and gather our thoughts." He

  took Serus aside and handed him a sealed scroll. "Take this mes-

  sage to Michael. See that it finds itself in no other hands. Then find

  Kara at the Hall of Elders. Tell him that the invitation has been

  delivered. Do you understand?"

  Serus sighed. "Yes, lord. Is there nothing else?"

  "You're very ambitious today, Serus. Yes, that will be all for now."

  Serus remained where he stood. Lucifer turned to see that the

  little angel had not moved. "Yes, Serus, is there something else?" he

  asked in an annoyed tone.

  "I can tell that the news is overwhelming." 113

  "Well, sir," said Serus nervously, "there is something..."

  "Well? Get on with it! I am conducting a very important meet-

  ing here!"

  "May I speak to you alone, lord?" Serus asked.

  "What! Now? No, you may not. You may, however, see me

  after you have obeyed my instructions. In fact I insist on seeing you

  alone. Perhaps you need to be reminded of exactly where you stand

  in the scheme of things. Now go!"

  Lucifer's final words were so loud that the room got quiet for

  a moment as every eye turned toward the little angel speaking to

  his master. "Sorry, friends, just a little misunderstanding on the

  part of my loyal servant. Go on now, dear Serus. I'll speak to you

  when you return."

  Serus bowed and left. As he walked downstairs he could hear

  Lucifer explaining the need for more training for "poor Serus" fol-

  lowed by general laughter. Serus felt good about his confrontation

  with Lucifer. At last he was going to talk with him face-to-face--

  even though Lucifer's words still rang loudly in his ears--Perhaps

  you need to be reminded of exactly where you stand in the scheme of


  Do all angels wonder about their role in the Kingdom? Serus

  thought about this as he walked outside. Why are some angels

  clearly more preferred, or talented, or...chosen by the Most High

  than others? He thought of Michael and Gabriel and others who

  excelled in their ministry and place in the Kingdom. Happy in their

  service to God. He then thought of Lucifer and Pellecus and the

  others who seemed bent on some sort of contest with the Lord in

  order to attain their own places and positions by contrivance.

  Does one really make one's own way by forcing the issue? He

  looked at the starry Heavens and wondered how things might

  have been had he remained a strong subject of God. Lucifer seem-

  ingly promised the only real possibility of advancement in Heav-

  en. Where would Lucifer take him? "What shall become of you,

  Lucifer?" Serus whispered aloud. As he spoke a light streaked

  across the Heavens in a brilliant line. He watched as the head

/>   broke up into little glimmering pieces which all disappeared. Then

  114 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  nothing. He whispered aloud once more, "Lucifer, what shall

  become of you?"


  "A message from Lucifer?" asked an incredulous Michael.

  "Yes," answered Serus. "With his compliments to the arch-

  angel, of course."

  "Of course," said Michael, taking the scroll. "Is there anything


  "No," said Serus. "Those were my only instructions."

  Michael watched as Serus left. He thought about Sangius'

  words that Serus was probably the most informed angel in Heaven

  regarding Lucifer's true intentions for the Kingdom. If only he

  could speak to Serus on another level. Surely there must be some-

  thing of God's design lingering inside of him despite the apparent

  conversion to Lucifer's attitude of late. He unrolled the scroll and

  read the script written in Lucifer's own peculiar style:


  I greet you in the wonderful name of the Most High,

  Beloved Creator of All Things, King of Heaven and Lord

  Over All:

  Such wonderful times in which we live that we should

  be allowed to watch our Lord design and set forth an

  entire universe! I was utterly thrilled as He created the

  greater and lesser lights to rule the earth by day and

  night. And now springs forth an abundance of herbs and

  flowering plants that are turning the entire planet into a

  marvelous garden rivaling my own. Soon we shall see

  what creatures He deems worthy to inhabit this wonder-

  ful place. There is no end to His ability or His ability to

  astound, is there? That is why I write with so heavy a

  heart in such joyful and wondrous times.

  "I can tell that the news is overwhelming." 115

  Word has come to me that perhaps you and some others

  harbor certain feelings of resentment towards me. As we

  have always been brothers I desire to express to you my

  undying love and my sincere wish to win back your con-

  fidence. True, I have been vacant of late, but not because

  of anything untoward or brooding.

  My position as leader of the worship of the Most High

  has held me captive recently. I beg you to visit me after

  this next creative phase is concluded. I understand that

  the fifth day is upon us and I must attend that glorious

  spectacle. Afterwards we shall meet, you and I, as broth-

  ers and servants of God, and will dispel any and all

  rumors that have bewitched your heart.

  Your brother angel, L.

  Michael read through the message several times, trying to

  ascertain the true intent of its sender. Was it possible that every-

  one was misunderstanding Lucifer? Perhaps he should at least

  give some room for doubt. Everything Michael had uncovered

  indicated that a small group of angels under Lucifer's leadership

  were planning...something. But what? There was no real hard evi-

  dence that indicated anything truly seditious or rebellious point-

  ing back to Lucifer--bits of this and strands of that. Crispin was

  certainly convinced that there was something perverse happening

  among the Host. But does poor judgment or moody dispositions

  indicate treasonous intent? Could it be that Lucifer simply needed

  a friendly voice of encouragement rather than the suspicions of an


  Michael's attitude all along had always been that if there was a

  chance for reconciliation between the angels then such an event must

  occur. A show of unity among the Host would benefit the Kingdom

  immensely, particularly with the plans for the new Creation unfold-

  ing. Such a show of love would also be pleasing to the Most High,

  would it not? Michael decided to meet with the others and show

  116 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  them the overture he had received from Lucifer. Or perhaps he

  should meet privately with Kara first?


  "Michael! What a splendid surprise," Kara said, greeting

  Michael warmly. Michael had not spoken with Kara since he met

  with the others and advised a prudent course of action. Kara saw

  the scroll in Michael's hands. "I gather this meeting is coincidental

  to our discussion about Lucifer."

  "Yes it is, Kara," Michael replied, handing the scroll over. "I

  received this from Lucifer and thought you should be advised."

  "Really?" Kara answered, unrolling the scroll and beginning

  to read. He looked up from time to time at Michael, gratified that

  the archangel had brought the letter to him. It meant that he had

  the complete trust of Michael and the others. As he finished the let-

  ter he looked at Michael and asked, "What do you intend to do?"

  "I don't know, Kara," Michael said. "I want to reconcile if at

  all possible but I'm not sure whether to trust him at this point. I

  must have an Elder's position on this."

  "Yes, that is an issue," Kara agreed. "And we certainly desire

  to reconcile all parties in this affair if at all possible. The Lord's

  expectation of the Host is that we be able to settle such matters

  without His involvement. After all, Michael, if angels cannot settle

  affairs in Heaven, how can we possibly hope to govern the earth


  "How can `we' hope?" asked Michael. "So the Elders do

  believe that an angel will be named to govern the new world?"

  Kara acted uncomfortable, as if he had blundered into some

  sensitive territory that he should have left alone. Michael sensed

  the tension and indicated that Kara need not go on. Kara held up

  his hand and said, "Well Michael, I officially am not at liberty to say

  right now but as the present crisis is extremely volatile, I shall

  divulge some Kingdom information with you, strictly confidential

  of course. As an archangel you will soon be privy to this anyway."

  Kara motioned for Michael to sit with him on a golden couch.

  He hesitated for a moment or two as if collecting his thoughts, and

  "I can tell that the news is overwhelming." 117

  then began his story. "Michael, as you know, the Most High creat-

  ed the Twenty-four Elders to worship Him at His Throne and to

  dispense His authority among the Host. It is a tremendous honor

  and one that none of us takes lightly. We are merely His servants

  and recognize our role as completely submitted to His holy will. It

  has never been the role of an Elder or any angel to approach the

  Lord with anything other than the expected prayers offered in His

  most holy name.

  "Now Michael, before the announcement of the Creation was

  made, the Most High in an act of marvelous grace informed the

  Elders through the Zoa that the Creation was imminent." Kara

  reflected a bit on the event, drinking it all in once again. "The Zoa

  are curious creatures, Michael, unlike any other in the Kingdom,

  and they have the closest proximity to His Person of any being in

  Heaven." Michael had often wondered about these strange crea-

  tures who were tied so closely to the Throne of God and whose
br />   appearance was said to be both beautiful and bizarre. "The Zoa

  also informed the Council of Elders that there would be a `steward'

  named to exercise authority on behalf of the Most High, and that

  the Lord would proclaim such person in due course. Naturally we

  were thrilled! Think of an angel governing the greatest creation

  since Heaven in the name of the Most High God!"

  Michael could read utter delight in Kara's eyes, as if he was

  lost in the thought of it all. "So how did Lucifer come by this infor-

  mation?" asked Michael. "If this was all as secretive as you say,

  Lucifer should not have known until Gabriel himself announced it.

  That's when all the rest of us heard."

  Kara looked surprised at Michael. "What are you suggesting?

  That an Elder would discuss sacred Kingdom business with other

  angels? That's absurd! Lucifer found out precisely when you did--

  at Gabriel's announcement."

  "I'm not suggesting any Elders spoke out of turn, Kara," said

  Michael. "I'm merely pointing out that Lucifer's behavior had

  begun changing even before the announcement. That's all."

  "Quite, quite," said Kara. "I see. Yes, well Lucifer was operat-

  ing under some difficult situations, Michael. He was involved in

  118 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  matters for the Most High--urgent matters of which even many of

  the Elders are unaware. You see, Lucifer understood that the Lord

  had selected him for a great promotion. We all knew it. But none of

  us knew what the promotion entailed. So when first you, then

  Gabriel were named archangels, Lucifer was a bit discouraged."

  Kara was relieved that Michael believed the story, which was

  not entirely untrue. Lucifer had been selected for a great promotion--

  of sorts. The Most High apparently intended on allowing Lucifer to

  teach the new creatures on earth how to worship Him so that they


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